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苹果浓缩汁的相关文献在1993年到2019年内共计112篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、园艺、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文107篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献44054篇;相关期刊70种,包括兵团工运、农产品市场周刊、中国果业信息等; 相关会议2种,包括第二届农产品加工与保鲜、贮运新技术及食品安全科技论坛、陕西省食品安全学术研讨会等;苹果浓缩汁的相关文献由167位作者贡献,包括仇农学、戴洪义、李建科等。



论文:107 占比:0.24%


论文:2 占比:0.00%


论文:44054 占比:99.75%





  • 仇农学
  • 戴洪义
  • 李建科
  • 周亚平
  • 王峰
  • 孙海峰
  • 时秦明
  • 毛旭太
  • 邓红
  • 郭玉蓉
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张邓灵
    • 摘要: 本刊讯 近日.从三门峡出入境检验检疫局获悉,2016年,灵宝市出口苹果12.2万t,创汇12598.84万美元.分别比2015年的6.94万t、8466.8万美元增加了75.8%、48.8%;出口苹果浓缩汁1.6万t.创汇1726.46万美元,出口鲜果和果汁再创新高。
    • 邓红; 杨天歌; 王玉珠; 齐娜; 孟永宏; 郭玉蓉
    • 摘要: In order to achieve the goal of reusing of apple water, the condensed water, which was obtained from the evaporation of apple juice concentrate production, was used as raw material in this paper, and its composition and concentration were also analyzed. On this basis, the water was purified and its nutrients were concentrated through the membrane separation technologies such as ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, and then the condensed water was developed into a natural plant water beverage. The results showed that the reducing sugar, total acidity, aroma and total phenolic content of condensed water from apple juice concentrate were 150μg/mL, 98.5μg/mL, 166μg/mL, and 1.046μg/mL, respectively, while harmful metallic elements of lead, arsenic, mercury were not detected. The content ofAlicyclobacillus spp. in excess of the standards was 43 CFU/100 mL. HoweverAlicyclobacillus spp. can be removed from the condensed water by applying with the membrane separation technology of ultrafiltration (operating conditions of 40°C , 0.06 MPa) and its content would reach to less than 1 CFU/100 mL. The nutrients in condensed water which was from apple juice processing can be effectively concentrated by membrane separation technology of reverse osmosis (operating conditions of 0.5 MPa, 5°C ) , and the retention rates of reducing sugar, total acidity, aroma, and total phenol component were 95.07%, 97.61%, 87.71%, and 94.52%, respectively. Finally, if small amounts of vitamin B and vitamin C were added into this water, a drink of nutritional water with rich apple aroma can be prepared. The results in this study would lay the experimental basis for the further exploration of condensed water during apple juice concentration process and would also provide a research approach for saving water resources for Chinese apple juice concentrate companies.%为再利用苹果冷凝水,该文以苹果浓缩汁实际生产中的蒸发冷凝水为原料,采用化学及仪器分析方法确定其成分组成与含量;在此基础上利用超滤、反渗透等膜分离技术手段对其进行净化和营养物质的浓缩,继而将此冷凝水开发成一种天然的植物水饮料。试验结果表明:苹果浓缩汁生产中的冷凝水其还原糖、总酸、香气成分、总酚质量浓度依次为150、98.5、166、1.046µg/mL;未检出铅、砷、汞,而嗜酸耐热菌超标,为43 CFU/100mL,但采用超滤膜分离技术(40°C,0.06 MPa)可去除苹果冷凝水中的嗜酸耐热菌,使其含量小于1 CFU/100mL;采用反渗透膜分离技术(0.5 MPa、5°C)可使苹果汁加工的冷凝水中营养成分浓缩,对还原糖、总酸、香气、总酚成分的截留率分别为95.07%、97.61%、87.71%、94.52%;以此浓缩液为原料,再适量添加维生素B和C即可制备富含苹果香气的营养水饮品。研究结果可为苹果浓缩汁企业再利用其浓缩工序的蒸发冷凝水和节约水资源提供思路以及试验基础数据。
    • 王虎玄; 岳田利; 胡仲秋; 牛晨
