您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> 通电加热


通电加热的相关文献在1991年到2022年内共计225篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、电工技术、金属学与金属工艺 等领域,其中期刊论文105篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献219664篇;相关期刊66种,包括企业科技与发展、教学仪器与实验、哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议6种,包括2012年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学学术年会、2011年中国农业工程学会农产品加工及贮藏工程分会学术年会暨全国食品科学与工程博士生学术论坛、管产学研助推食品安全重庆高峰论坛、纪念中国农业工程学会成立三十周年暨中国农业工程学会2009年学术年会(CSAE2009)等;通电加热的相关文献由327位作者贡献,包括李法德、杨铭铎、孙玉利等。



论文:105 占比:0.05%


论文:6 占比:0.00%


论文:219664 占比:99.95%





  • 李法德
  • 杨铭铎
  • 孙玉利
  • 李钢
  • 杨玉娥
  • 李星恕
  • 陈霞
  • 王冉冉
  • 吴林涛
  • 宫崎力
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 郭建军
    • 摘要: 例1:一台苏泊尔电磁炉,通电加热一会儿后自动停止加热。分析检修:拆机检测IGBT管温检测电路.炉面温度检测电路,未见异常。通电,测量主板上的+5V、+8V等电压正常。检测中发现风扇风力不足,更换风扇后试机,故障排除。
    • 王若平; 毛炯辉; 刘静; 贾涓; 刘文艳; 张彦文
    • 摘要: 通过对低温高磁感取向硅钢热轧板通电加热处理,发现将热轧板以55°C/s从室温加热到1 000°C后降温,在1 000~950°C降温过程中保持时间2~5 s,可以获得与常化工艺等效的热轧板织构组分,根据所得结果,讨论了在热轧轧机后段增加电加热装置,从而代替常化工艺生产高磁感取向硅钢的可能性.
    • 王若平; 毛炯辉; 刘静; 贾涓; 刘文艳; 张彦文
    • 摘要: 通过对低温高磁感取向硅钢热轧板通电加热处理,发现将热轧板以55°C/s从室温加热到1000°C后降温,在1000~950°C降温过程中保持时间2~5 s,可以获得与常化工艺等效的热轧板织构组分,根据所得结果,讨论了在热轧轧机后段增加电加热装置,从而代替常化工艺生产高磁感取向硅钢的可能性。
    • 摘要: 最近韩国机器研究院研发出的新材料,将可穿戴机器人化身为“肌肉布料”,你只需要穿上用这种布料制作的衣服,就能瞬间轻松变身大力士。“肌肉布料”不需要颔外的发动机,人们通过通电加热即可调整它的工作状态。通过自身的收缩与舒张,分担操作者的受力,从而使操作者能够承受更大的力量,完成对重物的托举与搬运。
    • 王元荪
    • 摘要: 涉及一种提高钢管内壁硬度的方法,采用扫描式感应淬火工艺,对整个钢管内壁进行热处理,将感应线圈放置于钢管,钢管相对于感应线圈发生旋转及相对移动;在钢管与感应线圈发生相对移动过程中,感应线圈通电加热,加热后立即对加热后钢管进行喷水冷却;加热频率选择在500~2000 Hz;钢管相对于感应线圈的移动速度为3~6 mm/s,钢管旋转速度5~20 r/m。与常规热处理或不处理钢管相比,该发明利用感应加热的集肤效应,加热过程中钢管内壁温度高,外壁温度低,形成一个温度梯度;通过喷水冷却后,达到提高内壁硬度和耐磨性的目的,同时钢管外壁基本保持原有基体组织的韧性和强度等机械性能。
    • 张烈; 程裕东; 金银哲
    • 摘要: 为探索通电加热作为淡水鱼类加工方式的可行性,以草鱼为研究对象,采用LCR测量仪,测定了经50 Hz,20 V交流电加热后,草鱼鱼块(并联、串联)、碎鱼肉、带皮鱼块样品在10~80°C温度范围、50~20 kHz频率范围内的阻抗值,并计算样品电导率.实验结果表明,三种样品(并联及串联鱼块、碎鱼肉)的电导率均呈现出随频率增大而增大、随温度升高而升高的趋势,其中,受鱼块内部膜方向的影响,并联、串联样品电导率有显著差异(p<0.05);碎鱼肉样品消除了鱼肉内部膜的影响,其电导率值介于并联、串联样品之间.带皮鱼块样品由于鱼皮的存在,比起其他样品有不同的电导率值,鱼皮平行于电流放置时电导率值高于鱼皮垂直电流放置的值.%To verify the feasibility of ohmic heating (OH) as a food thermal processing method for freshwater fish,grass carp,which is one of the four domestic Chinese carps,was used as the object.The impedance of grass carp fillets(parallel,series),minced fish and samples with skin were measured with a LCR meter under 50 Hz~20 kHz after being heated via 50 Hz,20 V alternating current within a temperature range of 10~80 °C,afterwards the electrical conductivity(EC) of all the samples were calculated and analyzed.The results showed that all samples displayed a tendency that EC increased with rising temperature and frequency.To fillets samples,due to the existence of membrane and its different direction against the electric current,there was significant difference between EC of parallel and series samples(p < 0.05).The EC of minced fish was among the value of parallel and series samples with eliminating the influence of muscle membrane.The sample with skin showed distinct range of EC when compared with other groups of samples,which was influenced by skin,and electrical conductivity was higher when the skin was parallel to the current.
