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支架(骨科)的相关文献在1999年到2021年内共计105篇,主要集中在外科学、基础医学、儿科学 等领域,其中期刊论文102篇、专利文献275850篇;相关期刊47种,包括中国骨伤、中国医药生物技术、医学临床研究等; 支架(骨科)的相关文献由407位作者贡献,包括杨操、李进、杨述华等。



论文:102 占比:0.04%


论文:275850 占比:99.96%





  • 杨操
  • 李进
  • 杨述华
  • 梅荣成
  • 包勤德
  • 叶哲伟
  • 李玉焕
  • 邹利军
  • 刘华渝
  • 华祥
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王士奇; 王一臣; 应灏; 焦勤; 王隼; 马琪超; 赵利华
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨Taylor空间支架(Taylor spatial frame,TSF)矫正儿童下肢畸形的临床疗效和精准度. 方法 2016年12月至2018年12月上海市儿童医院采用TSF矫治儿童下肢畸形5例,其中女4例,男1例;年龄4~15岁,平均8.2岁;特发性膝外翻及肢体短缩畸形1例,神经源性马蹄内翻足畸形1例,创伤后膝内翻及肢体短缩畸形1例,创伤后踝关节外翻及肢体短缩畸形1例,感染性膝外翻及肢体短缩畸形1例.术前常规拍摄标准双下肢全长或标准踝关节正位X线片,根据影像学资料全面评估双下肢或足踝的短缩、成角、旋转、移位情况,设计矫治方案及截骨平面.术中根据截骨平面按照穿针要求安装固定Taylor环,参考环垂直骨平面,安装TSF并测量支架的安装参数后,依据所定位截骨平面进行截骨.术后1周复查,拍摄标准的正侧位X线片以及大体照片,测量畸形参数,电脑软件系统中输入畸形参数和安装参数获得畸形矫正处方,依据新生成的电子矫正处方调整6个可伸缩连接杆,畸形矫治过程中每周复查X线片及外观照片,根据处方提示,必要时更换需要调整的连接杆直至畸形完全矫正. 结果 经过35~42 d的调节,2例经过1次处方畸形完全矫正,3例因残存畸形或过度矫治,经第二次或第三次2~6 d处方满意矫正畸形.截骨处新骨生成和矿化良好,术后1.5~6个月去除外固定架.随访时间6~29个月,畸形无复发.所有患者患肢关节功能恢复良好,畸形得到纠正.术后1例发生针道切割和感染,应用敏感抗生素及局部换药治疗痊愈.无一例血管神经损伤、继发马蹄足畸形、关节僵硬及去除外固定后再发骨折发生. 结论 Taylor空间支架矫正特发性、神经源性、外伤性及感染性畸形疗效确切,术后功能及外观恢复良好,精确度高,是儿童下肢畸形矫治的有效方法.
    • 王龙; 冯晓雷; 管东辉; 陈云刚; 吴伟山; 陈东峰; 管华鹏
    • 摘要: 目的探究 Pilon 骨折外固定支架与后期植入内固定物之间的距离与感染风险的相关性。方法收集我院 2010 年 6 月至 2018 年 9 月收治的 122 例行骨折切开复位内固定术治疗的胫骨远端骨折患者临床资料。其中男 89 例,女 33 例。平均年龄 (46.2±5.6) (23~65) 岁。根据感染情况分为感染组 (20 例) 和未感染组 (102 例)。根据致伤原因分为:交通事故伤 76 例,高处坠落伤或其它意外伤 46 例。根据骨折分型分为:A 型 7 例、B 型 19 例、C 型 96 例。48 例骨折为开放性骨折并在安装外固定支架时进行初步的冲洗和清创术,74 例为闭合性骨折并先行安装外固定支架。有 7 例钢板与最近的钉道重叠。对外固定支架钉道位置 (相对于内固定物位置) 与术后感染的相关性进行分析。结果感染组中,距钢板最近的钉道与钢板之间的距离为(61.8±43.1) mm,而未感染组中,其距离为 (62.5±46.7) mm。钉道与钢板之间的距离与术后感染无相关性,差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05)。在外院使用临时外固定支架固定治疗的病例与在我院治疗的病例其感染风险相比,差异无统计学意义 (P=0.272)。口服抗生素治疗钉道感染对感染发生率无明显影响 (P=0.244)。90%(18 / 20) 的术后感染是因为持续的开放性骨折,因此开放性骨折对感染的发生有显著影响 (P<0.0001)。结论Pilon 骨折外固定支架与后期植入内固定物之间的距离对术后感染无明显影响。外固定支架靠近内固定物的钉道并不是影响术后感染发生的风险因素。
    • 连峰; 崔勇; 陈会超; 吴立文; 曲敬
    • 摘要: [目的]探讨雪旺细胞对骨组织工程支架材料复合成骨细胞修复兔桡骨缺损的影响.[方法]分离培养兔骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs),诱导分化为成骨细胞(IOBs),并从乳兔中提取雪旺细胞(SCs),S-100免疫荧光染色鉴定.采用新西兰大白兔建立桡骨缺损模型,随机平均分成5组:支架材料组(B组)在骨缺损处植入纳米壳聚糖/羟基磷灰石多孔支架;IOBs/支架材料组(C组)在骨缺损处植入种植IOBs的支架材料;SCs+支架材料组(D组)骨缺损处植入种植SCs的支架材料,IOBs/SCs/支架材料组(E组):骨缺损处植入同时种植IOBs和SCs的支架材料;空白对照组(A组)在骨缺损处不做任何处理.各组在术后8周评估各组大白兔桡骨缺损部位新生骨的形成情况.