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水果汁的相关文献在1983年到2022年内共计203篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、预防医学、卫生学、贸易经济 等领域,其中期刊论文159篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献25692篇;相关期刊128种,包括广告大观(理论版)、早期教育(教师版)、医药与保健等; 相关会议1种,包括2010全国肠外肠内营养学术会议等;水果汁的相关文献由203位作者贡献,包括涂梅花、孙隽、李理等。



论文:159 占比:0.62%


论文:1 占比:0.00%


论文:25692 占比:99.38%





  • 涂梅花
  • 孙隽
  • 李理
  • 不公告发明人
  • 刁焕荣
  • 周嘉恺
  • 孙淑珍
  • 徐静
  • 朱光胜
  • 杨卫红
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 涂梅花
    • 摘要: 醋是厨房内不可缺少的调味品之一,它有许多保健功能,但其酸味让不少人退避三舍。以水果汁和陈醋为原料制成的果醋,酸中有甜,甜中带酸,既消解了纯醋的酸味,还带有果汁的甜香,喝起来非常爽口。饮用果醋,兼有水果和食醋的双重营养保健功能。适量饮用,有许多益处,但使用不当,也会带来害处。
    • 郭丽
    • 摘要: 人在发生烧伤的时候,尤其是重度烧伤的时候,许多的问题会随之而来,因为集体组织受伤很有可能会导致出现营养障碍问题,若是在养伤期间没有合理的饮食,还会出现很多的并发症,因此,烧伤患者如何吃极为重要。1、烧伤患者在各阶段该吃什么在患者发生烧伤的早期,也就是说住院的前两天,此时患者的身体状态还在体现在应激方面,肠胃的功能比较差,食欲不振等,所以,应该对患者进行静脉注射,并要给予一定的营养,以此保证身体各项机能能够正常,同时,还可以食用葡萄糖水、米汤、糖水、蛋白水、蜜糖以及水果汁等少渣的食物,因为这些食物不仅容易消化,还对肠胃没有刺激性作用。同时要坚持少吃多餐、循序渐进的饮食原则。一般情况下,进食间隔在两个小时,并且每次都要吃少量的东西,最好控制在三十毫升到五十毫升之间。根据患者的个人感受,若是自身感觉良好,且食欲不错的情况下,进食量可以适当的增加,但是也需要控制,二百毫升是最高的范围。刺激性的食物以及容易胀气的食物都不能食用,若是食用刺激性的食物,比如说大蒜、大葱、辣椒以及生姜等,会对胃产生刺激,以至于胃酸过多的分泌,对胃黏膜造成很大的损坏,最重要的是,食用刺激性的食物,身体极易有燥热出汗的症状出现,这对于烧伤患者是极为不利的。若食用容易胀气的食物,会导致胃肠蠕动变得缓慢以及肠道菌群失调、更甚至会致使胃肠道梗阻性疾病等,因此要避免食用容易胀气的食物。
    • 摘要: 1、当水果汁或红葡萄酒溅到白色衣物上时,先用乳汁浸泡,再用洗衣粉进行常规清洗。
    • 罗雅罄; 郭敏霞; 李秋霞
    • 摘要: 研究背景现在人们越来越注重饮食的健康,常说要健康就要饮用碱性水,多吃碱性食品,多喝柠檬水。但是,很多人并不清楚食物的酸碱性,有些人对食物的酸碱性认识错误,还盲目跟从市场上一些宣传,乱吃食物或片面追求吃某些食物。其实,我们吃进去的每种食物,都不仅提供能量和营养,同时也会产生很多酸性物质或碱性物质。如果片面追求碱性食品或酸性食品,人体的各种代谢就可能发生紊乱。
    • 摘要: 苹果汁:调理肠胃,促进肾机能,预防高血压;菠萝汁:消除肿胀,帮助消化,舒缓喉咙疼痛;两瓜汁:消除暑热,利于排尿,能降低高血压;香蕉汁:提高精力,强健肌肉,滋润怖和肠道;葡萄汁:调节心跳,补血安神,加强肾肝功能;鲜橙汁:强化衄管,预防心刖主病、中风及伤风感冒。
    • 邱昊; 冬日问影
    • 摘要: 2036年的一个阳光明媚的早晨。“主人,该起床了!太阳都晒屁股了!”机器人保姆打断了我的美梦。我睁开眼,穿上衣服,迷迷糊糊走进浴室洗漱。洗漱完毕后,做了一个深呼吸,精神突然变好,神采飞扬,有一种流浪鸟重归家园的感觉。
    • 林树林
    • 摘要: 需求是产品畅销市场的根本动力,小样乳酸盐却在洞察消费者需求上存在战略失误。2015年2月红杉资本投资小样乳酸盐母公司好彩头集团2个亿,助力好彩头。同年11月,好彩头新品小样乳酸盐上市,进行大范围、高强度的高空宣传,起用王珞丹和贾乃亮两位代言人,冠名浙江卫视热门节目《燃烧吧少年》,冠名中国羽毛球联赛。品牌产品认知度被快速放大。
    • 摘要: 飞利浦公司最新推出了Avance Collection慢速螺旋压榨式原汁机。这款产品可以制作美味健康的软质水果汁和硬质蔬菜汁。用户可以将所有喜爱的原料一起榨汁,甚至可以对那些通常难以榨汁的特殊淀粉原料进行榨汁,如香蕉和芒果。
    • 王静; 雷宏杰; 岳珍珍; 高瑞雄; 王凯瑞; 徐怀德
    • 摘要: Jujube belonging to the Rhamnaceae and is a nutrient-rich fruit. The production of jujube in China accounts for 90%in the world. During the growth, harvest and storage periods of jujube, it is easily infected by fungus, especially in the rainy days during harvest, so there will be mycotoxins residue in jujube and related deep process product. Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by various species of the genera penicillium, aspergillus, and byssochlamys. It could be detected in jujube or other jujube processing food such as jujube juice once they are infected by penicillum or other fungus. In this study, in order to improve the safety of jujube juice, macroporous resin was used to remove patulin in jujube juice. Macroporous resin is widely used in the processing of fruit juice, it could be used for adsorption of mycotoxin, removal of pesticide residue, decolorization of juice and purification of natural antioxidants. LSA-900B resin has great adsorption capacity for patulin