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光谱测定法的相关文献在1987年到2021年内共计89篇,主要集中在化学、临床医学、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文70篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献117750篇;相关期刊49种,包括法医学杂志、广东公安科技、管理观察等; 相关会议1种,包括2004年全国中药研究暨中药房管理学术研讨会等;光谱测定法的相关文献由189位作者贡献,包括张福胜、朱琳、石元值等。



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  • 张福胜
  • 朱琳
  • 石元值
  • 阮建云
  • 韩文炎
  • 马立锋
  • 刘国庆
  • 吴玉红
  • 山崎丰
  • 布拉德利·施耐德
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 朱海荣; 刘爽; 于燕萍; 徐吉远; 张娟
    • 摘要: 随着植物生长调节剂种类的增多和应用范围的不断扩大,隐形植物生长调节剂引发的农作物生长安全问题,受到政府和消费者的普遍关注.为降低农产品质量安全风险,需进一步完善植物生长调节剂的检测方法,提高检测水平.介绍了常见植物生长调节剂的种类,概述了4种常用的检测植物生长调节剂的方法及其优缺点.展望了随着色谱技术、光谱技术、质谱技术的快速发展,多种分析技术联用将成为植物生长调节剂检测手段的重要发展方向.
    • 梁容(摘译)
    • 摘要: 乙烯是一种气态植物激素,调节多种生物过程,与许多种水果的成熟过程有关,如苹果和梨。更好地了解乙烯浓度对果实成熟过程的影响,可以帮助改善果实采收、贮藏和运输管理。然而,目前用于测量乙烯气体的方法是费时的,而且依赖于复杂的仪器,这些方法包括气相色谱法和光谱测定法。新加坡国立大学化学系食品科学与技术系的研究人员研发出荧光探针,可透过简单的荧光显微镜直观地侦测果实成熟过程中释放的乙烯气体。
    • 王贞贞
    • 摘要: 食品安全理化检测主要外在表征是理化指标、农兽药、重金属等问题,应对这些问题的主要方法有理化检测法和免疫学检测法,这两种方法有特有的优缺点和应用范围.其中,理化检测方法又可以分为色谱分析和光谱测定等方法,这些方法依靠分析检测仪器,大多能进行定性分析和定性检测,灵敏度较高.但部分方法检测程序复杂、费用较高.因此,定性分析和定量检测在食品生产企业中得到了良好的应用.
    • 摘要: 采用井下光学光谱测定法获得原油体积系数和沥青质含量采用井下光谱数据可以获得流体性能、原油体积系数(FVF)和沥青质含量。首先,推导运算方程,建立FVF与新采原油组分和光密度数据的关系。利用含有单级洗涤FVF的新采原油数据库的校正和在实验室里在不同温度和压力下采集的光谱数据获得方程的未知参数。
    • 胡珍珠; 潘存德; 肖冰; 潘鑫
    • 摘要: With the establishment of the models based on spectral characteristic parameter for estimating foliar nitrogen concentrations ofJuglans regia‘Xinwen 185’, this paper aimed to explore spectral technical approaches to rapidly monitoring the foliar N nutritional status ofJuglans regia ‘Xinwen 185’. Based on the field experiment of fertilizer efficiency, the foliar spectral reflectance and N concentrations of the foliar samples under different amounts of N fertilizer, which were applied in the fruit setting period, the fruit rapid-growth period, the fruit fat-change period and the fruit near-mature period, were measured separately with Unispec-SC and chemical analysis in the laboratory. The Pearson correlation analysis of the foliar spectral reflectance and foliar N element concentrations was done in the 4 phenological periods of fruit development, and the spectral characteristic parameters highly significantly correlated with the foliar spectral reflectance and foliar N element concentration were selected. Finally, the spectral characteristic parameter estimating models of the foliar N element concentration were established by employing regression analysis, with the adopted functions including power function, exponential function, semi-log function, linear function, quadratic function and cubic function, and then the independent sample was used to test the precision of the models, of which the one with the highest fitting degree was screened out. The results indicated that the spectral characteristic parameters, highly