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p27基因的相关文献在1998年到2022年内共计74篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、分子生物学 等领域,其中期刊论文68篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献86734篇;相关期刊55种,包括中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志、基层医学论坛、中国综合临床等; 相关会议5种,包括第四届全国禽病分子生物技术青年工作者会议、2015年中国畜牧兽医学会兽医外科学分会第九届会员代表大会暨第21次学术研讨会、2010年浙江省肛肠外科学术大会等;p27基因的相关文献由291位作者贡献,包括任振华、余铭、吴伟力等。



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  • 任振华
  • 余铭
  • 吴伟力
  • 张仁虎
  • 张洁
  • 林肖
  • 林道浙
  • 梁美珍
  • 薛迪新
  • 贺先伟
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 岳子婷; 黄江涛; 宁勇; 宗学阳; 张华文; 史怀平
    • 摘要: 细胞周期依赖性激酶抑制蛋白B(cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors B,CDKNIB,即p27)可以抑制细胞周期蛋白-细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶复合物,阻滞细胞周期进程。通过克隆获得奶山羊p27基因序列并阐明其编码蛋白的生物学特性,利用RNAi干扰技术和基因过表达技术沉默和上调奶山羊乳腺上皮细胞中p27基因的表达,以探究p27基因对乳腺上皮细胞增殖的影响。以西农萨能奶山羊乳腺组织为实验材料,扩增并克隆出奶山羊p27基因CDS全长序列,其全长597 bp,编码198个氨基酸。对p27基因编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析,发现其为亲水性不稳定蛋白,无跨膜结构。利用实时荧光定量PCR检测奶山羊p27基因mRNA在不同时期乳腺组织中的表达情况,发现p27基因在泌乳期的表达量高于干奶期。将构建的p27基因真核表达质粒转染奶山羊乳腺上皮细胞,使用CCK-8、Edu染色及蛋白质印迹法(Western blot)检测p27基因对乳腺上皮细胞增殖的影响,发现过表达p27基因抑制了乳腺上皮细胞的增殖和DNA合成,并使得CDK2蛋白表达水平升高(P<0.05)。上述结果提示p27可作为负调节因子参与乳腺上皮细胞增殖,研究结果为p27调控乳腺发育的分子机理提供了基础资料。
    • 巴一旭; 杨光; 李国忠; 王宁; 程玉
    • 摘要: 垂体腺瘤是一种单克隆起源的颅内常见良性肿瘤,垂体腺瘤的发生机制与原癌基因激活和抑癌基因失活密切相关,主要的抑癌基因包括p53基因、p27基因、嘌呤结合因子(nm23)基因、多发性内分泌肿瘤Ⅰ型(MEN-1)基因、p16基因、视网膜母细胞瘤(RB)基因、PTEN肿瘤抑制基因和芳香烃受体相互作用蛋白(A IP)基因等.失活机制多种多样,其中DNA甲基化认为是抑癌基因失活的主要原因,且部分抑癌基因与垂体腺瘤的侵袭性密切相关.因此,深入研究垂体腺瘤相关抑癌基因将为垂体腺瘤的发生发展和预后提供帮助.
    • 刘助红; 王静; 李秀珍; 尹雪琴; 张钰; 郭鹏举; 黄韧
    • 摘要: Objective The p27 gene of the simian type?D retrovirus was prokaryotically expressed to establish the flow microsphere immunofluorescence assay for detection of simian type?D retrovirus in nonhuman primates. Methods The gene of p27 was amplified by PCR and linked to the pGEX?4T?1 expression vector digested with the restriction enzymes of EcoR I and Xho I, and the recombinant pGEX?4T?1?p27 plasmid was transfected into the BL21 (DE3) cells for expression of target protein. The form of expressed protein and the optimal time for induction were analyzed by SDS?PAGE. The target protein was purified with GST resin and coupled with magnetic beads to establish the flow microsphere immunofluorescence assay for detection of simian type?D retrovirus in clinical specimens. Results The recombinant protein was expressed in the soluble supernatant, and the optimal time for induction was 4 h. After coupling the protein with the magnetic beads, the flow microsphere immunofluorescence assay was successfully established. Using this method, 81?fold diluted serum could