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茶叶籽的相关文献在1981年到2023年内共计307篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、农作物、农业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文64篇、专利文献46405篇;相关期刊34种,包括企业科技与发展、南昌大学学报(理科版)、茶叶科学等; 茶叶籽的相关文献由386位作者贡献,包括郑寨生、袁名安、李朵姣等。



论文:64 占比:0.14%


论文:46405 占比:99.86%





  • 郑寨生
  • 袁名安
  • 李朵姣
  • 江丽
  • 胡新荣
  • 孔向军
  • 陈同铸
  • 郝中存
  • 魏柱银
  • 王晓琴
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 袁宏莉; 杨雨荣; 潘柔柔; 杨再琴; 陈康; 曹剑锋; 孟泽彬
    • 摘要: 本研究以茶叶籽为试验材料,采用乙醇水溶剂与盐互作法,利用超声波辅助提取,探讨茶叶籽中多种成分绿色提取制备的综合利用工艺。选择提取温度、提取时间和乙醇浓度等为自变量进行单因素试验,在单因素结果基础上进行正交试验,通过响应面法优化超声波辅助提取茶叶籽有效成分工艺。结果表明:茶叶籽粉以15%乙醇溶液为提取溶剂,料液比1:7 g/mL,提取温度60°C,提取时间50 min,提取时加入氯化钠浓度为0.2 mol/L,此条件下的得油率为20.567%,能有效将茶叶籽多糖、茶叶籽油、淀粉等提取。
    • 向晶; 梁月荣; 赵东; 王开荣; 陆建良; 袁名安; 郑新强
    • 摘要: 为了筛选出含油量高且脂肪酸组分丰富的茶树品种,对9个省区49个茶树品种茶叶籽进行研究。结果发现,不同品种茶树茶叶籽含油量范围为16.29%~33.80%。采用气相色谱法测定各个品种茶叶籽油中脂肪酸的组分和含量,共检测出19种脂肪酸,主要为油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸和α-亚麻酸,分别占总脂肪酸含量的46.00%~72.64%、8.05%~31.05%、12.02%~18.80%、2.16%~5.34%和0.36%~1.20%;不同品种茶叶籽油的饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸含量比值平均为1∶3.04∶1.40。脂肪酸组分相关性分析表明,油酸与反-油酸、二十二碳六烯酸呈极显著负相关,而油酸与α-亚麻酸、棕榈酸呈极显著正相关,反-油酸与棕榈酸呈极显著负相关。不同地区茶叶籽油在脂肪酸含量上存在显著差异。综合考虑,中茶108(浙江)、金萱(广东)、湘波绿2号和槠叶齐的茶叶籽油中脂肪酸含量较高,饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸比例更均衡,可作为油用良种进行利用。保山混合种、香山早、金萱(湖南)、紫娟和云南野生种5个品种的茶叶籽油不饱和脂肪酸含量占比高,适用于药物和化妆品用油的开发。
    • 陈宇宏; 高颖; 韩震; 尹军峰
    • 摘要: 茶皂素是一类在山茶科植物种子中含量丰富且具有特异生物活性的化合物,但不同种质茶叶籽中皂素含量及组成尚不清晰。以浙江省同一地区采集的21个茶树品种(系)的茶叶籽为试验材料,对茶叶籽的基本特征、皂素含量及组成进行测定和分析。结果表明,不同品种(系)的茶叶籽的百粒质量、壳仁比、皂素含量均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。紫外分光光度法和高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测得21个茶树品种(系)的茶叶籽的皂素含量范围分别为30.82%~48.16%和16.93%~31.82%,其中黄观音的茶叶籽皂素含量最高。利用高效液相色谱-四极杆-静电轨道阱质谱(UHPLC-Q-Exactive/MS)同时检测出68种茶叶籽皂素单体,其中Theasaponin E1的峰相对强度最大。正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(OPLS-DA)显示,21个品种(系)的茶叶籽以树型为依据被明显地划分为2组,组间差异单体物质有21种。结合相关性分析,高积累的Theasaponin E12、Camelliasaponin B1/B2、Theasaponin A5/A6、Camelliasaponin C1/C2和Assamsaponin G可能是灌木型种质资源有别于小乔木型、乔木型种质资源的重要特征物质。研究结果为生产茶叶籽皂素原料的选择和高值化利用奠定了基础。
    • 吴清韩; 李云; 刘志聪; 朱慧; 刘想娟; 陈珊珊
