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骨界面的相关文献在1990年到2021年内共计89篇,主要集中在口腔科学、基础医学、外科学 等领域,其中期刊论文76篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献59432篇;相关期刊44种,包括广东牙病防治、口腔材料器械杂志、口腔颌面外科杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括福州市科协2009学术年会、福州第二届口腔医学学术交流会、中国机械工程学会生物摩擦学与人工关节学术研讨会等;骨界面的相关文献由222位作者贡献,包括邹敬才、刘宝林、唐文杰等。



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  • 邹敬才
  • 刘宝林
  • 唐文杰
  • 肖光裕
  • 陈必胜
  • 陶长仲
  • 刘浩
  • 吴群
  • 姜晓钟
  • 丁仲鹃
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 马宁; 白晓青; 王聪; 梁钰琪; 牛东生
    • 摘要: 全髋关节置换(THA)术中假体摩擦界面的选择是影响假体使用寿命的关键因素之一,陶瓷-陶瓷(COC)、金属-金属(MOM)、陶瓷-高交联聚乙烯(COP)和金属-高交联聚乙烯(MOP)界面是目前用于THA手术的主要假体摩擦界面,本文综述4种摩擦界面的研究现状,总结其优缺点及发展趋势,旨在为THA假体摩擦界面的选择提供临床指导。
    • 许可; 代晓娟
    • 摘要: 目的:研究超短种植体不同表面设计对骨界面应力分布的影响.方法:选择颜面外形、咬合正常的成年男性作为研究对象,使用扫描分析与建模设备,构建三维立体模型,分析不同长度、表面形状超短种植体对骨界面应力分布的影响.结果:鳍式非螺旋设计应力分布最科学,松质骨不受影响,皮质骨受影响且影响大.结论:不同表面设计超短种植体对骨界面应力分布会产生不同影响,根据使用要求与设计标准,制定最佳设计方案,可使骨界面应力分布趋于合理.
    • 代自超
    • 摘要: 目的:分析硬组织切片技术在钛种植体骨界面的应用.方法:2015年12月~2017年12月选取昆明医科大学动物实验中心2只成年犬进行实验研究,将2枚种植体分别植入下颌牙槽骨中,将带有种植体的牙槽骨锯下,利用硬组织切片技术制成切片染色观察.结果:采用甲苯胺蓝染色10-30um厚的切片,切片中可以观察到骨组织的微细结构、胶原纤维、骨组织与种植体的结合情况.结论:种植体与骨组织结合的情况可以利用硬组织切片技术研究,具有一定临床价值,值得推广应用.
    • 娄纪刚; 刘浩; 洪瑛; 曾俊峰; 王晓斐; 吴廷奎
    • 摘要: 目的 探究人工颈椎间盘置换术(artificial cervical disc replacement,ACDR)术后板-骨界面间隙大小以及界面间隙对置换术后假体相关并发症的影响.方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2016年12月于四川大学华西医院脊柱外科行Prestige LP椎间盘置换的443例的病史及影像学资料.其中,置换手术276例,混合手术167例,共植入椎间盘假体576个.采用日本骨科协会(Japanese orthopaedic association,JOA)评分、颈椎功能障碍指数(neck disability index,NDI)、疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)评估患者的临床效果;影像学的评价指标则包括置换节段活动度(range of motion,ROM),假体下沉、假体移位及异位骨化(heterotopic ossification,HO)等假体相关并发症以及术中C型臂机透视颈椎侧位X线片上假体-骨界面间隙大小.结果 患者术后平均随访(66.2±23.7)个月,末次随访与术前的JOA评分[(14.3±3.8)vs.(8.5±2.4)]、NDI[(5.7±3.5)vs.(12.8±7.6)]、上肢痛VAS[(1.5±1.2)vs.(4.3±2.1)]、颈痛VAS[(1.7±1.5)vs.(3.8±1.8)]比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05).ACDR术后板-骨界面残留间隙介于0~1.98 mm之间,依据术后板-骨界面间隙大小,将576个置换节段分为4组(A组 ≤0.5 mm,0.5 mm1.5 mm)并进行对比分析.结果显示,D组假体下沉发生率[5.5%vs.(A组3.8%、B组4.0%、C组4.3%)]、移位发生率[3.6%vs.(A组1.9%、B组2.3%、C组2.2%)]均大于其余3组,差异有统计学意义(P1.5 mm时,其发生假体下沉、移位的风险明显增加;而术后板-骨界面间隙大小对置换节段HO的发生率无显著影响.
