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肝炎治疗的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计327篇,主要集中在内科学、中国医学、药学 等领域,其中期刊论文160篇、会议论文73篇、专利文献320724篇;相关期刊78种,包括中华实验和临床病毒学杂志、传染病信息、肝博士等; 相关会议15种,包括第二十次全国中西医结合消化系统疾病学术会议、第二届全国消化内科危重疑难少见病学术大会、第十六次全国中西医结合肝病学术会议等;肝炎治疗的相关文献由717位作者贡献,包括黄爱龙、陈娟、任放等。



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  • 黄爱龙
  • 陈娟
  • 任放
  • 庄辉
  • 张珍燕
  • 程胜桃
  • 任吉华
  • 刘玉刚
  • 叶俊茂
  • 孙汶生
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 张欣; 田长印; 吴凤萍; 李梅; 翟嵩; 王媛; 潘国英; 邱岭
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effects of the Medical Instrument on Hepatic Diseases of DSG Ⅲ type in the treatment of patients with chronic liver disease.Methods:Sixty patients of chronic liver disease were enrolled in the study,and randomly divided into treatment group and control group.The control group(n=29)were treated with conventional drug therapy.And the treatment group(n=31)were treated with conventional ther-apy plus the Medical Instrument on Hepatic Diseases of DSG Type for 30 min each time,twice daily.Serum levels of ALT,AST,DBIL,IBIL,γ-GT,ALP,ALB and GLB were evaluated before the treatment and at 2 wk after the treat-ment.Meanwhile,clinical symptoms(fatigue,anorexia,abdominal distension,liver discomfort)were observed.Re-sults:After treatment,serum levels of ALT,AST,DBIL,IBIL,ALP and γ-GT decreased markedly(all P0.05).Decreased levels of ALT,AST,DBIL and IBIL were also noted in control group,but γ-GT,ALP,ALB and GLB were not statistically significant.On the condition of the com-parable baseline,levels of ALT after the treatment were statistical significance between treatment group and control group[(42 ± 28)IU/L vs(86 ± 71)IU/L(P0.05).Conclusion:Treatment with Medical Instrument on Hepatic Diseases of DSG Ⅲ type can improve the curative effect and relieve clinical symptoms in chronic liver disease.%目的:评估DSG-Ⅲ型生物信息红外肝病治疗仪(BIL T 肝病治疗仪)治疗慢性肝病的临床疗效.方法:选择慢性肝病60例,随机分为治疗组和对照组.对照组(n=29)以药物常规治疗,治疗组(n=31)在常规治疗的基础上加用BIL T 肝病治疗仪照射肝区(治疗时间为30 min,2次/d),在治疗前及治疗2周后,观察两组临床症状(乏力、纳差、腹胀、肝区不适)及肝功能指标(包括ALT、AST、DBIL、IBIL、γ-GT、ALP、ALB、GLB)的变化.结果:与治疗前比较,治疗组肝功能ALT、AST、DBIL、IBIL、ALP、γ-GT均显著降低(P0.05).结论:BIL T 肝病治疗仪配合药物较单纯药物治疗慢性肝病可提高疗效,缓解患者部分临床症状.
