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BD的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计683篇,主要集中在内科学、神经病学与精神病学、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文184篇、专利文献499篇;相关期刊130种,包括数理天地:初中版、数理天地:高中版、高中数学教与学等; BD的相关文献由1735位作者贡献,包括庾石山、王晓良、潘树国等。



论文:184 占比:26.94%


论文:499 占比:73.06%





  • 庾石山
  • 王晓良
  • 潘树国
  • 冯楠
  • 徐爱功
  • 刘云宝
  • 史国茹
  • 屈晶
  • 王玲
  • 祝会忠
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献






    • Seyed Kamal Mousavi Balgehshiri; Ali Zamani Paydar; Bahman Zohuri
    • 摘要: The 21st Century era and new modern technologies surrounding us day-in and day-out have opened a new door to“Pandora Box”,that we do know it as AI(artificial intelligence)and its two essential integrated components namely ML(machine learning)and DL(deep learning).However,the strive and progress in AI,ML,and DL pretty much has taken over any industry that we can think of,when it comes to dealing with cloud of structured data in form of BD(big data).A NPP(nuclear power plant)has multiple complicated dynamic system-of-components that have nonlinear behaviors.For controlling the plant operation under both normal and abnormal conditions,the different systems in NPPs(e.g.,the reactor core components,primary and secondary coolant systems)are usually monitored continuously,which leads to very huge amounts of data.Of course Nuclear Power Industry in form of GEN-IV(Generation IV)has not been left behind in this 21st century era by moving out of GEN-III(Generation III)to more modulars form of GEN-IV,known as SMRs(small modular reactors),with a lot of electronic gadgets and electronics that read data and information from it to support safety of these reactor,while in operation with a built in PRA(probabilistic risk assessment),which requires augmentation of AI in them to enhance performance of human operators that are engaged with day-to-day smooth operation of these reactors to make them safe and safer as well as resilience against any natural or man-made disasters by obtaining information through ML from DL that is collecting massive stream of data coming via omni-direction.Integration of AI with HI(human intelligence)is not separable,when it comes to operation of these smart SMRs with state of the art and smart control rooms with human in them as actors.This TM(technical memorandum)is describing the necessity of AI playing with nuclear reactor power plant of GEN-IV being in operation within near term sooner than later,when specially we are facing today’s cyber-attacks with their smart malware agents at work.
    • 徐智勇
    • 摘要: 题目如图1,点D为△ABC边BC上一点(不与端点重合),且满足BD/BC=AD^(2)/AC^(2).求证:△ABC∽△DBA.图1分析本题结论涉及到初中几何常见的相似基本图形,将已知条件转化为∠BAD=∠C或AB^(2)=BD·BC即可.下面介绍几种方法供参考.
    • Jung-In Baik; Ji-Hwan Kim; Beom-Sik Shin; Ji-Hye Oh; Hyoung-Kyu Song
    • 摘要: With the rapid evolution of Internet of things(IoT),many edge devices require simultaneous connection in 5G communication era.To afford massive data of IoT devices,multiple input multiple output non-orthogonal multiple access(MIMO-NOMA)method has been considered as a promising technology.However,there are numerous drawbacks due to error propagation and inter-user interferences.Therefore,proposed scheme aims to improve the reliability of the MIMO-NOMA system with digital beamforming and intracluster cooperative multi point(CoMP)to efficiently support IoT system.In the conventional MIMO-NOMA system,user entities are grouped into clusters.Block diagonalization(BD)is applied to efficiently eliminate the inter-cluster interference of the MIMO-NOMA system.However,since the channel path of the data stream from a single antenna to a single cluster doesn’t hold other cluster’s data,the system can’t fully utilize the selective subcarrier channel states.It indicates that there can be better channel paths for a data stream at a certain subcarrier index.Therefore,proposed scheme allocates data streams to antennas adaptively considering selective channel states.Additionally,intra-cluster CoMP method is adjusted to enhance the reliability of the system in the clusters.The simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves BER and throughput performance compared to the conventional MIMO-NOMA system.
    • 牛星惠
    • 摘要: 1试题呈现(2020年河南省中考试题第22题)小亮在学习中遇到这样一个问题:如图1,点D是BC上一动点,线段BC=8.0 cm,点A是线段BC的中点,过点C作CF∥BD,交DA的延长线于点F,当△DCF为等腰三角形时,求线段BD的长度.
    • 摘要: Rohm公司的BD9S400MUF-C是用于汽车的2.7V-5.5V输入的同步降压DC/DC转换器,内置了低开态电阻的功率MOSFET,提供电流高达4A.SLLMTM控制在轻负载下有极好的效率,使得器件非常适合于降低待机功耗.由于开关频率高达2.2MHz,所以可采用小型电感.BD9S400MUF-C是电流模式控制的DC/DC转换器,具有高速瞬态响应.
    • 刘才华
    • 摘要: 题1(美国39届数学邀禱赛试题9)如图1,等腰梯形ABCD中,AD=BC,ABBD的距离分别是15、18、10.设K是梯形ABCD的面积,求√2K.首先给出试题的两种解法.解法1如图1,过点A作直线BC、CD、BD的垂线,对应的垂足分别是E、F、G,则AE=15,AF=18,AG=10,设AB=a,CD=b,BC=AD=c,BD=AC=d.
    • 张娜
    • 摘要: 等腰三角形底边上的高、底边上的中线和顶角平分线相互重合,我们将等腰三角形的这一特性称为"三线合一",具体可以归纳如下:如图1所示,在△ABC中,AB=AC,D为BC上一点,下列三个条件中:(1)∠BAD=∠CAD;(2)AD⊥BD;(3)BD=CD,满足其中任意一个条件时,都能直接推出其余两个条件成立.
    • 刘冰
    • 摘要: 在解决与相似三角形有关的问题时,有的题目没有给出明确的对应关系,求解时需要根据可能存在的情况分类讨论求解,下面举例说明.一、求线段长度中的多解例1如图1,AB,CD都是BD的垂线,AB=4,CD=6,BD=14,P是BD上一点,连接AP,CP,所得两个三角形相似,则BP的长是__.
    • 杨学枝
    • 摘要: 一、问题提出笔者在网络上看到以下问题在△ABC中,∠A=100°,BD是∠ABC的平分线,AD+BD=BC,求证:AB=AC.较长时间未见有人给出解答,由此引起本人兴趣,于是经考虑提出以下问题:在△ABC中,D为边AC上一点,有以下四个条件.
    • 陳麗萍
    • 摘要: 中國國家圖書館(本文多簡稱"國圖")藏敦煌文書BD09352號,原編爲北周73號。藏經洞所餘敦煌文書於1910年底押解入京後入藏京師圖書館(即"國圖")。次年,工作人員即開始編目整理,先挑選了品相最好的一批文書以千字文爲序編號,從"地"至"位"編至8679號,對應現通行新編號BD00001—BD08679號。1927年始(至1935年初編成),工作人員又挑選了部分品相較好的文書銜接上千字文編續目,從"讓"至"朝"12字編得1192號,對應新編號BD08680—BD09871號,BD09352號即是第二次編目時被選中的文書。^(①)
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