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鸡种的相关文献在1981年到2023年内共计309篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、农业经济、轻工业、手工业 等领域,其中期刊论文274篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献22981430篇;相关期刊135种,包括广西畜牧兽医、湖北畜牧兽医、江西畜牧兽医杂志等; 相关会议4种,包括第八届中国优质禽育种与生产研究会学术讨论会暨代表大会、首届中国黄羽肉鸡行业发展大会、第二届全国家禽营养与饲料科技研讨会等;鸡种的相关文献由454位作者贡献,包括王克华、窦套存、佟蔷等。



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  • 王克华
  • 窦套存
  • 佟蔷
  • 周敏
  • 张学余
  • 朱学农
  • 谭玉文
  • 曲亮
  • 陈国宏
  • 李慧芳
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 一、主要产地新安肉鸡养殖产业主要分布于河南省新安县曹村乡等乡镇。二、品质特征新安肉鸡采用益生菌发酵床与林下养殖相结合的科学养殖,主要鸡种为北京油鸡,又称宫廷黄鸡。外在特征。屠体单只重980~1197克,肉色粉红鲜亮、富有弹性,肉质细腻。煮熟后,鸡皮香脆,肌肉紧实、有嚼头,鸡汤呈乳白色,汤味鲜香、甘甜。
    • 徐本全; 王勇
    • 摘要: 一、鸡种的选择鸡种的选择一定程度决定了鸡肉或者鸡蛋的品质,因此在养鸡前对鸡种苗进行慎重选择显得尤为重要。在购买鸡种前需要注意几点:第一,选择具有《种畜禽生产经营许可证》和《动物防疫合格证》资质的种鸡场或孵化场,确保引种鸡苗的质量。第二,引种种鸡时应经过产地检疫,持有当地兽医主管部门开具的有效检疫合格证明。第三,引种的鸡应来源于同一种鸡场或育雏场相同批次的鸡。第四,在引种前应充分调研当地市场,尽量选择符合当地市场需求并且符合饲养条件、抗逆性强的品种。在进行引种时,只有掌握基本的引种要求才是保证引种成功的基础。
    • 王凤芹
    • 摘要: 一、流行病学本病一年四季均可发生,但是以季节更替时发病率高,尤以秋冬时损失更严重,在我国北方地区表现更为明显,现在已经普遍到全国各地。发病日龄不定,最早在3日龄的雏鸡中就可以表现,在16周的种鸡也时有报道。但发病日龄多集中在10~60日龄。全国各地都有该病发生的报道,但该病的发生有比较大的局限性(即发病多集中在一个地理区域)。发病的鸡群大多来源于同一个种鸡场或同一品系的鸡种
    • 摘要: 乌鸡是一种贵重的优异药用鸡种,其商品价值越来越受到人们的重视。那么,怎样才华前进乌鸡雏鸡的成活率和它的产蛋率呢?实践证明,饲养乌鸡有必须注意以下几个方面。
    • 摘要: 乌鸡是一种贵重的优异药用鸡种,其商品价值越来越受到人们的重视。那么,怎样才能提高乌鸡雏鸡的成活率和它的产蛋率呢?实践证明,饲养乌鸡必须注意以下几个方面。
    • 陈光明
    • 摘要: 肉鸡生产因饲养密度高、鸡种抗病力低和对环境要求高等原因,规模化养殖中往往疫病难以控制,造成死亡率过高,严重制约养殖户的经济效益,成为影响养殖积极性的主要技术瓶颈。要搞好肉鸡疫病的有效防控,必须采取有针对性的综合性技术措施。首先要做好鸡场科学的规划设计,在此基础上,鸡舍环境调控、消毒、免疫接种和药物预防等工作才能取得实效。具体规划设计可参考:
    • 葛庆联; 高玉时; 唐修君; 樊艳凤; 陈大伟; 刘茵茵; 马丽娜; 贾晓旭
    • 摘要: 目的 比较不同鸡种及不同产蛋阶段所产鸡蛋营养成分的差异.方法 在相同条件下饲养海兰褐鸡、苏禽青壳鸡、仿土蛋鸡,比较产蛋前期(21周)、中期(43周)、后期(67周)所产鸡蛋的营养成分及矿物元素含量.结果 不同鸡种所产鸡蛋的粗蛋白含量差异不显著(P>0.05);海兰褐鸡蛋的干物质、粗脂肪、胆固醇、磷脂、磷、铁、硒等含量均显著小于仿土蛋鸡蛋和苏禽青壳蛋(P0.05).产蛋前期鸡蛋的干物质含量显著低于产蛋中、后期(P0.05);不同鸡种在不同产蛋阶段所产鸡蛋的钙、镁、锌、锰等含量存在一定差异.结论 青壳蛋和仿土鸡蛋营养成分要优于海兰褐鸡蛋,初产蛋除了磷脂含量较高,其他营养成分基本相同.%Objective To compare the differences of nutritive compositions of eggs produced in different layer breed chickens and different laying phases. Methods Under the same conditions, the Hy-line brown, Suqin green and Fangtu were fed, the nutrient compositions and mineral elements content of laying early phase (21 weeks), middle phase (43 weeks) and later phase (67 weeks) were compared. Results There was no significant difference in the amount of crude protein produced by different layer breed eggs (P>0.05). Dry material, crude fat, cholesterol, lecithin, phosphorus, iron, and selenium of Hy-line brown egg were significantly lower than those of Fangtu and Suqin green eggs (P0.05). The content of dry material in early laying phase was significantly lower than that in middle and later laying phase (P0.05), and there were some differences in the contents of calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese in eggs produced by different chicken breeds. Conclusion Nutritive compositions of Green eggs and Fangtu eggs are better than those of Hy-line brown eggs. In addition to the higher phospholipid content, the early production of eggs are basically the same as others.
