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海马脑片的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计157篇,主要集中在基础医学、神经病学与精神病学、药学 等领域,其中期刊论文150篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献705篇;相关期刊74种,包括中国生物学文摘、解剖学杂志、四川生理科学杂志等; 相关会议5种,包括2015年中国生物医学工程联合学术年会、中华航海医学会第六届航海心理学专业委员会学术会议、山东省第十二次麻醉学学术会议等;海马脑片的相关文献由335位作者贡献,包括姜正林、曾因明、江山等。



论文:150 占比:17.44%


论文:5 占比:0.58%


论文:705 占比:81.98%





  • 姜正林
  • 曾因明
  • 江山
  • 王志萍
  • 董军
  • 刘振伟
  • 陆大祥
  • 刘传缋
  • 张永祥
  • 柴慧霞
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 徐祖才; 张骏; 黄浩; 王静; 徐忠祥; 彭燕; 陈娅; 徐平
    • 摘要: 目的:应用全细胞膜片钳技术检测化学损伤致痫大鼠海马脑片神经元基本电生理特性。方法将成年SD大鼠建立氯化锂-匹罗卡品模型后,急性分离获得海马脑片,应用全细胞膜片钳电流钳技术实时观察化学损伤致痫大鼠海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元膜电位及其单位时间内动作电位频率的变化情况;通过全细胞膜片钳电压钳技术,检测化学损伤后大鼠海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元的诱发兴奋性突触后电流的变化情况。结果急性分离所得海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元的胞体饱满并可见突起。可在大鼠海马脑片 CA1区锥体神经元记录到自发的动作电位及刺激诱发兴奋性突触后电流,且化学损伤后神经元膜电位绝对值降低,动作电位频率加快,诱发的兴奋性突触后电流幅值升高。结论全细胞膜片钳技术可以用于癫痫大鼠急性分离所得海马脑片的电生理研究,化学损伤后神经元兴奋性明显升高,为开展癫痫相关的功能研究提供了新的途径。%Objective To observe the electrophysiological properties in the epileptic rat hippocampal brain slices by whole -cell patch clamp technique .Methods After epileptic rat model was successfully established ,the hippocampal brain slices were acutely dissocia-ted,whose basic electrophysiological properties were detected by whole-cell patch clamp technique .After chemical injury , the changing of membrane potential and action potential were recorded by the current clamp technique , and the changing of evoked excitatory postsynaptic current(eEPSC)was recorded by the potential clamp technique .Results On acutely dissociated hippocampal brain slices of epileptic rats , good physical shape and obvious neurite of pyramidal neurons in CA 1 region could be observed .Spontaneous action potential and evoked ex-citatory postsynaptic current could be detected on pyramidal neurons in CA 1 region by whole-cell patch clamp technique .After chemical inju-ry,the neuronal membrane potential absolute value became lower and action potential frequency became faster .In addition,the eEPSC ampli-tude became higher .Conclusions The physiological activities of pyramidal neurons in CA 1 region are high enough for sealing .In addition, the whole-cell patch clamp technique is suitable for detecting the electrophysiological properties .It is found that neuronal excitability in-creased significantly after chemical injury ,which could provide a new pathway for the functional research of epilepsy .
