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颞骨岩部的相关文献在1989年到2021年内共计87篇,主要集中在基础医学、肿瘤学、外科学 等领域,其中期刊论文84篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献96599篇;相关期刊55种,包括解剖学杂志、中国微侵袭神经外科杂志、中国现代神经疾病杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括第四届中国西部医学影像学术大会暨新疆第七届放射学、第四届影像技术学术会议、2005北京国际鼻颅底外科论坛、首届全国功能神经影像学和神经信息学研讨会等;颞骨岩部的相关文献由287位作者贡献,包括卢亦成、王春莉、王玉海等。



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论文:96599 占比:99.91%





  • 卢亦成
  • 王春莉
  • 王玉海
  • 刘策
  • 李朝明
  • 周青
  • 胡兴宇
  • 赵亚群
  • 余新光
  • 农俊彬
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 韩懿静; 黄文鹏; 高剑波; 杨志浩
    • 摘要: cqvip:患者女,51岁,因“间断性右侧头部疼痛伴头晕2年,加重1周”入院;既往体健。查体未见明显异常。实验室检查:D-二聚体1.12 mg/L。头部MRI:右侧颞部颅骨内板下方类圆形T1WI稍低信号、T2WI混杂稍高信号(图1A、1B);弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)示病灶轻度弥散受限,边界清晰(图1C),邻近脑组织受压变形,右侧颞肌受压移位;增强后病灶呈渐近性明显不均匀强化(图1D),约37 mm×33 mm×31 mm;考虑右侧颞骨脑膜瘤。
    • 摘要: 耳朵的结构简单来讲,听觉的产生就是精确地将物理刺激转化为电信号,进而传导至中枢。该过程是由耳、听神经和听觉中枢共同来完成的。外耳居于身体表面,负责收集声音,传导声波。中耳和内耳深藏于颞骨岩部内,负责传音。内耳由内耳感音、平衡器组成,有感受声音和位觉的感受器,兼具听、位觉(平衡觉)功能。
    • 王若雅; 韩维举; 张桐; 申卫东; 刘军; 戴朴; 杨仕明; 韩东一
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the choice of surgical approach of petrous bone cholesteatoma (PBC) and surgical outcomes.Methods A retrospective study was performed on 90 patients diagnosed and treated for PBC from January 2000 to December 2014 by the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital otolaryngologists.According to Sanna's classification,40 out of the 90 cases were supralabyrinthine,five infralabyrinthine,four infralabyrinthine-apical,25 massive and 16 apical.Five cases underwent transmastoid and retrolabyrinthine approach,translabyrinthine approach was performed on six patients,19 cases underwent subtotal petrosectomy,seven cases underwent transotic approach,41 cases underwent middle fossa approach,combined transmastoid/middle fossa approach was performed on 11 cases,translabyrinthine and sphenoid sinus approach were performed on one case.Supralabyrinthine cases mainly applied middle fossa approach (77.5%,31/40) and combined transmastoid and middle-fossa approach (20.0%,8/40).Combined transmastoid-retrolabyrinthine approach were applied for all the infralabyrinthine cases (100.0%,5/5).Infralabyrinthine-apical cases mainly applied subtotal petrosectomy (75.0%,3/4).Massive cases mainly applied subtotal petrosectomy (60.0%,15/25),transcochlear approach (20.0%,5/25),and translabyrinthine approach (16.0%,4/25).Apical cases mainly applied middle fossa approach (62.5%,10/16).Results Ninty percent (18/20) of the patients who had preoperative grade Ⅰ facial nerve function maintained in the postoperative period.Out of 90 cases,only 11 cases received open cavity,and the rest cases received cavityobliteration.There were three cases of recurrence,four cases of cavity infection,three cases of cerebrospinal fluid leakage,and one case of epidural hematoma,who all received surgeries.Conclusions Sanna's classification should be used to classify different kinds of PBC cases,choose the best surgical approach for different cases,and preserve or repair facial function during removal of PBC,and thus reduce recurrence and complications.%目的 分析总结颞骨岩部胆脂瘤的手术入路选择及手术治疗效果.方法 回顾性分析解放军总医院2000年1月至2014年12月手术治疗的90例颞骨岩部胆脂瘤病例,按Sanna方法分型:迷路上型40例,迷路下型5例,迷路下-岩尖型4例,广泛型25例,岩尖型16例.迷路上型采用经颅中窝入路31例(77.5%),经乳突-颅中窝联合入路8例(20.0%),经迷路人路1例(2.5%);迷路下型5例患者均采用经乳突-迷路后人路(100.0%);迷路下-岩尖型采用岩骨次全切除术3例(75.0%),经迷路入路1例(25.0%);广泛型采用岩骨次全切除术15例(60.0%),经耳囊入路5例(20.0%),经迷路入路4例(16.0%),经蝶窦-岩骨次全切除术1例(4.0%);岩尖型采用经颅中窝入路10例(62.5%),经乳突-颅中窝联合入路3例(18.8%),经耳囊人路2例(12.5%),岩骨次全切除术1例(6.3%).合计经颅中窝人路41例,乳突-颅中窝联合入路11例,岩骨次全切除19例,耳囊入路7例,迷路人路6例,乳突-迷路后人路5例,迷路-蝶窦联合人路1例.结果 术前面神经功能正常者术后面神经功能Ⅰ级保留率90%;90例中有11例术腔开放,其余术腔封闭;发生感染4例;术后脑脊液漏3例;硬膜外血肿1例;术后复发3例,均行再次手术.结论 颞骨岩部胆脂瘤可根据不同的分型采取最佳的手术入路,完整切除胆脂瘤,保护和修复面神经功能,减少复发及并发症.
