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HPLC-MS的相关文献在1998年到2022年内共计340篇,主要集中在药学、中国医学、化学 等领域,其中期刊论文329篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献1篇;相关期刊179种,包括中成药、现代药物与临床、解放军药学学报等; 相关会议10种,包括2010中药炮制技术、学术交流暨产业发展高峰论坛、中国物理学会质谱分会第八届全国会员代表大会暨第九届全国学术交流会、第六届全国毛细管电泳及相关微分离分析学术报告会等;HPLC-MS的相关文献由1240位作者贡献,包括丁黎、李焕德、王广基等。



论文:329 占比:96.76%


论文:10 占比:2.94%


论文:1 占比:0.29%





  • 丁黎
  • 李焕德
  • 王广基
  • 张兰桐
  • 张辉
  • 彭文兴
  • 朱运贵
  • 杨劲
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  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 赵翠; 徐宝燕; 兰公剑
    • 摘要: 目的建立检测厄贝沙坦中潜在基因毒性杂质4’-溴甲基-2-氰基联苯的液质联用方法。方法选择三重四极杆质谱仪(电喷雾离子源ESI)进行检测,流动相为0.1%甲酸水溶液-甲醇梯度洗脱。结果该方法专属性良好;标准曲线线性范围1.25~100 ng/ml;检测限浓度为1.25 ng/ml,定量限浓度为2.5 ng/ml;精密度RSD均小于5.0%;回收率为89.2%~91.6%,准确度良好;耐用性良好。结论该方法简单灵敏准确,可以较好地满足厄贝沙坦原料生产中潜在基因毒性杂质4’-溴甲基2-氰基联苯的检测。
    • 廖吕; 方祥聪; 冯志强
    • 摘要: 通过对细菌群不同时间产生的生物膜信号分子N-酰基-高丝氨酸内酯类化合物(N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones,AHLs)进行测定,得出细菌群在生长过程中信号分子的含量与其生长繁殖的时间关系,对微生物导致食品腐败的风险评估具有一定的指导意义。利用高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS)MRM模式,使用色谱柱为2.1 mm×50 mm(3μm,4μm),采用电喷雾离子源正离子模式,分析时间为1.5~7 min,建立细菌群体感应信号分子AHLs类标准信号分子的测定方法,将大肠杆菌所分泌的信号分子通过乙酸乙酯萃取处理之后,加入甲醇进样分析,同标准信号分子进行对比。成功建立了6种标准信号分子的快速测定条件,利用该测定条件对大肠杆菌所分泌的信号分子的种类和数量变化进行检测,得到了大肠杆菌不同时间的信号分子随时间变化的增长图,可在未来对食品的货架期进行预测,大大缩短食品货架期试验时间。
    • ZHANG Zhi-jun; ZHANG Jing; TANG Zhong-wen; WANG Yan-peng; GAO Teng-teng; LIU Xiao-min; MA Feng-wang; LI Chao
    • 摘要: Dopamine is a catecholamine and an anti-oxidant which functions in responses to stress and it interacts with plant hormones to mediate plant development.At present,there are few studies on the functions of dopamine in apple.This study developed a method for dopamine determination which was used to analyze dopamine in Malus germplasm,in order to clarify the tissue distribution,developmental changes,diurnal variations,and stress responses in apple trees.First,the proposed method was verified.The linear range of quantification was robust from 0.1 to 20 ng mL^(–1).The instrumental,inter-day precision,and sample repeatability relative standard deviations were 1.024,5.607,and 7.237%,respectively.The spiked recovery was greater than 100%,indicating the feasibility of the method and its suitability for the rapid analysis of dopamine in Malus.Next,the dopamine content was measured in 322 Malus tissues.The results showed that the dopamine level in Malus was low and the average dopamine content in leaf was higher than in peel and flesh.The dopamine had a skewed distribution that deviated to the right in cultivars and wild accessions.Finally,the tissue specificity,developmental changes,diurnal changes,and responses to stress were analyzed.In cultivar ‘Pinova’(Malus domestica),the dopamine concentration was the highest in leaf buds and lowest in flesh.The dopamine contents in leaf and flesh decreased with the growth and development of cultivar ‘Liangxiang’(Malus domestica).The dopamine content of apple leaves was higher after either drought or salinity stress as compared to the control.In this study,a dopamine detection method for apple was established based on HPLC-MS and shown to be a robust approach.This study provides a framework for future research on elucidating the tissue distribution,developmental changes,diurnal variation,and stress responses of dopamine in apple trees.
    • 张扬; 杨靖; 高建萍; 陈毅; 孔英俊; 夏磊磊; 张贵锋; 李勇超
    • 摘要: 对山茱萸环烯醚萜苷类(Cornus iridoid glycosides,CIG)成分进行提取、富集和鉴定,并探究其对血管内皮细胞增殖、形态和凋亡的影响。通过超声提取CIG并经D101大孔树脂去除色素和糖等影响检测的成分,CIG提取物经HPLC-MS检测并与标准品比对和鉴定。通过细胞增殖实验、激光共聚焦显微镜观察和细胞凋亡实验探究CIG对小鼠血管内皮细胞(b.end.3)的影响。结果表明,0.5~50μg/mL CIG可不同程度地促进血管内皮细胞增殖活性,抑制因高糖引起的细胞萎缩和凋亡。山茱萸作为药食同源的中药材可在一定程度上降低血栓形成的风险。
    • J.David García-Ortíz; Rebeca González-Centeno; María Alejandra Torres-Tapia; J.A.Ascacio-Valdés; JoséEspinoza-Velázquez; Raúl Rodríguez-Herrera
