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因子Ⅷ的相关文献在1986年到2023年内共计19073篇,主要集中在内科学、临床医学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文135篇、专利文献18938篇;相关期刊73种,包括国际生物制品学杂志、国际检验医学杂志、国际输血及血液学杂志等; 因子Ⅷ的相关文献由38050位作者贡献,包括谢毅、毛裕民、刘斌等。



论文:135 占比:0.71%


论文:18938 占比:99.29%





  • 谢毅
  • 毛裕民
  • 刘斌
  • 刘军
  • 李校堃
  • 赵涛
  • 林辰涛
  • 李宏宇
  • 王磊
  • 陈受宜
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 曹松; 冯仁平; 吴炜誉; 苟永刚; 陈有果; 王继云; 杨云喜
    • 摘要: 目的 分析在人凝血因子Ⅷ(human coagulation factor Ⅷ,FⅧ)层析纯化上样前增加澄清过滤对FⅧ层析效果的影响.方法 采用直接上样和澄清过滤后上样两种方式,对各10批次FⅧ进行层析纯化,比较层析参数(流速、柱压、上样量)、洗脱液效价、洗脱液体积、洗脱液比活、成品量及成品质量,指标(效价、水分、可见异物、磷酸三丁酯残留量、聚山梨酯80残余量).结果 经澄清过滤后上样,洗脱液效价高于直接上样且差异有统计学意义(t=28.56,P=0.000),层析参数(流速、柱压、上样量)、洗脱液体积、洗脱液比活差异均无统计学意义,成品产量高于直接上样且差异有统计学意义(t=23.14,P=0.000).使用澄清过滤后,成品质量指标效价(t=0.95,P=0.183)和水分(t=1.12,P=0.145)差异均无统计学意义,可见异物、磷酸三丁酯残留量、聚山梨酯80残留量均符合质量标准.结论 在FⅧ层析生产过程中,增加澄清过滤能提高层析收率和成品收率,且对产品质量无影响.
    • 赵丙全; 焦安秀; 陈凯
    • 摘要: 目的 分析去白细胞单采血小板保存期末的凝血因子活性及血栓弹力图(TEG),为指导去白细胞单采血小板临床输注提供参考.方法 于2017年6月至2019年6月,采用随机抽样法选择日照市中心血站采集的65人份去白细胞单采血小板为研究对象.去白细胞血小板采用MCS+型血细胞分离机及其配套管路耗材采集.分别于去白细胞单采血小板保存前、(22±2)°C振荡保存第5天和第7天时,对其血小板计数、FⅧ活性、FⅨ活性和TEG进行检测.对以上指标3个不同保存时间点的总体比较,采用单因素重复测量方差分析;不同时间点的两两比较,采用最小显著性差异(LSD)法.本研究遵循的程序符合2013年修订的《世界医学协会赫尔辛基宣言》要求.结果 ①本研究65人份去白细胞单采血小板,于保存前、保存第5天和第7天时,血小板计数分别为(10.8±0.5)×1011/L、(8.7±1.1)×1011/L、(8.2±1.5)×1011/L,FⅧ活性分别为(105.9±38.2)%、(57.2±22.4)%、(30.5±17.5)%,FⅨ活性分别为(97.8±27.5)%、(54.9±19.7)%、(38.4±12.4)%.保存前、保存第5天和第7天时,上述3项指标分别总体比较,差异均有统计学意义(F=93.90,P<0.001;F=126.16,P<0.001;F=141.04,P<0.001);保存第5天与保存前分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(LSD-t=10.52,P<0.001;LSD-t=10.13,P<0.001;LSD-t=11.76,P<0.001),保存第7天与第5天分别比较,差异亦均有统计学意义(LSD-t=2.34,P=0.020;LSD-t=5.53,P<0.001;LSD-t=4.50,P<0.001).②65人份去白细胞单采血小板,于保存前、保存第5天和第7天时,TEG参数R值、K值、α角、MA值依次分别为(8.8±0.5) min、(14.1±0.7) min、(16.1±0.6)min,(1.7±0.1)min、(1.8±0.5)min、(1.9±0.6)min,(69.7±3.4)°、(69.1±1.8)°、(69.2±2.6)°,(86.7±2.6)mm、(82.2±3.1)mm、(80.5±3.3)mm;R值、K值、MA值分别总体比较,差异均有统计学意义(F=2 522.59,P<0.001;F=3.15,P=0.045;F=73.42,P<0.001).其中,保存第5天与保存前比较,R值显著升高,MA值显著降低,并且差异均有统计学意义(LSD-t=49.90,P<0.001;LSD-t=8.51,P<0.001);保存第7天与第5天比较,R值亦显著升高,MA值亦显著降低,差异均有统计学意义(LSD-t=18.83,P<0.001;LSD-t=3.22,P=0.002).结论 去白细胞单采血小板于保存期末,即(22±2)°C振荡保存第5天时,其凝血活性成分明显损耗,凝血功能有所下降.临床输注去白细胞单采血小板时,应根据不同的治疗目的,选择使用不同保存期的去白细胞单采血小板.
