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土地非农化的相关文献在1989年到2021年内共计71篇,主要集中在农业经济、经济计划与管理、世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理 等领域,其中期刊论文65篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献11349篇;相关期刊53种,包括上海政法学院学报、四川党的建设(城市版)、领导决策信息等; 相关会议6种,包括2008年国际应用统计学术研讨会、2015全国土地资源开发整治与新型城镇化建设学术研讨会、2016’中国新时期土地资源科学与新常态创新发展战略研讨会暨中国自然资源学会土地资源研究专业委员会30周年纪念会等;土地非农化的相关文献由110位作者贡献,包括方方、刘彦随、卞正富等。



论文:65 占比:0.57%


论文:6 占比:0.05%


论文:11349 占比:99.38%





  • 方方
  • 刘彦随
  • 卞正富
  • 李效顺
  • 王羽
  • 蒋冬梅
  • 赵浩
  • Dongmei JIANG
  • Xiaoshun LI
  • Yu WANG
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 刘唱唱; 邓楚雄; 李忠武; 孙惠芳; 陈韶清; 赵浩
    • 摘要: [目的]城郊型乡村可作为推进城乡融合发展和乡村振兴战略实施的首要区域,选取典型的城郊县域湘潭县,基于拓展的"人—地—业"框架开展土地非农化空间演变及影响因素研究,可助推其空间优化,从而实现人地关系的高质量发展.[方法]文章采用标准差椭圆、全局莫兰指数及冷热点分析乡村土地非农化的空间演变特征,并运用地理加权回归模型探讨其影响因素.[结果](1)湘潭县乡村土地非农化总体呈"东北—西南"空间分布特征且在此方向上的向心力逐渐趋强;(2)乡村土地非农化具有显著的空间自相关,呈"先上升、后下降、总体减小"的趋势,但空间关联程度在样本期间有所下降;热点区始终向西北部集聚,不平衡的"川"型分布格局在不断地强化,土地非农化不平衡现象突出且不断加剧;(3)对乡村土地非农化的显著影响因素包括人口密度、距最近建制镇距离、坡度、人均农村建设用地面积超标率、农村居民人均可支配收入、村民代表大会召开次数、村内企业个数、规模经营耕地面积比例和是否有合法村庄规划,各影响因素存在明显的空间异质性.[结论]基于"人—地—业"视角探讨不同区域乡村土地非农化影响因素的作用机理,可为科学制定乡村空间优化策略提供参考.
    • 文枫; 鲁春阳; 周桂芳; 李会杰; 袁晓妮; 段琳筠; 杨凯栋
    • 摘要: [目的]研判中原城市群城市化发展中产业非农化、 人口与城市化土地非农化等多要素之间的耦合协调性与时空演变特征,为中原城市群健康发展提供参考和依据.[方法]文章利用耦合协调度模型、ArcGis空间分析,基于2006—2016年研究时段,评价中原城市群产业、人口与土地非农化的沟壑协调性.[结果](1)从时序特征看,中原城市群人口、产业和土地非农化之间的耦合协调度呈总体下降、过程波动的变化趋势,其中2006年、2011年和2016年的耦合协调度分别为0.57、0.53和0.55,处于中度耦合协调阶段.(2)从空间特征看,中原城市群产业、人口与土地非农化的耦合协调性空间格局经历了由环形到"T"字型再逐渐形成"三点"式的分布特征,空间差异明显.[结论]中原城市群健康发展应强化城市协同发展,增强引领示范作用;增强自主发展能力,缩小区域发展差距;优化产业空间格局,推动城市全面发展是未来城市化协调发展的启示.
    • CHENG Mingyang; LIU Yansui
    • 摘要: 土地是农民赖以生存的根基,乡村土地非农化问题是当前乡村所面临的"乡村病"之一.对传统平原农区非农化土地空间分异及其影响因素的研究相对匮乏.基于黄淮海平原县域数据,选取乡村非农化土地相关变量,采用逐步线性多元回归的方法解析了非农化土地空间分异的主要影响因素,并对驱动机制进行了探讨.结果表明:(1)黄淮海平原农村居民点建设用地占据非农化土地的比重最大;(2)黄淮海平原不同非农化土地空间格局总体上呈现出典型的带状或组团状格局,如沿太行山东麓带、环渤海经济圈、黄河经济协作带、沿京九和陇海铁路线轴带等;(3)黄淮海平原乡村非农化土地空间分异的主要影响因素为县域人均GDP、人均规模以上工业总产值、人均城镇固定资产投资、乡村人均一产增加值、人口密度、人均耕地面积6个变量,自然因素则不显著;(4)黄淮海平原城镇建设用地和农村居民点用地集约化发展有待提升,工业园区建设用地集约化发展初见成效,非农化土地空间分异影响因素与其他建设用地空间分异影响因素呈现出驱动逻辑的一致性,政府财政导向的发展道路仍是主导.提出了破解乡村土地非农化问题的建议.
