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神经卡压的相关文献在1992年到2021年内共计112篇,主要集中在外科学、神经病学与精神病学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文102篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献492981篇;相关期刊70种,包括解剖与临床、解剖学杂志、中国老年学杂志等; 相关会议4种,包括全国第九次针刀医学学术年会、全国第十五届传统医学手法学术交流大会、广东省中医药学会推拿分会学术年会、广东省针灸学会手疗法医学专委会成立大会暨第一届委员选举大会、第八届全国显微外科学术会议暨国际显微外科研讨会等;神经卡压的相关文献由298位作者贡献,包括陈德松、顾玉东、方有生等。



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  • 陈德松
  • 顾玉东
  • 方有生
  • 王金武
  • 陈琳
  • 卢振和
  • 宫庆娟
  • 彭峰
  • 李殿宁
  • 陈惠华
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 许亚飞; 谢文; 周珊
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨超声在下肢周围神经损伤中的诊断价值。方法:选取我院2019年1月-2020年9月就诊的50例单侧下肢截肢/肿物切除/骨折术后伴发下肢疼痛的患者,行下肢周围神经超声检查,检查结果与磁共振(MRI)检查结果对比分析。结果:超声检查下肢周围神经损伤的诊断符合率为98.61%,超声对下肢周围神经损伤的检出率与下肢MRI对比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:超声检查对下肢周围神经损伤的诊断符合率高,可广泛应用于临床,尤其可作为术后或MRI检查禁忌者的首选应用。
    • 鲁润春; 伊骏飞; 伊志强; 李春伟; 段鸿洲; 张家湧; 李良
    • 摘要: 目的 初步探讨Hoffmann法内镜尺神经松解术治疗特发性肘管综合征的安全性和有效性.方法 回顾性分析北京大学第一医院神经外科自2016年6月至2020年9月行内镜手术治疗的13例肘管综合征患者的临床资料.手术器械采用肘管手术套件,采用Hoffmann法进行手术.术前应用McGowan分级对患者进行分类.术后对患者进行电话和门诊随访,采用改良Bishop评分对患者术后恢复程度进行评价.结果 13例患者中11例行单纯尺神经减压,2例合并小囊肿压迫者同时行囊肿切除,术后病理报告1例为肘关节滑膜囊肿、1例为腱鞘囊肿.术后2~5 d出院,1例患者出现切口裂开,予以重新缝合后愈合良好,余患者无并发症发生.术后第2天所有患者均有麻木症状的缓解.随访5~56个月,改良Bishop评分优5例、良5例、中3例、差0例.其中术前McGowan分级1级组术后改良Bishop评分优良率100%(6/6),McGowan分级2级组改良Bishop评分优良率57%(4/7).术后14~21 d恢复正常生活工作.结论 内镜肘管减压术是微创手术,神经减压效果与开放手术相当,术后短期并发症少、恢复工作快,尤其适用于原发性肘管综合征.
    • 许亚飞; 谢文; 周珊
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨超声在下肢周围神经损伤中的诊断价值.方法:选取我院2019年1月—2020年9月就诊的50例单侧下肢截肢/肿物切除/骨折术后伴发下肢疼痛的患者,行下肢周围神经超声检查,检查结果与磁共振(MRI)检查结果对比分析.结果:超声检查下肢周围神经损伤的诊断符合率为98.61%,超声对下肢周围神经损伤的检出率与下肢MRI对比无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论:超声检查对下肢周围神经损伤的诊断符合率高,可广泛应用于临床,尤其可作为术后或MRI检查禁忌者的首选应用.
