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增深剂的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计139篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文57篇、会议论文15篇、专利文献655768篇;相关期刊27种,包括成都纺织高等专科学校学报、精细石油化工、染料与染色等; 相关会议14种,包括传化·全国印染助剂行业研讨会第30届年会、2014年全国无机硅化物行业年会暨行业“十三五”发展规划研讨会、“科隆杯”浙江省纺织印染助剂情报网第23届年会等;增深剂的相关文献由251位作者贡献,包括孙慈忠、杨永许、谢洪德等。



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  • 孙慈忠
  • 杨永许
  • 谢洪德
  • 高正宏
  • 吴庆元
  • 周向东
  • 郭玉良
  • 陈龙
  • 吴晓雁
  • 周利展
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 林伟鸿; 郭玉良; 黄强; 安秋凤
    • 摘要: 由于印染过程中节能减排的要求,造成纺织品色泽不足,普通有机硅增深剂无法满足其增深的需求。为了探究氨基硅油增深性能的影响因素,以不同氨基硅氧烷偶联剂与端羟基聚硅氧烷低聚物为原料,合成不同氨值与黏度的氨基硅油乳液,并应用于硫化黑棉织物的增深整理。结果表明,带二甲基叔胺的硅氧烷偶联剂HD-121增深性能较好,而且氨值越小,黏度越大,其增深效果越好。通过单因素应用试验探讨增深剂浓度、定型温度和时间对增深效果的影响。得到较优整理工艺为:增深剂质量浓度40~60 g/L,定型温度170~180°C,定型时间90 s,增深率接近50%。对处理前后的织物进行扫描电镜表征和硅元素分析,发现延长定型时间会造成织物上硅质量分数从1.2%下跌至0.5%,造成增深效果下降。
    • 张萍; 郭连娣; 俞成丙
    • 摘要: 涤纶是3大合成纤维中用量最大的品种,由于其结构致密、结晶度高、表面光滑、表面折射率高,导致难染深色.根据光学折射理论,将阳离子型有机氟硅增深剂与聚氨酯乳液进行复配增深,增深后涤纶织物的K/S值大幅提升(可提高34.8%),且综合使用性能优良.
    • 吴飞; 蒋建军; 苏时科; 伍建国
    • 摘要: 采用亲水增深剂BL-806对棉织物进行整理,对染料种类,增深剂用量、 加工温度和时间等工艺因素进行讨论,并对整理后织物的牢度,增深剂的稳定性、 性价比等因素进行分析;结果表明:增深剂BL-806质量浓度为30 g/L,整理温度为160~170°C,时间2 min时,增深剂BL-806对棉织物拥有优异的增深效果,其亲水性、 稳定性较好,且对棉织物的湿、 干摩擦牢度和皂洗牢度基本无影响,具有较高的性价比.
    • 姚继明; 任松鹤
    • 摘要: The amount of indigo dye was fixed, and the dosage of sodium hyposulfite, caustic soda and color deepening agent DK were used as the influencing factor. The central compound test method was used to design the concentrated dyeing solution. After the mother liquor was diluted, the fabric was dyed, and the influence of each factor was evaluated by testing the color depth K/S value, and the system was optimized. The results showed that the addition of color deepening agent DK could significantly promote the K/S value of the fabric by 30%, and the dosage of sodium hyposulfite, caustic soda and color deepening agent gave signifi-cant impact on the color strength of the dyed fabrics. The optimized dosages for concentrated dyeing solution were indigo 75 g/L, sodium hyposulfite 108 g/L, caustic soda 50 g/L, color deepening agent 43 g/L. When the amount of color deepening agent was 40% of the amount of indigo dye, the dosage of indigo and sodium hy-posulfite could reduce by 20%. The friction fastness, color fading level and shade to chlorine and enzymatic wash were basical y the same, and the cost was reduced by about 15%.%在固定靛蓝染料用量的情况下,以保险粉、烧碱和增深剂DK为影响因子,采用中心复合试验法设计染色母液,母液稀释后对织物进行染色,通过测试颜色深度K/S值来评价各因素的影响,并对体系进行优化.结果表明,加入增深剂DK可以提升织物的染色深度30%,保险粉、烧碱和增深剂对织物染色深度的影响显著.染色母液体系中优化用量为靛蓝75 g/L、保险粉108 g/L、烧碱50 g/L、增深剂43 g/L.加入相当于靛蓝染料40%的增深剂,可以减少20%的靛蓝和保险粉用量,染色后的耐摩擦色牢度及耐氯漂和耐酵洗褪色程度、色光基本相同,成本降低约15%.
    • 姜佳丽; 吴涛; 卢霜; 李世琪; 郭玉良
    • 摘要: 介绍了增深剂DM-3920在涤纶染色织物上的应用性能。通过单因素试验和正交试验,优化得出最佳整理工艺为:增深剂DM-392050 g/L,180°C焙烘60 s,对黑、蓝、红3种涤纶织物整理后的增深率可以达到50%以上,且对色光和色牢度影响较小。%The application properties of deepening agent DM- 3920 on polyester fabric dyeing were intro⁃duced. Through single factor tests and orthogonal experiment, the recipe and process conditions of deepening finish were optimized: the dosage of deepening agent 50 g/L, baking at 180 °C for 60 s. The apparent deepen⁃ing rate of black, blue and red finished polyester fabric could reach above 50%, and there was less influence on color hue and fastness.
