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高度场的相关文献在1984年到2022年内共计161篇,主要集中在大气科学(气象学)、自动化技术、计算机技术、海洋学 等领域,其中期刊论文140篇、会议论文13篇、专利文献96840篇;相关期刊63种,包括大气科学、应用气象学报、浙江气象等; 相关会议11种,包括第十七届全国计算机辅助设计与图形学学术会议(CAD/CG’ 2012)暨第九届全国智能CAD与数字娱乐学术会议(CID’ 2012)、黔滇桂三省区七州市气象协作区2013学术交流会、第26届中国气象学会年会等;高度场的相关文献由344位作者贡献,包括倪桂强、罗健欣、钱永甫等。



论文:140 占比:0.14%


论文:13 占比:0.01%


论文:96840 占比:99.84%





  • 倪桂强
  • 罗健欣
  • 钱永甫
  • 严华生
  • 胡谷雨
  • 任宜勇
  • 时兴合
  • 秦宁生
  • 郑世芳
  • 龚志强
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 郭伟; 王楠楠; 杨雪; 郭继民
    • 摘要: 2013年9月30日20时"菲特"在菲律宾以东洋面上生成并且向北偏西方向移动,10月4日加强为台风,此时路径改为向西偏北方向移动.此次台风给各地区带来的雨灾较为严重.影响我国的范围为浙江、福建、江苏、上海等地区."菲特"本身的环流和大量的水汽输送是此次台风造成暴雨的主要原因.
    • 管琴12; 周秉荣12; 沈小燕2; 尤桑杰1; 李青平3
    • 摘要: 通过GSI同化系统对2015年8月1—3日青海地区的一次连续短时强降水天气过程同化不同的观测得出如下结论:(1)无论是同化改则、申扎新增探空资料(方案1)还是L_Radar资料(方案2),都能够快速收敛,说明高原上探空资料对青海降水数值模拟比较敏感,其中风场的影响比较明显,其次是湿度;(2)方案1对青海境内的降水中心的范围和强度的准确性都有一定的提高,其中改进比较明显的是河湟谷地大雨以上量级的降水,但整体上对青海降水量级预报与控制实验一样仍偏大;方案2大部分地区的降水减弱,量级更接近实际,但对对流性降水模拟是偏小;(3)500h Pa初始场分析结果上,同化不同的资料后高度场改变比较大的是高海拔地区,风场改变比较大是低海拔地区,水汽通量散度改变比较大的是地形比较复杂、高度梯度比较大的区域;(4)从剖面初始场变化上看,方案1对青海地区改变比较的明显是青海大陆高压的西侧中层(350—300h Pa);方案2对青海改变比较明显的是东北部的低层(500—400h Pa)。
    • 张兴治; 计忠平
    • 摘要: 针对数字浅浮雕设计中风格类型较单一的缺点,提出一个凹浮雕生成算法.从法线角度来解决如何构建凹浮雕问题.首先从法线图中抽取轮廓线以及内部重要线条型特征,计算基于特征线的距离图及其对应的法线图;再将轮廓线、线条和基曲面法线合成一整张法线图;最后由合成的法线图重建高度场以构建浅浮雕.实验结果表明,该方法能便捷地制作为数字化凹浮雕模型.
    • 张兴治1; 计忠平2
    • 摘要: 针对数字浅浮雕设计中风格类型较单一的缺点,提出一个凹浮雕生成算法。从法线角度来解决如何构建凹浮雕问题。首先从法线图中抽取轮廓线以及内部重要线条型特征,计算基于特征线的距离图及其对应的法线图;再将轮廓线、线条和基曲面法线合成一整张法线图;最后由合成的法线图重建高度场以构建浅浮雕。实验结果表明,该方法能便捷地制作为数字化凹浮雕模型。
    • 黄秋波; 钟征祥; 苏厚勤
    • 摘要: 为消除二值图像中的噪声,提高二值图像的质量,提出一种新的图像处理方法.对于图像中的黑斑区域以及物体内的像素空洞区域,对其中每个像素根据其周围环境以及在环境中所处的位置,类似于薄膜,为像素定义高度量,并采用二次曲线的方法计算每一个像素对应的高度,一幅图像便对应了一个高度场.然后根据选择的高度阈值,对每个像素进行调整,以减少噪声(缩小黑斑或缩小空洞).以上过程经过若干次迭代,最后图像变化趋于稳定,此即最后的结果.通过实验结果可知,该算法具有较高的实用性.%In order to eliminate the noise in the binary image and improve the quality of the binary image,this paper presents a new image processing method.For the dark areas in the image and the pixel void area within the object,each pixel defined a high amount depending on its surrounding environment and the location in the environment,similar to the film,using quadratic function to calculate the height corresponding to each pixel,and one image corresponded to a height field.Then we adjusted each pixel according to the selected height threshold to reduce noise (reduce dark spots or reduce the cavity).The above process after several iterations,the final image changes tended to be stable,and that was the final result.The experimental results show that the algorithm has high practicability.
