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导流杂交的相关文献在2004年到2021年内共计79篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、妇产科学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文76篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献31381篇;相关期刊64种,包括教学仪器与实验、生物学通报、大家健康(下旬版)等; 相关会议2种,包括中华医学会北京分会2010年北京市病理技术年会暨北京市病理技术第三次学术研讨会、2009年全国病理技术进展和应用研讨会等;导流杂交的相关文献由280位作者贡献,包括张咏梅、凌庆、卞美璐等。



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    • 何鑫; 耿天罡; 王胜男; 佟力军; 孟令娜
    • 摘要: 目的:对呼伦贝尔地区2976例遗传性耳聋基因检测结果进行分析,了解呼伦贝尔地区遗传性耳聋基因的突变类型以及携带率.方法:运用PCR导流杂交法对呼伦贝尔地区2976例标本4类耳聋基因(GJB2、SLC26A4、线粒体DNA、GJB3)的9个突变位点进行检测.结果:在2976例标本中,突变标本为234例,突变比例为7.86%.其中GJB2的235位点基因突变率最高,高达2.75%.迟发型耳聋的IVS7-2基因位点突变率为1.98%,2168基因位点突变率为0.47%,后天高频感音神经型耳聋的538基因位点突变率为0.54%,先天性遗传性耳聋的176基因位点突变率为0.17%,先天性遗传性耳聋的299基因位点突变率为0.84%,先天性遗传性耳聋的35基因位点突变率为0.03%,药物敏感性耳聋的1494基因位点突变率率为0.06%,药物敏感性耳聋的1555基因位点突变率为0.43%,其中复合突变检测出17例,突变率为0.55%.结论:呼伦贝尔地区耳聋基因突变结果GJB2的235基因位点与迟发型耳聋的IVS7-2基因位点突变率最高,耳聋基因检测对于耳聋的预防与耳聋患者精准治疗提供一定依据.
    • 宋春林; 邓璐莎; 陈淑芬; 周成
    • 摘要: 目的 分析佛山地区孕妇线粒体耳聋基因突变谱.方法 选取2020年1月至2021年4月在佛山市妇幼保健院产科门诊就诊的20299名孕妇作为研究对象,采用导流杂交术筛查常见耳聋易感基因,针对线粒体基因12S核糖体RNA和转运RNA特定片段设计引物并扩增,采用Sanger测序法检测线粒体突变位点.结果 导流杂交法检测出四个基因11个突变位点共739例(3.64%),其中间隙连接β2蛋白:235delC杂合突变349例(47.22%).Sanger测序检测出线粒体24个突变位点共130例,其中3种m.12192G>A、m.7443A>G、m.7445A>T为致病性突变.结论 导流杂交术结合Sanger测序法用于孕妇耳聋基因筛查在耳聋防控中有重要的价值,线粒体基因测序丰富了佛山地区线粒体耳聋基因突变谱,可以提供更好的遗传咨询和生活指导.
    • 鞠爱萍; 李友琼; 李娜; 刘淑贤; 梁亮
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨当前分子诊断常规方法在α-地中海贫血(地贫)融合基因检测中的应用.方法 采用缺口PCR法、PCR-导流杂交法和α2珠蛋白基因Sanger测序3种方法,检测2例α2珠蛋白融合地贫基因并进行比对.结果 2例样本PCR-导流杂交法在-α4.2突变位点有弱显影;缺口PCR法未检出异常条带;Sanger测序准确检出α2珠蛋白基因7个点突变(nt34528T>C、nt34532A>C、nt34535G>A、nt34538C>A、nt34546G>A、nt34556A>G、nt34662T>C).结论 PCR-导流杂交法试剂盒提示可能存在α-地贫融合基因,α2珠蛋白基因直接测序可准确检测α-地贫融合基因.