    • 王大香
    • 摘要: 血友病作为一种X染色体隐性遗传的出血性疾病,患者凝血因子Ⅷ或Ⅸ缺失,常表现为自发性或创伤后关节、肌肉等组织出血,随着病情发展可导致肌肉萎缩、关节变性等,甚至终身残疾[1]。严重影响患者生活质量及生命安全。同时,其作为一种终身疾病,目前主要采用浓缩因子Ⅷ或Ⅸ替代疗法控制患者病情,尚无有效的治愈手段。因此,患者在医院治疗显效出院后需进行长期家庭治疗及护理,但由于患者的家属医疗知识不足,护理能力较低,无法及时、准确地进行家庭治疗及护理,常导致患者出院后疗效不理想,甚至病情加重[2]。本研究在患者住院期间开展以家庭为中心的家庭化护理模式并将其延伸至患者出院后,取得了较好效果,现报道如下。
    • 华宝来; Pierre Chelle; Cindy HT Yeung; 顾健; 赵永强; Alfonso Iorio
    • 摘要: 目的 比较两种重组人凝血因子Ⅷ(FⅧ)制剂拜科奇(Kogenate?FS)与百因止(Advate?)在血友病A患者中的群体药代动力学差异,以期为血友病A患者精准个体化治疗提供理论依据.方法 以WAPPS-Hemo项目中自2015年1月至2017年12月共纳入全球41个血友病中心至少接受过1次拜科奇或百因止注射的中间型/重型血友病A患者作为研究对象.计算两种FⅧ制剂的半衰期以及FⅧ活性到达2%的时间(TAT2%),并进一步分析不同年龄层和不同注射剂量下两种药物的药代动力学差异.结果 ①拜科奇组117例,平均年龄为(27.6±17.7)岁;百因止组120例,平均年龄为(23.4±16.2)岁.两组患者均为男性.②拜科奇组、百因止组给药剂量分别为(31.5±13.1)IU/kg、(38.17±14.83)IU/kg,半衰期分别为(12.3±3.5)h、(10.8±2.9)h,TAT2%分别为(65.2±21.7)h、(57.0±17.9)h.③拜科奇组中≥12岁、<12岁患者的半衰期分别为(12.7±3.7)h、(11.1±2.5)h,TAT2%分别为(68.6±22.9)h、(55.8±14.6)h;百因止组中≥12岁、<12岁患者的半衰期分别为(11.4±3.1)h、(9.4±1.8)h,TAT2%分别为(61.1±18.0)h、(45.2±11.3)h.④拜科奇组中<20 IU/kg、20~29 IU/kg、30~39 IU/kg、≥40 IU/kg剂量组的半衰期分别为(13.3±4.0)h、(12.3±3.6)h、(12.2±3.5)h、(11.6±2.6)h,TAT2%分别为(61.5±21.4)h、(63.9±22.4)h、(67.0±24.3)h、(68.0±19.5)h;百因止组中<20 IU/kg、20~29 IU/kg、30~39 IU/kg、≥40 IU/kg剂量组的半衰期分别为(11.5±3.8)h、(11.4±3.7)h、(11.0±2.9)h、(10.4±2.3)h,TAT2%分别为(50.8±19.2)h、(56.7±21.0)h、(58.2±18.8)h、(58.1±15.8)h.结论 在不同年龄组和不同注射剂量组,拜科奇的药代动力学参数均优于百因止.%Objective To compare the differences in population pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters between two recombinant coagulation factor Ⅷ(FⅧ)preparations, Kogenate FS and Advate, in patients with hemophilia A, and to provide the theoretical basis of precise individualized treatment for those patients. Methods Patients with moderate or severe hemophilia A who had at least one injection of Kogenate FS or Advate at 41 international hemophilia centers were enrolled as subjects from the WAPPS-Hemo project since January 2015 to December 2017. The half-lives of the two drugs and the time of FⅧ activity reaching 2%(TAT 2%)were calculated, and the differences of PK between the two drugs among different age and dose subgroups were further analyzed. Results ①The mean age of patients in the Kogenate FS (n=117) and Advate groups (n=120) were (27.6 ± 17.7) and (23.4 ± 16.2) years old, respectively. All patients in the two groups were males.