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转基因大米的相关文献在2000年到2021年内共计94篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、预防医学、卫生学、农作物 等领域,其中期刊论文77篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献98624篇;相关期刊55种,包括中国防伪报道、中国经济和信息化、健康大视野等; 相关会议5种,包括中国毒理学会灾害与应急毒理学专业委员会第一次全国学术交流会、2012环境健康与药物安全性全国学术年会、科技创新与食品产业可持续发展学术研讨会暨2008年广东省食品学会年会等;转基因大米的相关文献由161位作者贡献,包括杨晓光、朴建华、卓勤等。



论文:77 占比:0.08%


论文:6 占比:0.01%


论文:98624 占比:99.92%





  • 杨晓光
  • 朴建华
  • 卓勤
  • 葛毅强
  • 邓婷婷
  • 陈小萍
  • 陈颖
  • 黄文胜
  • 杨月欣
  • 李英华
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 邓婷婷; 黄文胜; 葛毅强; 陈颖
    • 摘要: 基于大米蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)基因和TT51-1品系特异性基因序列筛选适用于数字PCR的内、外源基因特异性引物探针并建立转基因大米TT51-1品系的双重数字PCR定量方法。其定量的绝对灵敏度和相对灵敏度分别达2 copies/μL和0.1%。当样品中TT51-1转基因大米成分含量低至0.1%时,6次定量值的相对标准偏差在7.30%~18.63%之间,偏差在-8.77%~9.62%之间,精密度和稳定性均较为理想,而同样的引物探针所建立的实时荧光PCR方法定量的相对灵敏度仅达到1%。为促进该方法的标准化应用,将微滴式数字PCR平台上建立的定量方法在芯片式数字PCR平台上进行室内验证,结果表明该方法的定量精密度和准确性符合要求。该方法可应用于大米、稻谷及其初加工产品中TT51-1转基因大米成分的精准定量检测。
    • 邓婷婷; 黄文胜; 葛毅强; 陈颖
    • 摘要: 以转基因克螟稻品系为研究对象,通过大米内源蔗糖磷酸合成酶基因和转基因克螟稻品系特异性序列的绝对拷贝数分析,建立转基因克螟稻成分的双重数字聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)定量分析方法.本研究中转基因克螟稻定量体系中最适DNA添加量在10 pg~13 ng之间,模板断裂程度、PCR扩增退火温度等因素对定量结果的影响不大.其定量的绝对灵敏度达1 copies/μL,可在微滴式和芯片式数字PCR平台上准确检测质量分数在0.1%~100%之间的转基因克螟稻成分,尤其是对低于1%的样品,其定量准确性高于传统的实时荧光PCR方法.本研究建立的转基因克螟稻成分定量分析方法适用性较好,可用于转基因水稻规范化与标准化的定量分析.
    • 摘要: 1月20日,美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)网页上公布了该局对华中农业大学提交的转基因抗虫水稻“华恢1号”安全性和营养评价报告咨询的卷宗及相关信函,通知华中农业大学该局已完成对“华恢1号”安全性评价的咨询,
    • 郝勇; 温钦华; 罗秋红; 饶敏; 陈斌
    • 摘要: Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (NIDRS)combined with principal component analysis(PCA) and least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) were used for the identification of transgenic rice.PCA was used to analyze the spectral spatial distribution of rice.Different spectral preprocessing methods including 5-point smoothing,multivariate scatter correction(MSC)and standard normal variate transformation (SNV)combined with LSSVM were used to build and optimize qualitative models.The grid search algorithm was employed to obtain the optimal solution of the penalty factor (c) and the parameters gamma(g)of RBF kernel.The correct recognition rate(CRR) were used to evaluate models.The results showed that MSC combined with LSSVM could be used to establish the qualitative identification model of transgenic rice.The CRR of the optimal model was 97.50%.The method was expected to be an auxiliary method for rapid detection of genetically modified foods.%采用近红外漫反射光谱结合主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)和最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LSSVM)研究转基因大米的鉴别方法.采用PCA方法分析大米样品光谱空间分布;不同的光谱预处理方法:5点平滑、多元散射校正(multiplicative scatter correction,MSC)和标准正态变量变换(standard normal variate transformation,SNV)结合LSSVM用于定性判别模型的建立和优化;采用格点搜索方法对LSSVM模型的惩罚因子(c)和径向基核函数宽度(g)进行优化;正确识别率(correct recognition rate,CRR)用于判别模型的评价.结果表明:MSC结合LSSVM可用于转基因大米定性判别模型的建立,最优模型的CRR为97.50%.该方法有望成为转基因食品快速鉴别的一种辅助方法.