significantly correlated with the foliar N element concentration (P<0.01), were reflectance of the green peak position and ratio of red index in fruit setting period, yellow edge position, red valley position, ratio of green index, ratio of red index, normalized difference of green index and normalized difference of red index in the fruit fast-growing period, reflectance of the green peak position and ratio of red index in the fruit fat-change period, and reflectance of the green peak position, he spectra slop of yellow edge and red edge area in the fruit near-mature period. Moreover, the absolute values of the correlation coefficient were all greater than 0.96 in the 4 phenological periods of fruit development. Through cubic function analysis with the reflectance of the green peak position, yellow edge position, ratio of red index and the spectra slop of yellow edge as independent variables, the regression estimation models of the foliar N element concentration in the 4 phenological periods of fruit development were established respectively, and their fitting degreesR2 were all above 0.99. In addition, the predicted values for foliar N concentration ofJuglansregia‘Xinwen185’ were relatively close to measured values, and all the models were examined by the confidence ellipse test; and RMSE and the relative errors (RE) of the independent sample tests were only 0.4533 g/kg and 0.4403%, 0.7716 g/kg and -0.3390%, 0.8793 g/kg and -0.3201%, 0.8145 g/kg and -0.1229% separately in the 4 phenological periods of fruit development. The models showed their significant stability and high estimation accuracy. The findings in this paper manifested that it was feasible to monitor foliar N nutritional levels ofJuglans regia ‘Xinwen 185’ in the 4 phenological periods of fruit development by establishing spectral characteristic parameter models of foliar N element concentration estimation. Spectrum technology possesses great application potential in monitoring N element nutritional status of Juglans regia‘Xinwen 185’.%建立基于光谱特征参量的新温185号(Juglans regia‘Xinwen185’)核桃叶片氮素含量估测模型,旨在为快速监测新温185号核桃叶片N素营养状况提供技术途径。基于肥料效应田间试验,测定N肥不同施用量水平下新温185号核桃果实坐果期、速生生长期、脂化期和近成熟期的叶片光谱反射率和N素含量,采用Pearson相关分析方法筛选与叶片N素含量呈极显著相关的光谱特征参量,并应用回归分析方法建立叶片N素含量光谱特征参量估测模型。结果表明:与叶片N素含量呈极显著相关(P<0.01)的光谱特征参量在果实坐果期有绿峰反射率和红色比值指数,在果实速生生长期有黄边位置、红谷反射率和绿色比值指数、红色比值指数、绿色归一化差值指数、红色归一化差值指数,在果实脂化期有绿峰反射率和红色比值指数,在果实近成熟期有绿峰反射率、黄边幅值和红边面积。分别以绿峰反射率、黄边位置、红色比值指数和黄边幅值为自变量采用三次函数建立的果实坐果期、速生生长期、脂化期和近成熟期叶片N素含量回归估测模型的拟合度R2均在0.99以上,且模型具有很好的稳定性和很高的估测精度。表明可采用三次函数建立果实不同生育时期叶片N素含量光谱特征参量估测模型对新温185号核桃树体N素营养水平进行监测。光谱技术在核桃树体N素营养信息探测方面有较大的应用潜力。
    • 刘玲; 纪淑娟; 檀德宏; 蒋东华