②The administration doses in the Kogenate FS and Advate groups were(31.5 ± 13.1)IU/kg and(38.17 ± 14.83)IU/kg, respectively;the half-lives of the two drugs were(12.3±3.5)h and(10.8±2.9)h, respectively;and the TAT 2%were(65.2±21.7)h and(57.0± 17.9)h, respectively.③In the Kogenate FS group, the drug half-lives in patients aged≥12 and<12 years old were(12.7±3.7)h and(11.1±2.5)h, respectively;the TAT 2%were(68.6±22.9)h and(55.8±14.6)h, respectively. In the Advate group, the drug half-lives in patients aged≥12 and<12 years old were(11.4± 3.1)h and(9.4±1.8)h, respectively;and the TAT 2%were(61.1±18.0)h and(45.2±11.3)h, respectively.④In the Kogenate FS group, the drug half-lives in<20 IU/kg,(20-29)IU/kg,(30-39)IU/kg and≥40 IU/kg groups were(13.3±4.0)h,(12.3±3.6)h,(12.2±3.5)h and(11.6±2.6)h, respectively;and the TAT 2%were(61.5±21.4)h,(63.9±22.4)h,(67.0±24.3)h and(68.0±19.5)h, respectively. In the Advate group, the drug half-lives in<20 IU/kg,(20-29)IU/kg,(30-39)IU/kg and<40 IU/kg groups were(11.5±3.8) h,(11.4±3.7)h,(11.0±2.9)h and(10.4±2.3)h, respectively;and the TAT 2%were(50.8±19.2)h,(56.7± 21.0)h,(58.2±18.8)h and(58.1±15.8)h, respectively. Conclusion The PK parameters of Kogenate FS are superior to those of Advate among different age and dose subgroups.
    • 是翡; 吴晓文; 金晶; 李冬梅; 吴玮; 郭慧; 吴腾捷
    • 摘要: 目的 研究一步离子交换层析法制备人凝血因子Ⅷ(factorⅧ,FⅧ)/血管性血友病因子(von Willebrand factor,vWF)混合物的最适层析条件.方法 以含不同浓度氯化钠的缓冲液进行线性梯度洗脱来确定层析缓冲液的最适离子强度和pH值,同时研究上样体积对该法的影响.结果 使用pH7.0的含250 mmol/L氯化钠的洗涤缓冲液和含400 mmol/L氯化钠的洗脱缓冲液进行离子交换层析,所得产物的FⅧ与vWF效价比约为1:1,FⅧ回收率为76.51%.结论 采用一步离子交换层析法制备FⅧ/vWF混合物,可使FⅧ与vWF效价比达到约1:1.%Objective To study the optimal chromatography condition for preparing human coagulation factor Ⅷ (FⅧ ) / von Willebrand factor (vWF ) complex by one step ion exchange chromatography (IEC) .Methods The optimal ionic strength and pH value of chromatography buffer solution were identified by linear gradient elution using buffer solution containing different concentrations of sodium chloride .The influence of sample volume on IEC was also studied .Results When IEC was carried out using washing buffer containing 250 mmol/L sodium chloride and elution buffer containing 400 mmol/L sodium chloride at pH7 .0 ,the activity ratio of F Ⅷ to vWF in obtained product was about 1:1 ,and the recovery rate of FⅧ was 76 .51% .Conclusion Using one step IEC to prepare FⅧ /vWF complex can achieve the activity ratio of F Ⅷ to vWF at about 1:1 .