    • 摘要: 利用醇提法分别对凤凰单丛茶叶籽的果皮和种皮总黄酮提取工艺进行优化,首先通过单因素实验分别研究乙醇体积分数、料液比、提取温度、提取时间对总黄酮提取量的影响,在此基础上进行正交实验k(34)进一步优化提取工艺条件,结果表明:凤凰单丛茶叶籽果皮总黄酮最佳提取工艺条件为料液比1∶30 (g/mL)、乙醇体积分数50%、提取温度70°C、提取时间120 min,此条件下果皮总黄酮的提取量为(7.56±0.04) mg/g;茶叶籽种皮总黄酮最佳提取工艺条停为料液比1∶30 (g/mL)、乙醇体积分数50%、提取温度80°C、提取时间90 min,在此条件下种皮总黄酮的提取量为(9.72 ±0.05) mg/g.%In order to optimize the traditional ethanol extraction of total flavonoids from the pericarp and episperm of Fenghuang Dancong tea seed.The effects of 4 process parameters (including ethanol concentration,material-to-liquid ratio,temperature and extraction time)were investigated by single factor test and orthogonal array design (four factors and three levels).The results showed:The optimized conditions for extracting total flavonoids from the pericarp of Fenghuang Daneong tea trees were as follows:Material-to-liquid ratio 1 ∶ 30 (g/mL),50% ethanol concentration,temperature 70 °C and extraction duration 120 min.Under the optimized conditions,the predicted extraction yield of total flavonoids from the pericarp was(7.56 ± 0.04) mg/g.The optimal technical conditions were mixing the episperm of the Fenghunag Dancong tea trees,with 50% ethanol concentration on the ratio of 1∶30 (g/mL)at 80 °C for 90 min.Under this optimized conditions,the extraction rate was reaching (9.72 ±0.05) mg/g.
    • 胡立文; 周晓晴; 张彬; 李晴
    • 摘要: 以江西产茶叶籽为原料,采用高效液相色谱法测得茶叶籽仁中儿茶素类和咖啡因含量分别为1182.522~1302.189mg·kg-1和1270.364~1305.180 mg·kg-1;采用压榨法和浸出法制得茶叶籽毛油,测得压榨毛油中儿茶素类含量为1.380 mg·kg-1,咖啡因含量为43.482mg· kg-1;浸出毛油儿茶素类含量为0.637 mg·kg-1,咖啡因含量为36.393 mg· kg-1,该方法回收率为90.3%~106.7%,相对标准偏差为0.52%~2.89%.探讨了精炼过程对茶叶籽油中儿茶素类和咖啡因含量的影响.茶叶籽精炼油中儿茶素类和咖啡因含量很低,食用茶叶籽精炼油不会造成人体咖啡因摄入过量风险.
    • 姜金仲; 杨鹏鸣; 王自布; 穆安德; 王兴春
    • 摘要: 为阐明茶叶籽水浆发酵微生物种类及其在发酵过程中的作用特性,对发酵5 h的茶叶籽水浆发酵液进行微生物分离与提纯,从中分离纯化出1株菌株.经形态观察、16 S rDNA及pheS基因测序与比对、系统发育树的构建与分析,确定该菌株为植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum ssp.Plantarum);命名该菌株为茶叶籽乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum ssp.plantarum JJZ21),菌种保藏号为CCTCC M 2016471.在茶叶籽水浆发酵过程中,发酵液中茶叶籽乳杆菌的数量在5 h之后逐渐快速增加,至12~15 h之间达到最大值,之后又逐渐降低,至22 h后,逐渐趋于稳定.伴随茶叶籽乳杆菌数量的增加,发酵液中的干物质含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量及其pH均明显下降,呈极显著(P<0.01)负相关性.茶叶籽乳杆菌通过消耗发酵液中的可溶性糖及可溶性蛋白等物质,向发酵液中分泌乳酸等酸性有机物,导致发酵液pH逐渐降低,为发酵液中的油脂体上浮以及茶叶籽水浆发酵分层现象发生奠定了基础.
