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跃变的相关文献在1983年到2022年内共计139篇,主要集中在电工技术、物理学、大气科学(气象学) 等领域,其中期刊论文98篇、专利文献73932篇;相关期刊89种,包括西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)、数字商业时代、股市动态分析等; 跃变的相关文献由318位作者贡献,包括徐辉、孙存兰、黄磊等。



论文:98 占比:0.13%


论文:73932 占比:99.87%





  • 徐辉
  • 孙存兰
  • 黄磊
  • E·舒尔茨
  • V·琼格尼克尔
  • W·泽瓦斯
  • 付玉喜
  • 任寰
  • 冯奕程
  • 凯维恩·M·欧文斯
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 慈轩
    • 摘要: 4月17日,由共青团天津市委员会、天津市慈善协会共同主办的"世界跃变友爱不变"——迎建党百年暨2021年世界血友病日主题活动在天津市少年儿童活动中心举行。市人大常委会原副主任、市慈善协会会长散襄军出席并讲话,共青团天津市委员会书记李龙,中华慈善总会副秘书长叶家兴.
    • 萌萌
    • 摘要: 在转型升级的重要关口,纺织产业怎样才能将有限的价值推向无限的可能?全球时尚产业发展论坛已锁定关键答案!9月27日,在浙江绍兴柯桥,来自国内外纺织服装领域及时尚相关产业的精英力量共聚一堂,在第二届世界布商大会的全球时尚产业发展论坛共同探讨"时尚·跃变"的多维可能!
    • 摘要: 2018年12月18日上午10时,庆祝改革开放40周年大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席大会并发表重要讲话。会上,同期表彰了为改革开放作出杰出贡献的人员,100人荣获“改革先锋”称号、10人荣获“中国改革友谊奖章”。
    • 舒牧葳
    • 摘要: 在直流电路中,研究了电感和电容作为理想元件时,稳态电压电流的情形,在交流电路中,如果考虑到电感作为感性元件,其电流不能突然变化,而电容两端的电压也不能跃变,那么在电路开工作的初始态,将会表现出和一般直流电路完全不同的电学特性,并且最终电路将稳定工作在某一状态,本文将探究电路加电后随时间变化的电路特性,结合微分方程等数学工具进行解释.
    • 闫军辉; 刘浩龙; 葛全胜; 郑景云; 郝志新; 王义民
    • 摘要: Based on the monthly maximum and minimum temperature data at Wuhan meteorological station in 1906-2015,annual mean temperature during the 1 10 years was reconstructed and the temporal change was analyzed.The main conclusions are:(1) Annual mean temperature of Wuhan showed multi-decadal variations.Two warm periods were experienced during 1906-1946 and 1994-2015;and between 1947 and 1993,annual mean temperature was relatively low.(2) At multi-decadal temporal scales,annual mean temperature of Wuhan showed several significant warming and cooling trends.The largest warming trends at 30-and 50-year scales were detected during 1980-2009 and 1960-2009,with linear trends amounting to 2.67±0.48 °C/30a and 2.20± 0.50 °C/50a,respectively.The strongest cooling trends for the same temporal scales were detected for 1928-1957 and 1925-1974,with linear trends being-1.23±0.48 °C/30a and-1.40±0.35 °C/50a,respectively.(3) During the 110 years,there existed three abrupt changes in Wuhan annual mean temperature.During the early 1920s and the mid-late 1990s,temperature of Wuhan turned from cold to warm conditions.In the 1940s,the change was to the opposite.(4) Comparing temperature change of Wuhan with global,hemispheric,and China's country scales,the temperatures showed similar temporal evolution,with Wuhan exhibiting greater amplitude of change.The recent pause in global warming was also observed in Wuhan.%本文利用1906-2015年武汉月平均最高与最低气温资料,重建了过去110年武汉市年平均气温距平序列,分析了其年代际尺度的变化特征.主要结论为:①过去ll0年武汉市经历了“暖—冷—暖”3个多年代际波动,其中1906-1946年与1994-2015年气候相对温暖,1947-1993年则气候相对寒冷;②在多年代尺度上,武汉市存在多次显著增温和降温过程,其中增温速率最快的30年和50年分别出现在1980-2009年和1960-2009年;最快降温速率则出现在1928-1957年和1925-1974年;③过去ll0年武汉市年均温发生了3次跃变,其中由冷转暖的跃变出现在20世纪20年代初和90年代中后期,而由暖转冷的跃变则出现在40年代;④武汉市年均温变化与全球/北半球和中国的变化趋势基本一致,但变幅偏大.此外,全球增暖停滞现象在武汉市最近十几年也有所体现.
    • 苏现波; 司青; 王乾