    • 刘建铭; 朱冬冬; 金光华; 朱学伟; 李琳; 刘岗威; 程凯亮; 李幼琼
    • 摘要: 目的 采用颞骨薄层CT测量内耳道及其周边毗邻结构的形态学参数.方法 从吉林大学中日联谊医院影像数据库中筛选出50例(男性25例,女性25例,共100侧)无颞骨岩部及内耳可见病变的成年国人CT影像,在规定平面上分段测量内耳道各部分的形态学参数并利用SPSS 22.0软件进行统计分析.结果 内耳道整体呈向外下倾斜长约10 mm、上下径及前后径约5 mm的短圆柱形.内耳道深度(9.30±1.60)mm;内耳道上下径:内耳门处(4.40±0.86)mm,内、中1/3交界处(4.13±0.83)mm,中、外1/3交界处(4.61±1.02)mm;内耳道前后径:内耳门处(6.93±1.85)mm,内、中1/3交界处(6.62±1.92)mm,中、外1/3交界处(6.28±1.65)mm;横嵴深度(上壁)(3.10±0.75)mm,横嵴深度(下壁)(1.46±0.59)mm,横嵴顶点至上壁距离(2.05±0.42)mm,横嵴顶点至下壁距离(2.93±0.41)mm;内耳道上壁骨壁厚度:内、中1/3交界处(4.45±1.34)mm,中、外1/3交界处(4.32±1.12)mm,横嵴顶点处(4.37±1.28)mm;内耳道上壁骨壁出现气房的概率为32%.结论 术前颞骨薄层CT可以获得内耳道形态学参数,确定内耳道的基本形态,可为术中避免损伤内耳道区域重要结构提供参考.%Objective This study aimed to measure the morphological parameters of the internal acoustic meatus(IAM) and its adjacent structures using temporal-bone thin-section CT(computed tomography).Methods CT images were obtained from 50 Chinese adult patients (25 males and 25 females,100 sides) which had no visible lesion in the petrous part of the temporal bone and inner ear,the morphological parameters of all inner ear parts were sectionally measured on the specified plane using SPSS 22.0 software for statistical analysis.Results The integral morphological characteristics of the IAM were observed.These results revealed that anterior-posterior diameter of the internal acoustic poer(IAP)(CD) was (6.93±1.85)mm,the superior-inferior diameter of the IAP(EF) was (4.40±0.86)mm,the length of the IAM(AB) was (9.30±1.60)mm,the superior-inferior diameter of the IAM(the intersection of inner 1/3 section and middle 1/3 section) was (4.13±0.83)mm,the superior-inferior diameter of the IAM(the intersection of middle 1/3 section and outer 1/3 section) was (4.61±1.02)mm,the anterior-posterior diameter of the IAM(the intersection of inner 1/3 section and middle 1/3 section) was (6.62±1.92)mm,the anterior-posterior diameter of the IAM(the intersection of middle 1/3 section and outer 1/3 section) was (6.28±1.65)mm,the depth of transverse crest (superior wall) was (3.10±0.75)mm,the depth of transverse crest (interior wall)the was (1.46±0.59)mm,the distance from transverse crest vertex A to the superior wall of the IAM was (2.05±0.42)mm,the distance from transverse crest vertex A to the interior wall of the IAM was (2.93±0.41)mm,the thickness of the superior bone wall of the IAM (the intersection of inner 1/3 section and middle 1/3 section) was (4.45±1.34)mm,the thickness of the superior bone wall of the IAM (the intersection of middle 1/3 section and outer 1/3 section) was (4.32±1.12)mm,the thickness of the superior bone wall of the IAM (the intersection of outer 1/3 section and transverse crest vertex) was (4.37±1.28)mm,and the appearance ratio of the cells in the whole IAM superior wall was 32%.The whole IAM assumed the shape of short cylinder,inclining about 1 cm outward,with the upper-lower diameter and anterior-posterior diameter about 5 mm.Conclusion It is necessary for carrying out preoperative the temporal-bone thin-section CT to obtain the morphological parameters of the IAM,determine its basic morphology,and provide references to avoid damaging the other important structures during IAM surgeries.
