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置管方法的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计347篇,主要集中在临床医学、外科学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文232篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献10240864篇;相关期刊143种,包括护理学杂志、全科护理、护理学报等; 相关会议8种,包括第三届世界灾害护理大会、中华护理学会2012全国肿瘤护理新进展研讨会、哈尔滨第五届消化内镜学术会议暨第二届全国内镜清洗消毒会议等;置管方法的相关文献由781位作者贡献,包括石井博、温庆志、太田明等。



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  • 石井博
  • 温庆志
  • 太田明
  • 赵志红
  • 郭建春
  • 镰野直幸
  • 刘璞
  • 刘红梅
  • 张大幸
  • 战永平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 万敏敏; 刘红梅; 张和梅; 李霞; 朱天娥
    • 摘要: 随着我国经济的不断发展,医学技术也在日益提升^([1])。PICC管道技术在防止药物外渗、保护静脉、解决困难静脉通路等方面发挥越来越重要的作用。因此,临床上针对部分外周血管困难患者不能使用传统置管方法经外周静脉置入中心静脉管等实际问题进行探讨,推出一种新型置管方式-经腋静脉置入隧道式PICC置管术^([2-5])。不仅可以延长导管的使用时间,还可以降低并发症发生率,提升患者的置管质量^([6-7])。
    • 赵文娟
    • 摘要: 本文旨在介绍经外周置入中心静脉导管(PICC)的临床干预进展.从PICC的历史着手,简要阐述了PICC的尖端定位技术、置管方法并发症及其防治.相比于中心静脉导管(CVC)而言,PICC的优势更加显著,操作性及安全性更高,能有效减少患者的治疗成本.
    • 詹慧旦; 李惠娴; 郑锦萍
    • 摘要: [目的]探讨去枕平卧位配合转头及导丝边退经外周静脉穿刺置入中心静脉导管(PICC)边进方法置管对PICC异位的影响.[方法]选取2018年1月—2019年5月行PICC置管的192例妇科肿瘤病人为研究对象,将2018年1月—2018年7月的92例置管病人作为对照组,将2018年8月—2019年5月的100例置管病人作为观察组.对照组采用常规置管方法,观察组采用去枕平卧位,导管送至18 cm时嘱病人头自然转向穿刺侧配合导丝边退PICC边进方法置管.比较两组病人PICC发生异位的情况.[结果]观察组病人的PICC导管异位发生率为0%,低于对照组的7.6%(7/92),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).[结论]去枕平卧位配合转头及导丝边退PICC边进置管可降低PICC异位的发生率.
    • 江琴
    • 摘要: 目的 研究给予胃癌患者化疗药物治疗时PICC管的应用方法和护理方法.方法 于我院化疗药物治疗的胃癌患者中随机选取42例,对所有患者给予PICC管治疗和临床护理,分析患者的治疗效果和护理质量.结果 经本文研究,患者中仍然带管13例(31.0%),结束化疗治疗拔管22例(52.4%),导管堵塞拔管2例(4.8%),病故拔管5例(11.9%),浅表静脉炎拔管0例(0%).经过对导管和血液样本的培养,未发现细菌生长,具有统计学意义(P<0.05).干预前患者SF-36(71.38±4.96)分,满意度(82.04±3.97)分.干预后患者SF-36(80.64±3.76)分,满意度(93.65±4.12)分.对于干预前,有显著差异(P<0.05).患者中导管堵塞0例(0%),机械性静脉炎1例(2.4%),继发性感染0例(0%),合计1例(2.4%),并发症较少,具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在胃癌患者化疗药物治疗时,使用PICC置管治疗,具有一定治疗安全性,可长时间置留,减轻患者反复穿刺的痛苦,也减少了并发症的出现.对患者生活、日常活动无影响,在临床推广具有重要价值.结合临床护理,可进一步提高治疗效果,减少并发症的出现.
