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组织工程血管的相关文献在2003年到2022年内共计145篇,主要集中在基础医学、生物工程学(生物技术)、外科学 等领域,其中期刊论文78篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献321083篇;相关期刊38种,包括北京生物医学工程、解剖学杂志、中国生物医学工程学报等; 相关会议7种,包括第六届全国组织工程与再生医学大会、2011中国外科周、山东省第十一次胸心血管外科学学术会议等;组织工程血管的相关文献由354位作者贡献,包括谷涌泉、张建、李建新等。



论文:78 占比:0.02%


论文:8 占比:0.00%


论文:321083 占比:99.97%





  • 谷涌泉
  • 张建
  • 李建新
  • 付炜
  • 朱楚洪
  • 林展翼
  • 汪忠镐
  • 刘伟
  • 殷猛
  • 刘宾
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 刘江; 冯子倍; 周嘉辉; 吴岳恒; 林展翼
    • 摘要: 目的本研究拟在聚乙醇酸支架材料形成的多孔隙三维环境下,探究不同接种密度对人血管平滑肌细胞增殖行为的影响,并确定一个相对合适的接种密度区间,为后续构建组织工程血管选用种子细胞接种浓度进行初步探索。方法将3种不同浓度的细胞悬液接种于聚乙醇酸支架材料上,通过免疫荧光,细胞增殖实验和免疫印迹,观察细胞的形态、黏附、增殖和表型。结果细胞悬液接种后沿着支架材料生长,不同浓度的细胞悬液导致细胞形态、黏附和增殖发生变化,但是细胞收缩表型标志物α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-smooth muscle actin,α-SMA)及Calponin没有明显变化。当细胞悬液浓度为1×10^(7)个/mL时,接种于支架后,细胞掉落的数目最少。当细胞悬液浓度为1×10^(6)个/mL时,细胞增殖标志物增殖细胞核抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA)表达最多。结论生长在支架材料上的血管平滑肌细胞的形态,黏附和增殖受到细胞接种浓度的影响,综合比较细胞的形态、黏附、增殖和表型,我们认为最佳的细胞接种浓度应为1×10^(6)个/mL到1×10^(7)个/mL区间。
    • 王业勤; 李彦朝; 巴召静; 朱楚洪; 曾文
    • 摘要: 目前,血液透析或外周血管闭塞治疗等对小口径组织工程血管(TEVGs<6mm)临床需求日益增大,但早期血栓形成和中远期内膜增生严重抑制了其通畅,是临床应用的两大关键难题。小口径TEVGs在植入体内后引发的急慢性炎症反应是引起小口径TEBV血栓的重要诱因,目前公认的解决办法是促进早期内皮化。
    • 周浩浩; 文章; 吴岳恒; 周嘉辉; 林展翼
    • 摘要: 目的定量分析体外生物反应器内组织工程血管构建过程中,种子细胞所受的力学刺激与变化规律。方法分别改变管内加载压力、组织工程血管弹性模量以及支撑介质弹性模量,利用双层力学模型分析组织工程血管的应力与应变分布以及变化规律。结果管内加载压力的增大,可同时提高组织工程血管的应力与应变;组织工程血管弹性模量增大可以使得其培养的应变减小,但应力增大;支撑介质弹性模量的增大,可导致组织工程血管的应力与应变减小。结论管内加载压力、组织工程血管弹性模量及支撑介质弹性模量改变,可导致组织工程血管应力与应变出现不同变化趋势。
    • 薛方; 汪艳宏; 曾文
    • 摘要: 组织工程血管(TEBV)被认为是用于治疗心血管疾病的小口径血管(<4mm)替代物的理想方案。然而,工程血管移植后急慢性免疫排斥是导致移植失败的关键。维持移植血管微环境的免疫稳态对工程血管在体重塑有重要意义,但具体机制尚不明确。之前的研究已经证明,神经的重建有助促进血管的功能化再生与重塑。本研究通过构建Entranster^(TM)包载Crisper/Cas9纳米基因递送系统,诱导TET2过表达并激活Treg细胞,抑制免疫并促进神经重建以维持血管长期通畅。
    • 杨磊; 李霞飞; 董玉珍; 马先芬; 张其清; 赵亮
