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硫甙的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计132篇,主要集中在农作物、轻工业、手工业、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 等领域,其中期刊论文110篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献46475篇;相关期刊63种,包括湖北工程学院学报、贵州科学、种子等; 相关会议2种,包括中国作物学会油料作物专业委员会第五届学术年会、第三届中国水产动物营养与饲料学术大会等;硫甙的相关文献由301位作者贡献,包括张文、李培武、丁小霞等。



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  • 张文
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  • 吴渝
  • 汪雪芳
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    • 吴正可; 刘国华; 蔡辉益; 常文环; 郑爱娟; 张姝
    • 摘要: 本试验旨在筛选可用于菜籽粕脱毒的菌株并探讨其发酵菜籽粕的效果.以菜籽粕中主要抗营养因子硫甙为唯一碳源,从发酵青贮与土壤混合液中分离出54株在筛选培养基上生长情况良好的菌株进行分离纯化,以硫甙降解率为因变量进行复筛,初步得到5株硫甙降解率大于30%的菌株.通过菜籽粕固态发酵培养基进行单菌株发酵试验,得到1株硫甙降解率达23.69%的菌株A9,对菌株A9进行形态学观察和16S rDNA序列测定与分析,确定菌株A9为嗜酸乳杆菌,并将其与酿酒酵母、枯草芽孢杆菌进行菜籽粕混菌发酵.结果表明,混菌发酵后的菜籽粕硫甙含量由37.48 μmol/g 降低到25.96 μmol/g,降解率为30.73%;粗蛋白质含量由38.41%提高到45.44%(P<0.05);蛋白质结构发生改变,蛋白质分子质量变小,多肽含量由0.84%提高到2.62%(P<0.05);混菌发酵后的菜籽粕呈黄褐色蓬松状,有浓郁的酸香味,总酸含量由1.01%提高到3.91%(P<0.05).由此可见,混菌发酵后的菜籽粕营养价值与风味得到了有效地改善.%The aim of this study was to screen the bacterial strain for detoxicating rapeseed meal and to investi-gate its effects on fermentation of rapeseed meal. Fifty-four strains with good growth were screened and isolated from mixed liquid with fermented silage and soil through cultivating in medium containing glucosinolate(GS) as a sole carbon source. Five strains were selected based on the degradation ability of GS with degradation rate greater than 30%. According to re-screening in the solid-state fermentation,strain named A9 showed high deg-radation rate(23.69%)of GS. Strain A9 has been identified as Lactobacillus farciminis after morphological observation and 16s rDNA sequence analysis. Rapeseed meal was fermented through mixing Lactobacillus far-ciminis with Bacillus subtilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiate. The results showed that the GS content of rapeseed meal fermented by mixed bacteria decreased from 37.48 to 25.96 μmol/g, and the degradation rate was 30.73%; the crude protein content increased from 38.41% to 45.44%(P<0.05); the protein structure changed, and the molecular weight of protein became smaller, the polypeptide content increased from 0.84%to 2.62%(P<0.05); the rapeseed meal fermented by mixed bacteria was yellow-brown and fluffy with a rich sour aroma, and the total acid content increased from 1.01% to 3.91%(P<0.05). In conclusion, the nutri-tional value and relish of rapeseed meal fermented by mixed bacteria can efficiently improve.
    • 陈灿; 张树杰; 于荣; 张红升; 赵燕
    • 摘要: 以“顺宝”有机肥和“甘油杂1号”甘蓝型油菜为材料,采用田间随机排列方法,并配施有机肥(T1处理)、翻压油菜(T2处理),以单施化肥为对照(CK),研究了种植绿肥对“宁杞5号”枸杞果实产量及品质的影响.结果表明:与CK相比,T1处理枸杞干果年产量显著增加24.1%,夏果和秋果百粒质量分别显著增加4.2%和4.6%;与CK相比,T2处理枸杞干果年产量显著增加19.1%,秋果百粒质量显著增加11.1%.从秋果来看,T1和T2处理干果枸杞多糖、蛋白质、黄酮含量较CK显著增加25.1%、26.4%、16.4%和34.9%、48.5%、24.8%.表明在化肥施用量减半条件下,T1和T2处理均可以提高枸杞果实产量和品质,产量的增加主要通过增加果实大小、百粒质量以及内部干物质的积累来实现.因此,枸杞行间套种油菜作为绿肥,不仅可以减少化肥施用量,还可以提高枸杞产量和品质.