    • 方方; 梁昊光; 刘彦随
    • 摘要: 深入探讨农区土地非农化对乡村发展的影响机理,是优化城乡土地资源配置、 促进城乡一体化的重要途径.文章结合山东省禹城市与桓台县7个城郊型回迁社区、 新型农村社区、 传统型村庄的问卷调查与深度访谈资料,应用可行能力分析方法,从生态、 社会及经济等3个维度构建了农户行为响应评价体系,分析了典型平原农区农户对土地非农化的行为响应特征,揭示了土地非农化对乡村发展的微观影响机理.研究表明:(1)土地非农化是城乡土地要素流动与空间重构的过程,对乡村发展的影响包括由城镇征地、村庄扩展与农村社区化产生的直接影响与城镇辐射的间接影响,提升或降低了农户行为主体的生态、 社会及经济福利;(2)不同类型村庄对土地非农化直接影响的行为响应各不相同,其中,城镇征地对城郊型社区的影响最为剧烈,导致农户经济、 生态福利的提升及社会福利的下降,传统型村庄受村庄扩展影响深远,降低了农户生态福利,新型农村社区具有较高的居住效用,有效提升了农户生态福利;(3)传统型村庄受土地非农化间接影响较强,经济福利得以显著提升,经济发达镇域辐射效应有效提升了新型农村社区农户的生态、 经济及社会福利;(4)农户资源禀赋不同导致农户对土地非农化的行为响应存在差异;(5)适度推进城乡用地增减挂工程,调控城乡土地要素的合理流动.最后,该文提出了不同类型村庄的城乡一体化模式与调控路径.%It is an important way to investigate the effect mechanism of land non-agriculturalization on rural de-velopment for optimizing the land resources allocation between urban and rural area, and promoting the urban-ru-ral integration development. Based on questionnaires and in-depth interview information from 7 villages and com-munities in Yucheng and Huantai of Shandong Province, including villages- move-back villages, new rural com-munities, and traditional villages,this article analyzed the characteristic of farmers' behavior response of land non-agriculturalization in typical agricultural plain region by building the evaluation indicator system of farmers' behavior response from three dimensions of the ecological, social and economic welfare, and revealed microscopic mecha-nism of the effect of land non-agriculturalization on rural development. The results showed: (1)land non-agri-culturalizationwas a process of urban-rural elements' flowing and reconstructing spatially, the effects on rural de-velopment included the direct effect from land acquisition, village expansion and new rural community construction and the indirect effect from urban and town development radiation, which promoted or reduced farmers' ecological, social and economic welfare. (2) the behavior responses of the direct effect of land non-agriculturalization on dif-ferent types of villages were various; the impact from land acquisition on suburban community was more intensive and promoted farmers' economic and ecological welfare and reduced their social welfare; the impact from rural ex-pansion on traditional village is profoundly, which reduced their ecological welfare; the high ecological benefit of new rural community promoted farmers' ecological welfare effectively. (3) Due to the strong influence of the indi-rect effect of land non-agriculturalization, the economic welfare of traditional villages increasedsignificantly; the radiation effect of economically developed town promoted the ecological, economic and social welfare effectively. (4) Different resource endowment of farmer's family led to the different behavior response to land non-agricultural-ization. (5)It was necessary to increase urban construction land decrease rural construction land, and to regulate the reasonable flowing of land element between urban and rural area. Finally, based on the analysis of the farmers ' behavior response of land non-agriculturalization and the effect mechanism of land non-agriculturalization on ru-ral development in typical agricultural plain region, this article concluded there strictive factors of rural develop-ment, discussed the phenomenon of the decrease of farmers' welfare due to land non-agriculturalization, and final-ly proposed the optimized mode and path of urban-rural integration development of different types of villages and communities.
