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斑点杂交的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计362篇,主要集中在内科学、基础医学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 等领域,其中期刊论文314篇、会议论文14篇、专利文献10821篇;相关期刊225种,包括微生物学杂志、中华流行病学杂志、微生物学免疫学进展等; 相关会议14种,包括2012年中国药学大会暨第十二届中国药师周、第三届晋冀鲁豫流行病学学术会议暨2010流行病学郑州论坛、中华医学会第十四次全国病毒性肝炎及肝病学术会议等;斑点杂交的相关文献由1186位作者贡献,包括崔治中、杨华卫、王鑫等。



论文:314 占比:2.82%


论文:14 占比:0.13%


论文:10821 占比:97.06%





  • 崔治中
  • 杨华卫
  • 王鑫
  • 孙淑红
  • 庄玉辉
  • 张修武
  • 李世访
  • 李邦印
  • 郭实士
  • 吴一迪
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 梁树梅; 杨莉莉; 刘华伟; 夏云
    • 摘要: 目的 筛选出能与耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌ftsZ基因紧密结合的反义肽核酸序列,评价其体外抗菌活性.方法 选用两种计算机软件(Mfold、RNA Structure 5.2)和斑点杂交筛选出最佳反义序列PNA,并连接穿膜肽(cell penetrating peptide,CCPs)形成肽-PNA(peptide-PNA,PPNA),另设一条与最好序列有3个错配碱基的肽核酸序列作为对照,连接穿肽形成错配的肽肽核酸(scrambled peptide-PNA, Scr PPNA).将不同浓度的肽肽核酸处理MRSA后,间隔1h测定A600值同时做平板菌落计数,观测其对细菌生长的抑制作用.结果 斑点杂交实验结果表明,计算机辅助软件设计的11条反义寡核苷酸序列中,有4条序列显示强弱不同的杂交信号,第3号探针杂交信号最强,而1条正义序列没显示任何信号,PPNA在30和40μmol/L分别具有抑菌作用和杀菌作用,并具有浓度依赖性,而Scr PPNA在高浓度时对细菌也无生长抑制作用,验证了肽核酸的特异性.结论 成功的筛选出一条在体外对MRSA的生长有显著的影响的反义肽核酸序列,有望为抗MRSA感染患者提供新的治疗方案.
    • 徐宸; 王鑫; 钟江
    • 摘要: [目的]针对创伤孤菌(Vibrio vulnificus)采用杂交瘤技术制备单克隆抗体,基于单克隆斑点杂交技术进行改良,建立一种创伤弧茵快速检测方法.[方法]由水产品牡蛎中分离获得一株创伤弧菌FD-1,以其灭活全菌为抗原免疫小鼠,采用杂交瘤技术制备单克隆抗体.在此基础上,对传统斑点杂交技术进行优化改进,以化学发光试剂ECL替代传统TMB底物,进一步提高其灵敏度、缩短检测时间和简化操作步骤.[结果]与传统斑点杂交法相比,改良斑点杂交法的检测时间可缩短至2h,检测限可达1×105 CFU/mL.[结论]改良斑点杂交法比传统TMB底物斑点杂交法(1×107 CFU/mL)灵敏度提高了100倍,操作过程简单,在水产品检验和医疗诊断方面具有良好的开发应用前景.