    • 周云; 吴春农; 谢晓英; 曹燕; 马丽
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨获得性血友病(AH)A的病因、临床特点、治疗方法及疗效.方法 选择2007年6月至2016年5月,凉山彝族自治州第一人民医院血液科收治的4例AHA患者为研究对象.回顾性分析这4例AHA患者的临床特点、实验室检查结果、治疗方法及疗效等临床资料,并结合相关文献,探讨AHA诊治的研究进展.结果 ①4例患者均以皮肤淤斑及肌肉血肿为主要表现.患者1,四肢脉搏微弱,血压为80 mmHg/40 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa);血常规检查结果示,血红蛋白(Hb)水平为69 g/L;凝血功能分析结果示,活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)为82.8 s,凝血因子FⅧ活性<1.0%,凝血因子FⅧ抑制物滴度为3.20 Bu/mL,凝血因子FⅨ活性为1.0%;风湿三项检测结果示,类风湿因子(RF)水平为219.0 U/L,C反应蛋白(CRP)水平为46.19 mg/L.患者2,四肢脉搏微弱,血压为80 mmHg/50 mmHg;血常规检查结果示,Hb水平为58 g/L;凝血功能分析结果示,APTT>248.0 s,凝血因子FⅧ活性<2.0%,凝血因子FⅧ抑制物滴度为5.50 Bu/mL,凝血因子FⅨ活性为4.5%,凝血因子FⅪ活性为13.6%,凝血因子FⅫ活性为7.0%,凝血因子FⅨ抑制物滴度为0.98 Bu/mL;免疫学检查结果示,抗干燥综合征(SS)A抗体(+++)、抗SSB抗体(+++)、抗RO52抗体(+++),抗酸性核蛋白抗体(++),抗核抗体(ANA)滴度为1∶3 200.患者3,血压为104 mmHg/66 mmHg;血常规检查结果示,Hb水平为46 g/L;凝血功能分析结果示,APTT明显延长为104.4 s,凝血因子FⅧ活性为4.4%,FⅧ抑制物滴度为6.20 Bu/mL;免疫学检查结果示:ANA滴度为1∶3 200,抗SSA抗体(+),抗线粒体M2抗体(+),ACA(-).患者4,血压为106 mmHg/72 mmHg;血常规检测结果示,白细胞计数为23.21×109/L,中性粒细胞比例为90%,Hb水平为58 g/L;凝血功能分析结果示,APTT为96.9s,凝血因子FⅧ活性为3.7%,凝血因子FⅧ抑制物滴度为3.30 Bu/mL;胸部CT结果示,右肺下叶外压性肺不张,左下肺小范围感染灶.②根据病史、体征及相关实验室检查结果,患者1诊断为AHA合并失血性贫血、失血性休克、类风湿关节炎(RA).患者2诊断为AHA合并失血性贫血,失血性休克,系统性红斑狼疮(SLE).患者3诊断为AHA合并失血性贫血、SS.患者4诊断为AHA合并失血性贫血、高血压病、重症肺炎、Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭.③患者1接受新鲜冰冻血浆(400~600 mL/d)、冷沉淀(10 U/d)输注,并接受扩容,血管活性药物治疗.随后患者接受甲泼尼龙(80 mg/d×8 d),联合甲氨蝶呤(10 mg/d×4d),静脉注射免疫球蛋白(IVIG) (5.0 g/d×5 d)治疗.患者病情好转后复发.患者接受新鲜冰冻血浆(400~600 mL/d)及冷沉淀(8~10 U/d)、来氟米特(10 mg/d)、甲泼尼龙(80 mg/d)、环磷酰胺(0.6 g/d×3 d).患者病情好转后再次复发.患者再次接受新鲜冰冻血浆(400~600 mL/d),甲泼尼龙(80 mg/d×3 d),环磷酰胺(0.6 g/d×3 d)治疗后,患者出血症状好转,APTT恢复至正常参考值范围内,获得完全缓解(CR).患者2接受新鲜冰冻血浆(600~800 mL/d×1d,400~600 mL/d×1 d)输注,扩容,血管活性药物治疗,并接受甲泼尼龙(80 mg/d×7 d)治疗.由于疗效不佳,治疗方案改为甲泼尼龙(500 mg/d×3d)联合环磷酰胺(0.8 g/d×2d),同时继续输注新鲜冰冻血浆(600~800 mL/d)治疗.治疗后,患者出血症状好转,但是APTT仍无明显好转,患者获得部分缓解(PR).患者3接受新鲜冰冻血浆(600~800 mL/d×3 d),甲泼尼龙(80 mg/d×7 d)治疗.由于疗效不佳,治疗方法改为甲泼尼龙(500 mg/d×3 d)联合环磷酰胺(0.6 g/d×2 d)治疗.治疗后,患者出血症状获得缓解,APTT恢复至正常参考值范围内,患者获得CR.患者4接受抗感染治疗,并且输注新鲜冰冻血浆(600~800 mL/d)及悬浮红细胞(1.5 U/d×2 d).患者出血症状无明显好转,治疗过程中患者并发感染性休克、Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭、心功能不全,接受甲泼尼龙(80 mg/d)及扩容、升血压、解痉平喘、纠正心功能衰竭等多重治疗.因患者感染程度较重,故未接受免疫抑制剂治疗.患者对治疗无反应,家属选择放弃治疗,患者出院后死亡.结论 AHA患者出血倾向严重,多以皮肤及肌肉血肿形成为主,免疫性疾病为常见原因,治疗多采用糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂,疗效较好.