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脑衰老的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计120篇,主要集中在预防医学、卫生学、中国医学、神经病学与精神病学 等领域,其中期刊论文105篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献17388篇;相关期刊79种,包括国际老年医学杂志、中国老年学杂志、神经疾病与精神卫生等; 相关会议4种,包括第二届全国衰老与抗衰老学术大会、2009全国抗衰老与老年痴呆学术会议、第三届全国睡眠学术会议等;脑衰老的相关文献由232位作者贡献,包括崔德华、韩景献、丁晓蓉等。



论文:105 占比:0.60%


论文:4 占比:0.02%


论文:17388 占比:99.38%





  • 崔德华
  • 韩景献
  • 丁晓蓉
  • 田小生
  • 蒋滢
  • 于建春
  • 史云峰
  • 史秀峰
  • 安红梅
  • 张占鹏
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 金毓; 尹梦婷
    • 摘要: 作为慢性疾病产生的最大危险因素,衰老引起的多种疾病会严重影响老年人口的生活质量。然而,随着世界人口老龄化的日益加剧,如何减轻或延缓由衰老致使的多种慢性疾病的发生发展,俨然成为老年科学、神经生物学领域研究的热点话题。有氧运动可以改善大脑神经网络结构,促进认知能力等功能,进而延缓脑衰老,实现健康衰老。本文通过整体性梳理衰老的复杂神经生物学机制,系统性介绍神经炎症学说,为运动干预延缓脑衰老及相关神经退行性疾病、发挥神经保护作用提供理论依据,对衰老和疾病过程提供新的理论见解和治疗思路。
    • 徐飞
    • 摘要: 综艺节目《忘不了餐厅》中,一群丢了记忆,但依然充满生命力的可爱老人,让人们关注到了患有认知障碍的老年人群体。你身边是否也有这样的老人:你反复教他用智能手机,他也只是勉强会打电话:你问他“我是谁”,他会掰着手指说一圈,却独独没有你。老年人往往表现出“不比当年”的学习和记忆能力,究其原因,“主谋”就是岁月留下的印记——脑衰老,又被称作神经退行性疾病。
    • 摘要: 在衰老大脑中,70%以上的新生神经前体细胞无法存活和成长为成熟神经元,并且大脑认知功能出现进行性减退。衰老这一过程伴随着机体系统性炎症的增加,但目前还不清楚在正常脑衰老的过程中,免疫系统是否参与并发挥了哪些作用。2020年12月1日,天津医科大学总医院刘强团队在《Nature》子刊《Nature Neuroscience》杂志发表了题为“Neuroblast senescence in the aged brain augments natural kill cell cytotoxicity leading to impaired neurogenesis and cognition”的最新研究论文。该研究阐明了大脑衰老触发免疫监视的机制,以及免疫细胞对脑衰老过程中神经发生和认知功能减退的具体影响,为改善衰老相关疾病的神经修复和认知功能提供了新的预防及干预策略。
    • 潘振贺1
    • 摘要: 人体的衰老、大脑的衰老是客观规律,但可以设法让大脑衰老得慢一点。我已年过八旬,仍头脑清醒,经常投稿,这说明我用来延缓大脑衰老的一些办法还是有效的。我并没有接受过系统的健康教育,平时多是采用一些笨拙方法锻炼大脑,现分享给大家。坚持写日记我坚持每天写日记。
    • 黄新格; 零佩东; 罗志洪; 苏传丽; 赵利华; 陈尚杰
    • 摘要: Objective:To observe the effects of Tonifying marrow moxibustion on learning and memory ability,expression of 8-OHdG and T-AOC in serum and cerebral and nephridial tissues in D-galactose induced aging mice,and to explore the mechanism by comparing points of the two groups (ST36 and GB39,DU20 and RN4) in the effect of delaying aging.Methods:A total of 75 SPF Kunming male mice (3 months old,weight:30 ± 2g) were randomly and equally divided into the normal physiology group,model group,moxibustion 1 group (ST36 and GB39),moxibustion 2 group (DU20 and RN4) and moxibustion 3 group (nonacupuncture) after Morris Water Maze Test.Mice in treatment and model groups were injected subcutaneously back of necks by 1000 mg/kg/day of D-galactose for 56 days,while mice in the normal physiology group were injected the same dosage of normal sodium in the same way for 56 days.Mice in the treatment groups were treated with moxibustion with 3 segments/point/time,unilateral or two points (altogether 6 segments) every day from the 13th day after molding.Mice in the normal physiology group and model group were not treated with therapeutic intervene,but to give catching stimulation for the same time and degree as the treatment groups.After modeling and treatment,all rats were tested by Morris Water Maze Test.The eyeball blood was taken,and cerebral tissue was collected by beheading.And kidney was taken by laparotomy to prepare the cerebral and kidney tissue homogenate.Expression of 8-OHdG and T-AOC in serum and the cerebral and kidney tissues were detected by ELISA method.Results:1) The Morris Water Maze results showed that,before modeling and treatment,there were no difference of learning and memory among the model and the other four groups in the indicators of