    • 张慧
    • 摘要: 在分析茶叶籽主要化学成分的基础上,采用浸提法制得茶叶籽毛油,并对其脱胶工艺进行研究.结果表明,3种脱胶工艺中Unilever超级脱胶工艺比酸脱胶、水脱胶的效果好,采用正交试验确定了脱胶的最佳工艺条件为脱胶温度85°C、柠檬酸添加量为3%(浓度10%),加水量为油重的6%,搅拌时间15 min,此时脱胶率可达到83.02%,经280°C加热试验证明脱胶合格.
    • 姜金仲; 杨鹏鸣; 王超英; 韩晗; 刘建芳
    • 摘要: In order to better improve the fermentation production process of tea seed oil,layering process and total weight dynamic of tea seed water milk (TSWM) in fermentation were studied,the results are as follows.At the beginning,TSWM was milk-white suspension liquid.As extension of fermentation time,fermented TSWM layering gradually changed from fuzzily to clearly;when fermentation proceeded to about 4.5 h,fermented TSWM was obviously divided into three layers:ivory top layer,light-brown middle layer and white bottom layer.Since then,each layer gradually became solid.When fermentation proceeded to about 16 h,every layer thickness of fermented TSWM had been stable;and the relative thickness of top,middle and bottom layer were 25%,49%,26%,respectively.Layering effect of original solution of TSWM was the best.The change of TSWM total weight in fermentation process was divided into three stages,early stage:the reducing amount of total weight of fermented TSWM was obviously higher than that of water control,the maximal reducing amount was 48% higher than that of water control;middle stage:the reducing amount of total weight of fermented TSWM was almost same as water control;late stage:reducing amount of total weight of fermented TSWM was significantly lower than that of water control,the reducing amount at 16 h was 18.3% less than that of water control.The endotesta of tea seed made the color of fermented TSWM darker,but did not influence significantly the thickness of top layer of fermented TSWM.%为了更好地完善茶叶籽油发酵生产工艺,对茶叶籽水桨的发酵分层过程进行了深入研究,结果如下.茶叶籽水桨发酵开始时上下是浑然一体的,呈乳白色,随着发酵时间的延长,发酵液分层逐渐由模糊变为清晰,发酵进行到4.5h左右,发酵液明显分为3层,乳白色顶层、淡棕色中层及纯白色底层;此后,各层逐渐变得坚实,到16h左右,发酵液各层厚度已经稳定,顶层、中层及底层的相对厚度分别为:25%、49%、26%.茶叶籽水桨的发酵分层效果以茶叶籽水桨原液效果最好.茶叶籽水浆总质量在发酵分层过程中的变化分为3个阶段:前期发酵液总质量的降低量明显高于清水对照,最大降低量比清水对照高出48%;中期发酵液总质量的降低量与清水对照持平,后期发酵液总质量的降低量明显低于清水对照,发酵16h时,降低量比对照减少18.3%.茶叶籽内种皮能使茶叶籽水桨发酵液颜色变深,但对发酵液顶层厚度没有显著影响.