    • 高杨
    • 摘要: 基于2013年15省份城镇居民的调查数据,对转基因偏好者、转基因排斥者以及价格敏感者人群的消费行为及其影响因素进行了分析.研究结果显示,转基因排斥者与价格敏感者是社会经济层次不同的两个群体;随着转基因大米主观认知水平的提高,转基因排斥者对转基因大米愈加排斥,表明这个群体对转基因技术及食品的负面认知主导了其消费行为;"2012年黄金大米事件"对价格敏感者产生了显著的负向影响,表明媒体对转基因技术及食品的客观报道会有助于提高这个人群对转基因大米的购买意愿;转基因偏好者和价格敏感者均视转基因大米为"正常品",而转基因排斥者则视转基因大米为"劣等品",表明收入水平的提高,并不必然导致消费者对转基因大米的排斥.%This essay analyzes consumer behaviors and their associated factors influencing the behaviors of three groups of consumers who were in favor of, opposed to, and price-sensitive to Genetically Modified (GM) rice on the basis of a survey dataset on the Chinese urban residents in 15 provinces in 2013.Results showed that the consumer group who was opposed to GM rice differs from the one which is price-sensitive to GM rice in terms of social economic status.With the improvement of subjective knowledge on GM rice, the consumer group was found to be more strongly opposed to GM rice, implying that this group's negative perception to GM technology and foods dominated their behaviors."The golden rice event in 2012"had a significant negative impact on the consumer group, suggesting that the objective media coverage on GM technology and foods would help improve this group's willingness to buy GM rice.Both consumers preferring GM rice and price-sensitive to GM rice regarded GM rice as a"something normal"while consumers who opposed GM rice thought GM rice as an "something inferior", indicating that rise of personal incomes in urban China would not necessarily lead to the rejection of the GM rice.
    • 程建华; 桑志红; 李海静; 吴胜明; 夏晴; 董方霆
    • 摘要: 基于GC-TOF/MS技术对来源于两个不同产地的转Bt基因及其亲本大米进行了代谢组学研究.从大米样本中共检出774个色谱峰,鉴定出278种代谢产物,包括糖、氨基酸、脂肪酸及有机酸等代谢产物.对转Bt基因及其亲本大米进行主成分分析,结果表明,转Bt基因与亲本大米的代谢组之间无明显差异性,进一步对数据进行偏最小二乘判别分析和方差分析,仅甘油和鼠李糖两种代谢产物浓度在转Bt基因大米及其亲本大米间存在一定差异(分别升高1.55和3.32倍);考察了不同产地对大米代谢组的影响,结果表明武汉和海南两个产地的大米代谢组之间存在明显差异,有15种代谢产物在不同产地的亲本大米之间以及不同产地的转基因大米之间均发生显著变化.应用GC-TOF/MS技术对来源于不同产地的转Bt基因大米及其亲本大米的代谢组进行比较研究,结果表明引入外源Bt基因对实验中的水稻机体内代谢未产生明显影响,产地差异造成的大米间代谢组差异比引入外源Bt基因造成的大米间代谢组差异更为显著.
