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输入输出线性化的相关文献在1999年到2021年内共计68篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、电工技术、水路运输 等领域,其中期刊论文63篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献719363篇;相关期刊50种,包括广西大学学报(自然科学版)、系统工程与电子技术、海军工程大学学报等; 相关会议5种,包括第29届中国控制会议、第二届中国高校电力电子与电力传动学术年会、第二十届中国控制会议等;输入输出线性化的相关文献由155位作者贡献,包括吴汉松、周岗、周永余等。



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  • 吴汉松
  • 周岗
  • 周永余
  • 姚琼荟
  • 李刚
  • 陈永冰
  • 吴瑶
  • 帅定新
  • 李文魁
  • 李舒维
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李刚; 李舒维; 邱伟
    • 摘要: 恒功率负载在电力系统中所占的比重越来越大,而为保证带恒功率负载的Boost PFC变换器稳定运行的控制方法尤为复杂.利用输入输出线性化方法构造出一种适宜恒功率负载的控制方法,并通过研究发现Boost PFC变换器的输出电压纹波与负载成比例关系,进而提出通过测量纹波变化预测出负载功率变化,利用预测得到的负载功率代入控制方法可实现Boost PFC变换器带恒功率负载的稳定运行.PSIM数字仿真实验结果表明,该方法具有良好的动、静态特性,输入电流能精准跟踪输入电压,电流波形光滑;负载跳变时,动态响应快,输出稳定,表明该方法对负载具有良好的鲁棒性.
    • 李茂源; 李树江; 郭爱静
    • 摘要: 针对具有不确定性与参数时变性的钟摆式喷杆主动悬架系统的运动控制问题,设计出一种基于间接型自适应模糊控制方法的喷杆位姿主动控制器;为一种结构简单、成本低廉且应用广泛的钟摆式喷杆主动悬架系统建立了数学模型,并在此基础上,为了不失一般性,对系统模型进行了输入输出线性化变换;应用间接自适应模糊控制方法克服由于系统不确定性以及外部干扰带来的一些负面影响;此外,应用Lyapunov综合法设计控制器中调整参数的自适应律;仿真结果表明,所提出的控制方法具有快速响应性以及较强的自适应性和鲁棒性;所设计的控制器有利于提高植保机的喷雾均匀性及喷杆的稳定性.
    • 李刚; 邱伟; 李舒维; 廖小花
    • 摘要: 对Boost变换器采用输入输出线性化方法可实现功率因数较正,其优点是可直接计算出MOS管的占空比而不需要控制参数整定,但变换器在接恒功率负载(CPL)时,因占空比计算式中包含输出电压与电流的比值,Buck型CPL在自身MOS管关断时,Boost电路输出端没有电流流过,故无法给出正常计算结果.针对CPL前变换器输出电流不连续的问题,为加快负载功率大跳变时的响应速度,研究发现负载电压纹波变化与跳变功率具有对应关系,通过该纹波的变化可快速判断负载是否发生功率大跳变,并直接算出功率参考值而予以校正,再经精调输出电压,实现Boost PFC变换器在CPL下快速恒压控制.仿真和实验结果表明,控制算法使系统在功率120 W以及跳变至240 W时,整个电路具备PFC特点,并能快速调节达到恒压输出的效果,整个过程展现出良好的鲁棒性.
    • 李刚; 李舒维; 邱伟
    • 摘要: 针对原有的输入输出线性化方法只能带纯电阻负载的情形提出一种新的算法,使其能在带恒功率负载时也能成立.该算法首先根据变换器的状态空间模型得到的非线性系统通过合适的非线性坐标变换得到新坐标系下的线性系统;再依据经典线性控制理论设计控制器;最后通过Boost PFC变换器输出功率、输出电压以及输出电流的关系避免输出电流出现在占空比的计算式中.解决了因输出电流的变化过大或者不连续导致算法失效的问题.经过PSIM数字仿真实验,表明该算法具有良好的动静态特性,在接不同负载时,都能做到响应至稳时间短,输出电压恒定,且输入电流精准跟踪输入电压,在负载功率发生突变时,也能做到稳定输出,电流波形光滑,对负载具有良好的鲁棒性.