    • 陈若蕾
    • 摘要: 慢性乙型病毒性肝炎(Chronic Viral Hepatitis B,CH- B)是一种严重危害人类健康的常见病,慢性乙肝的防治是一个全球性公共卫生问题,已引起世界各国的关注。我国是病毒性肝炎的高发区,平均年发病率为120-140/10万。其中尤以乙型肝炎(HB)为突出。我国乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染率高达57.63%,即全国至少有6亿人感染过HBV。HBsAg阳性率9.75%,约有1.2亿人,占全球的1/3;其中约1/4将发展为慢性肝病,部分患者可发展为肝硬化,甚至演变为肝癌。目前有现症慢性乙肝患者2000多万人。每年有23.7万人死于乙型肝炎相关的疾病,其中有15.6万人死于肝癌。乙型肝炎不仅严重危害我国人民的健康,而且还为国家带来严重的社会经济负担。慢性乙肝的治疗时间长,医疗费用较高,再加不恰当的滥用药物,更加重了额外的经济负担。我国每年用于治疗慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌的直接医疗耗费约300亿元人民币。因此,加强病毒性肝炎的预防;探求慢性肝炎的有效治疗方法,是当前亟待解决的重大课题。
    • 陈若蕾
    • 摘要: 慢性乙型病毒性肝炎(Chronic Viral HepatitisB,CH-B)是一种严重危害人类健康的常见病,慢性乙肝的防治是一个全球性公共卫生问题,已引起世界各国的关注。我国是病毒性肝炎的高发区,平均年发病率为120-140/10万。其中尤以乙型肝炎(HB)为突出。我国乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染率高达57.63%,即全国至少有6亿人感染过HBV。HBsAg阳性率9.75%,约有1.2亿人,占全球的1/3;其中约1/4将发展为慢性肝病,部分患者可发展为肝硬化,甚至演变为肝癌。目前有现症慢性乙肝患者2000多万人。每年有23.7万人死于乙型肝炎相关的疾病,其中有15.6万人死于肝癌。乙型肝炎不仅严重危害我国人民的健康,而且还为国家带来严重的社会经济负担。慢性乙肝的治疗时间长,医疗费用较高,再加不恰当的滥用药物,更加重了额外的经济负担。我国每年用于治疗慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌的直接医疗耗费约300亿元人民币。因此,加强病毒性肝炎的预防;探求慢性肝炎的有效治疗方法,是当前亟待解决的重大课题。
    • 李淮; 符政远
    • 摘要: [Objective]To use the model of end-stage liver disease(MELD) score for predicting the fatality rate of severe hepatitis within 3 months, and to choose suitable cases receiving plasma exchange treatment. [Methods]Totally 192 patients with severe hepatitis were divided into treatment group( n =82) and control group( n = 110). MELD evaluation was performed before the treatment. The fatality rate within the 3-month treatment was compared between two groups. [Results]Within 3 months, the fatality rate of patients with MELD score≤l9 in treatment group and control group were 12. 5%(4/32) and 20% (8/40), respectively. Among patients with MELD score ≥40, 2 patients in the treatment group and 4 patients in the control group died( P >0. 05). The fatality rate of patients with MELD score of 20~29 in the treatment group and control group were 18. 8%(6/32) and 40. 9%(18/44), respectively. The fatality rate of patients with MELD score of 30~39 in the treatment group and control group were 37. 5% (6/16) and 81. 8%(18/22), respectively. There was significant difference between two groups( P <0. 05). [Conclusion]MELD score can be used for assessing the short-term prognosis of severe hepatitis. Plasma exchange is of the highest value for the patients with MELD scores of 20~39.%[目的]应用终末期肝病模型(MELD)评分预测重型肝炎3个月内的病死率,选择合适病例进行血浆置换治疗.[方法]192例重型肝炎患者分为治疗组(n =82)和对照组(n=110),治疗前进行MELD评分,比较两组在治疗3个月内的病死率.[结果]3个月内,MELD评分≤19分者,治疗组与对照组的病死率分别为12.5%(4/32)、20.0%(8/40),≥40分者,治疗组2例和对照组4例均死亡(P>0.05);MELD评分20~29分者,治疗组与对照组的病死率分别为18.8(6/32)、40.9%(18/44);30~39分者,治疗组与对照组病死率分别为37.5%(6/16)、81.8%(18/22),两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05).[结论]MELD评分可以预测重型肝炎近期预后,20分≤MELD评分≤39分的患者进行血浆置换价值最大.
    • 张向飞
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征有效治疗方法.方法:收集重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征66例,在常规治疗的基础上,采用前列地尔注射液治疗30例,采用血浆置换联合血液透析滤过33例.结果:两组治疗前血清钾、BUN、Cr、总胆红素、白蛋白比较,差异无统计学意义.治疗后两组各项指标均较治疗前改善,置换血透组治疗后各项指标改善程度均优于前列地尔组,差异有统计学意义.两组尿量均较治疗前明显增加,差异有高度统计学意义.治疗后置换血透组,总有效率为76.7%,前列地尔组总有效率58.3%,两组总有效率比较差异有统计学意义.结论:重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征在常规治疗的基础上,采用血浆置换联合血液透析滤过可取的较好疗效.
