1.[标准] 水性烟包凹印油墨发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 26395-2024
中标分类:Y44 其他日用化工品
国标分类:87.080 墨水、油墨
摘要: 本文件规定了水性烟包凹印油墨的要求、检验规则、标志、标签、包装、运输及贮存,描述了试验方法。本文件适用于轮转、单张凹版印刷的水性烟包凹印油墨的质量控制。获取标准 -
2.[标准] 油墨光泽检验方法发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 13217.2-2024
中标分类:Y44 其他日用化工品
国标分类:87.080 墨水、油墨
摘要: 本文件描述了油墨光泽的检验方法。本文件适用于浆状油墨、液体油墨的光泽检验,不适用于含金属颜料油墨的光泽检验。获取标准 -
3.[标准] 反应染料 固色率的测定发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 2391-2024
中标分类:G55 染料基础标准与通用方法
国标分类:71.100.01 化工产品综合
87.060.10 颜料和填充剂
摘要: 本文件规定了反应染料固色率的测定方法。
本文件适用于反应染料印花固色率和浸染染色固色率的测定。获取标准 -
4.[标准] 绿色产品评价 染料发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 44009-2024
中标分类:G55 染料基础标准与通用方法
国标分类:71.100.01 化工产品综合
87.060.10 颜料和填充剂
摘要: 本文件规定了染料绿色产品评价的产品分类、评价要求、评价方法。本文件适用于染料的绿色产品评价。获取标准 -
5.[标准] 分散染料 热迁移性的测定发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 44161-2024
中标分类:G55 染料基础标准与通用方法
国标分类:71.100.01 化工产品综合
87.060.10 颜料和填充剂
摘要: 本文件描述了分散染料热迁移性的测定方法。本文件适用于分散染料热迁移性的测定。获取标准 -
6.[标准] 分散染料 色光和强度的测定发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 2394-2024
中标分类:G55 染料基础标准与通用方法
国标分类:71.100.01 化工产品综合
87.060.10 颜料和填充剂
摘要: 本文件描述了分散染料色光和强度的测定方法。
本文件适用于分散染料色光和强度的测定。获取标准 -
7.[标准] 印刷技术 印刷品与印刷油墨 耐各种试剂性的测定发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 18724-2024
中标分类:A17 印刷技术
国标分类:87.080 墨水、油墨
摘要: 本文件描述了印刷材料对液体和固体试剂、溶剂、清漆以及酸的耐抗性的测定方法。
本文件未涵盖食品接触材料的食品安全和消费者保护方面。获取标准 -
8.[标准] 印刷技术 测试印样的实验室制备 第1部分:浆状油墨发布单位:
标准号:GB/T 38153.1-2024
中标分类:A17 印刷技术
国标分类:87.080 墨水、油墨
摘要: 本文件描述了浆状油墨在纸、纸板、金属、铝箔及其他适合的承印物上,使用印刷适性仪(IGT型)和印刷适性仪(prüfbau型)制备测试印样(如胶印和凸版印刷)的测试步骤。
本文件描述了当前型号印刷适性仪的使用方法。大多数描述的步骤也适用于旧型号,但可能需要执行额外的步骤或换算设置,以使其符合本文件的要求。获取标准 -
9.[标准] 高分散大比表面积氧化锌发布单位:
标准号:T/QGCML 2979-2024
国标分类:87.060.10 涂料配料 - 颜料和填充剂
摘要: 主要技术内容:本文件规定了高分散大比表面积氧化锌的要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存和保质期。本文件适用于高分散大比表面积氧化锌的生产和检验 -
10.[标准] 热敏基材用低温固化粉末涂料发布单位:
标准号:T/CSTM 00974-2024
中标分类:G 化工
国标分类:87.020 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料涂覆工艺
摘要: 范围:本文件规定了热敏基材用低温固化粉末涂料的分类、要求、试验方法、检测规则以及标志、包装、运输和贮存等内容。本文件适用于以树脂、固化剂、颜料、填料和助剂等组成的以低温加热固化方式应用于热敏基材涂覆的粉末状涂料产品。本文件不适用于采用电子束、紫外光等固化方式的粉末涂料产品;主要技术内容:本文件规定了热敏基材用低温固化粉末涂料的分类、要求、试验方法、检测规则以及标志、包装、运输和贮存等内容。本文件适用于以树脂、固化剂、颜料、填料和助剂等组成的以低温加热固化方式应用于热敏基材涂覆的粉末状涂料产品。本文件不适用于采用电子束、紫外光等固化方式的粉末涂料产品 -
11.[标准] 船舶防污漆中禁用防污剂含量的测定 第1部分:高效液相色谱法发布单位:
标准号:T/CSTM 00975.1-2024
中标分类:G 化工
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
摘要: 范围:本文件规定了采用高效液相色谱法测定船舶防污漆中禁用防污剂含量的原理、试剂和材料、仪器和设备、取样、试验步骤、精密度、试验报告等内容。本文件适用于涂料、涂料用原材料及涂膜中西布曲尼(Cybutryne)含量和滴滴涕含量的测定,不适用有机锡类防污剂含量的测定;主要技术内容:本文件规定了采用高效液相色谱法测定船舶防污漆中禁用防污剂含量的原理、试剂和材料、仪器和设备、取样、试验步骤、精密度、试验报告等内容。本文件适用于涂料、涂料用原材料及涂膜中西布曲尼(Cybutryne)含量和滴滴涕含量的测定,不适用有机锡类防污剂含量的测定 -
12.[标准] 原厂车辆涂料 单位涂装面积的挥发性有机化合物释放量的测定发布单位:
标准号:T/CSTM 00972-2024
中标分类:G 化工
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
摘要: 范围:本文件规定了采用涂布率法测定单位涂装面积的挥发性有机化合物释放量的原理、取样、测试步骤、计算、精密度、试验报告等内容。本文件适用于车辆制造业中采用原厂车辆涂料进行工业涂装时VOC释放量的测定。其他采用OEM涂料进行工业涂装的制造行业也可参照执行;主要技术内容:本文件规定了采用涂布率法测定单位涂装面积的挥发性有机化合物释放量的原理、取样、测试步骤、计算、精密度、试验报告等内容。本文件适用于车辆制造业中采用原厂车辆涂料进行工业涂装时VOC释放量的测定。其他采用OEM涂料进行工业涂装的制造行业也可参照执行 -
13.[标准] 涂料中有害芳香胺含量的测定发布单位:
标准号:T/CSTM 00973-2024
中标分类:G 化工
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
摘要: 范围:本文件规定了采用气相色谱-质谱联用法测定涂料中有害芳香胺含量的原理、试剂和材料、仪器和设备、取样、试验步骤、精密度、试验报告等内容。本文件适用于涂料及相关材料中有害芳香胺含量的测定,包括但不限于附录A中表A.1列举的有毒芳香胺。其他领域用聚合物材料及原材料中芳香胺含量的测定也可参考本文件;主要技术内容:本文件规定了采用气相色谱-质谱联用法测定涂料中有害芳香胺含量的原理、试剂和材料、仪器和设备、取样、试验步骤、精密度、试验报告等内容。本文件适用于涂料及相关材料中有害芳香胺含量的测定,包括但不限于附录A中表A.1列举的有毒芳香胺。其他领域用聚合物材料及原材料中芳香胺含量的测定也可参考本文件 -
14.[标准] 电气绝缘用热固性粉末涂料发布单位:
标准号:T/CSTM 00971-2024
中标分类:G 化工
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
摘要: 范围:本文件规定了电气绝缘用热固性粉末涂料的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装、运输及贮存等内容。本文件适用于以合成树脂、固化剂为主要成膜物质,并加入颜料、填料、助剂等物质,制得的具有电气绝缘性能的热固性粉末涂料;主要技术内容:本文件规定了电气绝缘用热固性粉末涂料的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装、运输及贮存等内容。本文件适用于以合成树脂、固化剂为主要成膜物质,并加入颜料、填料、助剂等物质,制得的具有电气绝缘性能的热固性粉末涂料 -