    • 李珊; 胡喆; 周燕; 熊焕贵
    • 摘要: Aim To explore how MCP-1 induces neu-rodisorder by determing the effects of MCP-1 on excita-tory postsynaptic current(EPSCs) in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal brain slices .Methods EPSCs, the AMPA receptor-mediated EPSC (EPSCAMPAR ), NMDA receptor mediated EPSCs(EPSCNMDAR) and NR2BR re-ceptor-mediated EPSC ( EPSCNR2BR ) were recorded u-sing whole-cell patch recording techniques to observe the effects of 2.3 nmol· L-1 MCP-1 on pyramidal neu-rons in hippocampal CA1 region.Microtubule-associat-ed protein-2 ( MAP-2 ) staining was used to study whether MCP-1 induced dendritic injuries in hippocam-pal CA1 region and whether NMDAR , AMPAR or CCR2 receptor antagonists had protective effects a-gainst dendritic damage caused by MCP-1.Results ① Bath application of MCP-1 produced a significant enhancement of the amplitudes of EPSCs , EPSCAMPAR and EPSCNMDAR .②Further studies revealed that MCP-1 potentiated EPSC NR2BR; ③ The MCP-1-associated dendritic injuries were blocked by NMDAR , AMPAR and CCR2R antagonists respectively .Conclusions Our results suggest a potential role of MCP-1 which may play in neuroexcitotoxicity and neural injury via NMDA receptor(especially NMDAR subtype NR2BR) and CCR2 receptor .The antagonists of these receptors may have potential therapeutic effect for neurodegener-ation.%目的:研究趋化因子MCP-1对大鼠海马CA1区NM-DA受体介导的兴奋性突触后电流的影响。方法采用全细胞膜片钳技术,记录2.3 nmol · L-1 MCP-1对大鼠海马脑片CA1区NMDA受体尤其是其重要受体亚型NR2BR介导的兴奋性突触后电流的影响,观察MCP-1是否对海马CA1区神经元有易化兴奋性作用;应用微管相关蛋白-2( MAP-2)抗体染色的方法,观察海马CA1区神经元轴突结构的完整性,研究在NMDAR、AMPAR、CCR2受体拮抗剂分别存在的情况下,MCP-1引发海马脑片神经元结构损害的差异,观察上述各种拮抗剂是否对MCP-1导致的神经细胞结构损害有保护作用。结果灌流液内加入MCP-1能明显增加EPSCs、EPSCAMPAR、EPSCNMDAR电流幅度(P<0.05),MCP-1能增加EPSCNR2BR的电流幅度,冲洗掉MCP-1后上述电流可恢复到接近给药前基础值,说明MCP-1对EPSCNR2BR的易化和促进作用是可逆的。在海马脑片上所做的MAP-2免疫组化染色的实验结果显示MCP-1对神经元轴突结构有损害作用,该作用可被NMDA和AMPA受体拮抗剂或CCR2受体拮抗剂逆转。结论 MCP-1对大脑海马CA1区NMDA受体,尤其是NR2B受体介导的突触后神经元的兴奋性有明显易化作用,神经元过度兴奋引发兴奋性神经毒性而导致神经损伤。NMDA和AMPA受体拮抗剂或CCR2受体拮抗剂对MCP-1诱导的神经元轴突结构损伤起到明显保护作用,这些拮抗剂的神经保护效应可为寻找神经退行性疾病的潜在治疗方法提供非常有价值的线索。
    • 杨澜; 南丽红; 何一博; 郭斌; 李煌; 黄枚
    • 摘要: 目的 观察不同时长的氧糖剥夺对SD乳鼠器官型海马脑片的影响,探讨制备氧糖剥夺(OGD)模型的最佳时长. 方法 对海马脑片进行碘化丙啶染色,用微量酶标法检测培养液上清中LDH的释放量. 结果 培养13d后的脑片逐渐变薄,海马结构逐渐清晰,生长情况逐渐稳定,无特异性荧光信号,LDH释放各组无明显差异性;与造模前24 h相比,随着缺氧缺糖时间的增加,海马脑片碘化丙啶染色的荧光信号强度与LDH释放量增加,以45、60 min时长最为明显(P<0.05或P<0.01),但氧糖剥夺60 min脑片的损伤更为严重,表现出无法恢复的趋势. 结论 制备SD乳鼠海马脑片氧糖剥夺模型的最佳时长为45min.
