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土地行政的相关文献在1989年到2020年内共计92篇,主要集中在法律、农业经济、中国政治 等领域,其中期刊论文89篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献12030篇;相关期刊46种,包括上海土地、人民之声、海南省人民政府公报等; 相关会议3种,包括江苏省土地学会2012年学术年会、中国大陆与港澳台地区土地可持续利用学术研讨会、第十二届“两岸三地历史学研究生”论文发表会等;土地行政的相关文献由36位作者贡献,包括郭春华、沈广和、C.Fourie等。



论文:89 占比:0.73%


论文:3 占比:0.02%


论文:12030 占比:99.24%





  • 郭春华
  • 沈广和
  • C.Fourie
  • 刘丽
  • 吴树民
  • 周扬静
  • 姚旻辰
  • 姜楠
  • 姜海
  • 宋胜春
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 段文婷
    • 摘要: 中国幅员辽阔。在土地资源优化配置过程中,提高土地管理绩效水平是解决土地资源制约问题、解决人地矛盾的关键内容。在此基础上,本文详细分析了加强土地行政绩效考核的相关措施,希望通过科学合理的方法促进经济平稳增长。
    • 郭春华; 王璇
    • 摘要: 为遏制土地违法,规范土地行政行为,我国建立并实施了土地行政问责制。在研究2011年首次土地行政问责官员后续发展情况时发现,73名官员已悉数复出,但存在复出时间模糊、复出过程不透明、复出门槛低等现象。而这些现象反映出当前我国土地行政问责制度不完善、官员复出机制及相关配套机制不健全、官员责任意识不强等问题。土地行政问责官员复出不规范不仅会降低土地行政问责的惩戒、警示作用,更会使公众对土地行政问责制失去信心,从而削弱政府公信力。因此,应通过完善土地行政问责制度、健全官员复出机制及相关配套机制、增强公务员的责任意识等措施,对土地行政问责官员的复出进行规范管理,以此来增强我国土地行政问责制的权威性及有效性。%China has established and implemented the land administrative accountability to reduce the land illegal cases and regulate the behavior of land administration.When dug into the subsequent development of the first land administrative accountability officials in 2011,it showed that 73 officials have all resurfaced.And their resurfacing were being with lots of problems,such as the resurfa-cing time is not clear,the resurfacing process is not transparent,and resurfacing is barrier-free.The emergence of these phenomena reflects that the land administrative accountability system is not perfect,the officials resurfacing and supporting mechanism is not sound,officials′being lack of sense of responsibility.The chaos of the resurfacing will not only reduce warning effect of the land ad-ministrative accountability,but also make public lose faith in the land administrative accountability system and so as to weaken the government′s credibility.Therefore,it should be done to manage the land administrative officials′resurfacing in order to enhance the authority and effectiveness of the land administrative accountability system by consummating the land administrative accountability system,establishing the resurfacing system and related supporting mechanism of land administrative officials,and strengthening the construction of responsible government and the officials′awareness of responsibility.
    • 顾峥
    • 摘要: 我国土地制度在建国以来发生了很大的转变。国家在十一届三中全会后开始以经济建设为中心,同时出现了圈占农民土地的现象。迄今为止,我国已经出现了三次较大规模的圈地行为,本文力从借鉴历史的角度出发探讨法治政府架构上试论土地行政的内涵机制创新,保障被征收人权利与社会福利。
    • 摘要: 广州市人民政府办公厅文件穗府办规[2016]2号各区人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属机构:《广州市农民集体所有土地征收补偿试行办法》已经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。执行中遇到的问题,请径向市国土规划委反映。2016年1月8日广州市农民集体所有土地征收补偿试行办法第一章总则第一条为进一步规范本市农民集体所有土地征收补偿工作,维护被征地农村集体经济组织、农民及其他权利人的合法权益,促进城市社会经济和谐发展,根据
    • 左腾宇
    • 摘要: 随着城镇化进程的加快和新农村建设的推进,蚌埠市农村征地过程中职务犯罪呈高发态势。以五河县为例,2010年至2015年底,五河县检察院立案查处的农村征地领域职务犯罪占该院6年立案总数的32%。因此,有针对性地进行检察治理是预防惩治此类职务犯罪的紧迫任务。一、农村征地领域职务犯罪的基本特点(一)以贪利型职务犯罪和渎职型职务犯罪为基本类型从五河县检察院立案情况看,在农村征地领
    • 郭施宏
    • 摘要: 土地行政伦理学的兴起主要是由于土地行政在我国土地资源的开发、利用和管理中遇到瓶颈.从土地行政伦理的内涵与价值导向出发,分析当前我国土地行政过程中土地行政伦理推行的困境,包括土地行政伦理养成机制缺乏、土地伦理认知不足、行政责任意识不强、经济利益左右土地行政行为、土地行政监督、考核机制不健全以及不良的土地行政文化和行政作风.
