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吗啡依赖的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计469篇,主要集中在药学、内科学、神经病学与精神病学 等领域,其中期刊论文451篇、会议论文16篇、专利文献4485篇;相关期刊157种,包括中国疼痛医学杂志、中国药理学通报、中国药理学与毒理学杂志等; 相关会议14种,包括第九届中国中医药实验动物科技交流会 、2011中国针灸学会年会、第五次中西医结合新进展学术研讨会等;吗啡依赖的相关文献由1129位作者贡献,包括郝伟、丛斌、谌红献等。



论文:451 占比:9.11%


论文:16 占比:0.32%


论文:4485 占比:90.57%





  • 郝伟
  • 丛斌
  • 谌红献
  • 莫志贤
  • 周文华
  • 张瑞岭
  • 由振东
  • 李锦
  • 王新华
  • 陈崇宏
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李建平; 曾莞勇; 杜维豪; 陈江永
    • 摘要: 目的:分析重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)结合认知行为治疗对吗啡依赖患者特质冲动、突显网络功能的影响。方法:选取我院吗啡依赖患者64例,根据治疗方法分组,各32例,两组均给予美沙酮治疗,在此基础上常规组采取认知行为治疗,研究组采取rTMS联合认知行为治疗。比较2组疗效、治疗前后贝克抑郁量表21项版(BDI-21)、药物成瘾者生命质量测定量表(QOL-DA)、Barratt冲动评估量表-11(BIS-11)评分及突显网络功能变化。结果:2组总有效率比较,研究组为93.75%,高于常规组(75.00%),P<0.05;治疗后2组BDI-21、QOL-DA、BIS-11评分均明显改善,研究组改善幅度更明显(P<0.05);治疗后2组双侧背内侧前额叶、双侧楔前叶、左侧中央后回、左侧枕下回功能连接值明显下降,研究组下降程度更明显(P<0.05)。结论:rTMS联合认知行为治疗能明显改善吗啡依赖患者突显网络功能,降低特质冲动水平,减轻抑郁情绪,提高生命质量。
    • 李燕飞; 龚哲; 刘田田; 段冉冉; 景黎君; 姚要兵; 彭英; 王鸿轩; 曾莞勇; 贾延劼
    • 摘要: 目的探讨吗啡依赖患者磁共振成像(MRI)的特点,并对比吗啡依赖与酒精依赖的MRI差异。方法自2018年9月至2021年9月通过社会招募的方式纳入15例吗啡依赖患者,同时按照1∶2比例选取30例酒精依赖患者,完善MRI检查,总结分析吗啡依赖患者和酒精依赖患者的影像学特点,比较吗啡依赖患者与酒精依赖患者的影像学差异。结果吗啡依赖患者MRI正常者3例,异常者12例,异常MRI主要表现为脑萎缩、腔隙性脑梗死。其中,脑萎缩以眶额叶、颞叶内侧、岛叶为主,腔隙性脑梗死多位于侧脑室旁和基底节区。酒精依赖患者MRI正常者18例,异常者12例,异常MRI主要表现为脑白质脱髓鞘、腔隙性脑梗死。吗啡依赖患者脑萎缩、腔隙性脑梗死的比率较酒精依赖更高(P<0.05)。结论吗啡依赖患者可以出现脑萎缩、腔隙性脑梗死等影像学改变,且比率较酒精依赖更高。