    • 何一博; 南丽红; 黄枚; 郑燕芳; 杨澜; 谢晴晴; 李煌
    • 摘要: 目的 通过新生大鼠氧糖剥夺(OGD)海马脑片模型,观察芍药苷对OGD损伤后的海马脑片中NLRP3炎症小体组成蛋白及其所介导的细胞凋亡的影响. 方法 将培养14d的海马脑片随机分为5组:空白对照组、OGD组、芍药苷低剂量组(1μM)、芍药苷中剂量组(10μM)、芍药苷高剂量组(100 μM).除空白对照组外,其他各组海马脑片均吸弃脑片培养液后,加入1 mL PBS,并置于三气培养箱中孵育45 min后,给予相应的药物干预.24 h后取各组海马脑片分别采用TUNEL法检测细胞凋亡率;RT-qPCR法检测NLRP3炎症小体组成蛋白mRNA的表达情况. 结果 OGD组较空白对照组NLRP3炎症小体组成蛋白mRNA的表达量和细胞凋亡率均明显增高(P<0.01),芍药苷干预后NLRP3炎症小体组成蛋白的mRNA表达量和细胞凋亡率均明显低于OGD组(P<0.01). 结论 芍药苷可通过下调OGD海马脑片中NLRP3炎症小体组成蛋白的表达,从而产生抗细胞凋亡的作用.
    • 刘红亮; 王靖凯; 邓锦波; 胡磊; 张路; 刘彬
    • 摘要: 目的:建立利用Fluoro-Jade B(FJ-B)染色检测乙醇诱导PC12细胞及小鼠海马脑片上神经细胞凋亡的方法并与TUNEL比较.方法:利用不同浓度的乙醇分别诱导PC12细胞和小鼠海马脑片上神经细胞凋亡,用FJ-B染色检测神经细胞凋亡,同时用TUNEL检测进行比较,从凋亡率、单位面积阳性细胞数的统计结果分析、实验过程等方面评价2种方法的优缺点.结果:2种方法检测结果显示乙醇处理组与对照组相比差异有统计学意义,2种方法相同组间对比分析差异无统计学意义.结论:FJ-B染色与TUNEL在检测乙醇对神经细胞凋亡影响的结果无差异;且FJ-B染色更适合在脑片上检测神经细胞的凋亡.
    • 石叶军; 陆钦池; 宫新伟; 龚海庆; 张溥明; 梁培基
    • 摘要: Objective In order to explore the Mg 2+-free artificial cerebrospinal fluid ( ACSF ) induced different epileptiform discharge patterns in adult mouse hippocampal slices and combined entorhinal cortex -hippocampal slices in vitro.Methods Two brain slice models were prepared , and Mg2+-free-ACSF was used to induce epileptiform discharges , which were recorded by micro-electrode array ( MEA ) .The spatiotemporal characteristics of the discharge patterns were studied following successful induction of epileptiform discharges in the two slice models .Results Mg2+-free-ACSF induced interictal discharges in the hippocampal slice ,with frequency of (11.6 ±2.4)times/min,and lasted 149.0-202.6 ms.While in the combined entorhinal cortex-hippocampal slice,the discharge pattern was alternated between interictal and ictal discharges .The frequency of interictal discharges was (12.9 ±3.3) times/min,with duration of 181.3-223.7 ms.The frequency of ictal discharges was (0.26 ±0.07 ) times/min,with duration of 14.3-14.5 s.Conclusion Interictal as well as ictal discharges could be recorded in the combined entorhinal cortex-hippocampal slice network level .So the combined entorhinal cortex-hippocampal slice is an ideal model for epilepsy research .%目的探索离体条件下无镁人工脑脊液( ACSF )诱导的成年小鼠海马脑片和海马-内嗅皮层联合脑片的不同癫痫样放电模式。方法分别制备两种脑片模型,使用无镁ACSF诱导脑片产生癫痫样放电,并用多电极阵列记录脑片不同区域神经元的放电情况。在两种脑片模型上诱导出稳定的癫痫样放电后,分析不同类型癫痫样放电模式的时空特性。结果无镁ACSF诱导海马脑片产生间期放电,间期放电频率为(11.6±2.4)次/min,平均放电持续时间为149.0~202.6 ms。无镁ACSF诱导海马-内嗅皮层联合脑片产生间期和发作期放电交替出现的模式,间期放电的频率为(12.9±3.3)次/min,平均放电持续时间为181.3~223.7 ms。发作期放电的频率为(0.26±0.07)次/min,平均放电持续时间为14.3~14.5 s。结论在海马-内嗅皮层联合脑片的网络水平研究癫痫问题,不仅能诱导产生稳定的间期放电,而且可以观察到发作期放电,因此海马-内嗅皮层联合脑片是一种研究癫痫的理想模型。