but there were rarely studies focus on patulin removal in jujube juice using macroporous resin. For further understanding the adsorption mechanism of patulin, the adsorption isotherm, thermodynamics and kinetics during adsorption process were investigated, and the physicochemical characteristics including total sugar, reducing sugar, total acidity, flavonoids, total polyphenols, color value and transmittance of jujube juice were analyzed. Results showed that LSA-900B resin exhibited an effective adsorbability of patulin in jujube juice, and the maximum adsorption quantity and removal rate were 5.31μg/g and 73.78%, respectively. When the temperature was controlled within 30-50 °C, and the initial concentration of patulin was at 30-200 μg/L, the adsorption quantity of patulin decreased with the rise of temperature and increased with the increase of patulin content. The adsorption equilibrium could be described by the Freundlich isotherm (R2>0.99). According to the changes of enthalpy, free energy and entropy, it was suggested that the adsorption process was spontaneous, endothermic process and belonging to physical adsorption. Results of kinetic analysis showed that the pseudo second-order model (R2=0.9982) was more suitable than the pseudo first-order model (R2=0.9529) for describing the kinetic data. The adsorption rate could be affected by film diffusion and intra-particle diffusion, and the former was the rate-limiting step. Moreover, after the adsorption treatment, the contents of total sugar, total acidity, flavonoids and total polyphenols of jujube juice were significantly decreased, while the color value and transmittance of jujube juice were increased. The order of the influence of positive correlation indices was color value>transmittance, and the order of the influence of negative correlation indices was flavonoids>total sugar>total acidity>total polyphenols. After comprehensive analysis of the data, when the initial content of patulin was 100 μg/L, the most suitable condition for this adsorption process could be that the additive amount of LSA-900B resin was 14 g/L and the adsorption time was 90 min. Under this condition, the patulin content of jujube juice decreased to 36.61μg/L, lower than the standard value of 50μg/L, and the color value and transmittance of jujube juice could increase to relatively higher values. The results provide an important reference for the further application of LSA-900B in production practice.%为提高红枣汁的安全品质,该文探讨了 LSA-900B 大孔树脂对红枣汁中棒曲霉素的吸附机理,系统研究了LSA-900B树脂对红枣汁中棒曲霉素的吸附等温线、热力学及动力学特征,分析了吸附过程中红枣汁营养品质的变化趋势。结果表明,LSA-900B树脂对红枣汁中棒曲霉素具有较好的吸附效果,最高吸附量和去除率分别为:5.31μg/g和73.78%。当吸附温度为30~50°C,棒曲霉素初始质量浓度为30~200μg/L时,LSA-900B树脂对棒曲霉素的吸附量随温度的升高而降低,随棒曲霉素含量的升高而升高,吸附等温线方程符合Freundlich模型(R2>0.99)。LSA-900B树脂对棒曲霉素的吸附为自发吸热的物理吸附,且吸附后的棒曲霉素不易被水分子解析。吸附过程符合准二级速率方程,且受到薄膜扩散和内扩散的影响,其中薄膜扩散为主要速率控制步骤。LSA-900B 树脂吸附后红枣汁的总糖、总酸、黄酮和总酚含量显著(P0.05)变化,其对正相关指标影响的顺序为:色值>透光率,负相关指标影响的顺序为:黄酮>总糖>总酸>总酚。综合比较,当棒曲霉素初始质量浓度为100μg/L,树脂添加量为14 g/L,吸附温度为40°C时,吸附时间达到90 min时,既能使红枣汁中棒曲霉素含量降低至限量标准50μg/L (36.61μg/L),又能在提高枣汁色值和透光率的同时最大限度保留其营养成分。研究结果为 LSA-900B 树脂在生产实践上的应用提供参考。
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