    • 徐瑞; 胡白石; 田艳丽; 黄艳宁; 谢进; 曹亮; 彭斯文; 朱校奇
    • 摘要: [Objective] Bacterial spot of melon leaves caused byPseudomonas syringaepv. lachrymans is distributed widely in the world and inflicts different degrees of damage.P. syringaepv. lachrymans is a typical seed-borne pathogen.The objective of this study is to build effective, commercially viable and convenient detecting technologies and to prevent the spread of this pathogen.[Method] The house-keeping gene of DNA glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was selected as the target gene, the specific Padlock probe was designed for bacterial leaf spot of melon, and a bacterial detection system based on Padlock probe combined with dot-blot hybridization was developed. The target strain was selected as experimental materials, and DNA was extracted as a template for ligation reaction, enzyme-cleavage reaction and amplification reaction. The reaction temperature and reaction time of the ligation reaction, enzyme-cleavage reaction and amplification reaction were optimized. The optimized reactions were tested for healthy melon seeds, melon seeds with bacterial spot of melon leaves, sterile water and 25 experimental strains. In order to determine the sensitivity of Padlock probe, DNA of the target strain was diluted to 1 ng·μL-1, 100 pg·μL-1, 10 pg·μL-1, 1 pg·μL-1, 100 fg·μL-1, 10 fg·μL-1 and 1 fg·μL-1 as the templates. Sensitivity was determined by optimized ligation reaction, enzyme-cleavage reaction and amplification reaction. Padlock probe combined with dot-blot hybridization was developed, the amplification product in the course of the reaction was fixed on the nylon membrane, the reverse complementary sequence of the Zipcode sequence was synthesized into cZipcode (detection probe), the detection probe (cZipcode) was labeled with digoxigenin and hybridized with the amplified product. Padlock probe combined with dot-blot hybridization techniques were used for specific detection and sensitivity. Artificial infestation seeds were detected to further verify the reliability of the system. A total of 205 commercially melon seeds with suspected disease were detected by high throughput detection method.[Result]The specificity of the Padlock probe showed that a specific band of 105 bp was got from 26 strains of bacterial spot of melon leaves, while the remaining 25 strains and sterile water were not amplified products. The results of sensitivity showed that the target strain was diluted to 1 pg·μL-1 and got a specific band of 105 bp, so the detection sensitivity of the Padlock probe was 1 pg·μL-1. Padlock probe could distinguish bacterial spot of melon leaves from all other experimental strains and its sensitivity could be up to 1 pg·μL-1. Twenty-six strains of bacterial spot of melon leaves had color reaction, the remaining 25 strains and sterile water did not have color reaction. The sensitivity of Padlock probe combined with dot-blot hybridization also could be up to 1 pg·μL-1. Padlock probe combined with dot-blot hybridization could detect one bacterial seed from 1000 healthy seeds, and the detection rate reached 0.1% (1/1000). Seven commercially seed-borne bacteria were successfully detected from 205 commercially melon seeds. The seven seed-borne bacteria, respectively, were soaked in sterile water for 4 h, DNA was extracted for PCR amplification and sequencing, the results of DNA sequencing were compared with NCBI and verified the bacterial spot of melon leaves.