标准号:ASTM D4958-24
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
实施时间:摘要: 1.1This test method is a standardized brushout procedure for comparing the brush drag of architectural type solvent-borne paints.1.2With slight modifications this test method is also applicable to solvent-borne paints.1.3The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.4This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.5This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ======5.1As the brush drag of a paint increases, any natural tendency on the part of the painter to overspread the paint is reduced. When all other factors are held constant, increased brush drag will result in greater film thickness with consequent improvement in durability and hiding. Conversely, sometimes it might be preferred to have a lesser degree of brush drag for easier application (that is, the amount of time and effort in applying a paint to a specific area is reduced with a lesser degree of brush drag).5.2This test method provides a standardized brushout procedure for the evaluation of brush drag as an alternative to customary informal ad hoc procedures. Its objective is to maximize the reliability and precision with which this characteristic may be determined.Note 1:The brush drag of paints is directly related to their high-shear viscosity. There is generally good rank order agreement between results obtained by this method and Test MethodD4287. The sensitivity of this brushout method has been found sufficient to distinguish between brushability corresponding to high-shear viscosity differences not lower than 0.3 poise (0.03 Pa.s). Round robin data show that rank order agreement between the brushout and viscometric methods is poor when both latex and solvent-borne paints are part of the same comparison group. This is the result of these two paint types having markedly different rheological properties that affect the relative perception of brush drag.3 -
标准号:ASTM D2091-96(2024)
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
实施时间:摘要: 1.1This test method covers the resistance of dried lacquer films to imprinting.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.4This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ======4.1An unsatisfactory appearance can result from pressure deformation of a film inherently too soft or containing residual solvent. This test method is primarily used to evaluate the resistance of a lacquer finish to printing under the conditions of packaging, shipping, and warehousing. -
标准号:ASTM D3023-98(2024)
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
实施时间:摘要: 1.1This practice covers evaluation of clear factory-applied coating systems on wood substrates.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.4This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ======3.1When used in conjunction with GuideD333, this practice will provide a comprehensive evaluation of resistance to stains caused by chemical reagents and household chemicals.3.2This practice applies only to coatings applied in sufficient quantity to form a continuous film. It is recommended that the dry film thickness of the coating under test be reported.3.3Results from stain tests conducted in accordance with this practice distinguish differences between coatings. -
18.[标准] Standard Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact)
标准号:ASTM D2794-93(2024)
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