    • 李璨; 邢艳莉; 严志刚; 董湘熔; 鲁丹; 陈晓平; 黄丙仓; 陈凯; 刘星; 胡安; 张燚; 薛晓成
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the characteristics of mutations 4 common deafness-related genes among 216 patients from Shanghai area with non-syndromic hearing impairment (NSHI).Methods Thirteen mutation sites in the four genes,namely GJB2 (c.35delG,c.176del16,c.235delC,c.299del AT,and c.155delTCTG),SLC26A4 (c.IVS7-2A>G,c.2168A>G,and c.1229C>T),mtDNA 12SrRNA (m.1494C>T,m.1555A>G,m.7445A>G,and m.12201T>C) and GJB3 (c.538C>T) were detected among the 216 patients and 41 individuals with normal hearing.The frequency and types of mutations were compared between the two groups.Results Among the 216 NSHI patients,the total detection rate was 16.20% (35/216).GJB2 mutations were found in 17 (7.87%) of the 216 patients,which included 5 cases with homozygous c.235delC mutation,5 with homozygous c.235delC mutation,1 with homozygous c.299delAT mutation,and 1 with homozygous c.299delAT mutation,c.235delC and 299delAT mutations were found in 5 cases.SLC26A4 mutation was found in 12 (5.56%) of the 216 patients,which included 2 cases with homozygous c.IVS7-2A>G mutation,9 with homozygous c.IVS7-2A>G mutation,and 1 with homozygous c.2168A>G mutation.Homogeneous mtDNA 12SrRNA m.1555A>G mutation was found in 6 (2.78%) of the 216 patients.No GJB3 gene mutation was detected.No mutation of the 4 genes were detected in the 41 individuals with normal hearing.In 2 cases of the 12 patients with SLC26A4 gene mutation,CT scan of the temporal bone has confirmed expansion of vestibular aqueduct.Conclusion Above results indicated that GJB2 and SLC26A4 were the major genes involved with hearing loss in Shanghai area.%目的 探讨上海地区216例非综合征型聋患者GJB2、SLC26A4、mtDNA 12SrRNA和GJB3等常见耳聋基因的突变特点.方法 应用核酸分子快速导流杂交基因芯片技术对上海地区216例非综合征型聋患者及41名听力正常个体进行GJB2 (c.35delG、c.176del16、c.235delC、c.299del AT、c.155delTCTG)、SLC26A4 (c.IVS7-2A>G、c.2168A>G、c.1229C>T)、mtDNA 12SrRNA(m.1494C>T、m.1555A>G、m.7445A>G、m.12201T>C)和GJB3 (c.538C>T)4个耳聋基因的13个位点进行突变检测,分析基因突变检出率及突变类型.结果 216例非综合征型聋患者4个常见耳聋基因的总突变率为16.20%(35/216).GJB2基因突变率为7.87%(17/216),其中c.235delC纯合突变5例、杂合突变5例,c.299delAT纯合突变1例、杂合突变1例,c.235delC/299delAT复合杂合突变5例;SLC26A4基因突变率为5.56%(12/216),其中c.IVS7-2A>G纯合突变2例、杂合突变9例,c.2168A>G杂合突变1例;mtDNA 12SrRNA突变率为2.78%(6/216),均为m.1555A>G均质突变;未检测到GJB3基因突变.41名听力正常个体未检测到耳聋基因突变.12例SLC26A4基因突变携带者中,有2例(16.67%)患者的颞骨CT显示前庭水管扩大.结论 GJB2和SLC26A4是上海地区非综合征型聋患者最常见的突变基因.
    • 刘冬霞; 许伟华; 梁桂兰; 龙辉
    • 摘要: 目的 研究广东清远地区新生儿常见耳聋易感基因携带情况,分析该地区的耳聋高频易感基因情况,探索建立新的新生儿听力与基因联合筛查模式,为制定符合清远地区实际情况的遗传性耳聋综合防治实施方案提供依据.方法 采用基于多重聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术和导流杂交技术的耳聋易感基因检测平台对广东清远地区3630例新生儿常见的4个基因13个易感位点进行检测,观察检测结果,并对阳性病例进行电话回访,统计电话回访情况.结果 统计发现携带遗传性耳聋相关突变基因的有96例,占2.64%(96/3630),其中纯合突变或者均质突变患儿4例,占0.11%(4/3630).96例阳性病例中,成功电话回访90例.结论 应用基因检测技术可以高效、大规模的在新生儿人群中进行耳聋易感基因的筛查,体现了良好的临床应用价值及前景,针对耳聋可实现早发现、早诊断和早治疗的目的,帮助临床及时进行干预.
