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自燃点的相关文献在1979年到2022年内共计112篇,主要集中在安全科学、化学工业、建筑科学 等领域,其中期刊论文70篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献2148篇;相关期刊48种,包括武警学院学报、商业研究、石油学报(石油加工)等; 相关会议4种,包括2015中国消防协会科学技术年会、2007年燃烧学学术会议、中国烟草学会2017年学术年会等;自燃点的相关文献由241位作者贡献,包括徐慧、洪亚男、潘勇等。



论文:70 占比:3.15%


论文:4 占比:0.18%


论文:2148 占比:96.67%





  • 徐慧
  • 洪亚男
  • 潘勇
  • 薛民杰
  • 薛韧婕
  • 陈黎明
  • 黄春南
  • 于艳军
  • 刘伟
  • 刘哲
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 吴薇; 胡双启; 胡立双
    • 摘要: 本文研究了无水乙醇、甲醇、正丁醇、正丙醇、异丙醇、乙酸乙酯以及不同配比的二元混合液体自燃点的变化规律.结果表明,对于这些二元混合可燃液体,其自燃点会随着低自燃点液体的增多而降低;但对于高温下发生反应的乙酸乙酯与甲醇混合溶液,其自燃点不符合此规律.当二元混合液体两组分的自燃点相差较大时,其混合液体自燃点介于二者纯溶液之间;当两组分的自燃点值较大且相差较小时,其混合液体自燃点低于二者纯溶液的自燃点.当混合溶液的溶质中有异构体时,混合溶液的自燃点会出现骤变的情况.
    • 熊静文; 叶亚明; 蒋代; 雷成文
    • 摘要: 为探究稻壳粉着火敏感性,利用激光粒度分析仪和SEM对其粒度进行分析及形貌表征,利用Godbert-Greenwald炉、固体自燃点、粉尘层最低着火温度测试仪对自燃点温度、最低着火温度进行试验研究。结果表明:稻壳粉颗粒越大粒度分布越集中;粉尘云最低着火温度随粒度的减小呈降低趋势;标准试验模式下,粒度D;=52.9μm的稻壳粉自燃点为225.1°C;粒度一定时,粉尘层最低着火温度随模具高度的增大而降低,当高度达到20 mm最低着火温度达到最低,且不再随模具高度的升高继续降低。本试验结果可为工业过程安全提供数据和理论支撑。
    • 朱红亚; 李晶晶; 时静洁
    • 摘要: 应用定量构效关系(QSPR)方法对烃的含氧衍生物的自燃点(AIT)及其与分子结构间的内在定量关系进行了研究。选取国际电工委员会(IEC)数据库中的76种烃的含氧衍生物作为样本集,选择65种作为训练集用于建立预测模型,11种作为测试集。采用遗传算法(GA)对变量进行筛选,结合线性和非线性方法分别建立多元线性回归(MLR)模型和支持向量机(SVM)模型,理论预测得到了11种烃的含氧衍生物的自燃点,最后对所构建模型的性能及应用域进行了评价。结果表明,经GA筛选得出MATS2e、nCOH、Dv、BEHv2、nCHR、GATS1v、IDE、Du等8种特征分子描述符,GA-MLR和GA-SVM模型的理论预测值与实验值均较为相符且后者更优,两个预测模型均比较稳定,且具备较强的预测能力和泛化推广性能。
    • 钟丙文; 张文媚; 闻环
    • 摘要: 采用top-down控制图法,依据SH/T 0642-1997试验方法,在期间精密度测量条件下,对有机热载体自燃点测定的不确定度进行评定分析.结果表明,测量结果符合正态性和独立性假设,质控样品自燃点平均值353.9°C,扩展不确定度为8.4°C(k=2).
    • 王浩; 任红威; 张金锋; 解启航; 柳晓凯; 李晨曦; 赵海臣
    • 摘要: 为研究活性炭粉的燃爆危险性,以200目过筛粉体为研究对象,对活性炭粉体的燃爆参数以及热稳定性进行研究.利用固体自燃温度测试装置对活性炭的自燃温度进行测试.应用热质联用设备对活性炭粉加热过程中的质量和能量变化进行分析,并对受热产生的气体进行跟踪,推断气体组成.利用20 L球形爆炸装置对活性炭粉的最大爆炸压力以及最优爆炸浓度进行测定.实验结果显示:活性炭自燃温度为335.4°C,属于二级自燃物质;活性炭受热过程中可能会产生甲烷、一氧化碳等可燃性气体,增大其燃爆危险性;活性炭粉最大爆炸压力为0.56 MPa,最优爆炸质量浓度在500 g/m3附近.
    • 郭琳媛; 金栋; 李晶淼; 张睿
    • 摘要: 简要介绍了有机热载体及自燃点的定义,特别是锅炉用高温气相有机热载体的自燃点特殊性能。总结了近7年中常见锅炉用高温气相有机热载体样品的自燃点数据,可以为高温气相有机热载体型式试验提供重要数据,为其在锅炉中的日常安全运行提供有效保障。
    • 闫家伟
    • 摘要: 简述了与常减压蒸馏工艺火灾爆炸相关的安全问题.对常减压蒸馏相关的典型火灾爆炸事故进行统计分析,结果表明:第三季度是事故的高发期,与管道、加热炉与泵机设备相关的部位是容易出现事故的部位.从物料和设备方面对常减压蒸馏工艺涉及的危险要素进行简要分析,根据分析结果,从安全管理制度、危险设备与物料等方面提出建议.%The fire explosion risk of atmospheric and vacuum distil-lation process was described briefly. The typical accidents were an-alyzed and the results showed that, the probabilities of accidents occurrence in the third quarter is higher than other quarters; hard-ware associated with the piping systems, furnace and pump are eas-ily to cause the accident. Based on the materiel and device, the risk factors of atmospheric and vacuum distillation process were de-scribed and analyzed. According to the analytic results, sugges-tions on standard operating procedure, risk device and materiel of fire and explosion prevention were put forward.
    • 王浩; 张金锋; 解启航; 陈静; 柳晓凯