%Objective To investigate the etiology,clinical features,treatment and curative effect of acquired hemophilia (AH) A.Methods From June 2007 to May 2016,a total of 4 AHA patients who were admitted to Department of Hematology,First People's Hospital of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture were included in this study.The clinical characteristics,laboratory examination results,treatment methods and curative effect of the 4 AHA patients were analyzed retrospectively,and the research progress of diagnosis and treatment of AHA was discussed in combination with relevant literature.Results ① Skin stasis and muscle hematoma were the main manifestations in 4 AHA patients.Case 1 had a weak pulse in all extremities and a blood pressure of 80 mmHg/40 mmHg (1 mmHg =0.133 kPa).Blood routine examination results showed that level of hemoglobin (Hb) was 69 g/L.Blood coagulation function analysisresults showed activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) was 82.8 s,FⅧ activity<1.0%,titer of FⅧ inhibitor was 3.20 Bu/mL,FⅨ activity was 1.0%.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) test results showed level of rheumatoid factor (RF) was 219.0 U/L,and level of C reaction protein (CRP) was 46.19 mg/L.Case 2 had a weak pulse in all extremities and a blood pressure of 80 mmHg/50 mmHg.Blood routine examination results showed that the Hb level was 58 g/L.Blood coagulation function analysis results showed APTT> 248.0 s,FⅧ activity<2.0%,titer of FⅧ inhibitor was 5.50 Bu/mL,FⅨ activity was 4.5%,FⅪ activity was 13.6%,FⅫ activity was 7.0%,titer of FⅨ inhibitor was 0.98 Bu/mL.Immunological test showed Sjogrensyndrome (SS) antibody (+++),SSB antibody (+++),RO52 antibody (+++),acidic nucleoprotein antibody (++),titer of antinuclear antibody (ANA) was 1 ∶ 3 200.Case 3 had a blood pressure of 104 mmHg/66 mmHg.Blood routine examination results showed that Hb level was 46 g/L.Blood coagulation function analysis results showed APTT was 104.4 s,FⅧ activity was 4.4%,titer of FⅧ inhibitor was 6.20 Bu/mL.Immunological test showed titer of ANA was 1 ∶ 3 200,SSA antibody (+),mitochondria M2 antibody (+),anti-centromere antibody (ACA) (-).Case 3 had a blood pressure of 106 mmHg/72 mmHg.Blood routine examination results showed that white cell count was 23.21 × 109/L,neutrophil proportion was 90%,Hb level was 58 g/L.Blood coagulation function analysis results showed APTT was 96.9 s,FⅧ activity was 3.7%,titer of FⅧ inhibitor was 3.30 Bu/mL.Chest CT results showed right lower lung lobe with extrapyramidal atelectasis,left lower lung with small range of infection foci.② According to the medical history,physical signs and relevant laboratory examination results,case 1 was diagnosed as AHA with hemorrhagic anemia,hemorrhagic shock,RA.Case 2 was diagnosed as AHA with hemorrhagic anemia,hemorrhagic shock,and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Case 3 was diagnosed as AHA with hemorrhagic anemia,SS.Case 4 was diagnosed as AHA with hemorrhagic anemia,hypertension disease,severe pneumonia,type Ⅰ respiratory failure.