[Conclusion] Detecting system based on Padlock probe combined with dot-blot hybridization could detectP. syringaepv. lachrymansfrom sweet melon fast and accurately.%[目的]甜瓜细菌性叶斑病是危害甜瓜的重要种传细菌病害,是由丁香假单胞杆菌流泪病致病变种甜瓜菌株(Pseudomonas syringaepv.lachrymans)引起的.论文旨在建立高效、快捷、操作简单的检测技术以防止此病原菌传播.[方法]以GenBank公布的甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌的甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶(glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase,GAPDH)基因序列为靶标,设计甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌特异性锁式探针,建立锁式探针与斑点杂交技术结合的检测体系.以保存的目的菌株为材料,提取DNA作为模板进行锁式探针连接反应、酶切反应和扩增反应,并将锁式探针连接反应、酶切反应和扩增反应的反应温度和反应时间分别进行优化.利用优化的锁式探针连接反应、酶切反应和扩增反应分别对健康的甜瓜种子、带有甜瓜细菌性叶斑病的甜瓜种子、无菌水及25株其他参试菌株进行检测,测定该体系的特异性.将甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌的DNA按10倍梯度稀释,依次稀释为1 ng·μL-1、100 pg·μL-1、10 pg·μL-1、1 pg·μL-1、100 fg·μL-1、10 fg·μL-1和1 fg·μL-1作为模板,利用优化的锁式探针连接反应、酶切反应和扩增反应,测定灵敏度.将探针与斑点杂交技术结合建立高通量检测体系,将上述反应过程中的扩增产物固定于尼龙膜上,将锁式探针上Zipcode序列的反向互补序列合成cZipcode(检测探针),检测探针(cZipcode)用地高辛标记后与产物进行杂交.锁式探针结合斑点杂交技术分别进行特异性检测和灵敏度测定.探针与斑点杂交技术结合建立的高通量检测体系进行人工模拟种子带菌检测,进一步验证该体系的可靠性.利用建立的高通量检测方法对205份市售疑似带病的甜瓜种子进行检测.[结果]锁式探针特异性测定结果表明,26株甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌均能得到一条105 bp的特异性条带,而剩余25株参试菌株及无菌水均无扩增产物产生.灵敏度测定结果表明,当目的菌株的浓度稀释为1 pg·μL-1时均能检测到一条105 bp的特异性条带,所以探针的检测灵敏度为1 pg·μL-1.探针与斑点杂交技术结合建立的检测甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌高通量体系能将甜瓜细菌性叶斑病与所有的参试菌种区分开,26株甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌杂交后出现了显色反应,而25株参试菌株及无菌水均没有发生显色.锁式探针结合斑点杂交的灵敏度检测同样达到1 pg·μL-1.将锁式探针结合斑点杂交进行人工模拟种子带菌检测,能将1粒带菌种子从1000粒健康的种子检测出来,模拟种子带菌检测率都能达到0.1%(1/1000).从205份市售甜瓜种子中成功检测到7份市售种子带菌.将带菌种子分别加入一定量的无菌水浸泡4 h,提取悬液DNA,将悬液DNA进行PCR扩增后测序,NCBI比对后确定为甜瓜细菌性叶斑病菌.[结论]基于锁式探针结合斑点杂交技术的检测体系能够快速、准确地识别甜瓜细菌性叶斑病.
    • 常志尚; 王冰; 吕锐; 张艳丽; 赵蓉
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨DNA原位杂交法及斑点杂交法在卡氏肺孢子虫检测中的应用.方法 设计合成卡氏肺孢子虫特异性寡核苷酸探针,建立卡氏肺孢子虫大鼠动物模型,分别于第6、8、10用处死动物,取肺组织提取DNA及石蜡切片进行斑点杂交及DNA原位杂交,结果同瑞氏-吉氏染色法比较.结果 DNA原位杂交法和斑点杂交法第6周检出阳性结果,检出率均为(30/30),高于瑞氏-吉氏染色法(25/30).结论 DNA原位杂交法及斑点杂交法是高效准确的卡氏肺孢子虫检测方法.
    • 孙小慧; 刘晓凡; 赵雅静; 马超; 刘鹏; 冯德杰; 李薇; 魏然; 王革
    • 摘要: Objective Objective To detect the residual DNA quantity in Vero cell contained in rabies vaccine( Vero cell) for human use(simplified as rabies vaccine )by Digoxigenin-labeled DNA probe,and the applicability of the method was verified and applied. Methods The Digoxigenin-labeled DNA probe was carried out in verification of the specificity,sensi-tivity,repeatability and stability for detecting the residual DNA quantity in Vero cell contained in rabies vaccine,and the method was applied to detect residual DNA quantity in Vero cell of 3 batches of rabies vaccine. Results The labeling effi-ciency could reach 0. 1 pg. The verification result showed that there was no hybridazation between the labeled probe and heterologous DNA,and the minimal detective limit reached 1. 0 pg and the detective sensitivity was kept in 1. 