    • 张霞; 蔡向红
    • 摘要: 目的分析外周静脉留置针不同置管方法,对防止管路扭曲堵管的影响效果。方法以上海市奉贤区中心医院普外二病区使用静脉留置针输液且符合研究标准的患者作为研究对象,将自愿参加临床研究的患者按单号为对照组,双号为实验组,实验组、对照组各100例,对照组穿刺成功后,将软管全部送进血管内,再用3M胶贴固定;实验组穿刺成功后,穿刺点外将软管余留﹤2mm,然后用3M胶贴固定,对比两组的最终置管效果。结果实验组留置时间优于对照组(t=33.0490,p=0.0000);非计划拔管率低于对照组(x~2=8.3652,p=0.0038),差异有统计学意义P<0.05。结论外周静脉留置针采用穿刺点外将软管余留﹤2mm应用效果显著,可有效起到缓冲作用,减少软管在接头处发生打折的情况,避免导管相关性感染,降低堵管发生率,值得广泛的应用与推广。
    • 邵小平
    • 摘要: 【内容简介】本视频介绍了鼻肠管建立的意义、鼻肠管的适应证和禁忌证、操作前准备(评估告知、用物准备、环境准备、护士准备、患者准备)、鼻肠管置管前准备、鼻肠管置管方法与技巧、鼻肠管置管及喂养维护等内容,以期给临床工作者带来新的护理理念和技术,帮助医护工作者在肠内营养中提供更专业精准的护理,提高患者的护理质量,促进患者最佳康复。
    • 冯雁康; 崔明; 何芸; 赵玺龙
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨改良内镜引导下三腔喂养管(FT)置管法对需要进行肠内营养和胃肠减压的患者中应用的安全性及可行性.方法 采用回顾性队列研究方法,分析2016年1月至2018年1月间在解放军联勤保障部队第九二○医院普通外科应用改良内镜引导下置管法(改良组)和传统内镜旁置管法(传统组)行FT置管术患者的临床资料.纳入标准:下消化道功能正常;不能经口或鼻胃管进食,需进行肠内营养或胃肠减压;预计FT留置时间不超过2个月.排除标准包括胃镜检查禁忌证、疑休克或消化道穿孔、疑精神病或存在消化道炎性病变以及患有胸腹主动脉瘤者.改良组是将FT经一侧鼻腔插入胃内,胃镜进至胃腔,经活检孔用活检钳夹住FT前端细部,胃镜直视下将活检钳和FT插入幽门或吻合口,并向十二指肠或输出袢推送5 cm以上,推送过程中胃镜不通过幽门或吻合口;松开并退出活检钳,同步将FT向十二指肠或输出袢推送,经活检孔插入异物钳,在胃内钳夹FT管身推进至幽门或胃肠吻合口;多次同法操作,直至负压吸引腔到达幽门或胃肠吻合口;轻柔退出胃镜,将导丝缓慢退出,固定FT.传统组则采用异物钳钳夹FT前端,在操作中需胃镜、异物钳、FT三者一起同时经过幽门或胃肠吻合口,整体到达十二指肠降部或输出袢进行置管.记录置管时间,置管后1 h内行X线透视检查FT位置,并评估比较置管成功率及置管后并发症发生率.结果 共纳入141例患者.改良组72例,男45例,女27例,平均年龄55.8(37~76)岁,上消化道解剖正常27例(结肠癌和直肠癌术后胃瘫综合征各分别有17例和10例),上消化道解剖改变45例(胃癌伴幽门梗阻和胃肠吻合术后吻合口梗阻分别有18例和27例).传统组69例,男41例,女28例,平均年龄55.3(36~79)岁,上消化道解剖正常33例(结肠癌与直肠癌术后胃瘫综合征分别有20例和13例),上消化道解剖改变36例(胃癌伴幽门梗阻和胃肠吻合术后吻合口梗阻分别有15例和21例).上消化道解剖正常患者改良法置管时间少于传统法[(4.9±1.7)min比(7.6±1.7)min,t=6.683,P0.05).上消化道解剖改变患者改良法的置管成功率虽高于传统法[97.8%(44/45)比86.1%(31/36),χ2=2.880,P=0.089],但差异并无统计学意义;而置管并发症发生率低于传统法[0比8.3%(3/36),χ2=3.894,P=0.048].结论 无论上消化道解剖正常与否,改良内镜引导下FT置管法比传统内镜旁置管法置管时间少,置管成功率高,且安全;可推广应用于需要进行肠内营养和胃肠减压的患者.%Objective To establish a modified endoscopic Freka Trelumina placement (mEFTP)for modifying or substituting the traditional endoscopic Freka Trelumina placement(EFTP)and to explore the safety and feasibility of mEFTP in patients requiring enteral nutrition and gastrointestinal decompression in general surgery. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of patients undergoing EFTP or mEFTP at General Surgery Department of 920 Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force of the Chinese People′s Liberation Army from January 2016 to January 2018. Inclusion criteria:the function of lower digestive tract was normal;patients who could not eat through mouth or nasogastric tube needed to have enteral nutrition and gastrointestinal decompression;the retention time of Freka Trelumina (FT) was not expected to exceed 2 months. Exclusion criteria:contraindication for gastroscopy;suspected shock or digestive tract perforation;suspected mental diseases;infectious diseases of digestive tract;thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. mEFIP procedure was as follow. FT was inserted into stomach through one side nasal cavity, gastroscope was inserted into stomach cavity,and the front part of FT was clamped with biopsy forceps through