Morris Water Maze Test (P > 0.05);There were no significant differences among the five groups after modeling and treatment (P < 0.05).Comparison between any two means showed that,1)After modeling and treatment,there were significant difference compared with modeling group,normal physiology group,moxibustion 1 group and moxibustion 2 group,the indexes of "incubation,platform quadrant ratio,standing time,seeking time,the percentage of the original platform and crossing platform time" all had significant differences;2) Compared with the physiology group and the moxibustion 3 group,there was significant difference (P < 0.05);Compared with the moxibustion 3 group and the moxibustion 1 and moxibustion 2 group there was significant difference (P < 0.05).2) The ELISA results of the serum and cerebralkidney tissue showed:1) the contents of 8-OHdG in the serum and cerebral-kidney tissue of model group were higher than that of the physiology group,moxibustion 1 group,moxibustion 2 group and moxibustion 3 group,which had statistic differences (P <0.05);compared with physiology group and the moxibustion 3 group,there was significant difference (P < 0.05).2) The contents of T-AOC in the serum and cerebral-kidney tissue of model group were significantly lower than those in the physiology group,compared with moxibustion 1 group,moxibustion 2 group and moxibustion 3 group,which had statistic differences (P < 0.05);compared with the physiology group and moxibustion 3 group,there was significant difference (P < 0.05);there were significant differences compared moxibustion 1 group and moxibustion 2 group with moxibustion 3 group (P < 0.05).Conclusion:The mechanism of tonifying marrow moxibustion in preventing brain aging may be related to decreasing the expression of 8-OHdG which induced by D-galactose,inhibiting the damage cell DNA,increasing the content of T-AOC,and improve function of the anti-oxidative stress injury.%目的:观察益髓灸对D-半乳糖致衰老小鼠学习记忆和血清及脑、肾组织的8-羟基脱氧鸟苷酸(8-OHdG)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)的影响,比较2组穴位(足三里配悬钟、百会配关元)延缓脑衰老疗效,探讨其作用机制.方法:75只SPF级3月龄体质量为(30±2)g雄性昆明小鼠,水迷宫检测后随机分为5组,每组15只,即生理组、造模组、艾灸1组(足三里+悬钟穴)、艾灸2组(百会+关元穴),艾灸3组(非穴位).造模组和各艾灸观察组予D-半乳糖按1 000 mg/(kg·d)颈背部皮下注射,同时生理组以同法注射等量的生理盐水,连续56 d.3组艾灸观察组于造模第13d起开始艾灸,每次每穴3壮,灸单侧(或2穴),共6壮.生理组和造模组不做治疗性干预,但给予与各观察组同时间、程度的捉抓刺激.造模、治疗结束后,再次进行水迷宫测试,将小鼠眼球取血,断头取脑,开腹取肾,制备脑、肾组织匀浆,用酶联免疫法(ELISA)检测血清及脑、肾组织8-OHdG、T-AOC水平.结果:1)水迷宫结果显示:造模、治疗前各组小鼠水迷宫各项指标及学习能力比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);造模及治疗后,5组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).其中两两比较:a.造模及治疗后,造模组与生理组、艾灸1组、艾灸2组比较,“潜伏期、平台象比、停留时间、寻求次数、原平台象限百分比、跨越次数”6项指标比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);b.生理组与艾灸3组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);艾灸3组与艾灸1、2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).2)血清及脑、肾组织ELISA结果示:a.造模组血清和脑、肾组织8-OHdG含量显著升高,与生理组、艾灸1组和艾灸2组3组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);生理组与艾灸3组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),艾灸3组与艾灸1、2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).b.造模组血清和脑、肾组织T-AOC水平显著降低,与生理组、艾灸1组和艾灸2组3组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);生理组与艾灸3组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);艾灸3组与艾灸1、2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:益髓灸防治脑衰老的作用机制可能是通过降低D-半乳糖诱导的8-OHdG表达,抑制细胞的DNA损伤,提高机体总抗氧化能力T-AOC,发挥抗氧化应激损伤的作用.