    • 王晓燕; 潘晓炀; 程裕东; 金银哲
    • 摘要: As an internal heating technology,ohmic heating is a method using the inherent electrical resistance of food materials to generate heat.Compared with other heating methods,ohmic heating is faster and more uniform in heating.In this review,the main components of ohmic heating equipment and its effects on electrical conductivity of food were discussed.The mathematical simulation of the temperature distribution of food during ohmic heating was also summarized.Moreover,the applications of ohmic heating for food including blanching,evaporation,dehydration,fermentation,extraction,thawing,and sterilization were classified.In addition,the research prospect of ohmic heating for food was presented.%通电加热是利用食品物料本身的电阻抗来产生热量的加热技术,是一种内加热方法.与其他加热方式相比,具有加热快速、均匀的特点.文章介绍了通电加热装置的主要组成,总结了电导率的影响因素,概述了通电加热过程中食品的温度分布模拟,归纳整理出通电加热在热烫、脱水、蒸发、发酵、提取、解冻、灭菌等方面的应用,并对食品通电加热技术的应用前景进行了展望.
    • 陈超; 邱伟强; 福冈美香; 酒井升; 程裕东; 金银哲
    • 摘要: Dielectric loss rate of white and red muscles of yellowtail fillets were calculated from measured electrical conductivity at frequencies between 50 and 20 000 Hz from 15 to 80 °C to provide insights on improving the modeling of continuous ohmic heating (OH) in fish products by LCR (Heinrich Lenz-Capacitor-Resistance).The effects of frequency,temperature,muscle composition (moisture and fat content),muscle and current direction (parallel and series),and muscle membrane on dielectric loss rate were investigated during OH.At 20 kHz,the dielectric loss rate of yellowtail fillets increased with the increase of frequency and temperature.Compared with red muscle,white muscle has a higher dielectric loss rate.The parallel type of yellowtail fillets has a higher dielectric loss rate than the series type.Temperature,fat,moisture contents,and current direction all influenced the dielectric loss rate,especially the muscle membrane which connected fiber has a major influence to both types of muscles.The structure change,protein denaturation and drip loss were also the influence factors during heat processing.Protein denaturation lead to the drip loss,and drip loss rate increased with the increase of temperature.The maximum drip loss was about 14% when temperature increased to 80 °C.The membrane is one of the main factors affecting the dielectric loss rate and heating rate during ohmic heating.%为了测定鰤鱼鱼片的介电损失率,通过LCR(heinrich lenz-capacitor-resistance)测试仪直接测定了通电加热过程中鰤鱼鱼片的电导率,并利用电导率计算得到了用于加热(如通电、微波、射频加热等)模拟所需的重要参数-介电损失率,考察了频率(50 ~20 000 Hz)、温度(15 ~ 80°C)、水分及脂肪含量(白色与红色鱼块)、电流方向与鱼块的摆放方式(并联和串联)对鱼片介电损失率的影响.结果表明:介电损失率随频率和温度的增加而增加;脂肪含量少的白色鱼块的介电损失率较脂肪含量多的红色鱼块更高;并联模式的介电损失率较串联模式更高,膜的存在会影响电子的移动,降低电导率,使介电损失率降低.样品结构变化、加热过程中蛋白质变性和汁液损失也是介电损失率变化的影响因素.蛋白质变性导致汁液流失,汁液损失率随着温度的升高而增加,80°C时可达14%左右.鱼片中膜的存在是影响其介电损失率的主要原因之一,也会影响通电加热时的加热速率.
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