    • 苗利萍; 沈智文; 吴毅; 张昆; 梁建军
    • 摘要: 目的 评价核因子E2相关因子2 (Nrf2)在μ-δ异源二聚体下调兴奋性氨基酸转运体3(EAAT3)表达导致大鼠吗啡复吸中的作用.方法 清洁级健康雄性SD大鼠32只,体重200~240 g,采用随机数字表法分为4组(n=8)∶对照组(C组)、吗啡戒断组(E组)、吗啡复吸组(R组)和吗啡复吸+干扰质粒组(RI组).腹腔注射吗啡10 mg/kg,建立大鼠条件性位置偏爱(CPP)模型;停止给药使CPP逐渐消退;再次腹腔注射小剂量吗啡5 mg/kg诱导已消退的CPP恢复,记录伴药箱停留时间.CPP模型建立成功后RI组大鼠侧脑室注射μ-δ异源二聚体干扰质粒5 μl.采用高效液相色谱法测定海马谷氨酸含量,采用Western blot法检测海马内Nrf2和EAAT3的表达,采用RT-PCR法检测海马内Nrf2 mRNA的表达,采用蛋白免疫共沉淀法检测μ-δ异源二聚体与Nrf2相互作用情况.结果 与C组比较,R组和RI伴药箱停留时间延长,海马谷氨酸含量和μ-δ异源二聚体/Nrf2比值升高,E组和RI组海马Nrf2和EAAT3表达上调,E组、R组和RI组海马Nrf2 mRNA表达上调(P<0.05);与E组比较,R组和RI组伴药箱停留时间延长,海马谷氨酸含量和μ-δ异源二聚体/Nrf2比值升高,Nrf2和EAAT3表达下调(P<0.05),海马Nrf2 mRNA表达差异无统计意义(P>0.05);与R组比较,RI组伴药箱停留时间缩短,海马谷氨酸含量和μ-δ异源二聚体/Nrf2比值降低,海马Nrf2和EAAT3表达上调(P<0.05),海马Nrf2mRNA表达差异无统计意义(P>0.05).结论μ-δ异源二聚体形成后结合Nrf2,导致海马Nrf2含量减少,引起EAAT3表达下调,从而导致大鼠吗啡复吸的形成.
    • 王传升; 王嘉莉; 乔振; 顾家鹏; 李文慧; 张瑞岭
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨吗啡依赖条件性位置厌恶大鼠伏隔核壳区5-羟色胺及其代谢产物5-羟吲哚乙酸水平的动态变化,揭示吗啡依赖戒断厌恶动机的神经生化机制.方法 将60只雄性SD大鼠立体定位术后进入实验,按随机数字表法分为慢性吗啡注射+纳洛酮催瘾组(M N组)、慢性吗啡注射+生理盐水催瘾注射组(M S组)及慢性生理盐水注射+纳洛酮催瘾组(S N组);同时与条件性位置训练箱搭配建立条件性位置厌恶模型,采用在体微透析技术分别在术后第3d—第5d,条件性位置厌恶建立前后、条件性位置厌恶消退期及重建期7个时点收集伏隔核壳区细胞外液,采用高效液相色谱-电化学方法检测透析液中5-羟色胺及其代谢产物5-羟吲哚乙酸水平.结果 条件性位置厌恶建立前,3组大鼠在伴药侧停留时间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);条件性位置厌恶建立后,MN组大鼠在伴药侧停留时间显著短于MS组,SN组(P0.05),条件性位置厌恶重建后,MN组在伴药侧停留时间显著短于MS组,SN组(P0.05);条件性位置厌恶重建后,MN组5-羟色胺及5-羟吲哚乙酸水平显著低于MS和SN组(P<0.05).结论 伏隔核壳区内5-羟色胺参与吗啡依赖戒断所致条件性位置厌恶相关中枢厌恶动机,可能是阿片依赖的临床治疗的潜在靶点之一.