    • 摘要: 背景:心血管疾病目前临床上常用的治疗方法是血管重建术,包括经支架介入治疗、冠状动脉旁路移植术和血管成形术.目的:总结天然衍生支架材料、人工合成高分子材料和复合材料等组织工程血管支架材料的最新研究进展,为小口径血管置换提供理论依据.方法:检索PubMed数据库、万方数据库和中国全文期刊数据库2008年1月至2019年7月相关文献,以检索词为“组织工程;生物材料;支架材料;血管”“Tissue engineering,biological material,scaffold material,blood vessel”进行中英文检索.排除内容较陈旧及结论重复性文献,对最终入选的52篇文献进行探讨.结果 与结论:自体血管移植物,如隐静脉和胸内动脉,是小口径血管的最佳替代物,然而在移植后可能诱发血管腔再次狭窄,以及导致血栓形成、感染和移植失败发生率增加,因而严重阻碍在临床上的应用.考虑到存在的这些局限性,研究者将组织工程血管移植物嵌入细胞,从而产生一种具有生理重塑活材料,这一潜在的解决方案可为血管移植物的未来带来希望.
    • 段红永; 张云峰; 马明; 叶霖; 管强; 杨笑非; 梁宁; 韩锋; 王振峰; 王海东; 余宏
    • 摘要: 目的 观察接枝肝素的聚己内酯支架的体外特征,探讨其作为组织工程血管用支架的可行性.方法 使用电纺丝技术将接枝肝素的聚己内酯纺成口径约为3 mm的管状支架.扫描电镜明确其表面特征,测量接触角明确亲水性,测量爆裂压明确其力学性能,压汞法测量其孑L隙率大小,测定活化部分凝血酶原时间评估其抗凝效果,采用噻唑蓝(MTT)比色法明确其细胞毒性,皮下埋植明确支架与机体组织的相容性.结果 扫描电镜提示纺丝直径约为0.5 ~10.0 μm,静态接触角为(73.6±0.7).,爆裂压为(1 558.5±16.3)mmHg(1 mmHg =0.133 kPa),孔隙率为83%,体外具有明显抗凝效果,无明显细胞毒性,与机体组织相容性好.结论 接枝肝素的聚己内酯可作为组织工程血管用支架材料.%Objective To investigate the characterization of electrospun heparin-bonded polycaprolactone (hPCL) in vitro and to evaluate the possibility of heparin-bonded polycaprolactone (PCL) as scaffold of tissue-engineered blood vessel (TEBV).Methods Heparin was bonded to PCL and PCL was electrospun to scaffold in 3mm diameter to construct hPCL scaffold.hPCL was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine the surface configuration.Contact angle of hPCL was measured to obtain the hydrophilicity.Mechanical property of hPCL was investigated.Porosity of hPCL was determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry.Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of hPCL was determined in vitro.methyl thiazol tetrazolium (MTT) was used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of hPCL.HPCL were implanted subdermally to evaluate the histocompatibility.Results Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)showed the diameter of fiber of hPCL was from 0.5 μm to 10.0 μm.Static contact angle was (73.6 ± 0.7) degree.The burst pressure was (1 558.5 ± 16.3) mmHg (1 mmHg =0.133 kPa).Porosity of hPCL was 83%.APTT test showed that hPCL scaffold exhibit obvious anticoagulation in vitro.hPCL was non-toxic for cells and acceptable histocompatibility.Conclusion hPCL can be used as scaffold of TEBV.