    • 汤可; 周敬安; 周青; 赵亚群; 刘策
    • 摘要: 目的 在虚拟现实解剖模型中量化比较经颞下入路与经乙状窦前入路显露岩尖部的显微解剖学特征.方法 利用15例(30侧)尸头CT和MRI影像构建岩尖部虚拟现实三维解剖模型.在颅盖上分别选取颞骨颧突根部上缘和乳突尖部为经颞下和乙状窦前入路的开颅标记点,颅底上选择岩尖部为显露标记点,以开颅和显露标记点连线为轴线作圆柱模拟经颞下和乙状窦前入路手术路径,观察和测量两种手术路径中解剖结构显露情况,采用配对t检验进行比较分析.结果 经颞下入路手术路径经过颅中窝底和颞叶到达岩尖部,磨开岩骨后显露内耳道、面神经和迷路,向前显露三叉神经、岩上窦和海绵窦.经乙状窦前入路经乳突磨除岩骨,经面神经垂直段向深部依次显露颈静脉球、后组脑神经、听骨链、迷路和颈内动脉,路径到达内耳道时显露小脑前下动脉和面听神经复合体,到达岩尖部时包含小脑上动脉、岩上窦、岩下窦、海绵窦、三叉神经和部分颞叶.经乙状窦前入路手术路径中骨性结构、面听神经复合体、迷路和静脉体积均大于经颞下入路(P=0.000),颞叶、三叉神经和听骨链体积均小于经颞下入路(P=0.000).经乙状窦前入路中包含后组脑神经体积为(32.38±2.86) mm3、包含颅底动脉体积为(262.74±16.93) mm3,经颞下入路不包含上述结构.结论 经乙状窦前入路对岩骨周围和岩骨内结构的显露范围多于经颞下入路,对重要结构保护较好;经颞下入路经过颞叶到达岩尖部,适用于治疗累及岩骨并将颞叶向上推挤的颅中窝病变.
    • 姚磊; 杨智昉; 王满宁; 李文生
    • 摘要: 目的:利用计算机图像融合技术,探讨对颞骨岩部、颈内动脉、骨迷路等结构进行多模态医学图像的配准、融合与重建,为经岩骨入路手术术前计划的设计与模拟提供形态学基础.方法:收集患者头颅CT、MRA导航序列图像,利用复旦数字医疗自行研发的神经外科手术导航系统软件,进行影像数据的配准和融合,分别基于CT图像重建出颅骨和骨迷路,基于MRA图像重建出颈内动脉.结果:重建后的图像可单独或多结构融合显示颞骨岩部、颈内动脉和骨迷路的形态;三类结构用不同的伪彩色、透明度进行区别显示,能快速、直观地反映相互之间的位置和毗邻关系;能够根据手术入路,在三维空间中任意角度旋转观察.结论:利用头颅CT和MRA导航序列图像,经配准、融合和重建,显示颞骨内颈内动脉、骨迷路等复杂结构,为颅底外科解剖训练和手术计划提供一种新的方法和有效的信息补充.