    • 张永华; 陈秋萍; 黄雪莲; 曹苏
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the protective effects of sevoflurane postconditioning on oxygen-glucose deprivation injury in rat hippocampal slices. Methods Forty hippocampal slices were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=10 each): group OGD; group 2% Sev; group 4% Sev; group 6% Sev. The technique of electrophysiology was used, and the amplitude of orthodromic population spike (OPS) in the stratum pyramidale of the CA1 region was measured. And TTC staining was used to calculate the percentage of tissue injury. Results OPS recovery amplitude was (3.14±2. 56) %, OPS recovery rate was 10%, and the degree of tissue injury was 0. 63+0. 05 in group OGD. OPS recovery amplitude was (46. 24±29. 34)%,OPS recovery rate was 40%, and the degree of tissue injury was 0. 51+0. 06 in group 2% Sev. OPS recovery amplitude was (62. 40±34. 93)%,OPS recovery rate was 60%, and the degree of tissue injury was 0. 41±0. 07 in group 4% Sev. OPS recovery amplitude was (75. 92±45. 31) % ,OPS recovery rate was 70%, and the degree of tissue injury was 0. 37±0. 06 in group 6% Sev. The degree and rate of recovery of OPS were increased but the tissue injury was deceased in group 2% Sev, group 4% Sev and group 6% Sev as compared with OGD group. Conclusion Sevoflurane postconditioning can protect neurons from oxygen-glucose deprivation injury in rat hippocampal slices.%目的 观察七氟醚后处理对大鼠海马脑片氧糖剥夺损伤(OGD)的保护作用.方法 将符合标准的40片海马脑片随机均分为四组:2%七氟醚后处理组(2%Sev组)、4%七氟醚后处理组(4%Sev组)、6%七氟醚后处理组(6%Sev组)和氧糖剥夺损伤对照组(OGD组).采用脑片灌注及电生理技术细胞外记录海马CA1区的顺向群锋电位(OPS).利用2,3,5-三苯基氯化四氮唑(TTC)染色定量比色方法分析脑片损伤程度.结果 OGD组OPS恢复程度为(3.14±2.56)%,恢复率为10%,组织损伤率为0.63±0.05;2%Sev组OPS恢复程度为(46.24±29.34)%,OPS恢复率为40%,组织损伤率为0.51±0.06;4%Sev组OPS恢复程度为(62.40±34.93)%,OPS恢复率为60%,组织损伤率为0.41±0.07;6%Sev组OPS恢复程度为(75.92±45.31)%,OPS恢复率为70%,组织损伤率为0.37±0.06.与OGD组比较,2%Sev组、4%Sev组、6%Sev组的OPS恢复程度和OPS恢复率均明显升高,组织损伤率明显降低(P<0.01).结论 七氟醚后处理对大鼠海马脑片氧糖剥夺损伤具有一定的保护作用.