    • 余英圣; 张若茜; 隆小玲; 钱灯; 刘海洲; 刘阳名
    • 摘要: 目的:解剖观察并定位腰神经后内侧支骨纤维管,为临床诊断椎管外因素导致的腰腿痛及实施合理的治疗提供解剖学依据.方法:对17具成人尸体腰骶部解剖,观察腰神经后支和后内侧支的走行、分支、分布、毗邻结构,并测量腰神经后支内侧骨纤维管出口的纵径和横径、长度、距体表的深度、至正中线距离、至同序椎骨棘突顶点的矢状距离.结果:腰神经后内侧支骨纤维管由副突、乳突、乳突副突间沟和上关节突副突韧带组成.骨纤维管左右侧、男女对比差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05),测量数值随腰椎序数的增大呈一定的递变关系.结论:腰神经后内侧支骨纤维管为狭窄管道,其周围结构发生改变时会导致神经挤压造成腰腿疼,临床上可根据其结构特点进行诊断及实施治疗.
    • Yu Miao; Zhao Xinyue; Liu Huanyu; Cui Lin; Qin Xiangzheng
    • 摘要: Objective To identify the routes and branches of the proper plantar digital nerves(PPDN) in the medial of the great toe and its adjoining relationship among the surrounding fascia tissues and organs,which was expected to provide accurate localization of the nerve impingement and possible relevant of anatomical basis for the treatment of nerve entrapment in clinical utility.Methods From December,2016 to January,2019,a total of 54 formalin fixed feet were collected.Fifty of them were performed conventional anatomical procedure,the other 4 were prepared with sectional anatomical technique.The seats and branches of the PPDN in the medial of the great toe were observed;The width and thickness of the nerve were measured at the first metatarpophalangeal joint(FMPJ),along with its proximal and distal sides 0.5 cm.The origin and origin of fascia were observed by foot dissection.Masson staining was used to observe the tissue changes of the nerves in the FMPJ.Results The PPDN of the medial great toe run between the flexor pollicis longus tendon and the abductor pollicis tendon at the proximal,issued (4.21±0.12) final branches.And governed the sensation of the medial half of the great toe.The width of the nerve at the FMPJ was (3.50±0.09) mm,which was significantly increased compared with that of the near [(1.58±0.04) mm] and far [(1.56± 0.03) mm] from the joint.The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05);The thickness of the nerve in the proximal segment was (0.83±0.04) mm,and that in the distal segment was (0.82±0.03) mm.Compared with that in the FMPJ [(0.67±0.02) mm],the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).A deep fascia was observed on the superficial surface of the PPDN at medial great toe,which was stretched between the tendon sheath of the flexor pollicis longus tendon and the tendon of the abductor pollicis muscle.Masson staining showed obvious proliferation of nerve outer mem brane fibers at the metatarpophalangeal joint,the number of nerve fiber bundles increased,and obvious thickening of nerve fiber bundles and nerve fascia.Conclusion Long-term compression can lead to thickening of the epineurium and perineurium,and the superficial fascia is an important factor of thumb pain and numbness caused by the compression of the PPDN at medial of the great toe.%目的 确(足母)趾内侧趾足底固有神经的走行、分支及其与周围筋膜组织及器官的毗邻关系,为临床上治疗神经卡压提供精确定位及相关解剖学依据.方法 自2016年12月至2019年1月,共收集了54侧福尔马林固定的足.其中50侧常规解剖,4侧制作足部断层.观察(足母)趾内侧趾足底固有神经的走行及分支情况;于第1跖趾关节处及其近侧、远侧0.5 cm处,分别测量该神经的宽度、厚度.应用足部断层解剖观察此处筋膜来源与起止.Masson染色观察跖趾关节处神经的组织变化.结果 (足母)趾内侧趾足底固有神经在近跖趾关节处走行于(足母)长屈肌腱与(足母)展肌肌腱之间偏内侧,发出(4.21±0.12)条终支,支配(足母)趾内侧半皮肤.跖趾关节处神经的宽度为(3.50±0.09) mm,与关节近段[(1.58±0.04) mm]及远段[(1.56±0.03) mm]相比,明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);近侧段神经厚度为(0.83±0.04)mm,远侧段为(0.82±0.03) mm,与跖趾关节处神经的厚度为(0.67±0.02) mm相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);常规解剖及足部断层观察到(足母)趾内侧趾足底固有神经浅面有一深筋膜,张于(足母)长屈肌腱腱鞘与(足母)展肌肌腱之间;Masson染色显示跖趾关节处神经外膜纤维增生明显,神经纤维束分束增多,神经束膜均增厚明显.结论 长期受压可至神经外膜及束膜增厚,其浅面的筋膜可能是造成(足母)趾内侧趾足底固有神经卡压出现(足母)趾疼痛、麻木的重要因素.