    • 魏超昆; 刘敦华; 刘关瑞
    • 摘要: This study is expected to offer data guide and help halal slaughter enterprises in China. Taking rejected layer and Arbor Acre (AA) broiler as the object of the research, the effects of shackling times on meat quality in rejected layer and AA broiler chickens after slaughter were studied. The experimental samples were obtained by the process of halal slaughtering. The slaughter process does not have a syncope step. The shackling time is the time from shackled to slaughtered by the imam in this paper, while shackling time refers to the time from shackled to syncope in most other papers. Meat quality of rejected layer and AA broiler is expressed by these indicators, including deep body temperature changes, pH value (45 min after slaughter, known as pH1 value; 24 h after slaughter, known as pH2 value), color difference (L* value,a* value andb* value), water holding capacity (drip loss and cooking loss),T2b,T21 andT22 peak area by low field - nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR), and inosine monophosphate (IMP) content. The effect of shackling time on meat quality of rejected layer and AA broiler chickens after slaughter was studied by the means of split plot experiment. Two chicken species (rejected layer, AA broiler) and 5 shackling time (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 s) were included in this study. The results showed that when AA broiler was shackled for 90 s, these indicators, including deep body temperature changes, pH2value,a* value, drip loss and cooking loss, all increased significantly, whileT22 peak area and IMP content decreased significantly (P0.05). When rejected layer was shackled for 120 s, pH2value,a* value and cooking loss increased significantly, while IMP content decreased significantly (P0.05). GLM-multivariate analysis results showed that species had significant influences on deep body temperature changes,L* value, drip loss, cooking loss,T2b peak area,T21 peak area,T22 peak area and IMP content (P0.05). Shackling time had significant effect on deep body temperature changes,a* value, drip loss, cooking loss,T22 peak area and IMP content (P0.05). Interactions between species and shackling time significantly affecteda* value, drip loss,T22 peak area and IMP content (P0.05). In conclusion, taking various factors into consideration, it will contribute to improving chicken quality after slaughter, and it is recommended that the optimum shackling time of AA broiler should range from 12 to 60 s, while that of rejected layer should range from 12 to 90 s.%为国内禽类清真屠宰企业提供数据指导和帮助,该文采用两因素可重复裂区试验设计,以淘汰蛋鸡和AA肉鸡(arbor acre broiler,AA broiler)2个鸡种为主区,5个吊挂时间(0、30、60、90、120 s)为裂区,研究吊挂时间对淘汰蛋鸡与AA肉鸡宰后肌肉品质的影响,结果表明,随着吊挂时间的延长,AA肉鸡在吊挂90 s时,体温变化、宰后24 h pH值、红度值、滴水损失、蒸煮损失显著增大,自由水含量、肌酐酸(inosine monophosphate,IMP)含量显著减小(P<0.05);当吊挂120 s时,淘汰蛋鸡宰后24 h pH值、红度值、蒸煮损失显著增大,IMP含量显著减小(P<0.05).主效应和交互作用分析结果表明,鸡种对体温变化、亮度值、滴水损失、蒸煮损失、结合水含量、不易流动水含量、自由水含量、IMP含量影响显著(P<0.05),吊挂时间对体温变化、红度值、滴水损失、蒸煮损失、自由水含量、IMP含量影响显著(P<0.05),鸡种与吊挂时间的交互作用对红度值、滴水损失、自由水含量、IMP含量影响显著(P<0.05).根据研究结果,建议AA肉鸡适宜的吊挂时间为12~60 s,淘汰蛋鸡适宜的吊挂时间为12~90 s,研究结果为提高宰后鸡肉品质提供参考.
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