    • 赵平森; 贾润清; 林利芳; 苏鲁贤; 钟志雄; 曾毅
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨梅州地区女性HPV感染情况与基因亚型分布,为该地区宫颈癌的预防和治疗提供数据资料.方法 运用导流杂交基因芯片技术对24 450例就诊女性的宫颈脱落细胞标本进行HPV基因分型检测,并对HPV基因亚型感染情况进行对比分析.结果 24450例标本中检测出HPV阳性者3 922例,感染率为16.04%.在阳性标本中,HPV高危型阳性率最高的前3位依次是HPV-16(30.37%)、HPV-52(17.77%)和HPV-58(15.53%),低危型以HPV-CP8304为主(5.61%).30 ~ 50岁是HPV感染的高峰年龄段,HPV阳性检出率在各年龄组的差异有统计学意义(P <0.001).结论 梅州地区就诊女性最常见的HPV亚型是16型,30 ~50岁是HPV感染高发人群,HPV基因分型对宫颈癌的预防和治疗具有积极的指导意义.%Objective To investigate the situation of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the distribution of HPV genotypes among women attending hospital in Meizhou,Guangdong province.Methods Flow-through hybridization and gene chip technique was used to detect HPV in cervical exfoliated cell specimens collected from 24 450 women for HPV screening in Department of Gynecology,Meizhou People's Hospital,Meizhou Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University,and then the situation of HPV infection and distribution of HPV genotypes were analyzed.Results Among 24 450 female exfoliated cell specimens,3 922 were found to be positive for HPV infection,with the total infection rate of 16.04%.Among 3 922 samples,the top three high-risk subtypes of HPV were HPV-16 (30.37%),HPV-52 (17.77%) and HPV-58 (15.53%),the majority of low-risk HPV was HPV-CP8304 (5.61%).The positivity of various HPV types peaked among 30-50 years old.The differences of the HPV positive rates in different age groups was statistical significance (P < 0.001).Conclusions The majority of women attending hospital detected with HPV-16 in Meizhou and the positivity of various HPV types peaked among women aged 30-50 years.Genotyping of HPV was meaningful for preventing and treating cervical cancer.
    • 张辉; 薛白; 金仙玉
    • 摘要: 目的:评价应用导流杂交技术(凯普导流杂交) HPV检测法( HybriMax)行宫颈癌及癌前病变筛查的效果及作为首选筛查方法的可行性。方法统计分析2013年12月至2015年12月采用导流杂交技术,检测HR-HPV亚型的女性共7056例,分为5个年龄段:≤29岁;30~39岁;40~49岁;50~59岁;≥60岁。研究HR-HPV各亚型感染情况,不同年龄的HPV感染状况。计算导流杂交检测结果对筛查CIN2及以上病变的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值及阴性预测值,评价其作为宫颈癌及癌前病变初筛方法的可能性。所有数据采用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析,P<0.05定义为统计学有显著差异。结果 HR-HPV感染率总体呈现随年龄增长而增高趋势,各年龄段HR-HPV感染率总体比较差异有显著性意义(χ2=23.61,P<0.05)。以病理诊断为金标准,与宫颈高级别病变(≥CIN2)最密切的亚型是HPV16、58和33型,占所有≥CIN2病变的70.86%(124/175);导流杂交技术HPV检测对筛查宫颈癌及癌前病变的敏感度为953.0%,特异度为40.64%,阳性预测值为39.01%,阴性预测值为95.59%。结论中老年女性HR-HPV感染比例高,不能忽视该人群HPV筛查及感染情况;导流杂交技术有较好的敏感度及阴性预测值,在筛查宫颈癌及癌前病变中有指导意义;作为宫颈筛查方法仍需联合TCT等细胞学筛查进一步分流或按目前指南进行联合筛查。%Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of flow-through hybridization and gene chip (HybriMax) in cervical cancer and its precancerous lesion screening, and to discuss its feasibility as the prime initial screening meth-ods.Methods Totally 7056 women received cervical lesion screening in Dalian Municipal Central Hospital during Dec 2013 to Dec 2015.The statistical data were analyzed.Infection status of different HR-HPV genotypes was investigated according to the results of HybriMax