biopsy hole. Biopsy forceps and FT were inserted into the pylorus or anastomosis under gastroscope,and they were pushed into the duodenum or output loop. During pushing,the gastroscope did not pass through the duodenum or output loop. The biopsy forceps was released and pushed out,and FT was pushed with biopsy forceps synchronously into the duodenum or output loop more than 5 cm. The foreign body forceps was inserted through the biopsy hole,and the FT tube was held in the stomach and pushed to the duodenum or output loop. The previous steps repeated until the suction cavity reached the pylorus or anastomosis. The gastroscope was exited gently;the guide wire was pulled out slowly. EFTP procedure:foreign body forceps was used to clamp the front part of FT,and gastroscope,foreign body forceps and FT pass the pylorus or anastomosis simultaneously to reach the descendent duodenum or output loop as a whole. The time of catheterization was recorded and position of FT was examined by X-ray within 1 h after catheterization. The success rate of catheterization and morbidity of complications after catheterization were evaluated and compared between the two groups. Results A total of 141 patients were enrolled,72 in the mEFTP group and 69 in the EFTP group. In mEFTP group,45 cases were males and 27 were females with an average age of 55.8(37-76) years;27 cases had normal upper gastrointestinal anatomy (postoperative gastroplegia syndrome due to colon cancer in 17 cases,due to rectal cancer in 10 cases) and 45 had upper gastrointestinal anatomic changes (gastric cancer with pylorus obstruction in 18 cases and anastomotic block after gastroenterostomy in 27 cases). In the EFTP group,41 were males and 28 were females with an average age of 55.3(36-79) years;33 cases had normal upper gastrointestinal anatomy (postoperative gastroplegia syndrome due to colon cancer in 20 cases,due to rectal cancer in 13 cases)and 36 had upper gastrointestinal anatomic changes (gastric cancer with pylorus obstruction in 15 cases and anastomotic block after gastroenterostomy in 21 cases). In patients with normal upper digestive tract anatomy,the average catheterization time of mEFTP was (4.9 ± 1.7) minutes which was shorter than (7.6 ± 1.7) minutes of EFTP(t=6.683,P0.05). In patients with upper gastrointestinal anatomic changes, the success rate of catheterization in mEFTP was even higher than that in EFTP, but the difference was not significant [97.8%(41/45) vs. 86.1%(31/36),χ2=2.880,P=0.089];while the morbidity of catheterization complication in mEFTP was lower than that in EFTP[0 vs. 8.3%(3/36),χ2=3.894,P=0.048]. Conclusions Whether the upper gastrointestinal anatomy is normal or not,mEFTP presents shorter catheterization time,higher success catheterization rate than EFTP,and is safety. mEFTP can be widely applied to clinical practice for patients requiring enteral nutrition and gastrointestinal decompression.
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