    • 孙菁阳; 周勇刚; 杜银桥; 朴尚; 王森; 高志森; 吴文明; 马海洋
    • 摘要: Objective:To observe the clinical effect of ceramic on ceramic total hip arthroplasty(THA)in Crowe Ⅳ devel-opmental dysplasia of the hip(DDH).Methods:From April 2008 to December 2015,137 hips of 111 Crowe Ⅳ DDH patients received THA using Forte or Delta ceramic on ceramic by one senior surgeon,which consists of 85 unilateral hips and 26 bilat-eral hips.The average age of the patients was(38.88±10.83)years old ranging from 18 to 68 years old.The mean follow-up was (41.16±21.50)months ranging from 12 to 96 months.All the patients were evaluated by Harris Hip Score.Radiographic eval-uations were made preoperatively and during follow-up.Harris scores,the incidence of complications such as ceramic fracture, squeaking,dislocation were observed. Results:The mean preoperative Harris score was 56.54±15.67,the mean postoperative Harris score was 88.30±6.86(P=0.017).Periprosthetic osteolysis was not deteced around any cup.No ceramic fracture oc-curred.There were 3 cases of revision surgery due to infection,losening of the stem and limb length discrepancy,respectively;3 cases of dislocation occurred.Seventy-seven patients were recorded the gait and the hip mobility,the hip flexion of 69 pa-tients were above 120 degrees.Conclusion:Ceramic on ceramic bearing showed an encouraging result in Crowe Ⅳ DDH total hip arthroplasty.%目的:观察陶瓷对陶瓷全髋关节置换术(THA)在CroweⅣ型髋关节发育不良(DDH)中的临床应用效果.方法:回顾性分析2008年4月至2015年12月由同一名高年资医生应用第3代或第4代陶瓷对陶瓷界面对CroweⅣ型DDH 行THA患者111例(137髋),单侧85例,双侧26例,年龄18~68(38.88±10.83)岁,随访时间12~96(41.16± 21.50)个月.术前及术后随访均拍摄X线片进行观察,并采用Harris评分对临床效果进行评价.观察术后Harris评分的改善,陶瓷碎裂、异响以及脱位等并发症的发生率.结果:Harris评分由术前56.54±15.67提高至术后88.30±6.86(P=0.017).未发现假体周围明显骨溶解,无陶瓷碎裂发生.3髋分别因感染、股骨柄松动、下肢不等长翻修;3髋脱位.77例患者记录步态及髋关节活动度,其中69例患者髋关节屈曲可达120°以上.结论:在CroweⅣ型DDH行THA中应用陶瓷对陶瓷界面可达到较好的临床效果.
    • 刘丽萍; 吕晓飞; 邓澍; 彭诚
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND: Single tooth loss at posterior mandibular area is difficult to complete regularly axial implantation under limited conditions. Concerning this problem, some scholars employ the skill of tilted implantation with abutment angulations to restore it. However, the security study of this design has been limited until now. OBJECTIVE: To provide theoretical evidence for tilted implantation in the posterior mandibular area, and to make a biomechanical analysis on bone-implant interface after titled implantation under the same dynamic force stress. METHODS: First, restoration models of implant crown at different tilting angles in posterior mandibular area were built and optimized using the software CBCT and DICOM. Then dynamic force stress was applied in chewing cycles of the crown model. Finally, the stress-strain analysis of bone-implant interface was made by utilizing the three-dimensional finite element software Ansys. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) When the dental implant in the axis implantation was tilted to the lingual side at 5° or 10°, the maximum stress and strain values at the bone interface were 53.8 MPa and 2 671, respectively, under three loading conditions: the force during the chewing cycle was given vertical to the implant, toward the lingual side from the buccal side at 45° with the long axis of the tooth, and toward the buccal side from the lingual side at 45° with the long axis of the tooth. (2) When the implant inclined to the lingual side at a 15° angle, the rear edge of the implant was close to the interface between the cortical and cancellous bone, and the stress and strain values were bigger than those at any other implantation angle. (3) When the implant inclined to the lingual side at a 20° angle, the rear edge of the implant was beyond the interface between the cortical and cancellous bone, and contacted with the cortical bone that provided a support for the rear part of the implant. The stress and strain values on the bone interface were both reduced. The stress was concentrated in the cortex around the neck of the implant, and reduced a lot in the cancellous bone. The maximum strain value appeared at the contact site between the bone interface and the implant neck or rear part. It is concluded that in posterior mandibular area, the dental implant can be implanted at a < 10° linguoclination angle.%背景:因下颌后牙单颗牙缺失受条件所限,常规轴向种植难以实现.针对此问题,有学者采用倾斜种植技术结合角度基台进行修复,但对于倾斜种植用于后牙区及倾斜种植角度设计的安全性目前相关研究有限.目的:对下颌后牙区进行不同角度的偏舌侧倾斜种植修复,分析在相同动态载荷下种植修复后的骨界面生物力学.方法:借助于锥形束 CT、DICOM 等多种软件联合应用,建立下颌后牙区舌向不同倾斜角度的种植体冠修复模型,冠优化设计,对冠模拟磨牙咀嚼周期施加动态载荷,运用三维有限元软件Ansys对各界面的应变、应力进行分析.结果与结论:①在轴向种植和种植体偏舌侧倾斜5°、10°时,在咀嚼周期的垂直向、颊偏舌与轴呈45°、舌偏颊与轴成45° 3种受力状态下,骨界面应力最大值为53.8 MPa,应变最大值为2671微应变;②当种植体偏舌侧倾斜15°时,此模型种植体尾部边缘接近皮质骨与松质骨交界处,骨界面在各个受力状态下产生的应力、应变均明显大于其余种植角度;③当种植体偏舌侧倾斜20°时,种植体尾部边缘已越过皮质骨与松质骨交界处,与皮质骨发生接触,由皮质骨对种植体尾部形成支撑,骨界面应变、应力较小.并且,此研究应力集中的部位均在种植体颈部周围的骨皮质内,而松质骨内的应力值较小,应变最大值可出现在骨界面与种植体颈部或尾部接触部位;④通过此模型分析研究,可以在下颌后牙区行10°以内的偏舌侧倾斜种植,并且倾斜种植应避免使种植体尾部边缘位于皮质骨与松质骨交界处.