③ Case 1 received fresh frozen plasma (400-600 mL/d),cryoprecipitate (10 U/d),and received dilation,vasoactive drug treatment.Then,patient was treated with methyl prednisolone (80 mg/d × 8 d),combined with methotrexate (10 mg/d × 4 d),intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) (5.0 g/d × 5 d).The patient relapsed after improvement of disease.The patient was treated with fresh frozen plasma (400-600 mL/d),cryoprecipitate (10 U/d),leflunomide (10 mg/d),methyl prednisolone (80 mg/d),cyclophosphamide (0.6 g/d × 3 d).The patient relapsed after improvement of disease again.The patient was treated with fresh frozen plasma (400-600 mL/d),methyl prednisolone (80 mg/d × 3 d),cyclophosphamide (0.6 g/d × 3 d).The patient' s bleeding symptoms improved and APTT returned to the normal reference range,and the patient achieved complete remission (CR).Case 2 received fresh frozen plasma (600-800 mL/d× 1 d,400-600 mL/d× 1 d),and treatment of dilation,vasoactive drug,methyl prednisolone (80 mg/d×7 d).Due to poor curative effect,treatment changed to methyl prednisolone (500 mg/d × 3 d),combined with cyclophosphamide (0.8 g/d×2 d),and fresh frozen plasma (400-600 mL/d).After treatment,the patient's bleeding symptoms improved without APTT improvement,and the patient achieved partial remission (PR).Case 3 received fresh frozen plasma (600-800 mL/d× 3 d),and methyl prednisolone (80 mg/d× 7 d).Due to poor curative effect,treatment changed to methyl prednisolone (500 mg/d×3 d) combined with cyclophosphamide (0.6 g/d× 2 d).After treatment,the patient's bleeding symptoms improved and APTT returned to the normal reference range,and the patient achieved CR.Case 4 received anti-infective therapy,and fresh frozen plasma (600-800 mL/d),red cells suspension (1.5 U/d × 2 d).The patient's bleeding symptoms didn't improve.During the treatment,the patient developed septic shock,type Ⅰ respiratory failure,cardiac insufficiency,and received methyl prednisolone (80 mg/d),dilation,vasoactive drug,and treatment to relieve spasmolysis and heart failure.The patient was not treated with immunosuppressive therapy because of severe infection.After treatment,the patient had no response,and family members chose to give up treatment and the patient died after discharge.Conclusions AHA patients have a severe bleeding tendency,along with skin and muscle hematoma.Immunological diseases are the common cause.Most common treatments of AHA were glucocorticoid hormone,immunosuppressive agents with good efficacy.
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