0 pg after the labeled probe stored at-20°C for 7 months. The results conformed to the quality control standards published in《Pharmar-copoeia of the People’ s Republic of China》in detecting residual DNA quantity in Vero cell in 3 batches of rabies vaccine. Conclusion The dot hybridization method is specific,sensitive,stable and well repeatable,it is used in detecting residual DNA quantity in Vero cell contained in rabies vaccine. As a result,the method is suitable in production and quantity control of rabies vaccine,it has a helpful effect in preparation of the other viral vaccines by using Vero cell as a substrate.%目的:对地高辛标记DNA探针杂交法检测人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞) DNA残留量进行适用性验证及应用。方法对地高辛标记DNA探针杂交法检测人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞) DNA残留量进行特异性、灵敏度及稳定性验证,并应用该方法检测3批人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞)的DNA残留量。结果地高辛标记探针的标记效率为0.1 pg。验证结果显示探针与非同源DNA无杂交;最低检测限度为1 pg;探针在-20°C放置7个月后,检测灵敏度仍可达到1 pg;3批人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞)中残留DNA含量均符合《中国药典》规定质量控制标准。结论地高辛标记DNA探针杂交法特异性、灵敏度好,结果稳定,适用于人用狂犬病疫苗( Vero细胞)中Vero细胞DNA残留量的检测及疫苗生产过程和其成品的质量控制,对其他以Vero细胞为基质的病毒性疫苗质量控制具有借鉴意义。
    • 李丹丹; 陈富讯; 江伟; 褚衍茹; 杨庆; 高彦辉; 杨艳梅
    • 摘要: Objective To establish a simple,rapid and accurate method for detection of ubiquityl-histone H2B (ubH2B) in human peripheral blood leukocytes.Methods UbH2B polypeptide was utilized to establish the dot blot hybridization method for detection of ubH2B in peripheral blood leukocytes.The optimal blocking buffer and the diluted concentration of primary and secondary antibodies were determined by dot blot hybridization.And the sensitivity,detection range and repeatability of dot blot hybridization were determined.Meanwhile,the levels of ubH2B in 45 people peripheral blood leukocytes were quantified by the established dot blotting hybridization.Results The optimal conditions of dot blot hybridization for detection of ubH2B were the blocking buffer of 5% albumin from bovine serum (BSA),a diluted concentration of primary antibody of 1:500 and a diluted concentration of secondary antibody of 1:10 000.The sensitivity of dot blot hybridization was 150 ng.At the concentration range of 3.000-48.000 ng/μl,there was a good linear relation,and determination coefficient (R2) =0.998.The coefficient of variation of the intra-assay and inter-assay was 7.00% and 6.08%,respectively.The detect results of 45 people samples were the concentration of ubH2B in histone samples ranging from 0-4.090 ng/μl,the amounts of ubH2B in total histone ranging from 0-255.625 ng/mg.Conclusion Due to a higher sensibility and better repeatability,dot blot hybridization can be applied to detect the ubH2B in human peripheral blood leukocytes.%目的 建立一种简单、快速、准确地检测人群外周血白细胞中泛素化组蛋白H2B (ubiquitylhistone H2B,ubH2B)修饰水平的方法.方法 利用ubH2B标准样品建立检测人群外周血白细胞中ubH2B的斑点杂交方法,确定最佳的封闭液及一抗、二抗稀释度,并确定斑点杂交方法的灵敏度、检测范围及重复性.采用建立的斑点杂交方法检测45份人外周血白细胞中ubH2B的水平.结果 斑点杂交方法检测ubH2B的最佳封闭液为5%牛血清白蛋白(albumin from bovine serum,BSA),一抗稀释度为1:500、二抗稀释度为1∶10000.斑点杂交方法检测ubH2B的灵敏度为150 ng.ubH2B浓度在3.000~ 48.000 ng/μl有良好线性关系,决定系数(R2)=0.998.批内和批间的变异系数分别为7.00%和6.08%.45份人群组蛋白样品中ubH2B为0~4.090ng/μl,ubH2B在总组蛋白中的含量范围为0~255.625 ng/mg.结论 斑点杂交方法灵敏度高、重复性好,可应用于人群外周血白细胞中ubH2B的检测.
