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AECT的相关文献在1980年到2019年内共计77篇,主要集中在教育 等领域,其中期刊论文77篇、相关期刊33种,包括现代教育技术、现代远程教育研究、远程教育杂志等; AECT的相关文献由105位作者贡献,包括谢云锦、彭绍东、刘炬红等。



论文:77 占比:100.00%





  • 谢云锦
  • 彭绍东
  • 刘炬红
  • 刘美凤
  • 崔国强
  • 张祖忻
  • 曹勇
  • 王小雪
  • 甘伟梁
  • 董丽丽
  • 期刊论文





    • 王胜远1; 王运武2
    • 摘要: 美国教育传播与技术协会在2017年12月发布教育技术新定义,新定义是在Web2.0时代相关教育理论及技术大发展背景下应运而生的。通过对AECT新定义的翻译及application、study、implementation等关键性词汇的解读阐释新定义,并从定义词汇、提出背景、研究对象、研究领域、研究目的、研究范畴等六个维度分层论述94定义、05定义以及17定义之间的联系与区别,指出新定义中研究边界、策略性设计等值得商榷的部分,最后从纵向、横向的历史视角分析国内对于94定义、05定义及17定义研究关注度的差异并建议以国际化及本土化视野理性对待AECT17定义的理论及实践前景。
    • 王胜远; 王运武
    • 摘要: 美国教育传播与技术协会在2017年12月发布教育技术新定义,新定义是在Web2.0时代相关教育理论及技术大发展背景下应运而生的.通过对AECT新定义的翻译及application、study、implementation等关键性词汇的解读阐释新定义,并从定义词汇、提出背景、研究对象、研究领域、研究目的、研究范畴等六个维度分层论述94定义、05定义以及17定义之间的联系与区别,指出新定义中研究边界、策略性设计等值得商榷的部分,最后从纵向、横向的历史视角分析国内对于94定义、05定义及17定义研究关注度的差异并建议以国际化及本土化视野理性对待AECT17定义的理论及实践前景.
    • 吴寒飞
    • 摘要: AECT作为全球教育技术界的重要专业协会组织,在美国教育技术发展中起着独特的作用.纵观AECT的发展历程,其能顺应教育技术发展需求,及时调整和优化组织结构;重视职业道德规范建设;注重理论研究与项目管理;加强国际交流与合作;注重年轻学者和领导力的培养.梳理AECT的发展轨迹和运行管理机制,认识AECT对美国乃至世界教育技术领域所做出的卓越贡献,对于我们加强专业协会对学科和事业发展的引领促进作用,具有现实指导意义.
    • 董丽丽; 田兰; 刘美凤
    • 摘要: Educational Technology offers broad areas for practices. In order to advance the field, we should also pay close attention to its practices. TechTrends, a journal issued by AECT for many years, set up a column called“Con-versations with innovators in learning and technology” in January 2014. Since then, four practitioners in the field of Educational Technology have been interviewed and asked to share their experiences. Based on existing literatures on Educational Technology business practices, the author analyzed four practitioners’ opinions and found that business/industry has become the major workplace for graduates majorred in educational technology. However, practitioners working in corporateas in the U. S. also encounter lots of difficulties, which include lacking adequate theoretical guid-ance from instructional design, being holding back due to lack of a good feedback loop, failing to keep up with in-creasing complexity of the environment, emerging technologies that post new challenge to instructional designers, as well as contextual constraints as important factors that affect the design process. Future trends of industry practices in the field of educational technology in the U. S. will focus on the use of edu-cational games, social media, mobile learning, learning analytics and MOOCs. In order to optimize learning, in-structional designers should learn to integrate new technologies into training in a systematic and balanced way. There-fore, more studies are in need of the impact of new technologies on learning and using diverse technologies in industry contexts. At the same time, industry practices of educational technology in China have been expanding. More and more graduates majorred in educational technology choose to work in industry, and HPT has been known by more and more people working in business/industry environment. However, current research and talent development still can’ t meet the need of markets. Facing such a huge gap, we as future researchers and practitioners should take serious con-siderations as to where we should go and what we should do, in order to prepare students’ future employment and meet the demands of enterprises. The field of educational technology is in constant change. Its theories and practices also need constant upgrading to promote learning and improve performances.