    • 胡梅玲
    • 摘要: 土地是农民生存的根本,也是农业作为一国经济基础所必不可少的要素。当前,我国土地非农化趋势显著,这对我国经济的影响具有双重作用。该文阐述了当前我国土地非农化转变的现状,分析了其对经济和社会产生的积极作用和消极作用,并提出从总体上把握耕地资源的总量和效率,加大投入、提高耕地质量,提高耕地保护意识和耕地监管力度等三方面应对土地非农化的对策建议。%The land is fundamental to farmers’survival,and is also an essential part of agriculture as the foundation of the national economy. At present,there has been an obvious trend of non-agricultural land in China,and the non-ag-ricultural land has double effects on our economy. The current situation of non-agricultural land in our country was e-laborated in this paper. Then,the positive and negative effects of it on economy and society were analyzed. Last,the countermeasures were put forward from three aspects including grasping the amount and efficiency of land resources in a whole,increasing input to improve the quality of cultivated land,raising the protection consciousness and supervi-sion of cultivated land,thus to deal with non-agricultural land.
    • 周海燕
    • 摘要: 随着经济的迅猛发展,城乡结合部问题在各地快速城市化过程中的问题日益凸显,成为学者和社会关注的热点,而征地拆迁问题更是城乡结合部问题研究中的重点和关键所在.基于此,本文拟就城乡结合部征地拆迁问题进行相关探讨,在大量的文献阅读与总结归纳的基础上认为:城乡结合部征地拆迁诸多问题的产生是多种因素综合作用的结果.行文思路是先简单的从概念界定入手,继而对城乡结合部现状以及存在的问题进行具体阐释,分析产生诸多问题的原因,找出其症结所在,并在文章结尾部分富有针对性的提出相应的改进建议,以期推动城乡结合部健康有序的发展.
    • 刘乃安
    • 摘要: 土地流转过程是一个关涉利益调整的过程,随着土地稀缺性特点的进一步凸显,流转利益的配给合理与否也引起关注,本文将围绕城镇扩边型粗放式发展模式加速;土地非农化使用问题凸显;农民权益被侵犯,失地农民增多;土地上访成为农民上访的主要动因四个方面,分析吉林省的土地非农化问题,并提出促进土地合理、有序、健康流转的建议,以图在我国土地流转加速的背景下实现吉林省土地非农化的良性运转。
    • 张崇尚; 吕开宇; 夏英; 詹卉
    • 摘要: 为了有效解决农村土地非农化利用纠纷,保障农民权益,在对江苏、吉林和四川3个省份进行抽样调查的基础上,探讨土地非农化及其引发纠纷的特征,分析土地非农化对农民权益造成的影响.结果发现,补偿标准低、发放不规范和解决渠道缺失等问题容易诱发和加剧纠纷.鉴于此提出完善土地补偿机制、统一建设用地市场和构建多元化纠纷解决机制的政策建议.
    • 朱德新; 朱峰
    • 摘要: 当前内地政府主导的土地非农化过程中,存在着不少问题,而政府通过角色转变,与私营部门建立公私伙伴关系的共同参与,或许可以成为解决这些问题的制度选择。这方面的案例有,20世纪60年代到80年代澳葡政府和澳门旅游娱乐公司建立伙伴关系,顺利完成澳门新口岸土地的非农化任务。研究结果表明:政府创造的制度空间和私营部门的利益诉求成为公私伙伴关系的前提,彼此协作、利益协调和制度保障则是公私伙伴关系的路径。公私伙伴关系参与土地非农化过程,不仅可以实现双方利益最大化,而且也会对政府的公共政策以及私营部门的行为模式产生积极的影响。%T here are various practical problems in terms of the current mainland urban secondary land develop‐ment mode w hich mainly characterized by the leadership of urban government .Changing the role of government and establishing Public‐Private Partnership (PPP) with private sector seems to be a reasonable institutional choice w hich can be considered as the solution to problems mentioned above .In this regard ,the PPP established by the Portuguese Macau government and the STDM in the case of land development project of ZAPE farm land in 1960s-1980s deserves further study .This case shows that the institutional space created by the urban government and the thirst for profit maximization of private sector is the precondition of PPP .The policy and resource synergy be‐tween each partner ,the coordination of interests between public/private partners and stakeholders as well as the establishment of an institutional guarantee are key components of the process of PPP .The consequence of PPP is twofold .On the one hand it can create a win‐win situation within urban land development .On the other hand ,due to the mutual influence during the PPP process ,public/private partners may transform mutually .
    • 古蕾蕾
    • 摘要: 土地二次开发是在土地目前产出水平基础上,结合产业发展前景和城市主体功能转型要求,而进行的新一轮土地优化配置与集约利用。改革开放以来,土地非农化为城市发展提供了载体,地方政府通过低廉的征地成本攫取土地红利。时至今日,守住18亿亩耕地红线压力日益增大,农地非农化也引发了复杂的社会矛盾;因此国土资源部多次表态将进一步缩小征地范围。
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