    • 赵利华; 陈望龙; 吴萍萍; 陈树燕; 罗志洪; 方玉丽
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the effect of Yisui moxibustion on Klotho,insulin receptor substrate 1(IRS-1),protein kinase B(Akt),forkhead box O3(FOXO3a) mRNA and protein expressions of hippocampal tissues in aging mice model induced by D-galactose. Methods Sixty male Kunming mice are randomly divided into normal saline group,model group,Zusanli group,Baihui group and nonacupoint group,with 12 mice in each group.The mice in the model group and each intervention group were given subcutaneous injection of D-galactose for establishing aging mice model,and in the normal saline group received normal sodium injection with the same dosage.On the 13th day of modeling,the three intervention groups underwent moxibustion at corresponding acupoints,while the normal saline group and model group were given scratch with the same degree.Behavior test using Morris water maze was conducted in the five groups before and after modeling. After the treatment finished,the expression levels of Klotho,IRS-1,Akt and FOXO3a mRNAs and proteins were detected in hippocampal tissues of the mice.Results (1)After modeling,the latent periods of the model group and the nonacupoint group were longer than that of the normal saline group,the Zusanli group or the Baihui group(P0.05).(2)In the model group and nonacupoint group,the expression levels of Klotho and IRS-1 mRNAs and proteins decreased,and the expression levels of Akt1 and FOXO3a mRNAs increased compared to the levels in the normal saline group(P0.05).(2)与生理盐水组比较,模型组、非穴位组Klotho、IRS-1 mRNA及蛋白表达水平降低,Akt1、FOXO3a mRNA表达水平增高(P<0.05);与模型组比较,足三里组及百会组Klotho、IRS-1 mRNA表达水平增高,Akt1、FOXO3a mRNA表达水平降低(P<0.05).(3)与生理盐水组比较,模型组海马组织Klotho、磷酸化IRS-1(p-IRS-1)、Akt、FOXO3a 蛋白水平降低(P<0.05),IRS-1、磷酸化Akt(p-Akt)、磷酸化FOXO3a(p-FOXO3a)蛋白水平升高(P<0.05);与模型组比较,足三里组及百会组Klotho、p-IRS-1、Akt、FOXO3a蛋白水平升高(P<0.05),IRS-1、p-Akt、p-FOXO3a蛋白水平降低(P<0.05),而非穴位组 p-Akt 蛋白表达水平降低(P <0.05).结论 益髓灸的早期干预可能通过上调 Klotho、IRS-1 mRNA水平,促进D-半乳糖衰老小鼠海马Klotho蛋白表达,激活IRS-1的丝氨酸抑制性位点,负性调控下游的Akt活性而下调其底物FOXO3a的磷酸化表达,从而发挥延缓脑衰老的作用.
    • 金贺; 赵志炜; 王玉兰; 张旭; 王蓉
    • 摘要: 目的 通过追赶生长饮食诱导C57小鼠出现代谢综合征并发脑衰老样病变动物模型,并研究其可能的机制.方法 40只C57小鼠随机分为4组,正常对照组10只,低能量饮食组10只,高能量饮食组10只,追赶生长组(先低能饮食喂养6周再开放高能量饮食)10只,各组动物均连续喂养12周,记录体重、血糖,于实验末检测代谢综合征相关生化指标,计算胰岛素抵抗指数,Western blot技术检测衰老相关蛋白P53和磷酸化P53(ser15)表达水平,电镜下观察海马区脂褐素沉积情况.结果 低能量组小鼠体重、血糖、代谢综合征相关生化指标(血清胆固醇、三酰甘油、胰岛素样生长因子1、胰岛素)以及P53和磷酸化P53蛋白表达水平低于正常对照组,脂褐素沉着较少;高能量组和追赶生长组代谢综合征指标显著高于对照组,并出现明显P53和磷酸化P53蛋白表达量增多以及脂褐素沉积;其中追赶生长组表现出更为明显的胰岛素抵抗倾向和脑衰老样变.结论 追赶生长饮食喂养可诱导小鼠代谢综合征模型并发脑衰老样病变,本研究为饮食方式改变引起的代谢综合征及其并发症神经变性样变动物模型的构建提供研究新思路.