    • 梁艳; 曾亮; 高晓悦; 张晴; 来祯
    • 摘要: Objective To observe the change of dopamine receptor in ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAc) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) in morphine-dependent rats, and the regulation effect of electroacupuncture (EA). Method Thirty male SD rats were randomized into a control group, a model group and an EA group, 10 rats each. Morphine-dependent rat models were induced by morphine self-administration. In the EA group, bilateral Jiaji points (EX-B2) of T5 and L2 were selected, and the EA intervention lasted 4 d. Western blotting method was adopted to observe the change of the contents of dopamine receptor D1 and D2 in VTA, NAc and PFC of the rats. Result After the intervention, compared to the model group, the morphine intake was reduced significantly in the EA group (P<0.05); the level of D2 declined significantly in VTA of rats in the model group (P<0.05); the level of D1 increased significantly and D2 declined significantly in NAc of rats in the model group (P<0.05); the level of D1 declined significantly and D2 increased significantly in PFC of rats in the model group (P<0.05); EA produced regulation effect on the altered contents of D1 and D2 in the cerebral areas mentioned above, approaching the normal level. Conclusion EA can inhibit the hunger of addiction rats for morphine to some extent; the contents of dopamine receptors in dopamine projection pathway will take adaptive changes after morphine addiction, while EA can regulate the abnormal expressions of dopamine receptors, producing a protective effect on dopamine receptors of morphine-dependent rats.%目的 观察吗啡成瘾大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)、伏隔核(NAc)、前额皮层(PFC)内多巴胺(DA)受体变化及电针的调节作用.方法 30只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照组、模型组和电针组,每组10只.采用吗啡自身给药成瘾大鼠模型,电针组选取双侧T5、L2夹脊穴,电针连续治疗4 d.Western Blotting法观察各组大鼠脑VTA、NAc、PFC内D1、D2受体含量的变化.结果 治疗后,相对于模型组,电针组大鼠的吗啡摄入量明显减少(P<0.05).模型组大鼠脑VTA内多巴胺D2受体减少(P<0.05);NAc内多巴胺D1受体增加(P<0.05),D2受体减少(P<0.05);PFC内多巴胺D1受体减少(P<0.05),D2受体增加(P<0.05).电针治疗能调节上述脑区发生变化的D1、D2受体含量,使之趋于正常.结论 电针治疗可以在一定程度上抑制成瘾大鼠对吗啡的渴求;吗啡成瘾后多巴胺投射通路中的多巴胺受体发生了一定程度的适应性改变,电针治疗可以调节DA受体的异常表达,对吗啡成瘾大鼠的多巴胺受体起到保护作用.
    • 梁建军; 刘玲; 郭明炎; 曹铭辉; 林道炜
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the role of μ-δ heterodimer in down-regulation of the expression of excitatory amino acid transporter 3 (EAAT3) in hippocampi caused by reinstatement of morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) in rats.Methods Thirty-two healthy clean-grade male Sprague-Dawley rats,weighing 200-240 g,were assigned into 4 groups (n =8 each) using a random number table method:control group (group C),extinction group (group E),reinstatement group (group R) and reinstatement plus interference plasmid group (group RI).The model of morphine-induced CPP was established,and extinction of CPP was gradually induced by stopping administration.A small dose of morphine 5 mg/kg was intraperitoneally injected again to induce CPP reinstatement,and dwell time around the medicine box was recorded.