    • 韩传来; 王志萍; 江山
    • 摘要: Objective Microelectrode recording technology was used on hippocampal slices to study the effect of preconditioning with isoflurane on orthodromic population spikes (OPS) and hypoxic injury potential ( HIP) during and after hypoxia Methods Sixty SD rats were randomly divided into control group ( group C), experiment control group (group EC), isoflurane preconditioning group(group IP), iNOS inhibitor group(group AG) and iNOS inhibitor + Isoflurane preconditioning group(group IPAG). Both group IP and IPAG was given 3 hours isoflurane inhaling preconditioning. A minoguanidine was intraperitoneally injected in group IPAG and group AG. The hippocampal slices were exposed to 14 minutes hypoxia. Then, the distinct reactions of hippocampal slices OPS and HIP was observed. Results The OPS recovery degree of group IP were significantly better than other groups(P<0. 05); The duration of HIP in the IP group was much longer than that in other groups (P<0. 05). But onset time of HIP produced no statistically difference between each group. Conclusion Preconditioning with isoflurane can attenuate the injury of rat hippocampal slice during and after hypoxia, which could be blocked by iNOS inhibitors. Thus, iNOS might play important effects in the protective effect of isoflurane.%目的 以大鼠海马脑片为研究对象,采用微电极记录技术,观察异氟醚预处理对海马脑片缺氧损伤后顺向群锋电位(OPS)以及缺氧损伤电位(HIP)的影响.方法 SD大鼠60只,随机均分为五组:空白对照组(C组);实验对照组(EC组);异氟醚预处理组(IP组);iNOS阻断剂氨基胍(AG)组(AG组);异氟醚预处理+iNOS阻断剂组(IPAG组).IP组给予3h异氟醚预处理,AG组给予iNOS阻断剂处理,IPAG组给予3h异氟醚预处理,同时给予iNOS阻断剂,取脑片后分别给予14 min的缺氧处理,观察不同处理对海马脑片OPS恢复以及HIP的不同效应.结果 IP组的OPS的恢复程度、恢复率明显高于C组、EC组、AG组和IPAG组(P<0.05),IP组HIP持续时间明显长于C组、EC组、AG组和IPAG组(P<0.05),HIP的出现时间五组差异无统计学意义.结论 异氟醚预处理可明显减轻海马脑片缺氧损伤;用iNOS阻断剂可去除这种保护作用,证明这种预处理作用与异氟醚预处理产生的iNOS有关.
    • 孙懿; 松木则夫; 池谷裕二; 蒲小平
    • 摘要: Objective-. To observe the electric activity of large neuron populations in acutely cultured hippocampal slices. Methods; Sprague Dawley rats at postnatal 7 days were deeply anesthetized by hypothermia and decapitated. The brains were removed and horizontally cut into slices which were cultured on 6-well plates. Male C57-BL/6J mice at postnatal 3-5 weeks were decapitated with deep ether anesthesia. The brains were quickly isolated and horizontally cut into slices which were transferred to oxygenated modified artificial cerebrospinal fluid ( pre-warmed at 37 °C ) and stored for more than 60 min. The hippocampal slices were loaded with calcium-sensitive fluorescence indicator and monitored by functional multineuron calcium imaging (fMCI). Results: Action potentials-evoked calcium transients were simultaneously imaged from large neuron populations. Conclusion; fMCI provides a kind of powerful tool to morphologically and functionally reveal hippocampal network activity and evaluate new central nervous system drugs.%目的:观察海马脑片中锥体细胞层群体神经元的电活动.方法:取出生后7d的Sprague Dawley大鼠全脑,无菌条件下水平方向切片,转至6孔板中培养;另取出生后3~5周的C57-BL/6J小鼠全脑,无菌条件下水平方向切片,转至37°C氧饱和的人工脑脊液中稳定至少60 min备用.大鼠培养脑片及小鼠急性脑片负载钙离子荧光指示剂,采用功能性多神经元钙成像技术检测海马锥体细胞层中大规模神经元与动作电位相关的钙瞬变.结果:大鼠培养脑片及小鼠急性脑片中记录到大量单个神经元的与动作电位相关的钙瞬变.结论:功能性多神经元钙成像技术是揭示海马神经网络活动及中枢神经系统有关创新药物评价的全新且有效的研究方法.
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