    • 李丹丹; 陈富讯; 江伟; 褚衍茹; 杨庆; 高彦辉; 杨艳梅
    • 摘要: 目的建立一种简单、快速、准确地检测人群外周血白细胞中泛素化组蛋白H2B(ubiquityl.histoneH2B,ubH2B)修饰水平的方法。方法利用ubH2B标准样品建立检测人群外周血白细胞中ubH2B的斑点杂交方法,确定最佳的封闭液及一抗、二抗稀释度,并确定斑点杂交方法的灵敏度、检测范围及重复性。采用建立的斑点杂交方法检测45份人外周血白细胞中ubH2B的水平。结果斑点杂交方法检测ubH2B的最佳封闭液为5%牛血清白蛋白(albuminfrombovineserum,BSA),一抗稀释度为1:500、二抗稀释度为1:10000。斑点杂交方法检测ubH2B的灵敏度为150ng。ubH2B浓度在3.000~48.000ng/p,1有良好线性关系,决定系数(R2)=0.998。批内和批间的变异系数分别为7.00%和6.08%。45份人群组蛋白样品中ubH2B为0~4.090ng/wl,ubH2B在总组蛋白中的含量范围为0~255.625ng/mg。结论斑点杂交方法灵敏度高、重复性好,可应用于人群外周血白细胞中ubH2B的检测。
    • 张秀娟
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the application value of PCR spot hybridization technique in the detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae(MP) infection .Methods The DNA of 70 respiratory tract specimens from the children with MP infection was extracted for MP specific DNA amplification by PCR .The detection efficiency of MP infection was compared between traditional PCR method and PCR spot hybridization technique .Results Of 70 specimens ,32 specimens were MP positive and 28 specimens were MP negative detected by traditional PCR method and PCR spot hybridization technique .The MP positive was detected by PCR spot hybridization technique in 10 specimens ,which were MP negative by traditional PCR method (P<0 .05) .The sensitivity ,specificity and diagnostic coincidence rate of MP detection by PCR spot hybridization technique were 82.5% ,95.6% and 81.4% ,respectively ,which were higher than 69.6% ,80.6% and 50.2% by traditional PCR method . Conclusion Compared to traditional PCR method ,PCR spot hybridization technique has higher sensitivity and specificity in the detection of M P infection .%目的:探讨 PCR斑点杂交技术在检测肺炎支原体(M P )感染中的临床应用价值。方法收集疑似MP感染患儿的呼吸道标本70份,提取DNA后采用PCR技术将MP特异性DNA片段进行扩增;比较传统PCR法和PCR斑点杂交技术检测M P感染的效能。结果32份临床标本经传统PCR法和PCR斑点杂交技术检测M P均为阳性,28份临床标本检测均为阴性;10份临床标本PCR斑点杂交技术检测为阳性,但传统 PCR法检测为阴性,配对样本χ2检验显示两法检测M P的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 PCR 斑点杂交技术检测 MP 的灵敏度为82.5%,特异度为95.6%,诊断符合率为81.4%;均高于传统PCR法的69.6%、80.6%和50.2%。结论与传统PCR法比较,PCR斑点杂交技术检测M P的灵敏度和特异度高。
    • 詹小芬; 张芹; 周露; 杨辉; 杨惠钿; 杨立业; 林敏
    • 摘要: 目的 了解云南省西双版纳州傣族人群的葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)缺乏症的发生率及基因型. 方法 在2012年8月至2013年9月期间,用荧光斑点定性法对812例傣族居民进行G6PD缺乏筛查.用反向斑点杂交芯片和PCR-DNA测序法分析G6PD缺乏症的标本的基因型. 结果 云南西双版纳州傣族人群的G6PD缺乏症总发生率为9.73% (79/812),其中男性32例(9.07%,32/353),女性47例(10.24%,47/459).79例初筛G6PD缺乏标本65例检测出有突变,共检出8种基因突变类型,含16例1376G>T(24.24%)、10例1311C>T (15.15%)、9例1388G>A(13.63%)、7例392G>T (10.60%)、6例95A>G (9.09%)、5例1360C> T(7.57%)、2例871 G>A (3.03%)、1例1024C> T(1.52%),和6种复合突变包括2例G871A/C1311T(3.03%)、2例G392T/G1376T(3.03%)、2例G392T/G1388A(3.03%)、1例C1024T/C1311T(1.52%)、1例C1311T/G1376T(1.52%)、1例C1311T/G1388(1.52%).结论 云南西双版纳州傣族G6PD缺乏症检出率高,最常见的三种基因型是Gr6PD1376G>T、1311C>T和G6PD1388G>A.在西双版纳地区当地开展G6PD缺乏症的新生儿筛查、产前筛查和遗传咨询是非常有必要的.
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