    • 余彤; 王雪燕
    • 摘要: 采用单因素优化和中心组合实验结合的方法,考察了明胶溶解温度、明胶用量、NaOH用量、合成温度、合成时间等单因素对增深剂合成效果的影响及数值分布范围,并设计出三因素三水平的中心组合实验,结果表明:增深剂的最优合成条件是明胶在40°C下溶解半小时,明胶质量是WLS质量的12%,氢氧化钠质量是WLS质量的1.25%,合成温度为65°C,反应3小时;在这一条件下,上染百分率为97.53%,表面染色深度K/S值为28.73.
    • 余彤; 王雪燕
    • 摘要: With WLS(an original cationic agent ) and gelatin ,an optimum synthesis process for cationic proteic deep colour agent which was used to enhance the exhaustion of wool for Lanasol CE black dyestaff (6% ,owf) was obtained as follows :m(gelatin):m(WLS)=1∶16 ,m(NaOH):m(WLS)=1∶100 ,at 60°C for 4 hours .The structure and performance of the agent was analyzed .The results indicate that the agent shall have the surface performance of wool modified ,which shall result in increasing dye exhaustion .The agent is proved to be an efficient agent for wool dyeing at low temperature .%以自制阳离子交联剂WLS和明胶蛋白为原料,优化出一种有利于提高高浓度(6% owf)兰纳素CE黑染料上染羊毛纤维的阳离子蛋白类增深剂的合成工艺条件,即干明胶与WLS的质量比为1∶16,氢氧化钠与WLS的质量比为1∶100,反应温度60°C,反应时间4h 。并对该助剂的结构和性能进行分析。结果表明,该助剂能够改变羊毛纤维表面性能,促进染料的吸附上染,实现羊毛纤维的低温深浓染色,是一种性能优良的亲羊毛纤维型染色增深剂
    • 贾丽霞; 肖远淑; 张惠芳; 刘瑞; 汝建华
    • 摘要: 合成一种杂环基的Gemini型阳离子助剂4-氨基-3,5-双(十八烷基二甲基氯化铵)-1,2,4-三-氮唑(简称ADAC-TZ),并将其应用于改善棉针织物冷轧堆染色深度.测试并分析了该助剂的基本特性,探讨了对染色性能的影响.结果表明,ADAC-TZ的临界胶束浓度为4.0×10-4 mol/L,Krafft点为29.8°C,泡沫高度仅为169 mm/5 min,对甲苯的增溶能力为6.67 mL/g,即具有较强的水溶性、低泡性与增溶性,并具有一定的耐碱性能;ADAC-TZ能显著提高BES活性染料染色后织物的K/S值、耐摩擦色牢度和耐皂洗色牢度,但对匀染性能有一定的影响.
    • 张建国; 钱琴芳; 毕潇平
    • 摘要: The amount of dyestuff in printing is determined by the color depth and depended on the dyestuff’s property and colorfastness. Fabric’s surface refractive index was reduced, so that the processing of the same color depth could decrease the amount of dyestuff by color deepening technology. It is also useful for the combination of dyes and fibers, the reduction of floating color, improving the colorfastness of printing fabric and lessening the discharge of wastewater.%印花染料用量是由颜色深度决定的,取决于染料的性能和强度;但引入增深技术,降低织物表面低折射率,使加工同一色深度减少染料用量,有利于染料与纤维的结合,有利于染料浮色的减少,提高印花制品的色牢度,减少了污水排放量。
    • 刘燕; 赵涛
    • 摘要: 采用预乳化半连续乳液聚合技术制备了一种含氟聚丙烯酸酯乳液(简称氟丙乳液),用红外光谱对其结构进行表征。选用一种氨基硅油与氟丙乳液复配后作为增深剂用于织物的增深整理中,并探究增深剂用量、焙烘温度、焙烘时间、织物色光等因素对增深效果的影响。结果表明增深剂增深的最佳条件:复配液氟丙乳液120 g/L,氨基硅油20 g/L,焙烘温度140°C,焙烘时间3 min;增深剂对黑色涤纶织物的增深效果优于其他色光,增深比最高可达28%。%A fluorine-containing polyacrylate emulsion has been prepared using pre-emulsified semi-continuous emulsion technology. And the structure was characterized by infrared spectroscopy. The emulsion mixed with amino silicone was used as deepening agent. The influences of the concentration of deepening agent, curing temperature, curing time and fabric color on the deepening effect were analyzed. The optimized deepening effect can be obtained under the condition of the fluorine acrylic emulsion 120 g/L, the amino silicone 20 g/L and curing at 140°Cfor 3 min. The deepening effect of the deepening agent for black polyester is superior to other color, which can reach up to 28%.
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