    • 程娟献; 夏晴; 桑志红; 毛劼; 王心正; 董方霆; 何昆
    • 摘要: 目的:利用差异蛋白质组学及生物信息学等技术方法,探讨外源Bt基因的导入对大米表达蛋白质组的影响,深化转基因大米在蛋白质组学方面的研究。方法在转基因大米“华恢1号”和亲本大米“明恢63”样品中提取大米总蛋白,通过二维聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(2D-PAGE)实验方法,得到相应的蛋白质组2D-PAGE谱,再选择差异明显的蛋白质点进行质谱鉴定及生物信息学分析。结果对转Bt(cry1Ab/1Ac)基因大米和亲本大米2D-PAGE图谱的蛋白质点进行了对比匹配,识别出明显的差异蛋白质点28个,以亲本大米为参照,转Bt基因大米相对高表达的18个,相对低表达的10个;选择转基因大米凝胶上的差异蛋白质点进行了质谱鉴定和生物信息学检索,发现差异蛋白质主要参与能量代谢,蛋白质合成、氧化还原和应激响应等生物过程。结论转Bt基因“华恢1号”及其亲本大米“明恢63”表达的蛋白质组存在一定差异,但未发现这些差异蛋白质具有抗营养性和致敏性,也未发现新蛋白和毒蛋白的表达。%Objective Under the methodology of differential proteomics and bioinformatics,the impact of the exogenous gene on the expression of rice in the proteome is discussed,aiming to explore into the study of genetically modified rice in the proteomics. Methods The total protein was extracted from genetically modified rice Huahui No.1(HH1) and non-transgenic rice Minghui 63 (MH63),the method of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was applied to generate corresponding proteome two-dimensional poly⁃acrylamide gel(2D-PAGE)electrophoresis spectrum;then,the mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analysis were conducted after the selection of protein spots with significant differences. Results The comparing and matching of protein spots between transgenic Bt (cry1Ab/1Ac)rice and non-transgenic rice 2D-PAGE profiles identified 28 protein spots with significant differences. With non-trans⁃genic rice as a reference,transgenic Bt rice held 18 relatively high and 10 relatively low expressions;mass spectrometry and bioinfor⁃matics retrieval were made on the different protein spots. It was found that the differentiated protein was mainly involved in energy me⁃tabolism,protein synthesis,redox stress response and other biological processes. Conclusion Differences exist between transgenic Bt HH1 and its parental rice MH63 on the expression of proteome;however,there are neither anti-nutritional and allergenic protein, nor new or toxic proteins among these differentiated proteins.
    • 黄正顺; 凌远云
    • 摘要: 转基因大米一直备受公众关注和争论,并渐已成为相关科学研究的重点。以高校教师和科研人员为实地调查对象,采用排序选择模型分析了个体特征变量、专业背景特征、对转基因相关知识的了解程度,以及政府监管规范程度是否会显著影响高校教师和科研人员对转基因大米的接受态度。结果表明,个体特征变量、专业背景特征并不显著影响教师和科研人员对转基因大米的接受态度,而对转基因相关知识的了解程度以及政府对转基因技术管理的规范程度显著影响教师和科研人员对转基因大米的接受态度,且呈现正相关的关系。%Genetically m odified rice has been paid m uch attention to and debated by the public, and it has gradually becom e a key scientific research project.This study analyzes the influence ofindividualcharacteristic variables,professionalbackground characteristics, understanding level of know ledge on genetic m odification (GM ) and the standardization degree of governm ents’ supervision on the acceptance ofcollege teachers and researchers tow ards genetically m odified rice by adopting ordered choice m odel.The results show that individualcharacteristic variables and specialty background characteristics have notsignificantly im pacted the acceptance ofteachers and researchers tow ards genetically m odified rice, w hile the understanding level of related know ledge and the standardization degree of governm ents’ m anagem ent on GM technology have significantly affected their acceptance, w hich presents a positive correlation relationship.
    • 郑志浩
    • 摘要: 本研究基于2013年城镇居民调查数据,采用条件估值法和区间删失模型,估计了转基因水稻正反两方面信息对消费者接受转基因大米的影响.研究结果显示,改善环境和改善营养的转基因水稻信息,均显著降低了大多数消费者的支付意愿,但对声称了解转基因大米的人群没有影响.改善营养的转基因水稻信息对消费者行为的负向影响最为显著.上述结果表明,中国消费者倾向于放大正反两方面信息中的负面信息效应,负面信息左右了整个信息的影响走向和效果.
    • 摘要: 21日,中国工程院院士、“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平来到华南农业大学,出席超级杂交稻良种良肥高产攻关启动暨签约仪式。他的到来引发华农学子的热情;围观,纷纷前来“膜拜”心目中的“男神”。在接受记者采访时,他表示目前转基因大米还处在试验阶段,并未面市。
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