still be detected as positive, and no cross?reaction was found in the positive serum of other pathogens of nonhuman prima?tes, indicating the strong specificity of this method. A total of 24 clinical specimens were tested by this flow microsphere im?munofluorescence assay as well as ELISA. Among all the 24 specimens, 3 samples were positive detected by the flow mi?crosphere immunofluorescence assay, of which 2 were positive and 1 was negative by ELISA. The coincidence rate of these two methods was 96%. Conclusions The prokaryotic expression of p27 protein of the simian type?D retrovirus is success?ful and the flow microsphere immunofluorescence assay with high sensitivity, strong specificity and tiny samples needed is established, which lays the foundation for further application of the multi?flow microsphere immunofluorescence technique.%目的 构建猴D型逆转录病毒的p27蛋白,并建立流式免疫荧光微球检测技术用于猴D型逆转录病毒的检测.方法 通过PCR扩增p27基因片段,与pGEX?4T?1表达载体进行连接,转化至BL21(DE3)进行表达.通过SDS?PAGE分析蛋白表达的形式及最佳诱导时间.采取GST树脂纯化目标蛋白,包被磁珠,建立流式免疫荧光微球检测技术,用于临床样本的检测.结果 重组蛋白以可溶的上清液进行表达,诱导的最佳时间为4h.包被磁珠后,成功建立流式免疫荧光微球检测技术,对阳性血清稀释81倍仍可检测为阳性,对猴类其他病原的阳性血清无交叉反应,特异性强,与ELISA法同时对24份临床样本进行检测,其中3份样品的流式免疫荧光微球检测结果为阳性,ELISA检测结果为2份阳性,1份阴性,两种方法的检测结果符合率为96%.结论 成功表达猴D型逆转录病毒p27蛋白,并运用该蛋白建立了灵敏度高,特异性强,样本需求少的流式免疫荧光微球检测技术,为后续推广应用多重流式免疫荧光微球检测技术奠定了基础.
    • 周洁; 杨燕飞; 胡建华; 陶凌云; 高诚
    • 摘要: 目的 克隆表达猴D型逆转录病毒(SRV) p27基因,评价其诊断价值.方法 PCR扩增p27基因片段,定向克隆至原核表达载体pET-28b(+),重组质粒转化大肠杆菌Rosetta (DE3)中诱导表达,利用SDS-PAGE和Western blot对表达产物进行鉴定,目的蛋白经镍柱亲和层析纯化后用ELISA方法评价其诊断价值.结果 重组质粒转化宿主菌后在37°C,异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)浓-度为0.5 mmol/L的条件下诱导4h,可溶性p27蛋白表达量最大,且具有免疫学活性.纯化后测定融合蛋白浓度为2.043 g/L,纯度93.3%,以融合蛋白为诊断抗原包被ELISA板检测3份标准阳性血清和22份阴性血清,检出率为100%.结论 p27基因成功表达并具有良好的反应原性,可作为猴D型逆转录病毒血清学检测的候选抗原.
    • 代永红; 江志辉; 孟秀瑾; 刘建光
    • 摘要: 目的 观察P27mRNA及蛋白在甲状腺癌组织中的表达变化,探讨P27基因在甲状腺癌发病过程中的作用.方法 逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)法和Western blot方法检测31例甲状腺癌、48例甲状腺腺瘤、11例正常甲状腺组织中P27mRNA、蛋白的表达.结果 P27mRNA在甲状腺癌组织的表达量为0.740±0.029,明显低于甲状腺腺瘤0.892±0.027及正常甲状腺组织0.922±0.024,3组间比较差异具有统计学意义(F=4.731,P<0.05).P27蛋白在甲状腺癌组织的表达量为0.340 ±0.019,明显低于甲状腺腺瘤0.532±0.023及正常甲状腺组织0.735±0.036,差异具有统计学意义(F =3.350,P<0.05).结论 P27mRNA及蛋白降低可能与甲状腺癌的发生、发展有关.
    • 彭曦华; 阳美凤; 赵强; 曾斌
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染与抑癌基因p27在胃癌组织中表达的相关性.方法 Hp感染检测术前采用14碳-尿素酶呼吸试验(14C-UBT)法,术后胃癌离体标行Giemsa染色.P27mRNA在胃癌组织的表达采用RT-PCR检测,P27蛋白的表达使用P27鼠抗人单克隆抗体免疫组化.结果 62例胃癌中,RT-PCR检测41例Hp阳性中仅有10例P27mRNA的表达,阳性率为24.4%;免疫组化染色41例Hp阳性中有11例P27蛋白的表达,阳性率为26.8%.RT-PCR检测21例Hp阴性生中有13例P27mRNA的表达,阳性率为62.0%;免疫组化染色而21例Hp阴性中有12例P27蛋白的表达,阳性率为57.1%.无论P27mRNA或其蛋白的表达与Hp感染呈负相关;且Hp阳性组与Hp阴性组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.005,P<0.05).结论 Hp感染可引起胃黏膜抑癌基因p27表达水平降低,可能是Hp感染引起胃黏膜癌变机理之一.