[结果]术后8周X射线检测结果显示:B组、C组、D组骨缺损部分愈合,C组、D组优于B组,E组骨缺损完全愈合,而A组骨缺损未愈合.HE染色结果显示:8周时同B组或C组或D组比较,E组成骨细胞和骨小梁数量最多,骨修复最快;免疫组化检测结果显示:脑源性神经生长因子(BDNF)和神经生长因子(NGF)在E组中的表达较其他组别明显增多.[结论]SCs能够显著促进工程支架材料复合成骨细胞修复兔桡骨缺损,同神经营养因子BDNF和NGF表达紧密相关.%[Objective]To observe the effect of Schwann cells on repairing radius defects with bone tissue engineering scaffolds composited with osteoblasts in rabbit.[Methods]Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMSCs)were isolated and cultured,then induced to differentiate into osteoblasts(IOBs).Schwann cells(SCs)were extracted from neonatal rabbit,which were identified by S-100 immunofluorescence.New Zealand rabbits were used to establish the model of ra-dial defect.The models were randomly divided into 5 groups.group A was blank control group,while bone defects were implanted with nano-chitosan/hydroxyapatite porous scaffolds in group B.and bone defects were implanted with osteo-blasts and scaffolds in group C.Furthermore,bone defects were implanted with Schwann cells and scaffolds in group D. and bone defects were implanted with Schwann cells,osteoblasts and scaffolds in group E.After 8 weeks,immunohisto-chemistry,HE staining,gross morphology and X-ray were performed to evaluate the formation of new bone in the radial defect of rabbits in each group.[Results] The results of X-ray examination after 8 weeks postoperatively showed that the bone defect was partially healed in B,C and D groups.Groups C and D showed better effects than group B.The bone de-fect in group E was healed completely,while the bone defect in group A weren't healed at all.Compared to group B or C or D after 8 weeks,HE staining showed that the number of osteoblasts and trabecular meshwork were the highest in group E.Also,bone repair was the fastest in group E.Immunohistochemistry showed that the expression of BDNF and NGF in group E were significantly higher than other groups.[Conclusion]Schwann cells(SCs)can significantly promote the repair of rabbit radius bone defects by engineering scaffold composited with osteoblasts,which was closely related to the expression of BDNF and NGF.
    • 易红蕾; 陈兴捷; 陈虎; 夏虹
    • 摘要: 青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)是一种发生在青少年时期的复杂脊柱三维畸形,支具疗法是其重要的治疗方法之一.支具治疗可减少患者侧凸凸侧软骨终板生长,以达到延缓畸形进展的目的,但仍有部分AIS患者经治疗后侧凸继续进展.开展支具矫形的生物力学研究,有助于提高AIS矫形效果,对改良和设计新型支具亦有重要意义.本文综述支具治疗AIS的在体生物力学和有限元生物力学研究现状,明确其优缺点,同时阐述生物力学研究方法在改良现有支具及研究设计新型支具中的作用,以期为AIS患者的保守治疗提供参考.