μ-δ heterodimer interference plasmid 5 μl was injected into the lateral cerebral ventricle after successful establishment of CPP model in group RI.The content of glutamate (Glu) in hippocampi was measured using high-performance liquid chromatography.The EAAT3 expression in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions was detected using Western blot.Results Compared with group C,no significant change was found in the dwell time around the medicine box or content of Glu in hippocampi (P>0.05),and the expression of EAAT3 in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions was significantly up-regulated in group E,and the dwell time around the medicine box was significantly prolonged,the content of Glu in hippocampi was increased (P<0.05),and no significant change was found in the expression of EAAT3 in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions in group R (P>0.05).Compared with group E,the dwell time around the medicine box was significantly prolonged,the content of Glu in hippocampi was increased,and the expression of EAAT3 in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions was down-regulated in group R (P<0.05).Compared with group R,the dwell time around the medicine box was significantly shortened,the content of Glu in hippocampi was decreased,and the expression of EAAT3 in hippocampal CA 1 and CA3 regions was upregulated in group RI (P<0.05).Conclusion μ-δ heterodimer is involved in down-regulation of EAAT3 expression in the hippocampus caused by reinstatement of morphine-induced CPP in rats.%目的 评价μ-δ异源二聚体在大鼠吗啡诱导条件性位置偏爱(CPP)复燃致海马兴奋性氨基酸转运体3(EAAT3)表达下调中的作用.方法 清洁级健康雄性SD大鼠32只,体重200~240 g,采用随机数字表法,将其分为4组(n=8):对照组(C组)、消退组(E组)、复燃组(R组)和复燃+干扰质粒组(RI组).采用吗啡诱导法建立大鼠CPP模型,停止给药使CPP逐渐消退;再次腹腔注射小剂量吗啡5 mg/kg诱导已消退的CPP复燃,记录伴药箱停留时间.CPP模型建立成功后RI组大鼠侧脑室注射μ-δ异源二聚体干扰质粒5μl.采用高效液相色谱法测定海马谷氨酸含量,采用Western blot法检测海马CA1区和CA3区EAAT3的表达水平.结果 与C组比较,E组伴药箱停留时间和海马谷氨酸含量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),海马CA1区和CA3区EAAT3表达上调,R组伴药箱停留时间延长,海马谷氨酸含量升高(P<0.05),海马CA1和CA3区EAAT3表达差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与E组比较,R组伴药箱停留时间延长,海马谷氨酸含量升高,海马CA1区和CA3区EAAT3表达下调(P<0.05);与R组比较,RI组伴药箱停留时间缩短,海马谷氨酸含量降低,海马CA1区和CA3区EAAT3表达上调(P<0.05).结论 μ-8异源二聚体参与了大鼠吗啡诱导CPP复燃致海马EAAT3表达下调.
    • 耿娜娜; 罗素元; 郑翔; 涂平; 余守洋; 吴明松
    • 摘要: 目的 观察内质网应激标志性分子GRP94和XBP-1在不同时程吗啡依赖大鼠睾丸组织中的动态表达,以探究吗啡依赖对生殖系统的影响.方法 建立吗啡戒断、消退及点燃大鼠模型后,利用定量PCR(RT-PCR)技术和蛋白免疫印迹(Western blot)技术分别检测睾丸组织中GRP9和XBP-1 mRNA或蛋白的表达水平.结果 RT-PCR和Western blot结果显示,与NS对照组比较,吗啡依赖大鼠戒断48 h后,其睾丸组织GRP94和XBP-1表达水平均显著升高(P<0.01);经17 d的戒断,大鼠对吗啡依赖消退后,GRP94和XBP-1表达水平均有所升高(P>0.05);大鼠对吗啡依赖消退后,于31 d给予吗啡进行复燃,GRP94和XBP-1表达水平均显著升高(P<0.01或P<0.05).吗啡依赖大鼠睾丸组织GRP94和XBP-1表达水平在戒断48 h后最高,消退时有所降低(P<0.01),而点燃后水平又有所上调(P<0.05).结论 吗啡依赖与睾丸内质网应激标志性分子GRP94及其XBP-1通路的激活密切相关,为吗啡依赖患者生殖系统损伤的修复提供更多的理论依据.
    • 乔立俊; 李松梅
    • 摘要: 目的 研究中药复方唯信康胶囊对吗啡依赖小鼠戒断综合征的疗效,及对小鼠吗啡条件性位置偏爱(CPP)的影响.方法采用吗啡依赖小鼠模型,注射药物催促使小鼠产生戒断症状;吗啡连续给药适应训练6 d,建立小鼠吗啡CPP,观察复方唯信康胶囊对CPP形成及维持的影响.结果复方唯信康胶囊可显著减少小鼠的跳跃反应,降低小鼠的戒断反应症状分值,控制小鼠的体重下降;复方唯信康胶囊6.88 g/kg能明显加速吗啡CPP效应的消退.结论复方唯信康胶囊能抑制吗啡依赖动物的戒断症状,抑制吗啡引起的奖赏效应.