    • 岑慧; 柯珮琪; 王莉; 舒珊荣; 费慧; 沈宏伟
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨PTEN及P27基因甲基化状态及其蛋白表达与子宫内膜癌发生发展的关系.方法:用甲基化特异性PCR检测36例子宫内膜癌、17例子宫内膜增生症及27例正常子宫内膜组织中的PTEN及P27基因甲基化情况;应用免疫组化Elivision二步法检测PTEN、P27基因在以上3种组织中蛋白表达情况.结果:在子宫内膜癌及子宫内膜增生症中PTEN及P27基因甲基化率明显高于正常子宫内膜(P<0.05),在子宫内膜癌中PTEN及P27蛋白表达率明显低于子宫内膜增生症及正常子宫内膜(P<0.05).同时,PTEN蛋白表达与P27蛋白表达呈正相关(r =0.491,P=0.005).结论:PTEN及P27基因甲基化可能参与子宫内膜癌的发生发展;P27基因甲基化可能是子宫内膜癌早期分子事件,可作为子宫内膜癌发生的预测及预防的靶点;在子宫内膜癌中,PTEN蛋白与P27蛋白表达间存在正向调控关系.%Objective:To explore the role of DNA methylation and protein expression of PTEN and P27 in the carcinogenesis of endometrial carcinoma. Methods: PTEN and P27 gene methyaltion status were dect-ected with methylation specific PCR (MSP) and the corresponding protein expressions were measured by immunohistochemistry in 36 cases of endometrial carcinoma, 17 cases of endometrial hyperplasia and 27 cases of normal endometrium. Results:The methylation rates of PTEN and P27 in endometrial carcinoma and hyperplasia were significantly higher than those in normal endometrium tissue ( P < 0. 05). The protein expressions of PTEN and P27 in endometrial carcinoma were significantly lower than those in normal endometrium and hyperplasia (P<0. 05). There was a positive correlation between PTEN and P27 protein expression (r=0. 491 ,P=0. 005). Conclusions;PTEN and P27 methylation may play an important role in the carcinogenesis and development of endometrial carcinoma. P27 gene methylation may be an early molecular e-vent in endometrial carcinoma,which can be used as a predictive or preventive target for endometrial carcinoma. There were a positive correlation between PTEN and P27 protein expression.
    • 汤宏宇; 何勤; 王秀琴; 孙学蓉; 张利娟; 朱鸿斌; 游崇登
    • 摘要: 目的 研究急性白血病(AL)患者抑癌基因p27的表达及其启动子的甲基化状态,探讨其在AL发生发展中的作用.方法 采用逆转录—聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)及甲基化特异性聚合酶链反应(MSP)技术研究AL患者骨髓单个核细胞p27 mRNA的表达水平及其启动子甲基化发生率.结果 AL组和对照组p27 mRNA阳性率分别为36.9%和87.8% (P <0.01),p27 mRNA的表达缺失与AL患者外周血白细胞计数、髓外浸润呈负相关(P均<0.05).AL患者的p27基因启动子甲基化阳性率较低(4.62%).结论 p27基因的表达缺失是AL发生发展的机制之一,p27基因启动子甲基化是否为AL患者p27基因表达缺失的机制之一尚需进一步研究证实.%Objective To investigate the changes of p27 gene expression and promoter methylation status in acute leuke mia (AL) patients, as well as explore their roles in the development of AL and the relationship that exists between them. Method Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR) and methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) technology were used to research the mRNA expression level and promoter methylation of p27 gene in bone marrow mononuclear cells of AL patients. Results p27 mRNA-positive rates in AL group and the control group were 36. 9% and 87. 8% ( P <0.01) , p27 mRNA expression in peripheral blood of patients with AL loss of white blood cell count, extramed-ullary infiltration was negatively correlated (P<0. 05). P27 gene promoter methylation-positive rate of AL patients was low (4. 62% ). Conclusion Loss of expression of p27 gene is one of the mechanisms of the development AL, therefore, p27 gene promoter methylation is one of the mechanisms, whether induces p27 gene expression deletion or not still need further research.