    • 摘要: Because of the growing worldwide demand for maize grain,new alternatives have been sought for breeding of this cereal,e.g.,development of polyembryonic varieties,which agronomic performance could positively impact the grain yield per unit area,and nutritional quality.The objectives of this study were to(1)determine the phytochemicals present in the embryo and endosperm of grain from maize families with high,low,and null polyembryony frequency,which were planted at different locations,and(2)state the relationship between these compounds and seed germination.The extracted phytochemicals from corn were identified by HPLC-MS.The results showed that the genotype with the highest presence of phytochemicals was the brachytic population with high polyembryony called“BAP”,which also required less water during the germination process.The number of phytochemicals in both embryo and endosperm tissues was not related to the sowing location where they came from or the type of polyembryony.The number of different phytochemicals depended on the grain tissue from where they were extracted.The chemical compounds found in the different maize tissues were related to the development of the plant,either in roots or nibs because these are mainly associated with the lignin synthesis.
    • 黄在恒; 秦香; 刘熹; 朱添; 农光再; 杨琦峰
    • 摘要: 通过气相色谱/质谱联用仪(GC/MS)、高效液相色谱/质谱联用仪(HPLC/MS)等方法系统测定了桉木化机浆制浆废水成分,并进行了定性和定量分析。结果表明,桉木化机浆制浆废水中含有大量木质素、半纤维素、有机物、糖类等,其中木质素含量较高,为73 g/L,是杨木化机浆制浆废水的1.2倍;有机污染物40多种;桉木化机浆制浆废水中还检测出多种糖类,是后续厌氧处理的基本条件。
    • Ghalia Saleem Aljeddani
    • 摘要: The relation between Olea europaea subspecies cuspidata and subspecies europaea in Saudi Arabia were investigated for determination of the bioactive compounds in olive leaves. The antioxidant and total phenolic content were demonstrated by HPLC/MS. Also, the antimicrobial agar gel well diffusion activity was done for ethanolic extracts. The study identified a great number of phenolic compounds out of which some anticancer compounds were identified. The content of olive leaves extract differs according to habitat (either wild or cultivated). The ethanolic extract of both types has high phenolic content (21.3 to 22.6 mg GA/gdw) and antioxidant activity (71% to 57%) for wild and cultivated leaf extracts, respectively. The phenolic profiles revealed the presence of plenty of flavonoids and phenolic compounds. The major polyphenol in the extracts is naringenin, which appears at peaks 8 with concentrations of 21.93 and 17.35 μg/mL for cultivated and wild leave respectively, which retention times 14.99 and 14.98. The antimicrobial activity showed that the leaves extract have strong antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis, with the highest inhibition zones (28 and 26 mm) for wild and cultivated leaf extracts, respectively. This is considered as valuable data about the potential for industrial mass production of polyphenol.
    • 胡克荣; 陈瑞; 班玉娟; 黄静
    • 摘要: 在药品研发中,基因毒性杂质的评估一直是药品质量评价的重点内容,关系到药品上市的安全性。基因毒性杂质危险系数高,对人体的危害性大,选用高灵敏度、专属性良好的分析仪器并结合TTC概念选择合适的分析方法是目前控制药物中基因毒性杂质含量的核心内容。其是药物开发的重要组成部分,贯穿于整个研发过程。高效液相色谱–质谱联用技术作为药物基因毒性杂质研究的有力分析工具之一,已广泛应用于多种基因毒性杂质的分析与鉴定。本文将从基因毒性杂质的概念、国内外的法规要求、以及HPLC-MS在基因毒性杂质中的应用进行概述,以期为基因毒性杂质的有效控制提供参考依据,保证患者用药安全。
    • 鲁铁; 李登; 苏正娴; 邓立情; 宋煜欧; 刘静; 吴凡鸽; 姬晓娜; 谢朝晖
    • 摘要: 以4种不同的锅具采用传统工艺熬煮法烹饪羊肚菌菌汤,采用HPLC-MS测定其化学成分和相对含量,并测定不同锅具烹饪羊肚菌菌汤中的总糖和总蛋白质含量,探讨其化学成分与羊肚菌菌汤特征香气之间的关系。结果表明:通过HPLC-MS共检测出442种化合物及挥发物成分,分为9个大类,以氨基酸及其衍生物和核苷酸类化合物为主;根据保留时间和相对含量筛选了76种化合物及其代谢产物,发现了谷氨酸、麦角硫因、鸟苷酸和二氢茉莉酮等代表性的特征香味物质;在总糖和总蛋白的测定中,发现采用不同锅具熬制羊肚菌菌汤对其总糖和总蛋白的含量有一定影响,并检测了石墨锅的性能。
    • 蒋宝; 罗美娟
    • 摘要: 以我国5个代表性产区的赤霞珠葡萄酒为研究对象,利用紫外可见分光光度计和液相色谱-质谱技术对其酚类物质、花色苷组成和含量进行检测和分析。结果表明,在5个产区的赤霞珠葡萄酒中,共检测出37种花色苷类物质。相比之下,河北昌黎产区花色苷总量最高,其次是甘肃武威和山东烟台,另外2个产区总量较为接近。其中,二甲基花翠素葡萄糖苷含量最高。共有9种花色苷物质没有被各产区同时检出,包括8种聚合花色苷和1种阿魏酰化葡萄糖苷。故酿酒葡萄生长的环境因素对葡萄原料及相应的酒中花色苷物质的构成与浓度产生影响,但这种影响作用在产区间表现不同。
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