    • 陈俐均; 杜尚丰; 梁美惠; 何耀枫
    • 摘要: 温室温度系统具有强非线性特性,通常会导致模型预测控制算法操作复杂,不适宜实际生产应用.针对此问题,提出了基于输入输出精确线性化的温度预测控制算法.根据能量平衡定律,构建了温室温度系统机理模型,将其转换为仿射非线性系统;利用微分几何理论,获得非线性状态反馈控制律,实现了原系统输入输出的精确线性化;在此线性化系统的基础上,设计了预测控制器,使温度跟踪误差与加热损耗的加权和达到最小.仿真结果表明:精确反馈线性化预测控制系统能够综合权衡控制精度与运行能耗,调控效果良好.
    • 孙平; 刘博; 杨德国
    • 摘要: 针对全方向康复步行训练机器人在跟踪运动过程中x轴、y轴和方向角各轨迹之间存在强耦合的问题,提出了速度跟踪控制器设计方法,从而使全方向康复步行训练机器人能同时实现各个方向理想的跟踪效果。在全方向康复步行训练机器人动力学模型和运动学模型的基础上,采用输入输出线性化方法,通过模型解析推导出四轮转速与其驱动力间的解耦状态方程,设计速度跟踪控制器,实现速度的解耦控制。将速度控制器与非线性反馈控制律相结合,可以实现对运动轨迹的跟踪。仿真实验表明,本文方法具有一定的有效性,解决了传统跟踪过程中不能同时实现运动速度和运动轨迹跟踪的问题。%In order to solve the strong coupling between the x axis,y axis and direction angle trajectory of omnidirectional rehabilitative training walker in the process of tracking movement,a speed tracking controller design method was proposed,so that the ideal tracking effect in each direction for the omnidirectional rehabilitative training walker could be realized at the same time.Based on the dynamic model and kinematic model of omnidirectional rehabilitative training walker,the input and output linearization method was adopted,and the decoupling state equation between four-wheel speed and its driving force was derived through the model anlysis.In addition,the speed tracking controller was designed,and the decoupling control of speed was realized.The speed controller was combined with the nonlinear feedback control law, which could realize the tracking of movement trajectory.The results of simulation experiments show that the proposed mehod has certain effectiveness,and can solve the probem that the movement velocity and trajectory in the traditional tracking process can not be tracked simultaneously.
    • 帅定新
    • 摘要: Based on Lyapunov's direct method and input/output linearization control theory,a direct current control method was applied to control Sepic converter.The single input single output nonlinear affine model of Sepic converter was set up.The Lyapunov direct method control system was proposed.On the basis of Lyapunov's direct method analysis,a novel direct current control method was applied to control Sepic converter,and the output voltage can be controlled indirect through the regulation of the inductor current.Through comparative analysis,it was found the control structure of the direct current control system is simpler than the Lyapunov's direct method control system and the control cost is also less than the latter.The validity of the control scheme was verified by numerical simulation and experiment results.Highly accurate steady output and strong robustness to the disturbance of load were gained based on the proposed control scheme.%基于李亚普诺夫直接法和输入输出线性化控制法,提出了一种新型Sepic变换器直接电流控制策略.建立了Sepic变换器单输入单输出仿射非线性系统模型.采用李亚普诺夫直接法,建立了Sepic变换器李亚普诺夫直接法控制系统.在李亚普诺夫直接法的基础上提出了一种直接电流控制方法,通过直接控制电感电流,间接获得期望的输出电压.比较分析发现该直接电流控制法比李亚普诺夫直接法控制结构更简单,控制代价更低,易于数字实现.数值仿真和实验结果验证了所提控制策略的正确性和优越性.基于所提控制方法的系统输出无稳态误差,并对负载扰动具有较强的鲁棒性.