    • 刘元成
    • 摘要: 目的:观察血浆置换(Pe)治疗重型肝炎的疗效。方法将63例各型重型肝炎患者分为两组, Pe治疗组33例,在常规护肝基础上采用血浆置换,观察治疗前后肝功能、血脂检测指标的变化及并发肝昏迷的存活率;对照组30例常规护肝治疗,对两组的存活率进行比较。结果 Pe治疗后患者肝功能指标明显改善, t-Bil、tBa、alt较治疗前下降(P <0.05), a、cHo及ldl较治疗前上升(P <0.05),两组病人存活率比较, Pe治疗能显著提高患者存活率,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 Pe治疗能显著降低体内的毒性物质,提高肝脏的合成功能,改善重型肝炎患者的预后。
    • 刘元成
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征有效治疗方法。方法收集重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征66例,在常规治疗的基础上,采用前列地尔注射液治疗30例,采用血浆置换联合血液透析滤过33例。结果两组治疗前血清钾、BUn、cr、总胆红素、白蛋白比较,差异无统计学意义。治疗后两组各项指标均较治疗前改善,置换血透组治疗后各项指标改善程度均优于前列地尔组,差异有统计学意义。两组尿量均较治疗前明显增加,差异有高度统计学意义。治疗后置换血透组,总有效率为76.7%,前列地尔组总有效率58.3%,两组总有效率比较差异有统计学意义。结论重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征在常规治疗的基础上,采用血浆置换联合血液透析滤过可取的较好疗效。
    • 倪勤; 谢天胜; 李敏伟; 刘克洲
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨慢性乙型肝炎患者接受聚乙二醇干扰素-2a(派罗欣)±核苷(酸)类似物(NUC)治疗前和治疗早期转氨酶明显升高者,联合双环醇(百赛诺)治疗的疗效.方法 收集HBeAg阳性/阴性慢性乙型肝炎患者,给予派罗欣180 μg,每周一次,皮下注射,疗程48周以上,治疗结束后随访26周.HBV DNA≥1×108拷贝/ml者联合NUC(阿德福韦或恩替卡韦).治疗前ALT> 500 U/L或派罗欣治疗第一针后ALT> 300 U/L者联用双环醇25 mg,每日3次,治疗1~2个月.治疗前2 × ULN< ALT <300 U/L或治疗后ALT< 300 U/L者单用抗病毒治疗.比较两组患者的治疗应答和不良反应状况.结果总计54例患者(HBeAg阳性44例,HBeAg阴性10例)完成治疗及随访,其中20例联用双环醇(联合治疗组),34例未联用双环醇(对照组).结果 显示双环醇联合治疗组于治疗后ALT水平逐周下降,4周后有90%( 18/20)患者ALT< 200 U/L,对照组为85.3% (29/34例).随访26周时两组ALT复常率分别为80%(16/20)和85.3% (29/34);病毒学应答率相仿,联合治疗组较对照组HBsAg血清学转换率有明显增高(P =0.044),分别为30% (6/20)和11.8%(4/34).结论 双环醇可明显缓解干扰素治疗诱导的转氨酶升高反应,确保干扰素治疗顺利进行,且不影响其抗病毒疗效.%Objective To evaluate the effect of combination therapy with peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys) ±nucleos(t) ide analogues (NUC) and bicyclol in chronic hepatitis B with high ALT levels at baseline and during early treatment. Methods CHB patients were treated with PEG-IFNα-2a for a minimum of 48 weeks.All patients were followed up for 26 weeks post-treatment.Patients with HBV DNA ≥ 1 × 108 copies/ml were combined with NUC (adefovir or entecavir) treatment.Patients with ALT > 500 U/L at baseline or ALT > 300 U/L after first injection of PEG-IFNα-2a received bicyclol treatment for 1-2 months (treatment group).Patients with 2 × ULN < ALT < 300 U/L and ALT < 300 U/L during treatment were enrolled into PEG-IFNα-2a ± NUC antiviral monotherapy (control group).Responses defined as HBV DNA < 1 × 103 copies/ml,normal serum ALT,and HBeAg/HBsAg loss and seroconversion were analyzed at 26 weeks post-treatment.Results A total of 54 patients (44 HBeAg positive,10 HBeAg negative ) were divided into two groups according to combination of bieyclol:treatment group ( n =20 ) -those who received combinition therapy with PEG-IFNα-2a ± NUC and bicyclol,and control group (n =34 )-those who were treated with