    • 摘要: 为研究引起苹果浓缩汁污染腐败的高渗酵母,采用YPD高渗培养基对陕西苹果汁加工厂的苹果浓缩汁中的高渗酵母进行分离纯化,并对分离菌株的耐糖能力进行了研究.对分离菌株菌落形态、细胞形态、生理生化特征进行了分析,并以26S rDNA序列构建系统发育树,确定了7株分离菌的遗传学位置.进一步研究了分离株在苹果浓缩汁中的生长情况.除一株分离菌为热带假丝酵母(Candida tropicalis)外,其余分离株均为鲁氏接合酵母(Zygosaccharomyces rouxii.鲁氏接合酵母(Z.rouxii能够在葡萄糖质量浓度为900 g/L的培养基中生长,耐糖能力明显强于热带假丝酵母(C.tropicalis),并且鲁氏接合酵母(Z.rouxii)也能够在苹果浓缩汁中生长.结果表明:鲁氏接合酵母(Z.rouxii会对苹果浓缩汁质量造成威胁,需要加强控制.
    • 晁阳; 吴莎莎
    • 摘要: 本刊讯 10月21日,记者从省果业局获悉,无论规模、产量,还是优果率,陕西果业均居全国第一。目前,陕西果业面积达到1800万亩,产量1500万吨。其中,苹果分别为1000万亩和1000万吨;猕猴桃100万亩和100万吨;苹果浓缩汁年产50万吨。这就意味着——世界上每7个苹果,就有1个是陕西的;每3个猕猴桃,就有1个是陕西的;每3杯苹果汁,就有1杯是陕西的。
    • 邓红; 王珂; 高丹; 李娜; 孟永宏; 郭玉蓉
    • 摘要: 通过优化多酚检测条件,分析不同来源苹果浓缩汁中多酚的种类与含量,建立苹果汁多酚的高效液相(HPLC)指纹图谱,以控制苹果多酚的质量及鉴别苹果汁产品的真伪。试验以苹果浓缩汁为样品,采用Welchrom C18色谱柱,在检测波长280 nm,柱温30°C,进样量20μL,流动相0.3%三氟乙酸水溶液和甲醇(流速1 m L/min)以及梯度洗脱的条件下,标定了12个共有指纹峰,测定出10个不同来源苹果浓缩汁多酚的指纹相似度均在0.900以上,多酚含量为5559~7971μg/m L。研究初步建立了苹果汁多酚的高效液相指纹图谱。该方法可为苹果加工企业进行苹果多酚的定性、定量分析及质量控制提供理论依据。
    • 刘连成; 陆正清
    • 摘要: 在鲜啤酿造过程中添加苹果浓缩汁研制保健鲜啤酒,通过正交试验确定最佳发酵工艺条件.结果表明,苹果汁在主发酵高泡期添加,苹果浓缩汁稀释后添加量为30%,发酵度控制在65%为最佳;该产品兼具鲜啤酒和苹果的风味特点,是生津止渴与解暑的理想保健饮品.
    • 黎未然; 高志明
    • 摘要: 为建立中红外光谱快速评价苹果浓缩汁质量的检测体系,采集47个批次苹果浓缩汁的中红外ATR吸收光谱.从中选取15个经化验合格的批次样品作为标准,以其对应的红外光谱为标准数据集.建立相似度计算模型,并将其用于计算剩余32个批次样品的相似度.通过设置合理的相似度阈值,根据样品的相似度值来评价该样品的合格与否.该方法的评价结果与常规化验结果高度一致,准确率96.8%.红外光谱法评价苹果浓缩汁不仅结果准确,且具有操作简单、快速,检测成本低等优点.
    • 李建科; 王峰; 夏凯
    • 摘要: [目的]研究果汁中耐热菌的免疫化学快速检测方法.[方法]以果汁中分离的耐热菌免疫家兔获得抗体,采用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme-1inked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)原理建立果汁中耐热菌快速检测方法.[结果]首次成功建立并优化了耐热菌间接ELISA快速检测方法,检测限为5×104CFU/mL.实际检测时,通过对果汁样品集菌及预增菌,应用本研究建立的耐热菌间接ELISA快速检测方法,可以在24h内给出果汁中耐热菌是否超过1 CFU/10 mL的检测结果,满足国内外果汁标准中耐热菌不超过1 CFU/10 mL的要求,检测时间比目前国内外普遍采用的KFL (Krueger Food Laboratories)法缩短3-4 d,检测结果与KFL法完全相符.[结论]本研究建立的果汁中耐热菌间接ELISA快速检测方法快速、简便、准确,具有良好的特异性、敏感性和重复性.%[Objective] An establishment of a rapid and accurate indirect ELISA for detection ofAlicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in apple juice concentrate(AJC) was studied. [Method] Polyclonal antibody was generated by immunizing rabbits with A. Acidoterrestris separated from AJC and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed to analyze the antigenicity of A. Acidoterrestris and its spores. [Result] The new indirect ELISA was used successfully in detecting A. Acidoterrestris for the first time, and the detection limit was 5xlO4 CFU/mL. In the detection of AJC, the samples were filter sterilized and enriched, followed by the indirect ELISA assay. This method could be performed in less than 24 h, and the minimum detection limit has reached the international standard for detecting A. Acidoterrestris, which AJC is less than 1 CFU/10 mL. The result gained by indirect ELISA was in accord with that by KFL, a conventional culture assay. [Conclusion] The developed indirect ELISA has good specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility for the detection of A. Acidoterrestris in juice concentrate, which is accurate, convenient, and quick.
    • 摘要: “2011中国果汁大会”9月15日在西安举行,陕西省果业局局长王振兴在会上称,陕西省是我国水果第一大省,尤其是苹果,目前陕西省苹果种植面积达到960万亩,预计2011年产量将突破千万吨,苹果产量占到全国的1/3、全球的1/8,为浓缩果汁提供了充足的原料。全国五大果汁加工龙头企业在陕西都设有加工厂,苹果浓缩汁生产企业共有20家,生产能力每小时2500多吨。2010年,浓缩汁产量40多万吨,占全国浓缩汁产量的60%以上,出口量44万吨,占到全国浓缩汁出口量的一半以上,成为我国最大的苹果浓缩汁生产基地。
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