    • 刘勇
    • 摘要: 作为一种可以对各类慢性疾病进行有效治疗的医疗手段,神经阻滞术在临床上被广泛用于治疗神经卡压性疼痛、腰背部疼痛、癌痛、颈源性疼痛等病症,其主要施行方式是将局部麻醉药物注射到神经干、丛、节的周围位置,阻碍其传导冲动,对其“管辖”的区域起到镇痛和麻醉的效果。
    • 刘文芬; 马力
    • 摘要: 目的 分析桡神经深支在旋后肌区的声像图特征,并探讨其前后径的正常值范围.方法 对101例健康志愿者桡神经深支进入、行出旋后肌浅深层的部位进行超声检查,观察桡神经深支声像图特征,测量其进入、行出时神经外膜之间的前后径.结果 桡神经深支穿旋后肌行走,超声表现为横切面上椭圆形中等偏高回声,纵切面上多条线性的平行稍强回声.桡神经深支进入和行出旋后肌时神经外膜之间的前后径分别为(1.085±0.159)mm和(1.087±0.153)mm,桡神经深支进入和行出旋后肌时神经外膜之间的前后径超声测值正常值参考范围为0.773~1.397 mm和0.786~1.388 mm.结论 桡神经深支穿旋后肌行走具有清晰的超声图像,且桡神经深支进入和行出旋后肌时神经外膜之间的前后径超声测值可为临床提供正常值的参考范围.%Objective To analyze the ultrasonic characteristics of deep branch of radial nerve in the region of supinator muscle,and to investigate the normal diameter of deep branch of radial nerve.Methods Ultrasonography was perfomed on the deep branch of radial nerve in 101 volunteers,the ultrasonic characteristics of deep branch of radial nerve in cross section and longitudinal section were observed when it enters and exits the supinator muscle,the anteroposterior diameter of deep branch of radial nerve was measured.Results The deep branch of radial nerve traveled through the supinator muscle.In cross section,it showed isoechoic or slightly hyperechoic oval structure.In longitudinal section,it showed parallel hyperechoic linear structure.The anteroposterior diameter of deep branch of radial nerve when it enters and exits the supinator muscle were (1.085±0.159)mm and (1.087±0.153)mm.The normal reference range of anteroposterior diameter of deep branch of radial nerve were 0.773~1.397 mm and 0.786~1.388 mm.Conclusion The deep branch of radial nerve has a clear ultrasonic image when it enters and exits the supinator muscle,and measuremrnt of anteroposterior diameter of deep branch of radial nerve can provide normal reference value for clinic.
    • 徐昆; 张峥; 郝佳颖; 肖天洁; 杜元良; 孙贺; 王建华; 刘正蓬; 孙志杰; 赵艳军
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨臀上、臀中皮神经松解联合神经妥乐平封闭治疗LDH(腰椎间盘突出症)术后残余神经痛的临床疗效.方法:选择年龄40~59岁的LDH患者90例(男女各45例)经正规保守治疗4周无效且VAS≥5分患者,行腰4~5或腰5-骶1髓核摘除、椎间融合术后第2周仍存在下肢疼痛或(和)麻木者,按照完全随机等分法分三组、每组30例:A组(对照组),B组(骶管封闭组),C组(臀上、臀中皮神经松解联合神经妥乐平封闭组),通过上述三组治疗24周后,观察C组治疗LDH术后残余神经痛的临床疗效及VAS、JOA评分、临床改善率.结果:C组(臀上、臀中皮神经松解联合神经妥乐平封闭组)临床疗效及VAS、JOA评分、临床改善率显著优于A、B两组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:臀上、臀中皮神经松解联合神经妥乐平封闭治疗可显著改善LDH术后残余神经痛症状,缓解临床患者痛苦,具有显著的临床疗效及治疗意义.%Objective:To observe the clinical curative effect of superior and middle gluteal nerve neurolysis combining with neurotropin close treatment for LDH(protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc)postoperative remaining nerve neuralgia.Methods: 90 LDH cases of the age between 40~59 years old(45 female cases and 45 male cases)who were insensitive to four weeks of regular conservative treatment,VAS 5 and still got lower limb pain or(and)numbness at the second week after undergoing waist 4~5 or waist 5-sacrum 1 removal of nucleus pulposus,intervertebral fusion surgery were randomly divided into three groups,30 cases in each group: group A(testing control group),group B(shinbone tube seal),group C(superior and middle gluteal nerve neurolysis combining with neurotropin close treatment).After 24 weeks of treatment,observed the