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缺血损伤的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计165篇,主要集中在外科学、内科学、神经病学与精神病学 等领域,其中期刊论文97篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献26583篇;相关期刊81种,包括现代医院、解剖学杂志、国际护理学杂志等; 相关会议5种,包括中华医学会第十五次全国心血管病学大会、世界中医药学会联合会心血管病专业委员会第四届学术大会、第一届全国中西医结合心血管病中青年医师论坛等;缺血损伤的相关文献由584位作者贡献,包括李爱民、陈慧珍、刘希光等。



论文:97 占比:0.36%


论文:5 占比:0.02%


论文:26583 占比:99.62%





  • 李爱民
  • 陈慧珍
  • 刘希光
  • 宾建平
  • 廖禹林
  • 徐进旺
  • 齐炼文
  • 张蕾
  • 王俊芬
  • 王端磊
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 贾崧淏; 韩杰; 贡鸣; 张宏家; 姜文剑
    • 摘要: 自从1967年第1例心脏移植手术以来,心脏移植手术始终是治疗难治性终末期心力衰竭最有效的治疗方法,据报道1年生存率为85%~93%,10年的长期生存率高达69%[1-3]。近年来,心脏移植在手术技术、免疫治疗、器官分配系统等方面都取得了重大进展[4]。然而,在供体心脏保存方面,应用最多的仍是传统低温保存法。这种保存策略不可避免的引入了时间依赖性缺血损伤
    • 詹雅清; 赖汉津; 沈建通; 温仕宏; 黄文起
    • 摘要: 程序性坏死(Necroptosis)是一种细胞非凋亡性的程序性死亡,主要由受体相互作用蛋白激酶1和3介导,为近年来细胞死亡研究领域的热点.程序性坏死可由细胞外炎症和促进细胞死亡的相关信号诱发,进一步介导细胞内坏死复合体的形成及相关蛋白激酶激活.明确程序性坏死的发生机制及其在围手术期缺血损伤性疾病中的作用,将有助于提高对细胞死亡及器官缺血损伤机制的认识,同时选择合适的临床治疗策略.
    • 杨利强; 徐伟杰; 关欣
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨miR-132在氧糖剥夺诱导原代皮质神经元缺血损伤中的作用.方法 体外培养原代皮质神经元细胞,构建氧糖剥夺(OGD/R)模型模拟缺血再灌注损伤.细胞随机分为假手术组(Sham)、OGD组、慢病毒对照组(LV-control)、miR-132低表达组(LV-anti-miR-132)、miR-132过表达组(LV-miR-132).采用CCK-8、real-time PCR、Western blot等技术研究miR-132对OGD损伤原代皮质神经元的影响和机制.结果 miR-132在OGD诱导的缺血损伤模型中表达水平明显降低(P<0.05);在OGD诱导原代皮质神经元缺血损伤过程中,降低miR-132的表达,会加剧OGD损伤明显减少细胞活力;增加miR-132表达水平,会减轻OGD损伤提升细胞存活率.Western blot结果显示,过表达miR-132会上调突触相关蛋白Synapsin-1、PSD95蛋白表达水平.结论 过表达miR-132通过上调突触相关蛋白Synapsin-1、PSD95的表达水平改善OGD诱导的缺血损伤,提高原代皮质神经元的存活率.