    • 摘要: 为了研究彩虹粉引燃危险性,应用固体燃烧速率试验仪初步甄别了彩虹粉传播燃烧能力,发现堆垛状彩虹粉固体火焰传播危险性较低;采用粉尘爆炸筛选装置,判定彩虹粉具有爆炸性;应用最小点火能测定装置测定彩虹粉粉尘云的最小点火能在24~60 mJ之间,最优爆炸浓度为1167 g/m3;应用快速筛选量热仪测试,彩虹粉在227°C开始分解;固体自燃点测试仪显示彩虹粉在250°C附近会发生自燃.向彩虹粉内添加不同比例相近粒径分布的食用盐粉体进行抑爆研究,结果证明食用盐对彩虹粉具有明显的抑爆效果.%To study the ignition risk of rainbow powder , the propagating combustion capacity of rainbow powder was prelimi-narily investigated by using the solid combustion rate tester , and it showed that the solid flame propagation risk of stacked rainbow powder was low .The explosiveness of the rainbow powder was judged by using the dust explosion screening device . The minimum ignition energy of rainbow powder cloud was measured to be 24-60 mJ by using the minimum ignition energy measurement device , and the optimal explosive concentration was 1167 g/m3 .The rainbow powder began to decompose at 227°Cby using the rapid screening calorimeter .The spontaneous ignition of rainbow powder occurred around 250°Cby using the solid spontaneous ignition point tester .The edible salt powder with different proportions of similar size distribution was added to the rainbow powder to study the explosion suppression , and the results showed that the edible salt had obvious ex-plosion suppression effect on the rainbow powder .
    • 于晓聪; 屈展; 何强; 刘满军
    • 摘要: 针对火烧油层过程中点火温度确定过高导致井筒管柱变形的难题,研制了一种火烧油层原油自燃点测试装置.根据点火过程中高温高压、 温压突变以及时间短等特点,设计了高温高压反应釜、 安全保护系统、 数据采集系统和注入系统.自燃点测试装置耐压50 MPa,耐温700°C,通过测温探头及压力传感器将釜内温度和压力传输至PC端实现实时监测,显示点燃时刻的温度和压力,当温压超过设定阈值时,利用电接点压力表控制加热装置系统自动停止加热,自动泄压,有效地提高整体装置的安全性.试验结果可直接判断原油自燃点和燃烧剧烈程度,其监测结果标准差优于1°C,具有良好的重复操作性.火烧油层原油自然点测试装置能够模拟储层不同压力温度条件测试原油自燃温度,实现了原油在着火过程中温度的精确、 自动、 安全监测,可为火烧油层的点火工艺提供指导.%In order to solve the problem that the ignition temperature is too high to cause the deformation of the pipe string in the process of in-situ combustion, a test device for auto-ignition temperature of crude oil has been developed. According to the characteristics of high temperature, high pressure, abrupt change of temperature and pressure and short time in ignition process, a high temperature and high pressure reactor, a safety protection sys-tem, a data acquisition system and an injection system have been designed. The auto-ignition temperature test de-vice has a pressure resistance of 50 MPa and has a temperature resistance of 700°C. The temperature and pressure are transmitted to the PC by the temperature probe and pressure sensor to achieve real-time temperature and pres-sure monitoring and display. When the temperature exceeds the setting threshold, the electric contact pressure meter is used to control the heating system, and automatically stops heating and releases the pressure, which effectively improves the safety of the whole device. The experimental results can directly identify the crude oil auto-ignition temperature and its burning intensity. The standard deviation of monitoring result is lower than 1 °C, and it has good repetition. The auto-ignition temperature test device for crude oil in in-situ combustion can simulate the auto-ignition temperature of crude oil under different pressure and temperature conditions, and realize accurate, automat-ic and safety monitoring of crude oil in the process of ignition, which can provide guidance for the ignition process of the in-situ combustion.
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