    • 董海东; 汤春波; 周储伟; 孙玉林
    • 摘要: 目的:分析种植体位置变化时,6颗种植体支持的上颌无牙颌固定义齿的应力分布.方法:选择一名牙列缺失、牙槽骨中度吸收的志愿者,对其头颅部进行CBCT扫描,并利用一系列计算机软件进行数据转换,完成上颌骨三维实体模型的重建.设计8种不同位置种植体支持的固定义齿,建立8个三维有限元模型,分析种植体、上颌骨和固定义齿的应力分布情况.结果:远中没有悬臂的模型比有悬臂的模型的应力差值小;8种位点设计的模型都是应力集中在磨牙区种植体,种植体的应力集中点都是种植体颈部,且是偏向于颊侧.种植体的应力都是磨牙>前磨牙>前牙;在8种位点设计的模型中,种植固定义齿和颌骨位移都是集中在前牙区,种植固定义齿的位移是从前牙区向后牙区逐渐变小;8种模型的种植体应力都表现为以压应力为主.模型Ⅰ种植体(位点13、15、17、23、25、27)分散型排列,避免了远中悬臂的设计,6颗种植体的应力分布最均匀.结论:种植体植入位点于13、15、17、23、25、27,是8种方案中最佳的植入位点方案.%Objective:To analyze the stress distribution in the fixed denture of edentulous maxilla supported by 6 implants at different implant position.Methods:The skull of a volunteer with total anodontia and moderate alveolar bone absorption was scanned by CBCT.Computer software,Abaqus 6.9,Geomagic Studio 12,and Mimics10.01,were applied for data processing and reconstruction of a 3D finite element model of implant-supported fixed denture with 6 implants in different location;and then,the stress distribution was analisized.Results:3D finite element model of edentulous maxillary implant-supported fixed bridge with good geometric similarity was established.The implant neck bone interface stress value of the distal of the implant fixed bridge at the molar area,the stress concentration area,was the maximum.The main stresses were compressive in the cortical bone adjacent to the mesial or the distal implants.The shift of the denture decreased from anterior to posterior.In model Ⅰ (implants at 13,15,17,23,25 and 27) distal cantilever was not used and the stress distribution was the evenest.Conclusion:The implant position at 13,15,17,23,25 and 27 of edentulous maxillary 6-implants-supported fixed bridge was the best for the stress distribution among the 8 models.
    • 董海东; 赵毅; 汤春波; 周储伟; 孙玉林
    • 摘要: 目的:建立种植体支持的上颌无牙颌固定义齿三维有限元模型,以便分析种植固定桥及上颌骨的应力分布,为临床应用提供参考.方法:选择1例上颌牙列缺失,牙槽骨中度吸收的志愿者,对其头颅部进行锥形束CT(cone-beam-computed tomography,CBCT)扫描,并利用计算机软件进行数据转换,完成上颌骨三维实体模型的重建;利用光学测量与平面影像测量相结合的方法,完成Bego种植体(L=13 mm、D=4.5 mm)的精确建模;并用激光扫描的方法完成种植固定桥的建模,为后面的有限元分析提供准确的数据.结果:成功地建立了种植体支持的上颌无牙颌固定义齿三维有限元模型,并在保持原模型力学相似性的基础上对其进行了简化,提高了分析效率和精确性.结论:基于CBCT扫描、三维激光扫描、逆向工程技术和快速成型技术建立种植体支持的上颌无牙颌固定义齿几何模型,利用有限元软件进行网格划分生成有限元模型的方法是可行的,并保证了很好的几何相似性.
    • 石茂林; 李洪友; 陈梦月
    • 摘要: A two-section model of titanium alloy dental implant and bone issue was established by 3-D software Pro/E and meshed by Ansys Workbench 14.5.The influence of components of different elastic modulus and their combinations on implant-bone interface stress distribution was studied after setting material properties,constraints and loading.The method to improve dental implant system was studied.The result shows that the dental implant system of lower elastic modulus implants was with better biomechanical compatibility.A dental implant system using suitable modulus abutment and dental implant combination can reduce implant-bone interface stress effectively.%采用Pro/E三维构图软件及Ansys Workbench 14.5建立二段式钛合金种植牙系统模型,并进行网格划分.设定材料属性、约束和加载条件,分析种植牙系统不同弹性模量组件及其组合对骨界面应力分布的影响,研究种植牙系统的改进方法.结果表明:低模量值种植体具有更好的生物力学相容性,种植牙系统采用适宜模量值基台和种植体组合能够有效地降低骨界面应力.
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