    • 田恩堂; 刘坤; 叶波涛; 罗成莹; 林树春
    • 摘要: 本研究调查了一个包含139个芥菜型油菜重组自交系群体的脂肪酸(硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸、芥酸)和硫甙含量,相关性分析显示,芥酸与其它脂肪酸间均呈极显著负相关,而除芥酸外的其它脂肪酸间则呈极显著正相关.品质性状均表现出较高广义遗传力,其中芥酸和硫甙的遗传力超过90%,硬脂酸和亚油酸的遗传力在80%~90%之间,而亚油酸和亚麻酸的遗传力在70%~80%之间.主成分分析获得2个分别能解释64.9%和16.4%的变异因子,散点图将全部139个株系分成群Ⅰ、群Ⅱ和4个散落的株系,聚类分析对于此群体品质性状的遗传和特异材料的筛选有一定参考价值.%The fatty acids and glucosinolate content of one 139 RIL(recombinant inbred lines) lines were analyzed,the correlation among different fatty acids was analyzed,showed significantly negative correlation between fatty acids and other fatty acids and significantly positive correlation among different fatty acids expect for erucic acid.All of the quality traits showed high heritability,that's 94.32%for glucosinolate,91.09% for erucic acid,89.54% for oleic acid,80.11% for stearic acid,77.89% for linoleic acid,74.16% for linolenic acid.The PCA (Principal Component Analysis) analysis provided two factors,which explained 64.9 % and 16.4% phenotypic variation.The scatted chart was made with the two factors,which divided the 139 lines into group Ⅰ,group Ⅱ and four scatted lines,the results would be useful for the research of genetics and screening of special materials of those quality traits.
    • 袁波; 王雪; 吴光进
    • 摘要: 利用SO2等极性分子永久电偶极矩具有振动和转动等结构,采用微型红外光源使加热到800°C左右,SO2量子力学分裂的能级在7.4 μm处具有较强的特征吸收带特性,通过测量气体吸收光强测定SO2含量.本方法重现性好,精密度、灵敏度较高,从而保证硫甙含量的准确测定.
    • 范志红
    • 摘要: 有些蔬菜烹调之后营养不会下降人们都知道,蔬菜摄入量高,则癌症的风险会下降。除了蔬菜中的膳食纤维和维生素成分,多酚、类胡萝卜素、硫代葡萄糖苷等都是蔬菜中减少癌症风险的"防癌活性成分",流行病学研究已经证明,它们具有降低癌症风险的作用。
    • 谢炎福; 张爽
    • 摘要: 为了研究中药对植物蛋白原料混菌固态发酵以及由中药和植物蛋白原料组成的生物发酵饲料对草鱼鱼种生长和非特异性免疫性能的影响,在植物原料中依次添加0.11%、0.33%、0.55%、0.77%、1.1%、3.3%、5.5%、8.8%的复合中药,测定各组总菌数、棉酚去除率、硫甙去除率和乳酸含量。确定最适添加量后,采用随机分组的方法,挑选体重(31±1)g的草鱼600尾,分成5组,K组(阴性对照组)投喂基础饲料,L组(阴性中药组)投喂发酵饲料,M组(阳性中药组)投喂发酵饲料+0.3%中药,N组投喂发酵饲料+0.3%单独发酵的中药,P组投喂发酵饲料+0.3%和发酵基料混合发酵的中药,喂养至60 d,测定各组草鱼鱼种生长及免疫指标。结果表明:中药在0.11%~0.77%的浓度范围内,有利于发酵过程中乳酸含量提高和棉酚、硫甙的降解;在添加量大于3%时,不利于植物原料的微生物发酵;植物蛋白原料中添加0.3%的复合中药共同发酵后,相比较对照组,增重率提高了37.8%,饵料系数降低了17.2%,LSZ、SOD、SBI均有显著提高(P〈0.05),而MDA、GOT、GPT、Cr则显著降低(P〈0.05),说明生物发酵饲料对草鱼鱼种具有明显的促生长及提高非特异性免疫、增强抗病能力的作用;中药和植物原料单独发酵和混合发酵均对草鱼鱼种的生长和非特异性免疫能力的提高具有促进作用(P〈0.05),但两者之间没有显著差异(P〉0.05)。
    • 刘锦; 张冀芳; 梁建丽; 程锋; 武剑; 王晓武
    • 摘要: Objective]The objective of this study is to explore the duplication and evolution of Brassica rapaMAM which are key genes in the process of glucosinolates synthesis. This study will provide a theoretical basis for futureMAM research.[Method]The synthenic relationship ofMAMgenes amongArabidopsis thaliana,Schrenkiella parvulaandBrassica rapa were analyzed, according toB. rapa datebase BARD, conserved motif ofMAM genes were predicted by online software MEME, the expression of MAMhomologous genes in 93 materials ofBrassica rapa was analyzed by software R, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed by software MEGA 5.05.