%美国教育传播与技术协会主办的杂志《技术趋势》(TechTrends)2014年设立了“对话学习和技术领域创新人才”栏目,至今访谈了四位在教育技术实践领域卓有成就的创新人才。本研究在对这四篇访谈梳理分析的基础上,广泛查阅美国教育技术企业实践的相关文献后发现:企业已成为美国教育技术领域的主要实践场地,但企业实践面临教学设计理论指导不够,预算和资源等的限制,反馈循环缺乏,从系统教学设计模型到敏捷迭代模型转移的困难和新技术的挑战;面向未来,游戏与教学设计相结合、社交媒体、移动学习、学习分析和MOOCs的广泛应用将成为教育技术企业实践的发展趋势。
    • 王小雪; 刘炬红; 陈蕙若; 崔国强; 王维
    • 摘要: 2015年美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)国际年会,于11月3日至7日在印第安纳州的印第安纳博利市召开.年会的主题是"为学习加速:向未来冲刺"(Accelerate Learning:Racing into the Future),来自世界各地近800名学者、研究生以及设计、研究、实践人员参会.本届年会共举行了近900场不同主题的发言,为参会者提供了多种学习交流和研讨机会.作为AECT 2015年会的组织者与参与者,对本届年会的发言内容,包括大会的主题演讲,主席专场报告,分会论坛发言以及圆桌专题论坛做了全面、详实的报道;同时,聆听了年会的主要发言,并与部分主要发言人进行了交流与探讨,从而全方位呈现并分析了本届年会的学术进展以及所折射出的发展趋势.
    • 董丽丽; 吕巾娇; 刘美凤
    • 摘要: 几十年来,美国教育传播与技术协会( AECT)一直致力于探讨教育技术领域的基本问题和未来发展。2014年,该协会举办了专家讨论会,并在其主办的杂志《TechTrends》连续多期刊登专家关于教育技术未来的思考。本文基于专家研讨会和期刊论文十三位学者的思想,总结分析了教育技术领域的五个基本问题:名称、技术与教育技术关系、社会认同、教育技术与学习科学的关系、人才培养,并对五个方面的未来走向作了探讨:技术对本领域的影响将更深刻、教育技术引领教育变革、教学设计更加关注实践与成果、在线教育更加关注质量以及未来教育技术的研究方向。%As a new field focusing on applying emerging technology to education, educational technology is develo-ping rapidly and moving towards prosperity. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology ( AECT) is a professional association committed to explore fundamental questions and future development in the field of educational technology. At the AECT 2014 International Convention, a panel discussion on "the future of instruc-tional design programs" was held. At the same time,"TechTrends", a magazine issued by AECT, set up a column called“positing the future” in September 2014. Based on these two parts of sources, we analyzed 12 experts’ opinions to help understand the five basic problems in educational technology, including the naming problem, the connection of technology and educational technology, the social acceptance of our field, the relationship between educational tech-nology and learning science, and the talent training issue. Then, we give our opinions on five future trends in the field:the impact of technology in our field will be deeper;Educational technology will lead changes in education;In-structional design should focus on both practice and production at the same time; Online education should care more about quality. The field of educational technology has been changing, which is one part of its charm. As a Chinese educational technologist, we should clearly understand the problems exist in the filed, such as inconsistent name of ed-ucational technology, unrecognized social status, etc. At the same time, we should remember that emerging technolo-gies have been promoting the development of our field, and“instructional design” remains at the heart of educational technology. Our goal is to promote learning and improve learning performances. We need to keep an open mind and have a proactive mind in solving various educational problems. Spreading and communicating the knowledge of the field is also important. Through collaboration, the field of educational technology will lead the reform of education in the near future.