    • 原志庆; 崔静; 千新来; 贺国洋; 郑丽丽
    • 摘要: Aim:To investigate the abnormal methylation of pl6,Rb and p27 gene promoter region in colorectal carcinoma tissue and the significance. Methods: Methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction ( MSP) was used to detect the methylation status of p16,Rb and p27 gene promoter region in 56 cases of colorectal carcinoma and the matched normal mu-cosa epithelium,and 42 cases of adenoma tissue. ReSUltS: Compared to that of normal mucosa epithelium, the methylation rates of pl6 and p27 gene promoter region in colorectal adenoma and carcinoma tissues increased significantly (x2 =4. 680, 9. 091 and 4. 008 ,10.618 ,P 0. 05 ) . The methylation status of pl6 and p27 gene promoter region were negatively correlated with their proteins (rp was 0. 894 and 0. 920 ,P 0.05),而且甲基化水平低.癌组织中p16和p27基因启动子区甲基化状态与其蛋白表达负关联(rP分别为0.894和0.920,P<0.001),而Rb基因启动子区甲基化状态与蛋白表达无关联(rp=0.026,P=0.661).p16基因启动子区高甲基化状态与大肠癌的分化程度、浸润深度及淋巴结转移有关(χ2=10.757,6.229和5.707,P<0.05),而p27高甲基化状态仅与淋巴结转移有关(χ2=10.475,P<0.001).结论:p16和p27基因启动子区高甲基化在大肠癌的发生、演进和转移中可能起重要作用.
    • 陈积贤; 黄建武; 梁美珍; 贺先伟; 徐平; 张洁; 任振华; 薛迪新; 吴伟力; 张仁虎; 余铭; 林道浙; 林肖
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the methylation status of p27 gene promoter in portal vein blood and peripheral blood of colorectal carcinoma patients and its relationship with the clinical characteristics of the disease.Methods The methylation status of p27 gene promoter in portal vein blood in 106 patients with colorectal carcinoma was detected using methylation — specific PCR ( MSP ).Blood samples from 29 age - matched healthy subjects were adopted as controls.Results Positive rate of p27 gene methylation in the peripheral blood of colorectal carcinoma patients were merely 24.5% ( 26/106 ), compared to 3.4% ( 1/29 ) in the control subjects, while in portal vein blood the positive rate went up to 30.2% ( 32/106 ).Positive rates were 20.0% ( 11/55 ) and 41.2% ( 21/51 ) in patients of Duke A + B and Duke C + D, 48.0% ( 12/25 ) and 24.7% ( 20/81 ) in patients with low and middle -high differentiation, 41.5% ( 17/41 ) and 23.1% ( 15/65 ) in patients with and without lymph node metastasis, and 24.1% ( 7/29 ) and 32.5% ( 25/77 ) in patients with and without serosa invasion, respectively.Hyper-methylation status in p27 promoter was significantly correlated to staging, degree of differentiation, and status of lymph node metastasis ( P <0.05 ) and it was not significantly correlated to age, sex, neoplasm position and size ( P >0.05 ).Conclusion Hypermethylation in p27 gene promoter is associated with pathogenesis and development of colorectal carcinoma, which in turn might provide evidences for diagnosis and prognostic prediction of the disease.%目的 研究结直肠癌患者门静脉血、外周血中p27基因甲基化状态的变化,探讨其与临床病理特征的关系.方法 应用甲基化特异性聚合酶链反应分析技术,检测106例结直肠癌患者的门静脉血中p27基因启动子甲基化的阳性率,并结合临床病理进行分析.结果 结直肠癌患者外周血中的p27基因甲基化阳性率为24.5%(26/106),对照组为3.4%(1/29).结直肠癌患者门静脉血中p27基因甲基化阳性率为30.2%(32/106),其中Dukes分期:A+B期和C+D期阳性率分别为20.0%(11/55)和41.2%(21/51);低分化和高中分化阳性率分别为48.0%(12/25)和24.7%(20/81);有无淋巴结转移阳性率分别为41.5%(17/41)和23.1%(15/65);浸润深度:未达浆膜层和达浆膜层阳性率分别为24.1%(7/29)和32.5%(25/77).门静脉血中p27基因甲基化与结直肠癌患者的临床分期、组织分化程度及有无淋巴结转移均有关(P<0.05),但与患者的性别、年龄、肿瘤部位和大小均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 结直肠癌的发生发展与p27基因甲基化有关.检测结直肠癌患者门静脉血中p27基因甲基化程度,可为临床分期及预后的判断提供依据.
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