    • 摘要: 正琼府[2014]12号各市、县、自治县人民政府,省政府直属各单位:近年来,各市县、各有关单位认真贯彻落实省委、省政府"项目建设年"和"科学规划年"决策部署,采取积极措施推进重点项目建设,促进了一批省重点项目顺利落地。当前,我省重点项目用地服务保障工作还存在项目准入审查把关不严、用地报批前置文件审批周期较长、选址不合理及不符合相关规划、征地拆迁难等问题,影响了重点项目建设。为切实保障省重点
    • 钱毓明
    • 摘要: 土地问题是一个关系人类生存与发展的重大问题。我国人口众多,土地资源短缺,“三农”问题和城市建设用地的矛盾突出。
    • 姜海; 姚旻辰; 段修亭; 曲福田; 王博; 顾汉龙
    • 摘要: 建立常规性土地行政绩效考核体系,加强地方政府土地行为引导,是在现行土地行政体制下促进科学发展和土地公平、高效配置的重要途径.论文从土地资源管理、土地资产管理、支撑体系建设、部门内部管理4个方面出发,应用层次分析法和专家咨询法,构建了面向市、县的土地行政绩效评价指标体系,并以无锡市为例进行实证研究.研究结果表明:①2004年-2009年无锡市土地行政绩效改进明显,综合评价分值从68.73提高至88.47;②2004年-2009年无锡市土地行政绩效提升主要得益于土地资产管理水平改进,其贡献率高达57.2%;③2009年不同市(区)土地行政绩效差异主要体现在部门学习与创新能力、人力资源管理、土地养育功能管理、土地资产评估与地价管理、土地生态功能维护等方面.%Local governments in China undertake a dual function of preservation of farmland and other natural resources and management of stated-owned urban land assets. Conflicts between the public and local governments seriously undermine the efficiency and efficacy of land administration leading to some socio-economic problems such as excessive loss of arable land and unfairness of land revenue distribution. However, local government behaviors are mainly restricted by higher governments. In order to improve the efficiency and equality of land resource allocation, a formal top-down performance evaluation system is urgently needed to orient local government land administration. Here, a land administration performance evaluation indicator system for local governments is constructed using theories of new public management, government performance management, and AHP and expert consultation. The indicator system is composed of four comprehensive criterions (land resource management, land asset management, support system development and internal management) and applied to Wuxi. We found that land administration performance valuation scores significantly increased from 68.73 in 2004 to 88.47 in 2009. Land administration performance improvement in Wuxi city was mainly regarding to the enhancement of staff quality, learning and innovation capacity of land administrative bureau, establishment of a social security system for landless peoples, decreasing illegal land use cases, development of land market mechanisms and land price regulation, and increasing constructed land use intensity. About 57.2% of land administration performance improvement came from the improvement of land asset management in Wuxi city. Land administration performance sharply varied among different counties and districts in 2009, in terms of learning and innovation capacity, staff quality of land administrative bureau, effects of farmland preservation, land price regulation and the conservation of ecological function. Reasonable orientation and division of local government land administration function as well as corresponding reform of government assessment systems are essential to improving land use efficient and fairness.
    • 摘要: 一、概述当前,在土地行政面临管理科学化、行为规范化和服务民主化的新形势下,土地管理领域正把行政职能转变作为政府机关加强自身建设的中心环节,把“更加注重提高行政效率,更加注重推进依法行政、更加注重改进工作作风”作为行政管理改革的重要方向,并在两个方面重点推进:一是深化推进土地行政审批制度改革,提升土地行政审批效率和透明度:二是以“完善土地空间管控、总量控制和跟踪监督”为抓手,推进土地行政管理方式的转变。
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