    • 摘要: 为更加深入和全面了解煤的大分子结构特征及其随煤化作用的演化过程,采用X射线衍射(XRD)方法对不同煤阶的煤样进行大分子结构主要参数的测试分析.结果表明,每一个煤化作用跃变点都有相应的XRD参数变化与之对应,煤的变质演化过程实质上是其大分子结构的演化过程,该过程受芳构化作用、缩合作用与聚合作用的影响,这些作用使得煤中的类石墨微晶经历了从无到有、从小到大、从无序到有序的过程,且这种变化是由渐变到突变.
    • 高旭东; 张双南; 付建宁
    • 摘要: 脉冲星自转的稳定性是其最显著的特征之一,利用这种特征可以提供脉冲星自身自转减慢的精确信息,研究强引力场中的广义相对论效应,检验引力波,探测太阳系外行星,以及提供计时标准。然而,在脉冲星自转的长期观测中,两种有趣的不规则性被观测到,这其中把广泛存在于脉冲星中且最为普遍的现象称为“计时噪声”,多表现为相当连续且不稳定的行为,并且多由低频结构组成。对于具有较大周期导数的脉冲星而言,通常会具有更加明显的计时噪声。全面地研究计时噪声有助于深入了解中子星的内部结构。在回顾分析脉冲星自转减慢模型的基础上,对近年来脉冲星计时噪声的观测进展进行了概述。针对现有的观测数据,讨论了目前关于计时噪声分类以及观测制动指数中存在的问题。另外,介绍和评述了脉冲星计时噪声的相关理论模型。最后,展望了未来观测方面的发展方向和前景。%One of the most remarkable features of pulsars is their rotational stability. Through measuring the times of arrival of pulsars, a surprisingly large amount of information can be obtained, such as, providing precise information on rotational slowdown of pulsars, testing the general relativity and gravitational waves, detecting exoplanets, determining fun-damental parameters of binary systems, and also providing time standard with stabilities comparable to that of the best atomic clocks. The angular momentum of an isolated pulsar only changes through the braking torque of the magnetic dipole radiation; therefore, the effect on the pulse times of arrival would be usually predictable and smooth. However, two interesting irregularities in pulsar rotation have been observed. The first kind is ‘glitches’ which sudden increases in their rotation rates followed by a period of relaxation. Glitches occur more frequently in younger pulsars, but have also been observed in millisecond pulsars. The other behavior is known as ‘timing noise’, which is a continuous but erratic behaviour relative to a simple slow down model and consists of low-frequency structures. The pulsars have large period derivatives generally show more prominent timing noise. A more complete understanding of pulsar timing noise will provide us an insight into the interior structure of neutron stars. In this paper, the pulsar spin-down model is reviewed and analyzed. An overview of observational progress of timing noise of pulsars in recent years is provided, in light that many observatories worldwide have been developed and operated. On the basis of existing observation data, some problems of classification of timing noise and observational braking index, which can not be explained by the simple spin-down model, are discussed in detail. Moreover, many models for timing noise are introduced, including physical and phenomenological models. In the last, further developments and prospects in this area are also outlooked.
    • 胡秀英; 王仲伟; 黄苏珍
    • 摘要: 对11个甜菊品种糖苷含量跃变期糖苷含量及理化特性进行分析,结果表明:江甜2号SOD活力、POD活力和多酚含量最高,谱星1号可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白质和糖苷含量最高.中山1号、中山4号和中山5号在现蕾时多酚含量最高,其他品种在现蕾前达到顶峰.中山3号的糖苷含量和可溶性蛋白含量在现蕾前达到最高.随着糖苷含量降低,产量、SOD活力和POD活力呈多峰曲线,各品种间差异明显;多酚含量、可溶性糖含量和可溶性蛋白含量曲线呈直线趋势,各品种间无明显差异.
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