    • 张博渊; 张龙早; 刘胜; 韩丑萍
    • 摘要: Objective:To observe the effect of reward alteration following acupuncture for morphine withdrawal rats on the behavior and neuronal discharges in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Methods:The Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly allocated into a model group, a confinement group, an electroacupuncture (EA) group, and a control group. Rats with morphine addiction were made by intraperitoneal injection of naloxone (same dose injection of saline for rats in the control group), followed by a 2-week morphine withdrawal. Acupuncture and confinement were completed during the morphine withdrawal period. Upon withdrawal, the rats received conditioned place preference (CPP) training and open field test. The multi-channel neural signal processor was used in the electrophysiological experiment to measure the neuronal discharges in different subareas of prefrontal cortex in CPP box and aversion box. Results:Rats in the model group and the confinement group spent longer period of time in CPP box than those in the EA group and the control group (allP<0.01); there was no statistically significant difference between the EA group and the control group. The total distances of movement by rats in the model group and the confinement group were longer than those in the EA group and the control group (allP<0.01). The mPFC neuronal discharge frequencies were compared between morphine preference box and aversion box. The mPFC neuronal discharge frequencies in the model group and the confinement group were higher than those in the EA group and the control group (allP<0.05); there was no statistically significant difference between the EA group and the control group. Conclusion:Acupuncture can effectively interfere with the reward alteration following morphine withdrawal, possibly because of its involvement with the mPFC neuronal discharges.%目的:观察针刺对大鼠吗啡戒断后奖赏改变的行为学影响和腹侧前额皮层(mPFC)神经元放电活动.方法:将SD大鼠随机分为模型组、捆绑组、电针组、对照组.建立大鼠吗啡成瘾动物模型(对照组注射等量生理盐水),经纳洛酮腹腔注射确认造模成功,所有大鼠进入两星期吗啡戒断期,针刺与捆绑在吗啡戒断期完成.戒断后进行条件性位置偏爱训练和旷场测试.电生理实验使用多通道神经元放电同步记录系统,测定各组吗啡戒断后大鼠在条件性位置偏爱箱和非偏爱箱中不同的前额皮层放电活动.结果:模型组、捆绑组大鼠在偏爱箱时间高于电针组和对照组(均P<0.01),电针组和对照组之间无显著性差异.模型组和捆绑组大鼠在旷场箱中的总路程高于电针组和对照组(均P<0.01).大鼠mPFC神经元放电频率在吗啡偏爱箱与非偏爱箱比值,模型组和捆绑组高于电针组和对照组(均P<0.05),电针组和对照组之间无显著性差异.结论:针刺有效干预大鼠吗啡戒断后奖赏改变,可能涉及mPFC神经元放电活动.
    • 陈宇涵; 赖莉丽; 陈爱贞; 蒋元杰; 宋夏; 杨芳; 陈爱琴
    • 摘要: 目的 研究蟾毒灵在吗啡成瘾消退和重建中的药理作用.方法 大鼠随机分为溶酶组和蟾毒灵组,每组各12只.腹腔注射盐酸吗啡并通过条件性位置偏爱装置建立吗啡成瘾模型后,2组分别注射溶酶和蟾毒灵(0.6 mg/kg)并检测其偏爱分值变化.结果 蟾毒灵组在注射蟾毒灵后,偏爱分值降低,与后测值比较,差别有统计学意义(P0.05).成瘾消退后采用半剂量吗啡注射重建吗啡成瘾,蟾毒灵组和溶酶组的偏爱分值比较,差别无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 蟾毒灵可促进大鼠吗啡成瘾的消退,但不影响成瘾消退后的重建.%Objective To study the pharmacological actions of bufalin on extinction and relapse of morphine addictive rats.Methods We established the rat models of morphine addiction by using conditioned place preference.To explore the effects of bufalin on extinction and reinstatement of morphine addictive rats,the rats in the experimental group were given a single peritoneal injection of bufalin(0.6 mg/kg)after addiction while the control group only received an injection of same amount of DMSO.Results The preference value decreased significantly compared with the post-test value(P<0.05)after bufalin injection and the effects lasted at least 3 days.However,the preference value of the control group didn't change significantly after injection of DMSO.Then half-dose of morphine was injected to reinstate conditioned place preferences after extinction.The results indicted both groups produced reinstatement and there was no significant difference between the bufalin group and the DMSO group.Conclusion Bufalin promotes the extinction of morphine addictive rats,while it does not affect half-dose of morphine reinstatement.
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