    • 王瑾; 陈雷; 杨静
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨内镜经鼻入路治疗岩尖胆固醇肉芽肿的可行性.方法 回顾性分析解放军总医院2011-2014年间3例内镜经鼻入路手术治疗岩尖胆固醇肉芽肿患者的临床资料,分析总结其症状、体征、影像学特征、手术方法及预后.结果 3例患者均以耳鸣、听力下降为主要临床表现,平均听阈40 ~ 50 dBHL.行全麻内镜经鼻入路岩尖胆固醇肉芽肿切除手术后,3例患者耳鸣症状消失,平均听阈恢复至10~ 30 dBHL.术后随访6~45个月,1例引流口与蝶窦相通者形成永久性引流口,2例咽隐窝处造口者术后3~6个月引流口闭塞,但症状无复发.结论 内镜经鼻入路手术是治疗岩尖胆固醇肉芽肿的可行方法,近期疗效好,永久性造瘘口的维持需继续随访观察及大样本观察研究.%Objective To explore the feasibility and related aspects on endoscopic endonasal management of petrous apex cholesterol granuloma.Methods Retrospective data analysis was performed on 3 cases in which the endoscopic endonasal approach was used to manage this lesion between 2011 and 2014.Case information including radiological data,surgical technique,symptoms,and complications was reviewed.Results The main clinical manifestations in these 3 patients were tinnitus,hearing loss at the hearing threshold of 40-50 dBHL.After operation,all 3 patients showed disappearance of their tinnitus and improvement of the hearing threshold of 10-30 dBHL (follow-up 6-45 months).Permanent drainage route was performed in 1 case which communicated with sphenoid sinus.While the other 2 cases which drained to pharyngeal recess resulted in drainage route blocking within the 3-6 months after surgery,but without obvious symptoms.Condusions This procedure for the drainage of petrous apex cholesterol granuloma showed to be effective,safe and minimally invasive.Although there is no recurrence in short-term,however,long-term surveillance and large case series are necessary,especially to the maitainence of permanent drainage.
    • 汤可; 周青; 周敬安; 赵亚群; 刘策
    • 摘要: 目的 虚拟现实系统模拟经岩骨乙状窦前入路显露颈静脉孔区的手术路径并探讨微创化策略.方法 15具(30侧)尸头标本行CT和MRI扫描,影像学数据输入虚拟现实系统以构建颈静脉孔区三维解剖模型,选择骨性标记点绘制圆柱模拟经岩骨乙状窦前入路手术路径,将圆柱直径缩小模拟手术路径微创化,观察并测量微创化前后手术路径中所包含的解剖结构.结果 虚拟现实系统模拟经岩骨乙状窦前入路显露颈静脉孔区的手术路径可清晰显示所包含的神经、血管等解剖结构的空间层叠顺序,微创化前后手术路径均由岩骨内面神经垂直段与乙状窦之间经过,包含部分乙状窦,不包含小脑半球.微创化后手术路径体积,以及路径中岩骨骨性结构和静脉窦体积均小于微创化前(P=0.000);微创化前后后组脑神经体积差异无统计学意义(P=0.552).结论 经岩骨乙状窦前入路手术路径微创化可在有效显露颈静脉孔区靶结构的情况下减少重要解剖结构的损伤.
    • 王利萍; 刘涛
    • 摘要: 目的 分析3 D-DM用于内镜经鼻颞骨岩部解剖中的价值.方法 随机选取23例成人头部标本,对其头部46侧进行灌注,行CT扫描,利用3 Dview计算机软件对这些图像进行3 D-DM个体化重建.结果 通过对个体化3 D-DM测量结果 进行比较,3 D-DM测量到的圆孔距离眶下裂长度,圆孔距离翼管开口、卵圆的长度及颧弓根距离耳蜗的长度相比,P>0.05,差异不具有统计学意义.结论 3 D-DM具体展示其优势,体现应用于内镜经鼻颞骨岩部解剖中的临床使用价值,对临床以及科研具有重要意义.%Objective To analysis 3 D-DM for endoscopic anatomy of the nasal petrous bone value. Methods 23 adult head specimens were randomly selected, and the head was perfused with 46 sides of the head. The CT scan was performed, and the images were reconstructed by 3 D-DM software. Results Individual of measuring 3 D-DM results were compared and found 3 D-DM measurement to the hole from the inferior orbital fissure length, hole from wing tube opening, oval length and root of zygoma distance of the cochlea length compared,P>0.05, was no difference had statistically significance.Conclusion 3 D-DM given to show the advantage, embodied its application in endoscopic nasal petrous part of temporal bone anatomy in the clinical value of, the clinical and scientific research has important significance.
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