    • 崔国强; 王小雪; 刘炬红; 马晓玲; 陈蕙若; 谢蓉蓉
    • 摘要: 2014美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)国际年会11月4—8日在美国佛罗里达州的杰克逊威尔市召开,来自世界各地近1000名学者、研究生、设计、研究和实践人员参加了本届年会。本次AECT年会共为参会者提供了400多场不同主题的发言以及学习交流和研讨机会。作为AECT 2014年会的组织者与参与者,作者对本届年会的发言内容,包括大会的主题演讲、主席专场报告、分会论坛发言,以及圆桌专题论坛做了全面而详实的报道;同时,根据自己的亲身经历与体会,对年会的主要发言进行了深入的分析,与读者分享对本届年会的感悟以及年会所折射出的教育技术现状与发展趋势。%The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, the leading an-nual academic conference in the field of educational technology in the United States of America, was held in Jack-sonville, Florida, USA during Nov. 4- 8, 2014. The convention provided an opportunity for about 1000 scholars from all over the world to share issues on the key themes of learning design and technology field, and also summarized the AECT 2014 including conference theme, keynote speeches, presidential presentations and sessions, and presentations by AECT divisions and affiliations. Authors of this paper also commented and reflected on the conference theme, issues, challenges and opportunities from perspectives as researchers, educators, and conference participants.
    • 郁晓华; 顾小清
    • 摘要: 2015 Summer International Research Symposium of American Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), was held in East China Normal University in Shanghai during June 17-19, 2015, which is the first of AECT a-cademic activities moved to Chinese Mainland. Around the theme of "Learning and Knowledge Analytics in Open Education", 64 re-ports, discourses and posters were exchanged. From the perspective of learning analytics in open education, the discussions on the op-portunities and challenges of open education and learning analytics at the meeting were introduced, and their study scope and devel-opment trend presented in the research ideas and practical results communicated at the meeting were reviewed. Based on these con-cerns, and combined with the concerns of LAK, AERA, ICLS and ICCE, the whole vision of researches and applications of learning analytics in open education was outlined.%美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)2015年夏季研讨会,于2015年6月17日到19日在上海华东师范大学召开,这是AECT首度将其学术活动移师到中国大陆.会议围绕"开放教育下的学习和知识分析"这一主题,共交流报告、专题和海报64篇. 在这一主题下,以侧重学习分析的视角选择会上相关研究,具体介绍了会议对开放教育与学习分析两大领域结合的机遇与挑战所展开的讨论,并评述了会上交流的研究思路和实践成果所呈现的研究范畴及其发展态势. 在梳理AECT对学习分析领域关注发展的基础上,结合LAK、AERA、ICLS、ICCE等国际会议的关注视角,试对开放教育下学习分析研究和应用的全貌进行勾画.
    • 何云亮
    • 摘要: 通过介绍AECT’94定义,把教育技术学的发展与教育学、心理学和物理学的发展进行了类比研究;对教育技术学的基本理论、研究取向、教育与技术的关系进行了定性分析。结果显示:教育技术学是一门交叉学科和边缘学科。AECT’94定义是专业人员交流和对话的基础,教育技术学的理论建设必先走“拿来主义”之路,教育技术学的价值在于促进有效学习。研究表明,在遵循教育规律的前提下,采取务实和灵活的学科态度、选择实效和适用的技术手段来优化教育,这对于教育技术学“自然进化”具有重要意义。
    • 何克抗
    • 摘要: 自20世纪90年代以来,美国AECT(教育传播与技术)协会编撰的《教育传播与技术研究手册》在国际教育技术界产生了很大影响.尤其是2008年发行的第三版,由于主编及撰写团队的阵容强大,其内容更具创新性.文章首先介绍了《手册》第三版的总体框架及主要内容,以及其中哪些论述使我们最受启迪与教育.然后,着重对被《手册》第三版列为过去五年教育传播与技术领域“两项重要研究发现”之一的“关于建构主义学习原则认识的深化”和被《手册》第三版列为过去五年教育传播与技术领域“四项重要进展”之一的“建构主义教学设计和工程型教学设计之间关系的重新认识”进行了深入的阐述.
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