clinical curative effect of group C treating LDH postoperative remaining nerve neuralgia and VAS,JOA,clinical periodscore.Results: The clinical curative effect and VAS,JOA,Clinical periodscore score of group C(superior and middle gluteal nerve neurolysis combining with neurotropin close treatment)were significantly better than that of group A and group B,the differences was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion: Superior and middle gluteal nerve neurolysis combining with neurotropin close treatment can significantly relieve symptoms of LDH postoperative remaining nerve neuralgia and reduce patients'clinical pain,so it is of significant clinical curative effect and treatment significance.
    • 欧晶; 何珊; 吴珊
    • 摘要: 目的 观察上肢神经卡压患者的神经超声图像特征,明确卡压神经除受压处损害外是否有其他部位的合并性损害,研究卡压神经合并性损害与性别及卡压点横截面积(CSA)的关系.方法 回顾性总结2013年10月-2015年10月在贵州医科大学附属医院神经科确诊为腕管综合征(CTS)、肘管综合征(CubTS)患者(49例)的高频超声图像资料.将卡压神经分为CTS伴CSA增粗组、CTS伴CSA正常组、CubTS伴CSA增粗组和CubTS伴CSA正常组,统计各组卡压神经合并性损害的情况,分析各组出现合并性损害与性别及卡压点CSA的关系.结果 79条卡压神经中有48条合并该神经其他部位损害.CTS伴CSA增粗组中有合并性损害与无合并性损害的神经卡压点CSA比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);CTS是否同时伴有CSA增粗,其性别间比较,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05).结论 卡压性神经损害除卡压点外,可能涉及神经其他部位,CTS出现合并性损害可能与卡压点神经增粗程度有关.神经有卡压不一定有卡压点神经肿胀,性别可能是影响神经卡压后是否出现卡压点神经肿胀的一个因素.高频超声对神经卡压的有重要诊断意义,对其早期诊断有潜在价值.%Objective To determine whether there is any other combined damage except the parts of compression in the compressive nerves by characterizeing the ultrasonic images of the patients with upper limb nerve compression,and to obtain the relationships of the combined nerve damage with gender and the cross sectional area (CSA) of the compressive site.Methods Ultrasonographic data of 49 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and cubital tunnel syndrome (CubTS) in our hospital from October 2013 to October 2015 were reviewed.The compressive nerves were divided into CTS with increased CSA group,CTS with normal CSA group,CubTS with increased CSA group and CubTS with normal CSA group.The situation of combined nerve damage in each group was studied,and the correlations of the combined nerve damage with gender and the CSA of the compressive site were analyzed.Results Of thc 79 compressive nerves,48 had combined damage.In the CTS with increased CSA group,the CSA of the nerve compressive site in the patients with combined damage was larger than that in the patients without combined danage (P< 0.05).There was significant difference in gender between the CTS with increased CSA group and the CTS with normal CSA group (P< 0.05).Conclusions The study suggests that damage of the compressive nerve is not only in the compressive site,but also involves other parts of the nerve.The combined lesion of CTS may be related to the thicking of the compressive nerve.Nerve compression is not necessarily accompanied by nerve swelling at the compressive point.Gender may be a factor affecting the CSA of the compressive point.High-frequency ultrasonography has important implications for the diagnosis of nerve compression,and has a potential value in the early diagnosis.
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