[Result]The results showed that theMAMhomologous genes were located in three subgenomes ofB. rapa. Amongst sevenMAM genes, five geneswhich are synthenic orthologs toA. thaliana mainly originated from whole genome triplication. The remaining two genes may derive from translocation. Motif analysis result indicated that there were many differences in both ends of protein sequences in BrMAMhomologous genes, compared withAtMAM genes. Expression data showed that the expression level of these homologous genes was variable,Bra021947andBra018524 expressed little in several materials ofB. rapa, the expression ofBra029356could be detected in all materials. In the phylogenetic tree,BrMAMhomologous genes andAtMAM genes were located in different branches, in addition toBra018524.[Conclusion]These results indicated that theB. rapa MAM genes had an independent evolution after the divergence ofB. rapaandA. thaliana.%目的探索硫代葡萄糖甙合成中关键基因-甲基硫代烷烃基苹果酸合成酶(methylthioalkylmalate, MAM)基因在白菜基因组中的进化情况,为研究白菜MAM的功能提供理论指导。方法根据白菜数据库BARD信息分析拟南芥、盐芥和白菜MAM的共线性关系,利用MEME在线软件预测MAM序列的高度保守基序(motif),通过R软件分析93份白菜材料MAM的表达模式,并利用MEGA5.05软件构建MAM的系统进化树。结果白菜的3个亚基因组均保留着MAM的同源基因。其中与拟南芥具有共线性的5个同源基因可能源自基因组古三倍化复制,其它两个同源基因可能是由转座扩增产生的;基序分析结果表明,与拟南芥的MAM相比,白菜的MAM同源基因存在基序的缺失,并且大多发生在序列的两端;在93份白菜材料中,白菜MAM同源基因之间的表达量有很大差异,Bra021947与Bra018524只在少数材料中存在极低的表达,并且Bra029356的表达量低于可检测水平;进化树分析发现,除Bra018524外,其他的白菜MAM同源基因与拟南芥的MAM聚集在不同的分支上。结论白菜的MAM可能在拟南芥和白菜物种分化之后独立起源并进化出不同的功能。
    • 刘晓君; 张余权; 潘浴清; 姜元荣
    • 摘要: 研究采用LC-APCI-MS/MS分离鉴定油菜籽中的10种未知硫甙化合物,并结合HPLC内标法对单个硫甙分别进行定量分析.检测的油菜籽样品的硫甙总量为3.84~137.11 μmol/g,其中,丙烯基硫甙、3-丁烯基硫甙和2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫甙是油菜籽的三大主要特征硫甙.
    • 摘要: 烹调时,人们最担心营养受损的莫过于蔬菜了。蔬菜可以炒,可以煮,可以蒸,可以凉拌……到底哪种方法更有利于保存其中的营养,有利于多吃蔬菜以及预防各种疾病呢?炒营养素损失较少烧热油,炝锅,加入蔬菜翻炒,熟了立刻盛出。优点是各种蔬菜都可使用,炒后蔬菜体积大幅度缩小,能帮助一天吃到一斤蔬菜,营养素损失率相对较低。缺点是需要较多的油才能达到较好的口感,对健康不利。如果烹调时没有控制好油温,油脂过热会产生致癌物。
    • 罗仓学; 史兰; 李振尧
    • 摘要: To remove the toxic substances-glucosinolate in rapeseed which affect its comprehensive development and utilization, using ethanol as extractant, depend on single factor test to investigate ethanol concentration, time, temperature, liquid ratio on the effect of detoxification, then selecting ethanol concentration, time and temperature for response surface analysis, chose glucosinolate concentration in extract for response and established a quadratic polynomial model of glucosinolate removing. Determined the optimum detoxification process was:ethanol concentration 64%, temperature 62°C, time 3h, liquid ratio 20, under this condition, the glucosinolate concentration was 51.825μmol/g. Meanwhile, in order to improve the utilization of rapeseed protein, selected the NaOH solution as extracting agent, used single factor test to investigate alkali concentration, extraction temperature, extraction time, liquid ratio on the effect of extraction rate of protein. Designed four factors and three levels orthogonal test and analysised, got the best extraction process of rapeseed protein was: NaOH concentration 2.5%, extraction time 2.5h, extraction temperature 60°C and liquid ratio 10, and in this condition, the protein extraction rate was 45.86%.%为脱除影响菜籽粕综合开发和利用的有毒物质硫甙,以乙醇溶液为提取剂,利用单因素试验考察乙醇浓度(体积分数)、时间、温度、液料比对脱毒效果的影响。在此基础上,选择乙醇浓度、时间、温度进行响应面分析,以提取液中硫甙浓度为响应值,建立了硫甙脱除的二次多项式数学模型,确定了脱毒的最佳工艺为:乙醇浓度64%,温度62°C,时间3h,液料比20,在此条件下得到的硫甙浓度为51.825μmol/g。同时为了提高菜籽蛋白利用率,选择NaOH溶液为提取剂,利用单因素试验考察碱浓度(质量分数)、提取温度、提取时间、液料比对蛋白质提取率的影响,设计四因素三水平的正交试验进行分析,得到菜籽蛋白提取的最佳工艺为:NaOH浓度为2.5%、提取时间为2.5h、提取温度60°C、液料比为10。在此条件下得到的蛋白质提取率为45.86%。
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