    • 摘要: 为寻求简便而准确地对食品加工和贮藏过程中的美拉德反应进行鉴定的方法,该文研究加热食品中葡萄糖和乳球蛋白建立的美拉德反应体系的自由基变化,主要考察影响美拉德反应的温度和 pH 值变化导致的自由基改变,从而确定美拉德反应与其自由基变化之间的相互关系。在3种不同温度、有无氧气和3种不同pH值条件下,利用电子自旋共振(electron spin resonance,ESR)光谱检测美拉德反应自由基变化趋势,结果随温度升高,自由基数量增加,反应速度加快;随 pH 值由酸性向碱性移动,自由基数量增加;自由基数量在无氧条件时多于有氧条件。当自由基积累到一定浓度,由于聚合反应生成高分子聚合物使信号强度下降,最后消失。比较美拉德产物与2种底物产生的自由基发现,无论类型、数量还是生成速率都存在明显差异。研究结果表明,采用自旋捕集剂对不稳定的自由基进行捕集来分析信号能够有效表征加热食品中美拉德反应初中期阶段的自由基变化,从而有效表征和分析美拉德反应过程。与传统研究美拉德反应的分析方法比较,ESR光谱是一种简便灵敏的分析方法,可以作为研究加热食品美拉德反应的重要方法之一。%Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy was used to study the change of free radicals generated by the Maillard reaction of glucose and β-Lactoglobulin in the food-heating process, especially the change of free radicals caused by the changes of the temperature and pH. The relationship between Maillard reaction and the radicals in Maillard reaction can be determined by analyzing the change of the radicals in order to establish a simple and accurate method to evaluate Maillard reaction. Under the conditions of four different temperatures, three pH levels and with or without oxygen, the radical change trend of Maillard reaction was investigated that the radicals increased from 1.7×104 to 2.4×104 and the max reaction speed appeared from 90 min to 5min with temperature rise from 50-80°C. The radicals increased from 5×103 to 2.4×104 and the reaction sped up with pH rise from 5.0 to 8.0. The radical’s amount raised and the radical signal intensity were higher under anaerobic conditions with pH increasing. When radicals were accumulated to a certain concentration, the signal strength dropped and finally disappeared due to its own collision or polymerization. Compared with the radicals of two types of substrates, the radicals of products of the Maillard reaction in type, quantity and rate of formation. It is proved that the stable signal of radicals obtained by the spin trapping can effectively present the reaction trend of radicals in the early and middle stages in the Maillard reaction of food heating, and it is easy to reflect the change of Maillard reaction. Compared with the traditional detection methods of the Maillard reaction, ESR spectroscopy is a simple and sensitive method of radical detection, and can be used as an important research method of Maillard reaction for food heating.
    • 张伟; 潘磊庆; 屠康
    • 摘要: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2012.21.021%  为了检测鸡种蛋孵化前期胚胎发育情况,构建了高光谱图像采集系统,在400~1000 nm范围内获取90枚种蛋孵化前3天的高光谱透射图像.通过独立分量方法对高光谱数据进行分析降维,优选出571、614、661、691和716 nm共5个特征波长,提取每个波长下的光谱平均值和标准偏差,获得每个样品10个特征变量.为了消除变量之间相关性,利用主成分分析提取了4个主成分变量,在此基础上构建了学习向量量化(LVQ)神经网络判别模型.验证性试验均表明该模型具有较高的稳定度(变异系数为1.7),对第1,2,3天的测试样本判别准确率分别为78.8%,90.3%和98.6%.结果表明高光谱图像技术可以检测种蛋孵化前期胚胎发育情况.
    • 张东彦; 黄文江; 王纪华; 杨贵军; 朱大洲; 刘镕源n; 马智宏
    • 摘要: 为了验证自主研制的扫描成像光谱仪(PIS)在近地应用的可行性,该文以小麦、玉米为研究对象,利用PIS近地获取作物冠层和叶片的高光谱图像,在对田间和室内获得的成像数据进行对比分析的同时,探讨了成像光谱采集过程中的影响因素.此外,将PIS获取的成像高光谱与地物光谱仪(ASD)测定的高光谱进行比对研究.结果表明:PIS能准确收集作物的光谱信息,且采集的高光谱数据与ASD具有很好的一致性;PIS在田间采集作物光谱信息时,受氧气吸收的影响,在760nm处有明显的干扰吸收;PIS除了能反映作物不同叶位叶片、不同器官光谱的差异,还可依据影像提取杂草、土壤对作物冠层光谱的影响程度.上述初步结果为进一步应用PIS进行农作物长势诊断提供了参考.
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