    • 徐雪影; 张银英; 李云; 李斌飞; 侯六生; 黄伟钊; 杨婷
    • 摘要: 目的 总结体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)在成人心源性休克(CS)中的临床救治经验,探讨ECMO的临床应用价值及导致下肢缺血损伤的可能危险因素.方法 回顾性分析该院2009年7月~2014年7月因传统药物和(或)主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)无效而行ECMO救治的成人CS患者的临床资料,排除辅助前合并颅脑损伤及多器官功能衰竭,根据患者是否合并下肢缺血将其分为缺血损伤组(9例)与无缺血损伤组(49例),通过组间单因素比较筛选出影响脱机的可能危险因素.结果 在ECMO患者中,建立循环时间15~25 min,辅助时间(132.5±89.2)h,成功脱机35例,康复出院26例.与无下肢缺血损伤组比较,患者的平均年龄、糖尿病比例、心脏骤停比例、血乳酸水平、无放置远端插管以及ECMO辅助时间均高于血运正常组(均P0.05).结论 ECMO是救治成人心源性休克的较有效手段,肢体远端缺血损伤可直接影响疗效,尽早识别发生并发症的高危因素,并采取有效的措施积极防治,是降低肢体远端缺血发生率、提高ECMO辅助成功的关键.
    • 卓洋; 李爱民; 刘希光; 李清斌; 纪子腾; 陈慧珍
    • 摘要: Objective To estabhsh an ischemic model of intratemporal facial nerve (IFN) via the mastoid process approach.Methods From February,2015 to December,2015,45 SD rats were divided randomly into an operation group (n=35) and a shame group (n=10) in random,the right side facial nerve was used for the operation and the left side served as the control in both groups.Establish the IFN ischemia model by interrupting the petrosal artery through the mastoid process approach.Facial nerve function were evaluated at the 12h and everyday postoperatively for 28 days.The degree of IFN swelling were studied by taking paraffin sections of the decalcified temporal bone containing the IFN instantly and at the 1st,3rd,7th,14th and 21st days postoperatively.Then calculated the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the IFN and the facial canal (FN/FC).The data of behavior assessment and FC/FN were analyzed using ANOVA.Twenty-eight days after the insult,took continuous sections of brainstem containing facial nucleus,then counted the number of the facial neurons.At last,analysed the results of both operation and control sides in each group by using the student-t test.Results Facial nerve paralysis developed at 12 hour after surgery,then continued deteriorated till the 7th day.By the 28th day postoperatively,all rats in surgery group recovered and data showed no significance statistically when compared with the shame group (P<0.05).From the value of FN/FC in different groups,the nerve were found swelling in the facial canal was increasing from the 1st postoperatively and reach the peak value at the 7th day after surgery.By the 21st day,the FN/FC come to steady but remain significant statistically when compared with the contralateral side(P<0.05).In the operation group,facial neurons of injury side exhibited significantly loss [(41.5±3.8)%] when compared with the shame group [(98.1±4.0)%](P<0.05).Conclusion Rats with petrosal artery interrupted exhibited significant deficits.This approach involved less tissue injury,studies on the mechanisms and therapy could become more reliable using this approach.%目的 建立一种组织损伤轻、入路更便捷、更符合临床的面神经缺血大鼠模型. 方法 从2015年2月至12月,依据随机数字表将45只成年SD大鼠随机分为手术组(n=35)和假手术组(n=10).手术组采用耳后切口,经乳突入路暴露并阻断岩动脉.假手术组仅暴露岩动脉,不予阻断,两组均取左侧作为自身对照组.于术后12h及连续28 d从瞬目反射、触须摆动情况对面神经功能进行观察与评价;于术后即刻,第1、3、7、14、21天共6个时间点(每个时间点5只)取含有面神经的颞骨进行切片,计算含膝状神经节段面神经干与面神经管横切面面积之比.面神经功能和面神经肿胀程度均使用单因素方差分析,不同时间点之间比较使用LSD法进行比较;面神经功能稳定后取含有面神经的脑干进行连续切片,计算双侧面神经元计总数,对各组数据采用t检验进行统计学分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义. 结果 ①手术组术后12 h即观察到面瘫,第7天达到高峰,后逐渐缓解,至第28天时面神经功能基本恢复至术前水平,与假手术组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).②损伤侧术后1d即出现面神经干肿胀,至第7天达到高峰,第21天时趋于稳定,但与对侧相比,仍存在面神经于肿胀(P<0.05).③至面神经功能稳定时,手术组和假手术组面神经元存活率分别为(41.5±3.8)%和(98.1±4.0)%,缺血面神经干侧面神经元数量明显较少(P<0.05). 结论 采用乳突小泡入路阻断岩动脉后.出现了较为典型的面神经损伤表现,所得数据稳定.此模型对组织损伤较小,采用此模型进行面神经膝状神经节段缺血损伤机制及治疗等方面研究,获得的结果将更为可靠.