    • 杨帆; 吴敏靓; 于淏; 曹烈虎
    • 摘要: [目的]比较外固定支架手术与内镜切开复位内固定术治疗颧弓骨折的临床效果.[方法]回顾性分析2011年6月至2013年4月在本院行外固定支架手术(外固定组,n=40)和内镜切开复位内固定术(内固定组,n=40)的80例颧弓骨折患者临床资料.所有受试者均随访3年,比较其切口Ⅰ期愈合率、术后并发症发生率及预后情况(残留瘢痕率、咬合优良率、骨折断端完全对位率)及手术前后张口度差异.[结果]两组患者切口均为Ⅰ期愈合,且无面瘫、头面部皮肤麻木、咀嚼功能受限、面部凹陷等并发症(P>0.05);内固定组术后轻度脱发、面部轻度肿胀各1例,均自行缓解;外固定组术后轻度张口受限1例,予以1~2个月的开口功能训练后恢复正常.两组患者术后3年时张口度均较术前明显提高(P0.05).两组末次随访时均可见面部基本对称,CT复查结果显示颧弓骨折愈合良好,无残留瘢痕率,咬合优良率及骨折断端完全对位率均为100%(P>0.05),咬合关系同伤前基本一致.[结论]外固定支架手术与内镜切开复位内固定术均在颧弓骨折患者的临床治疗中有较高的应用价值,患者可根据实际情况选择最佳术式,为提高预后恢复效果创造条件.%[Objective]To compare the clinical effects between external fixation and endoscopic open reduction with internal fixation in the treatment of zygomatic arch fractures. [Methods]The clinical data of 80 patients with zygomatic arch fractures who underwent external fixation ( control group, n =40) and endoscopic open reduction with internal fixation ( study group, n =40) in our hospital between June 2011 and April 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. All subjects were followed up for 3 years. The one-stage healing rate of incision, incidence of postoperative complications and prognosis of the patients (incidence of residual scar, excellent and good rate of occlusion, complete reduction rate of fractures) were com-pared. The differences in mouth-opening degree before and after operation were recorded. [Results]After operation, the in-cision of both groups showed one-stage healing and there were no cases of facial paralysis, head and face skin numbness, limited chewing function, facial depression or other complications ( P>0.05) . There was 1 case of mild hair loss and 1 case of slight swelling of the face in study group after operation, and the symptoms spontaneously remitted. In the control group, there was 1 case with mild restriction of mouth-opening, and after 1 ~ 2 months of mouth-opening function training, it re-turned to normal. At 3 years after operation, the mouth-opening degree of both groups was significantly higher than that of before operation ( P0.05) . At the last follow-up, there was presence of facial symmetry and the CT review showed good healing of zygomatic arch fractures, without resid-ual scarring. The effective rate of occlusion and complete reduction rate of fractures was 100% ( P>0.05). The occluding relation was basically the same as before injury. [Conclusion]Both external fixation and endoscopic open reduction with in-ternal fixation are of high application value in the clinical treatment of patients with zygomatic arch fractures. Patients can choose the optimal operation according to the actual situation to create conditions for improving the recovery effect of progno-sis.
    • 顾志明; 王金华; 孙旭东; 沈祥; 张翔海; 王学志; 崔庆元
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨如何在减少手术创伤的情况下修复肢体软组织伴大段骨组织缺损.方法 回顾分析3例行局部带蒂转移皮瓣结合外固定支架(Ilizarov技术)修复肢体软组织缺损同时伴有大段骨缺损的临床资料,对病人的肢体外形、功能及接受程度进行评价.结果 转移皮瓣3例均成活,骨延长后断端骨性愈合,延长骨段矿化良好,肢体外形及功能恢复满意.结论 与传统的游离皮瓣结合转移骨瓣的治疗方法相比较,带蒂转移皮瓣结合Ilizarov技术的术式难度及创伤较小,所有皮瓣全部成活,局部创面修复后,移植皮瓣弹性及耐磨性良好,感觉存在;延长骨质矿化良好,新生骨质强度良好,可承重;病人对手术方式可以接受,肢体功能恢复表示满意.%Objective To explore how to reduce the surgical trauma in the case of repair of limb soft tissue with large segment of bone defect.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 3 cases of local pedicle flap transfer combined with external fixator frame (Ilizarov technique) to repair limb soft tissue defect accompanied by large segment of bone defect,and evaluated the body shape,function and acceptability of the patient.Results Transfer flaps in 3 cases all survived.Bone union was obtained of fractured ends after bone lengthening.The lengthened sgemental bone was well minaralized and limb shape and function recovered satisfactorily.Conclusions Compared with the traditional treatment of free flap combined with transfer bone flap,the pedicle flap transfer combined with Ilizarov technique is less difficult and less traumatic.All flaps survive.After local wound repair,the elasticity and wear resistance of graft flap are good and sensible.Mineralization of the lengthened bone is good and the strengthen of the new bone is satisfactory with weight capacity.The surgery is acceptable,and the patients are satisfied with the recovery of limb functions.