    • 马小龙; 李温斌; 辛志飞; 李殿坤; 周子凡; 万局易; 王坚刚
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND:Due to limited sources,poor hemocompatibility and poor anticoagulation performance,small-diameter tissue-engineered blood vessels cannot be applied in clinical practice.OBJECTIVE:To explore the physicochemical and mechanical properties of sheep carotid arteries after the decellularization in order to find appropriate materials for the preparation of tissue-engineered blood vessels.METHODS:Fresh carotid arteries from sheep were randomly divided into two groups:control group,in which,the sheep carotid arteries were cryopreserved for use after trimming and cleaning;experimental group,in which,after trimming and cleaning,the carotid arteries were decallularized by Triton X-100.sodium deoxycholate and EDTA for 24 hours,rinsed for 72 hours,digested with RNA/DNA enzymes for 24 hours,rinsed for 24 hours and reserved for later use.In both groups,blood samples were subjected to hematoxylin-eosin staining,collagen fiber staining,elastic fiber dyeing,and electron microscopy observation.The physical and chemical properties of the blood vessels are tested by tensile strength,wall tension and thickness.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1) The collagen fibers in both two groups were neat and compact in alignment,with no obvious fracture.(2) Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed that:in the control group,the nuclei were distributed in the inner membrane,middle lamella and outer membrane of the vessels,and the fibers ran regularly;in the experimental group,the fibers ran in order but loosely,and there were no nuclei in the inner membrane,middle lamella and outer membrane of the vessels.(3) Elastic fibers in the control group were regular in alignment and mainly distributed in the middle lamella and outer membrane of the vessels,while in the experimental group,the elastic fibers ran regularly but loosely,and mainly distributed in the middle lamella and outer membrane of the vessels.(4) Under the scanning electron microscope,the originally formed vessels were observed in the experimental group,with no cell residues,and the collagen fibers ran orderly with no fracture and with uniform pore structure.(5) The vessel thickness was lower in the experimental group than the control group (P < 0.01),but the tensile strength showed no difference between the two groups,which was 46.55 kPa in the two groups.To conclude,the decelluarized sheep carotid artery can retain the necessary mechanical properties of the blood vessels after achieving the maximum removal of antigenicity.%背景:由于材料来源问题、材料血液相容性和抗凝性能不佳,致使小口径组织工程血管无法应用于临床.目的:探究经过脱细胞处理后绵羊颈动脉的理化性能及力学性能,为制备组织工程血管寻找合适材料.方法:获取新鲜离体绵羊颈动脉,分2组处理,对照组进行修剪及清洗处理,冻存备用;实验组进行修剪及清洗处理后,以Triton X-100+脱氧胆酸钠盐+EDTA进行脱细胞处理24 h,漂洗72 h,接着以RNA酶/DNA酶消化24 h,漂洗24 h后冻存备用.将两组血管进行苏木精-伊红染色、胶原纤维染色、弹力纤维染色及电镜扫描观察,检测血管的抗拉力强度、血管壁张力及厚度.结果与结论:①胶原纤维染色显示,对照组胶原纤维排列整齐,致密,无明显断痕;实验组胶原纤维排列整齐,致密,无明显断痕;②苏木精-伊红染色显示,对照组细胞核分布在血管的内膜、中层、外膜,纤维走行规则;实验组纤维走行规则,较松散,内膜、中层、外膜无明显细胞核分布;③弹力纤维染色显示,对照组弹力纤维分布规则,整齐,主要在于血管的中层及外膜;实验组弹力纤维走行规则,但较疏松,主要分布在于血管中层及外膜;④电镜扫描显示,实验组血管保持原有的形态,未见细胞结构残留,胶原纤维走行规则,连续性完整,孔隙结构较均匀;⑤实验组血管厚度低于对照组(P<0.01),两组拉力强度无差异,均可承受46.55 kPa的压力;⑥结果表明,经脱细胞处理的绵羊颈动脉,在最大程度去除抗原性的基础上保留了血管必要的力学性能.
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