testing technology.And the effect of age on the HPV infection and the accuracy of high-level lesions (CIN2 and above) diagnosis were analyzed.The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the CIN2 and above lesions using HybriMax testing were calculated and the feasibility of HybriMax testing as the prime initial screening methods was evaluated.We analyzed all the data using the SPSS 13.0, and P<0.05 had statistical significance.Results In 7056 women who received HybriMax, the HPV genotypes 16, 55 and 33 had the most close relationship with high-level cervical lesions ( CIN2 or above) , which were diagnosed patho-logically and accounted for 70.86%(124/175)in all cervical lesions (CIN2 or above).The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the CIN2 and above lesions using HybriMax testing are 95.30%, 40.64%, 39.01%, and 95.59%, respectively.Conclusion We should pay more attention on the middle-aged women because of the high HR-HPV infection rate.HybriMax test has great values in cervical cancer and its precancerous lesion screening with the high sensitivity and negative predictive value.However, as a screening method of cervical cancer, it should also be associate with the TCT or cytology diagnosis due to the low specificity and positive predictive value.
    • 黄烁丹; 邹婕; 庄宇嫦; 熊蓉; 张小燕; 郑炎; 邱美兰
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the type of genemutation,rate of carrying thalassemia gene and relevant characteristics of patients diagnosed with α-and β-thalassemia in Meizhou,Guangdong Province.Methods BloodsampleswereobtainedfromMeizhouregisteredresidentsadmittedortransferredtoMaternal and Child Health Care Center of Meizhou. The samples with positive phenotype screened by hematological de-tectionwerepreparedforgenedetectionofα-andβ-thalassemia.Results Atotalof29852casesyieldedpos-itive phenotype screened by hematological test and 1 8 770 were identified with thalassemia by gene detection.Six types ofα-thalassemia gene mutation were identified with the highest gene frequency of 75.224% for-SEA.Fourteen types ofβ-thalassemia gene mutation were detected with the highest gene frequency of 38.069% for IVS-II-654(C-T),followedby33.626%forCD41/42(-TTCT).Conclusions InMeizhou,Guangdong Province,-SEA is the dominant type ofα-thalassemia gene mutation,and IVS-II-654 (C-T)for β-thalassemia gene mutation. Prevention and control strategies should be established according to the distribution characteris-tics of gene mutation type,aiming to decrease the birth rate of infants with thalassemia major.%目的:探讨广东梅州地区人群中α、β地中海贫血患者基因突变类型、基因携带率及其特征。方法收集由梅州市六县一市一区转诊或转送到梅州市妇幼保健院的血液标本,标本来源者均为广东省梅州市户籍人口。对血液学筛查为阳性表型指标的样本进行α和β地中海贫血基因检测。结果血液学筛查阳性29852例,确定为地中海贫血18770例。共检出α地中海贫血基因突变6种,基因频率最高的是-SEA ,占75.224%;共检出14种β地中海贫血基因突变,以IVS-II-654(C-T)发生频率最高,占38.069%,CD41/42(-TTCT)次之,占33.626%。结论广东梅州地区的α地中海贫血基因突变以-SEA为主,β地中海贫血以IVS-II-654(C-T)发生频率最高,制订地贫防控策略时应结合地区基因型分布特点,以降低重型地贫患儿的出生率。
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