    • 李荣锐; 王天枢; 解云川; 翟饶生
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the clinical effect of percutaneous internal fixation with sacroiliac joint hollow screw combined with external fixator in treatment of pelvic fracture.Methods:Forty patients with pelvis fracture admitted in the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University from Jan.2015 to Jan.2017 received percutaneous internal fixation with sacroiliac joint hollow screw combined with external fixator (internal and external fixation group),while 40 patients underwent open surgery followed by an external fixation (open surgery group) admitted in the same period were served as controls.The operation time,intraoperative blood loss,postoperative ambulation time,Majeed score,clinical efficacy and the incidence rate of postoperative complications were analyzed for the two groups.Results:The operation time and the postoperative ambulation time were significantly shorter,the intraoperative blood loss was obviously less and the Majeed score was markedly higher in the internal and external fixation group than in the open surgery group with statistical significance (P<0.05).In the internal and external fixation group,the total efficiency rate was higher (90.0%,36/40 cases) and the incidence rate of postoperative complications was lower (7.5%,3/40 cases) than in the open surgery group (65.0%,26/40 cases and 20.0%,8/40 cases,respectively) with statistical significance (P<0.05).The main postoperative complications were infection,osteoarthritis and deep vein thrombosis.Conclusions:Compared with the treatment of open surgery,the therapeutic effect of percutaneous internal fixation with sacroiliac joint hollow screw combined with external fixator can effectively shorten operative time,reduce the amount of intraoperative blood loss,improve the excellent rate of treatment and reduce the incidence of postoperative complications,so is worth to use in treatment of pelvic fracture.%目的:探讨经皮骶髂关节空心螺钉内固定联合支架外固定在骨盆骨折中的临床疗效.方法:选取2015年1月-2017年1月佳木斯大学附属第一医院骨外二科收治的经皮骶髂关节空心螺钉内固定联合支架外固定治疗的40例患者(内外固定组),同期收治的采用开放手术治疗的40例骨盆骨折患者(开放手术组)作对照.术后,观察分析两组患者的手术相关指标、Majeed功能评分、临床疗效以及术后并发症发生情况.结果:内外固定组患者的手术时间、术后下床时间均显著短于开放手术组,术中出血量显著少于开放手术组,Majeed功能评分显著高于开放手术组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).内外固定组患者的治疗总有效率为90.0%(36/40例),显著高于开放手术组的65.0%(26/40例),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).内外固定组患者的术后并发症发生率为7.5%(3/40例),显著低于开放手术组的20.0%(8/40例),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),术后并发症主要有感染、骨关节炎、下肢深静脉血栓.结论:经皮骶髂关节空心螺钉内固定联合支架外固定相较于开放手术,能够有效缩短手术时间、减少术中出血量、提高治疗优良率及降低术后并发症发生率,值得在临床上推广应用.
    • 赵仁欢; 卢宾; 刘昕; 覃佳强
    • 摘要: 目的:观察尺骨截骨Orthofix外固定支架延长术治疗儿童尺骨干骺端续连症的临床疗效和安全性。方法:2010年6月至2014年6月,采用尺骨截骨Orthofix外固定支架延长术治疗儿童尺骨干骺端续连症患者21例,男14例、女7例;年龄7~14岁,中位数9岁;左侧8例,右侧13例。所有患儿均表现为前臂远端有局部包块、畸形,均伴有不同程度的肘、腕关节屈伸功能及前臂旋转功能受限,无明显血管、神经压迫症状。随访观察截骨处骨愈合、前臂旋转功能改善及并发症发生情况,并于末次随访时采用Cooney腕关节评分标准和Mayo肘关节功能评分标准评价腕、肘关节功能。结果:所有患儿均获随访,随访时间7~26个月,中位数14个月。针道感染2例,经对症处理后感染控制;中指屈曲畸形1例,后期经康复锻炼后畸形改善。均无血管神经损伤、截骨处畸形愈合或不愈合、再骨折等并发症发生。末次随访时,前臂旋转角度(旋前+旋后)由术前75.4°±9.2°增加至89.6°±6.7°;Cooney腕关节评分(84.2±6.3)分,优4例、良12例、可5例;Mayo肘关节功能评分(86.7±5.1)分,优7例、良11例、可3例。结论:采用尺骨截骨Orthofix外固定支架延长术治疗儿童尺骨干骺端续连症,截骨处骨愈合率高,能够改善前臂旋转功能,促进腕关节和肘关节功能恢复,并发症少,值得临床推广应用。
    • 李文强
    • 摘要: 目的:观察半环式组合外固定架外固定治疗儿童股骨远端骨折的临床疗效和安全性。方法:2010年4月至2013年6月采用半环式组合外固定架外固定治疗儿童股骨远端骨折患者17例,男12例、女5例。年龄4~12岁,中位数7岁。均为股骨远端骨折AO分类中的A型骨折,其中A1型11例、A2型6例。伤后至就诊时间2h至6d,中位数3 d。术后随访观察骨折愈合及并发症发生情况,并于末次随访时参照《常用骨科分类法和功能评定》中股骨远端骨折的功能评定标准评价疗效。结果:所有患者均获随访,随访时间12~24个月,中位数16个月。骨折均愈合。5例出现钉道感染,经对症处理后感染得到控制。均未出现骨折再次移位、断端重叠短缩及成角畸形等并发症。末次随访时,优13例、良2例、可1例、差1例。结论:采用半环式组合外固定架外固定治疗儿童股骨远端骨折,创伤小,骨折愈合率高,能促进患肢功能的恢复,并发症少,值得临床推广应用。
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