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形成年代的相关文献在1978年到2022年内共计143篇,主要集中在地质学、自然地理学、音乐 等领域,其中期刊论文132篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献104907篇;相关期刊109种,包括集团经济研究、东南文化、收藏等; 相关会议8种,包括全国第二十届洞穴学术会议、中国古生物学会第十一次全国会员代表大会暨第27届学术年会、福建省科学技术协会第十二届学术年会——地学分论坛等;形成年代的相关文献由239位作者贡献,包括任一鑫、刘恩涛、刘淑琴等。



论文:132 占比:0.13%


论文:8 占比:0.01%


论文:104907 占比:99.87%





  • 任一鑫
  • 刘恩涛
  • 刘淑琴
  • 吕晓霞
  • 唐正安
  • 孙星群
  • 张策
  • 李有利
  • 李润
  • 池永翔
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 贾屾; 何登发; 韩文明; 胡滨
    • 摘要: 东非裂谷东支肯尼亚裂谷包括5个重点凹陷,除South Lokichar凹陷外,其余凹陷均无发现.肯尼亚裂谷的形成演化及动力机制认识不清是制约油气勘探的关键.通过系统分析肯尼亚裂谷不同凹陷形成年代、裂谷类型和动力机制、构造演化和沉积充填过程,得到以下几点认识:①South Lokichar凹陷形成时间早,地层年代老.South Lokichar凹陷主要发育晚渐新世-中中新世地层;Turkana、Kerio及North Lokichar凹陷以中中新世-全新世地层为主;Kerio Valley凹陷主要发育中-晚中新世地层;②阿法尔地幔柱和肯尼亚地幔柱的隆升控制肯尼亚裂谷的形成演化.South Lokichar凹陷的形成演化主要受阿法尔地幔柱控制;其余4个凹陷主要受肯尼亚地幔柱控制;③不同类型的凹陷构造演化和沉积充填差异较大.South Lokichar凹陷与Kerio Valley凹陷为被动型裂谷,构造演化经历初始裂陷期、主裂陷期和裂陷后期三个阶段,在主裂陷期发育优质烃源岩;Turkana、Kerio及North Lokichar凹陷为主动型裂谷,构造演化包括火山事件活动期和间歇期,以厚层火山岩和粗碎屑沉积为主;④肯尼亚裂谷演化分为三期:Ⅰ期裂谷为晚渐新世—中中新世;Ⅱ期裂谷为中—晚中新世;Ⅲ期裂谷为上新世—现今.
    • 朱乃诚
    • 摘要: 三星堆文明形成于三星堆遗址二期,具体年代大致在公元前1600年至公元前1500年.三星堆文明是在三星堆遗址二期受到二里头文化、齐家文化的影响下产生的,形成时期包含了二里头文化、齐家文化以及宝墩文化的继承者等三种文化因素.二里头文化与齐家文化对成都平原地区的影响,促使当地的本土文化发生巨变,导致三星堆文明的形成.由于三星堆文明形成过程中继承了一些二里头文化所代表的夏文明因素以及齐家文化因素,所以在三星堆文明的发展过程中,尽管受到中原商文明的影响,但其所呈现出的最主要的文化特征即表明三星堆文明特质的文明因素,却迥异于商文明.
    • 常立果; 韩晶杰
    • 摘要: 本文梳理《黄帝内经》运气学说有关历法方面的内容,归纳出四分历、历元、干支纪年、气朔、置闰、三百六十日法、五星、夏时、漏刻9个问题.然后从历法学角度对这些问题的发展历史做了逐一回顾,提取这些发展历史中的重大事件作为断代标尺,以之来衡量运气学说所描述的历法内容,从而推论出运气学说的形成年代.最后的结论是其形成年代的下限在唐代以前,上限则基本否定了其形成于先秦、秦、汉初的可能性,更支持其形成于西汉中后期,或东汉以后,甚至南北朝之后.
    • 陶亚玲; 常宏; 强小科
    • 摘要: The First Bend along the Changjiang River formed in the southeast margin of the Tibet Plateau and the middle of Three Parallel Rivers area,located within the fold belt that formed between the northward subducting Indian plate and the stable Yangtze Platform.The rivers evolution in this region is critically related to the tectonic deformation.Large-scale strike-slip faults,linear geomorphic features,block mountains and graben basins widely formed,near the First Bend along Changjiang River,where the river landscape is one ideal indicators for studying the tectonic,climate and other geological processes.There are four levels of terraces(T1~ T4)formed at the Judian-Daju segment of Jinsha River.In this paper,we mainly studied the T1 and T2 terraces of this segment from two aspects,including the analysis of the morphological characteristics and the chronology study of terraces.We collected the sand samples of the first-order terrace and the second-order terrace to constraint the ages by the optical luminescence dating.And we also analyzed the longitudinal profile,cross profile and plane distribution characteristics and other morphological characteristics of terraces.We employed data from digital elevation model(DEM) to study the plane features of the terraces and compared with the valley cross section.We suggest that the preservation of the terraces is closely related to the river bend and the width of the valley.The terraces were well preserved in a wider and more crooked valley.The height of fluvial terrace staircases above the local river level is used for inferring relative tectonic motions between the segments.The correlated longitudinal terrace profiles show no distinct relative tectonic movements within the catchment area.However,the elevation of terrace above the river water is increased along the Jinsha River to the lower reaches of the Tiger Leaping Gorge.During our field investigation,we found that the downstream incision rate of our study area is higher than upstream.Those results