    • 付燕; 张业廷; 袁琼嘉; 罗笑
    • 摘要: 目的:观察有氧运动对D-半乳糖(D-gal)诱导的脑衰老大鼠大脑前额叶突触素(SYP)、突触后致密区蛋白-95(PSD-95)表达的影响,探讨有氧运动延缓脑衰老时学习记忆障碍的潜在机制.方法:将36只3月龄SD大鼠随机分成生理盐水对照组(C组)、D-gal组(D组)和D-gal加有氧运动组(DE组),每组12只.每日给予D、DE组大鼠1次腹腔注射D-gal(100 mg/kg/d),持续6周;DE组大鼠在D-gal注射期间进行游泳训练(1 h/d,6d/w).然后利用Morris水迷宫检测大鼠空间学习记忆能力,并采用免疫荧光、Western Blot和Real Time-PCR技术分别检测大鼠大脑前额叶SYP、PSD-95蛋白分子及其mRNA表达水平.结果:(1)在Morris水迷宫实验定位航行训练过程中各大鼠的逃避潜伏期均逐渐下降,其中C和DE组训练第3天表现出最好成绩,其后无显著性改变,D组逃避潜伏期则在第5天后降到最低,在第2、3、4天,D组平均逃避潜伏期明显长于C组和DE组(P<0.05),而在第1、5、6天,各组大鼠间无显著性差异(P>0.05);在空间探索实验中,D组60 s内穿越原平台区域的次数明显低于C和DE组(P<0.05),而且后两组大鼠有更长时间停留在原平台所在象限内(P<0.05).(2)与C组相比,D组大鼠前额叶SYP蛋白分子及其SYP mRNA表达水平均显著性降低(P<0.01),DE组则显著性高于D组(P<0.05);D组大鼠前额叶PSD-95蛋白分子及其mRNA较C组显著性下降(P<0.01,P<0.05);DE组PSD-95 mRNA与D组无显著性差异,但其表达水平有所上升,并且DE组PSD-95蛋白分子显著性高于D组(P<0.05).结论:有氧运动可在一定程度上抑制D-gal诱导的衰老过程中大鼠前额叶突触蛋白SYP、PSD-95表达受损,减轻其下降程度,这可能是有氧运动延缓脑衰老学习记忆能力下降的分子机理之一.%Objective To observe the effect of aerobic exercises on the expression of synaptophysin (SYP)and postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD-95) in the prefrontal lobe of brain-aging rats induced by D-galactose (D-gal) and to explore the underlying mechanism of aerobic exercises relieving learning and memory deficits in the brain-aging process.Methods Thirty-six 3-month-old male Sprage-Dawley rats were randomly divided into a saline control group (C),a D-gal control group (D),and a D-gal and aerobic exercises group (DE),each of 12.The rats in both group D and DE were injected D-gal (100 mg/kg body weight) abdominally every day for 6 consecutive weeks,while those in group C were injected the same amount of saline.Meanwhile,the rats in group DE had performed aerobic swimming for 1 hour daily,while the other two groups did not do any exercises.Then,the Morris Water Maze (MWM) test was performed to estimate the learning and memory abilities.The immunofluorescence technology,Western blotting and real-time PCR were used to determine the expression levels of SYP,PSD-95,SYP mRNA and PSD-95 mRNA in the prefrontal lobe.Results In the process of navigation training,all animals' escape latencies shortened gradually,indicating that each rat was able to learn to locate the submerged platform.The rats in group C and DE showed best performance on day 3 and no significant improvement was observed thereafter,whereas those in group D improved at a slower pace,and reached maximal performance on day 5.On the 2nd,3rd and 4th days of the navigation training,the average escape latency of group D was significantly longer than that of group C and group DE (P<0.05),while on the 1st,5th and 6th days,there was no significant difference among the 3 groups.In the probe trial,rats in group D spent significantly less time in the target quadrant compared with both group C and DE (P<0.05),and rats in group C and DE crossed where the platform was fixed significanlty more often than group D (P<0.05).The expression levels of SYP and SYP mRNA in the prefrontal lobe of rats in group D were significantly lower than group C (P<0.01),and group DE (P< 0.05).Compared with group C,the expression levels of PSD-95 and PSD mRNA in the prefrontal lobe of rats in group D declined significantly (P<0.01).There was no significant difference in PSD-95 expression between group D and DE,but the level of PSD-95 protein molecule of group DE was significantly higher than that of group D (P<0.05).Conclusions The aerobic exercises can ameliorate the deficits of SYP and PSD-95 expression in the frontal cortex of aging rats induced by D-gal to some extent,and improve their learning and memory abilities.
    • 王宏才1
    • 摘要: 脑衰老是人体老化链上的重要环节,在注重抗代谢与抗血管衰老的同时,切不能忽视大脑保健。营养素、食物和坚持用脑,是延缓大脑衰老的三大法宝,只要在日常生活中注意发挥它们的威力,就可以轻松保持智力青春。B族维生素是大脑卫士1.''B族维生素''化敌为友的功夫:''B族维生素''是容易被人们忽略掉的一类营养素。
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