    • 马培松; 李刚; 许皓
    • 摘要: Aiming at the problems such as the slow dynamic response speed using PI control method for the traditional two-transistor forward converter. A novel non-linear control law based on input-output linearization method is adopted in the two-transistor forward converter to improve the dynamic response speed. The essential idea for the method is to establish a single input and single output affined nonlinear system model based on the state space model of the converter. Then by using input and output linearization method to derive the new control law by appropriate nonlinear coordinate transformation and state feedback. Thus the decoupling control algorithm of the inductor current and the output capacitor voltage is obtained. The control algorithm is simulated on PSIM software and verified by setting up a 250W device. The results suggest that the two-transistor forward converter have the faster dynamic response speed and stronger robustness based on the input-output linearization method.%针对传统双管正激变换器采用电压型PI控制策略时其动态响应速度较慢的问题,基于输入输出线性化方法,采用了一种新颖的非线性控制算法来改善其动态响应速度.该算法是在变换器的状态空间模型基础上建立其单输入单输出仿射非线性系统模型,采用输入输出线性化方法,通过适当的非线性坐标变换与状态反馈来推导出新的控制归律,由此得出电感电流与输出电容电压的解耦控制算法.用PSIM软件对得到的控制算法进行仿真,并通过搭建一台功率为250 W的实验装置对控制效果进行研究.结果表明,基于输入输出线性化控制的双管正激变换器具有更快的动态响应速度与较强的鲁棒性.
    • 李继广; 陈欣; 王鑫; 张榕
    • 摘要: 机动飞行能力作为无人机任务扩展的重要保证,受到各国的普遍重视.针对飞翼布局无人操纵能力不足、非线性和耦合性强的特点,提出一种非线性自适应控制方法.在所提的控制结构中,内环线性化解耦消除已知不利的耦合项,外环反步跟踪方法进行航迹跟踪,并采用粒子群补偿器补偿各种扰动和不可建模的耦合项,保证系统对各种扰动的自适应能力,且证明了该控制结构的稳定性.同传统反步控制方法相比,所提控制器增加了内环解耦结构.不同于传统的动态逆解耦控制方法,本文在控制结构中保留气动阻尼项,使得线性化后的系统为弱非线性系统.该结构不仅可以降低外环控制器设计的保守性,而且便于工程实现.仿真结果显示,该控制方案是有效的.%As an important guarantee for the expansion of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) mission, the maneuver flight capability has been widely paid attention to by many countries.According to the characteristics of flying wing UAV lack of manipulate ability,strong nonlinearity and coupling, a control scheme is presented that the inner loop uses linearization decoupling methods to eliminate the known negative coupling, the outer loop uses backstepping methods for trajectory tracking control, and the particle swarm optimization compensator is used to compensate the disturbance and the non-modeling coupling term and to ensure that the system has the ability to adapt to various disturbances.The stability of the control structure is proved.Compared with the traditional backstepping control method, the controller increases the inner loop decoupling structure.Different from the traditional dynamic inverse decoupling control method, this paper retains the aerodynamic damping term in the control structure, which makes the linearization of the system a weak nonlinear system.The structure not only can reduce the conservatism of the outer loop controller design, but also is convenient for engineering realization.Simulation results show that the proposed control scheme is effective.
    • 朱海; 葛德宏; 陈建华; 蔡鹏
    • 摘要: The sea facility and instrument ask the deep-sea submerged buoy for the ability of adjust its attitude. The paper deals with the attitude control issue of the deep-sea submerged buoy under the sea current. Firstly, the six degree of freedom motion equation of the submerged buoy is predigested to two vertical section models. Secondly, based on the input-output linearization technique, a state feedback control law is presented for submerged buoy's attitude control system. The controller is implemented by four thrusters. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to validate the proposed controller. It is shown that the proposed controller exhibits relatively high effectiveness.%海洋潜标上搭载的环境监测设备和仪器对潜标姿态提出了不同的要求,针对潜标在水平流的作用下产生纵倾和横倾时的姿态主动控制问题,化简潜标空间运动的非线性数学模型为2个垂直面运动模型,基于该解耦模型,采用多螺旋桨推力为控制量,提出了一种基于输入输出线性化的状态反馈姿态控制律,并编制Matlab程序进行仿真。结果表明,该控制律能够将处于不同海流流向下的深海潜标的姿态控制到参考姿态。
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