实施时间:摘要: 1.1This test method covers a procedure for rapidly deforming by impact a coating film and its substrate and for evaluating the effect of such deformation.1.2This test method should be restricted to testing in only one laboratory when numerical values are used because of the poor reproducibility of the method. Interlaboratory agreement is improved when ranking is used in place of numerical values.1.3The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.1.4This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.5This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ======5.1Coatings attached to substrates are subjected to damaging impacts during the manufacture of articles and their use in service. In its use over many years, this test method for impact resistance has been found to be useful in predicting the performance of organic coatings for their ability to resist cracking caused by impacts. -
标准号:ASTM D16-24
国标分类:01.040.87 词汇 - 涂料和颜料工业 (词汇)
87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
实施时间:摘要: 1.1This standard consists of technical terms used in standards under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 (on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications), and of definitions suitable for use in these standards.Note 1:When any definition in this standards is quoted or published out of the context of this standard, editorially insert the following delimiting statement “for paints and related coatings, materials, and applications” after the dash following the term (in the absence of an existing delimiting statement). This will limit the filed of application of the term and definition to that approved by this committee.1.2In this terminology standard, definitions used in other ASTM standards are indicated by following the definition with the designation of that standard. In some cases, a relevant D01 subcommittee is also listed. Definitions influenced by those used by other organizations are indicated by the acronym of the organization. Primary terms are given in bold, while narrower and unapproved terms are given in italics.1.3There are several specialized terminology standards under the jurisdiction of Committee D01, as follows:D804,D1695,D6440,D6488, andD7188. Few definitions from those standards are included in TerminologyD16. Therefore, in searches for definitions of paints and coatings terms, these standards should be included where appropriate.1.4This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. -
标准号:ASTM D2064-24
国标分类:87.040 涂料和颜料工业 - 涂料和清漆
实施时间:摘要: 1.1This test method covers an accelerated procedure for evaluating the print resistance of architectural paints. It differs from print resistance Test MethodD2091in that the latter is concerned with lacquer finishes under packaging, shipping, and warehousing conditions, whereas this test method is concerned with decorative coatings undergoing random on-site pressure contact.Note 1:Printing should not be confused with blocking, which is measured in Test MethodD4946. The former relates to the indentation of a surface, and the latter, the sticking together of two surfaces.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses after SI units are provided for information only and are not considered standard.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.4This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ======5.1The ability of a coating to resist printing is important because its appearance is adversely affected if the smoothness of the coating film is altered by contact with another surface, particularly one with a texture. Interior paint systems, particularly gloss and semigloss on window sills and other horizontal surfaces, often have objects such as flower pots placed on them that may tend to leave a permanent impression. This tendency for a paint film to “print” is a function of the hardness of the coating, the pressure, temperature, humidity, and the duration of time that the object is in contact with the painted surface.