    • 姜金仲; 杨鹏鸣; 王兴春; 穆安德; 郑寨生
    • 摘要: To illuminate function of yeast on the fermentation-layering of tea-seed-water-milk (TSWM),a strain of yeast (NO.JJZ9911)was isolated and purified from 5 h-fermented TSWM.By mean of morphological observation,ITS rDNA and(26S rDNA gene sequencing and comparison,and building and analysis of a phylogenetic tree,it was determined that JJZ9911 was one strain of Meyerozyma caribbica.Therefore the strain was named as tea seed yeast (Meyerozyma caribbica JJZ11),and its preservation number was CCTCC M 2016470.In the fermentation-layering process of TSWM,the number of tea seed yeast in fermented liquid gradually reduced with the extension of fermentation time and reduced to zero when fermentation reached to 10 h.The pH of fermented liquor gradually reduced from 6.2 to 3.73 till fermentation reached to 10 h.The number of tea seed yeast colony was zero while the medium pH was less than 4.3.The fermentation-layering process of TSWM was synchronic with the number change of tea seed yeast,therefore,the tea seed yeast was one of the main microbial that caused fermentationlayering of TSWM.%为了阐明酵母菌在茶叶籽水浆发酵分层过程中的作用,从发酵5h的发酵液分离、纯化出一株酵母菌(编号:JJZ11).通过形态观察、ITS rDNA及26S rDNA基因测序与比对,以及系统发育树的构建与分析,确定JJZ11为Meyerozyma caribbica的一个菌株,命名为茶叶耔酵母(Meyerozyma caribbica JJZ11),菌种保藏号为CCTCC M 2016470.在茶叶籽水浆发酵过程中:茶叶籽水浆发酵液中茶叶籽酵母数量随发酵时间延长逐渐减少,进行到10 h时,降低为零;发酵液pH随时间的延长由开始时的6.2逐渐降低,10 h时为3.73.当培养基pH小于4.3时,茶叶籽酵母的菌落数量均为零.茶叶籽水浆发酵分层过程与茶叶籽酵母的数量变化具有同步性,所以,茶叶籽酵母是引起茶叶籽水浆发酵分层的主要微生物之一.
    • 赖国银; 王俐娟; 卢鹤; 曾秋梅; 徐敦明; 王晓琴; 林立毅; 张志刚; 吕美玲
    • 摘要: 采用超高效液相色谱(UHPLC)-四极杆-飞行时间质谱(Q-TOF/MS)技术定性分析茶叶籽中的酚类化合物.茶叶籽样品经乙醇水溶液提取后经反相色谱分离,通过Q-TOF/MS进行化合物的鉴定.基于山茶属及相关植物化学组成的文献,建立了一个含有106种酚类化合物的数据库.对UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS采集得到的一级质谱数据进行数据库检索,然后对检索到的化合物色谱峰进行二级质谱扫描,根据得到的碎片离子推断化合物的结构.初步推断出茶叶籽提取物中的24种酚类化合物,包括13种酚酸类、4种儿茶素类和7种黄酮类化合物,并通过与标准品比对,进一步确证了这些化合物.结果表明UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS技术可以用于对茶叶籽中酚类化合物进行快速、准确、可靠的定性分析,促进新化合物的发现与鉴别.%Phenol compounds from some plants are considered as the natural anti-oxidants and have been demonstrated with the beneficial biological activities.In this work, the ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) combined with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-TOF/MS) was applied to qualitatively determine the phenolic compounds in Camellia Sinensis seeds.The seed sample was extracted using ethanol aqueous solution and further subjected to the UHPLC separation with the reversed phase C18 column as the stationary phase and the acidified acetonitrile/water as the binary mobile phases.The eluent from the column was directed to Q-TOF/MS for compound identification.Based on a number of reports on the chemical components in Camellia Sinensis and the related plants, a customized compound database was initially created including the name and formula of the previously reported 106 phenol compounds.The acquired MS scan data were searched against the customized phenol compound database.The retrieved compounds were then subjected to MS/MS scan, and the obtained fragment ions were applied to further determine the possible structures.A total of 24 phenolic compounds were tentatively identified, including 13 phenolic acids, 4 catechins, and 7 flavonoids, which were characteristic in the ethanol extract according to the available references and the relevant structural information of the molecular and fragment ions.These compounds were further confirmed by matching against the standard compounds in retention times and fragment ions.The results demonstrated that the UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS with the high mass accuracy and the high resolution is a reliable technology for rapid qualitative identification of the phenolic compounds in Camellia Sinensis seeds, promoting the discovery and identification of the new compounds.
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