    • 杜一博; 张强
    • 摘要: Based on the monthly average data of ERA-Interim and NCEP reanalysis from January 1979 to June 2014, the tropopause height and temperature were estimated, and their temporal and spatial distribution and variation tendency were analyzed.Results are as follows:(1) The spatial distributions of tropopause height and temperature were greatly controlled by the changes of latitude, especially the changes of tropopause height and temperature in middle and high latitudes with latitude were obvious.(2) The global tropopause height generally rised during 1979-2014, and the pressure of tropopause dropped about 1-2 hPa per 10-year, while the tropopause temperature decreased with falling rate about 0.1 °C per 10-year.(3) The tropopause height and temperature had obvious seasonal changes, there was seasonal coordination between the height and temperature of tropopause, and the change in the northern hemisphere was more complex than that in the southern hemisphere.(4) The tropopause height from NCEP reanalysis data was about 1 km higher than that from ERA-Iterim data on the whole, while the tropopause temperatures from two kinds of data in the subtropics to equator were close, which was stable from 192 K to 200 K, but the distribution of tropopause temperature in middle and high latitudes of the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere was significantly different.(5) In addition to the local region in the northern hemisphere, the increase of tropopause height was obviously positive related with the drop of tropopause temperature, especially their correlation coefficients were over 0.8 in the tropics and high latitudes of the southern hemisphere.%利用1979年1月-2014年6月ERA-Interim和NCEP再分析月平均资料,计算并分析全球对流层顶高度、温度等物理量的时空变化特征.结果表明:(1)对流层顶高度和温度的空间分布有很强的纬度依赖性,中高纬度地区对流层顶高度和温度变化随纬度变化分布较明显;(2)近36 a来,全球对流层顶高度整体升高(气压下降约1~2 hPa·(10 a)-1),而对流层顶温度降低(温度下降约0.1 °C·(10 a)-1);(3)不同季节对流层顶的高度和温度场都有一定的空间结构变化,两者之间存在季节变化的协调性,且北半球较南半球的变化更复杂;(4)通过ERA-Interim资料和NCEP资料的对比,发现基于NCEP资料得到的对流层顶高度比ERA-Interim资料约高1 km,而2种资料的对流层顶温度在赤道、副热带地区比较接近,都稳定在192~200 K之间,但南、北半球中高纬度温度分布明显不同;(5)除北半球中高纬度北美洲和欧洲局部地区外,对流层顶高度的升高与对流层顶温度的下降存在明显的正相关,尤其是热带地区和南半球高纬地区,相关系数超过0.8.
    • 王佳莹; 方国洪; 王永刚
    • 摘要: 利用2002-2011年南海海面风场、高度场和温度场的月平均资料分析了这些要素的变化趋势及年际变化特征.计算得到区域平均海面风东分量的线性趋势为(-0.012±0.014) (m·s-1)·a-1,北分量的线性趋势为(-0.014±0.019) (m·s-1)·a-1,其年际变化与NIN~O3指数相关系数可达0.63,滞后1个月;区域平均海面风应力旋度的线性趋势为(0.099±0.330)×10-9 (N·m-3)·a-1,其年际变化与中太平洋厄尔尼诺(EMI)指数呈高度相关,达到-0.85,滞后3个月;区域平均海面高度的线性趋势为(0.665±0.200) cm·a-1,其年际变化与EMI指数相关系数可达-0.80,滞后2个月;区域平均海表温度的线性趋势为(-0.016±0.017) °C·a-1,其年际变化与NIN~O3指数相关系数可达0.68,滞后4个月.其中海表温度的负趋势与近期全球变暖的停滞相一致.采用经验正交函数分解方法分析了各要素的年际变化特征,结果显示海面风场的第一模态呈现海盆尺度的反气旋格局,其对应的时间序列与NIN~O3.4指数相关系数最大可达0.68,滞后5个月.海面高度场的第一模态沿南海东边界和越南东部出现较高值,其对应的时间序列的变化滞后于EMI指数3个月,呈负相关,但系数最大为-0.32.海面温度场的第一模态呈西高东低的分布状态,其对应的时间序列与NIN~O3指数的相关系数最大可达0.62,滞后4个月.%The monthly products of the surface winds (SW),sea surface height (SSH) and sea surface temperature (SST) of the South China Sea (SCS) from satellite observations during 2002-2011 are used to analyze trends and interannual variability.Time series are smoothed with a 12-month running mean filter.The linear trends of the east and north components of the regional mean SW,wind stress curl,SSH and SST are (-0.012±0.014) m/(s·a),(-0.014±0.019) m/(s·a),(0.099±0.33)×10-9 N/(m3·a),(0.665±0.200) cm/a,(-0.016±0.017s) °C/a,respectively.The interannual variability of regional mean SW,wind stress curl,SSH and SST correlates with NIN~O3,EMI (El Ni(n)o Modoki Index),EMI and NIN~O3 with coefficient of about 0.6,-0.85,-0.80 and 0.68,and with lag of 1,3,2 and 4 months,respectively.The negative warming rate of the SCS SST is consistent with the global warming hiatus since the end of the last century.Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis shows that the first EOF of the SW is characterized by a basin-wide anticyclonic pattern.The corresponding time coefficient function (TCF) correlates with the NIN~O3.4 index at the 99% confidence level (correlation coefficient=0.68),with a lag of 5 months.The first EOF of the SSH is characterized by high sea level along the east boundary and east of Vietnam.The corresponding TCF correlates with the EMI with a coefficient of-0.32 and a lag of 3 month.The first EOF of the SST is characterized by high values in the west and low values in the east.The corresponding TCF correlates with NIN~O3 index at 99% confidence level (correlation coefficient=0.63),with a lag of 4 months.
    • 初一
    • 摘要: 利用常规气象资料,对2015年6月6~8日额尔古纳市一次强降水天气过程进行成因分析.结果表明:从南到北一条风向切变线,位置恰好呼伦贝尔市东侧,并且偏南气流很强,风场的这种分布将有利于南方的暖湿气流源源不断的向北输送,对降水极为有利.从南到北贯通的水汽通量高值区正好位于额尔古纳市,这点也证明了水汽条件的充沛.
    • 胡雄俊; 杨红雨; 万宇
    • 摘要: 针对海洋模拟仿真中真实性和实时性难以均衡的难题,提出一种基于频谱统计模型和Perlin噪声模型对海浪建模,应用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)生成高度场并与Perlin噪声高度场线性混合的方法。把在屏幕空间生成的高度场网格点通过算法投射到世界空间生成合适的网格,利用统一计算设备架构(CUDA)高效的并行计算能力把复杂的模型数据转移到图形处理器(GPU)中进行处理。实验结果表明,该方法在保持场景真实性的同时,有效降低了计算复杂度,提高了绘制实时性。%Aiming at the problems of balancing the aesthetics and graphic performance in the process of ocean simulation,the for-mation methodology to model ocean waves based on Perlin noise models and spectral statistical models was proposed,in which fast fourier transform (FFT)was applied to generate height field,and then the result was mixed with Perlin noise height field with linear blending.Via algorithm those mesh points which generated in screen space were proj ected to world space to create ap-propriate dense mesh,simultaneously the efficient parallel computing power of the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) was used to transfer complex model data to the graphics processor unit (GPU)for processing.The result shows this approach can reduce the computational complexity,and improve the real-time performance of rendering while maintaining scene authenticity.
    • 张艺衡; 李晓峰; 刘小玲; 杨智宇
    • 摘要: 针对在基于波动方程的水波模拟中存在计算量大的问题,分析大规模场景中的可交互水波实时模拟的特点,提出对波动方程进行近似建模,进行水面高度场建模;采用离散化的构建方式,设计垂直偏移函数和水平偏移函数,结合粒子系统,根据波浪的运动规律进行水面高度场更新。对粒子系统属性进行合理设计,使其可以在GPU上进行属性更新;对粒子进行二维组织,加快粒子系统的遍历速度;设计一组具有4个绘制遍的GPU绘制管道,利用GPU的并行计算能力进行水面高度场的构建。实验结果表明,该算法能够模拟出具有高真实感的可交互水波,绘制效率较高,达到了实时模拟的效果。%For the problem of huge computation derived from the simulation of water wave based on wave equation ,characteris-tics of large-scale and complex virtual scene were analyzed .An analysis solution to approximate wave equations was proposed , and the water height field was constructed .According to the discretization idea ,a pair of local vertical and horizontal deviation function was designed ,together with the particle system to simulate the waves .Further more ,a group of reasonable attributes were given ,with which the updating of particle system was done mostly on GPU .And the particles were organized into two di-mensions to make the particle system iterating quickly .The GPU rendering pipeline was designed with four passes ,and the wa-ter height field was designed on GPU .The experiment results show that the algorithm can simulate the real time interactive wa-ter w aves realistically and efficiently .
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