demonstrate that the downstream segment behaved as different tectonic block under differential tectonic movement and the Haba-Yulong micro-block possibly experienced a faster uplift.The OSL ages of T1 and T2 are 9~ 12 ka and 15~20 ka respectively.We complemented the chronology of the terraces around The First Bend.Terraces (T2 ~ T4) near the First Bend are generally covered by the paleosol-like deposits,and height difference between each terrace is relatively light.The second terrace was made up by several binary-structured deposits cycle that indicate Bouma sequence.The sedimentary features and the chronology suggest that the deposition of T2 is formed during the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM:21~ 18 ka),and the subsequent erosion process may occurred after 15 ka or even later.T1 deposited in the warm period during the Holocene.It's clear that the formation and incision processes of the two terraces occurred under different climatic conditions.This may indicate that the stronger the tectonic movement was,the better the climatic imprint as expressed in the form of the development of the terrace.In addition,the ages and incision rates of the terrace are much more lager in the downstream,so we speculate that the inferred tectonic motions played a key role in the terrace incision process.%通过DEM及野外调查,提取和分析长江第一弯河流阶地的空间位置及分布特征,认为在河流弯曲及宽阔河段阶地的保存范围大于其他河段;根据阶地序列年代学研究提出,长江第一弯河段T1和T2堆积阶地分别形成于9~12 ka和15~20 ka,这两级最新阶地分别形成于不同的气候背景.T2开始堆积于末次冰盛期(LGM),下切于15 ka前后;而T1堆积于全新世初期的大暖期,下切于9 ka前后.而且,两级阶地均存在向断裂方向的上翘,河谷摆向断裂上升盘的相反一侧;河流下切速率也向着断裂方向增大.因此,河流阶地的形成应该受到构造因素的控制,而气候作用对河流下切有明显的影响.
    • 黄志全; 张蒙飞; 于怀昌; 张振华; 谭晔
    • 摘要: In order to study the influence of the formation age on the dynamic characteristics of loess,the Q4 Holocene loess, the Q3 late Pleistocene loess and the Q2 Middle Pleistocene loess are studied by resonant column test. The result shows that un-der the same conditions,the dynamic shear modulus G increases with the formation age;the dynamic shear modulus fitting with two common empirical models shows that the Davidenkov model is more accurate than the Hardin-Drnevich model,and the fit-ting parameters of the models are obtained;the Davidenkov model is used to fit the relationship between the maximum dynamic shear modulus and the consolidation stress of loess of different ages and the fitting parameters are determined;the damping ratio D increases with the increasing of the formation time,and the damping ratio is approximately linear with the shear strain in the semi-logarithmic coordinate system.%为研究形成年代对黄土动力特性的影响,对Q4全新世黄土、Q3晚更新世黄土和Q2中更新世黄土试样进行共振柱试验研究.结果表明:在相同条件下,动剪切模量G随形成年代的增加而增加;对动剪切模量采用两种常见的经验模型进行拟合对比,结果发现Davidenkov模型要比Hardin—Drnevich模型更加精确,并给出了模型的拟合参数;采用经验公式对不同年代黄土的最大动剪切模量和固结应力之间的关系进行了拟合,并确定了拟合参数;阻尼比也随形成年代的增加而增加,在半对数坐标系中,阻尼比与剪应变呈近似线性关系.
    • 戴和冰
    • 摘要: 海盐腔是早期南戏的重要声腔,在杂剧盛行的时代,它的形成是由"剧"到"剧"的体系内衍生和传承,但是,南戏并不都唱南曲,南曲是南戏发展到一定时期的产物,是歌谣进一步发展的产物.海盐腔不仅要歌唱,还必须是具有南方海盐特色的歌唱,并最终将歌谣土调纳入曲牌体制.陆采《冶城客论》及徐渭《南词叙录》所言"南都"以"南曲北调"演唱《琵琶记》的"浙音"即是最早的海盐腔,时在明初,具体形成时间在洪武元年至十年(1368—1377)间.
    • 古萍
    • 摘要: 数年前,因查找花鼓戏的资料,偶然发现,有位叫桂遇秋的作者,在黄梅戏的研究上出了很多成果。相继,我拜读了他的《黄梅采茶戏的形成与发展》《黄梅采茶戏形成年代的几种说法》《几个花鼓剧种与黄梅戏也有点渊源》《民间说唱文学与黄梅戏的历史渊源》《黄梅戏与民间歌舞》《黄梅戏中的茶戏》《启蒙读物在黄梅戏中的运用》等等文章。当时感到,这位作者在黄梅戏的研究领域挖了一口“深井”。
    • 知言
    • 摘要: 科学家利用两种不同的地质年代测定技术研究发现,在澳大利亚西部一个牧场发现的一小块锆石晶体,是地球上已知最古老的物质,其形成年代可以追溯到44亿年前。地球诞生于45亿年前,最初是一个由熔岩组成的星球。由这块锆石晶体的地质年龄推断,地壳在地球诞生1亿年后、即在太阳系诞生1.6亿年后形成。这一地质时期被称为冥古宙,之所以用希腊神话中的冥王来命名,
    • 摘要: 内核是地球内部结构最深的部分,是一个比冥王星稍大的固态铁球,外面包被着液态的外核。内核也是地球的一个相对较新的组成部分,关于其形成年代的科学讨论非常热烈,估算的时间范围为5亿~20亿年前。一项2015年10月发表于Nature的研究显示,地球的内核是10亿~15亿年前从熔融的外核中“冻结”的。研究者在元古代的火成岩中发现古地磁在这段时间强度急剧增加,指示了内核固态铁的首次出现。
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