    • 葛婷婷; 余勤; 祝莉; 周丽萍
    • 摘要: [目的]研究二甲基乙二酰基甘氨酸(dimethyloxalglycine,DMOG)对体外培养的间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)成骨分化和缺血损伤的影响.[方法]利用全骨髓贴壁法获得MSCs,诱导其向成骨细胞分化,同时给予20μM、40μM、80μM的DMOG处理,培养3d、7d、14d时分别进行碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,ALP)的定量测定,培养14d时进行硝酸银染色;建立MSCs缺血损伤模型,同时给予不同浓度DMOG处理,Western blot检测MSCs中Bcl-2/Bax蛋白的表达,MTT法检测MSCs增殖能力,台盼蓝染色检测MSCs细胞活力.[结果]DMOG处理可促进MSCs成骨分化中ALP的表达,且DMOG 20μM处理促进作用最显著;各组MSCs成骨分化中ALP的表达均呈时间依赖性增加.DMOG 20μM组黑色矿化基质分泌明显多于其余各组.40μM DMOG可以显著提高缺血损伤MSCs中Bcl-2蛋白的表达、抑制Bax蛋白的表达,可显著促进缺血损伤MSCs的增殖能力和存活率,DMOG的20μM、80μM处理无显著促进或抑制作用.[结论]DMOG 20μM可显著促进MSCs成骨分化能力,DMOG 40μM可有效提高缺血损伤MSCs的增殖能力和存活率.%[Objective]Isolating and culturing rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) in vitro, we aimed to understand the effects of different concentrations of DMOG on their osteogenic differentiation and ischemic injury. [Methods]Whole bone marrow adherent method was used to obtain the MSCs, MSCs were induced to differentiate into osteoblast while giving 20μM, 40μM, 80μM concentrations of DMOG, and conducted the quantitative measurement of alkali quantitative phosphatase(ALP) at the time when cultivated 3d, 7d and 14d, respectively, and performed Von Kossa staining when cultured 14d;Established MSCs ischemic injury model, while treated with different concentrations of DMOG, protein level of Bcl-2/Bax was detected by Western blot , then MTT method was used to detect the MSCs proliferation ability, and trypan blue staining was used to detect the MSCs viability. [Results]DMOG treatment may promote the ALP expression in osteogenic differentiation of MSCs, and DMOG 20μM treatment had the most significant role in promoting;ALP expression of each group in the osteogenic differentiation of MSCs increased in a time-dependent manner. In DMOG 20μM group, the black mineralizing matrix secretion was significantly more than other groups. 40μM DMOG can significantly improve the expression of Bcl-2 protein, inhibit the expression of Bax protein in ischemic injury MSCs, and significantly promote proliferation and survival ability of ischemic injury MSCs, DMOG 20μM, 80μM treatment had no significant promotion or inhibition effect. [Conclusion]DMOG 20μM could significantly promote osteogenic differentiation ability of MSCs;DMOG 40μM could effectively improve the proliferation ability and survival rate of ischemic injury MSCs.
    • 摘要: 最近,由中山大学附属第一医院副院长、器官移植科学术带头人何晓顺团队成功完成“不中断血流”肝移植手术,这是全球首例。器官移植技术问世63年以来,志愿者捐献的器官都要经过“灌注、低温保存、再灌注”的过程,才能移植到受捐患者的体内。但是,采用“热移植”新技术后,捐献的器官不需要灌洗,也不需要放在冷藏箱保存。
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