PEG-IFNα-2a ± NUC antiviral monotherapy.During the first month of treatment,ALT levels declined gradually in treatment group At 26 weeks post-treatment,the rates of ALT normalization and HBV DNA below the limit of 1 × 103 copies/ml were similar in both groups.Six patients in treatment group achieved HBsAg seroconversion at 26 weeks post-treatment,whereas so did 4 patients of control group(30% vs.11.8%,P =0.044 ).Conclusion Bicyclol could significantly relief elevation of ALT induced by the IFN treatment.
    • 张艳丽; 刘凤; 李明慧; 郝红晓; 邓敏; 成军; 刘顺爱; 谢尧
    • 摘要: Objective To elucidate the change in frequencies and functions of myeloid dendritic cell (mDC) and plasmacytoid dendritic cell (pDC) before and after interferon-α therapy for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients,and its correlation with virological and biochemical data.Methods Thirty patients with HBeAg-positive CHB who underwent IFN-α therapy were examined. Frequencies and expression of CD86 of mDC and pDC of peripheral blood were measured at baseline and treatment week (TW) 12 by flow cytometry.According to biochemical and virological parameters,the 30 patients were divided into ALT normalized group,ALT non-normalized group and virological responder group,virological non-responder group respectively.Statistical analysis of DC changes among different groups at baseline and TW12 was proceeded.Results ( 1 ) In the ALT normalized group,the pDC frequency at TW12(0.25 ± 0.14% ) was higher than that at baseline (0.18 ± 0.09 % ) (P =0.023) ; in the A LT non-normalized group,the mDC frequency ( 0.58 ± 0.34% ) and its surface CD86 expression ( 61.80 ± 22.52% ) decreased significantly as compared with baseline ( 0.88 ± 0.51%,79.92 ± 25.94%,respectively ),( P =0.025,P =0.036,respectively).(2) In the virological responder group,the CD86 expression on pDC at TW12 (46.86 ± 12.22% ) was higher than that at baseline ( 29.42 ± 15.16% ) ( P =0.002 ) ; in the virological non-responder group,the mDC frequency (0.51 ± 0.22% ) and its surface CD86 expression (59.63 ± 22.94% ) decreased significantly as compared with baseline ( 0.94 ± 0.58%,80.11 ± 29.34%,respectively),(P=0.006; P =0.049,respectively).Conclusion In IFN-α therapy for CHB patients,the increments of pDC frequency and function were related to biochemical and viral response,and decreases of mDC frequency and function were related to non-biochemical and non-viral response.%目的 探讨慢乙肝干扰素α(IFNα)治疗前后髓样树突状细胞(mDC)和浆样树突状细胞(pDC)的变化及其与病毒学、生化学指标的关系.方法 采集30例HBeAg阳性慢乙肝患者IFNα治疗前和治疗12周时的外周血,用流式细胞仪检测mDC和pDC的频数及CD86表达水平.根据IFNα治疗后生化学指标和病毒学指标变化,把患者分为ALT复常组、ALT未复常组及病毒学应答组、病毒学无应答组,分析IFNα治疗前后不同组DC变化.结果 (1)IFNα治疗12周时ALT复常组pDC频率(0.25%±0.14%)较基线(0.18%±0.09%)升高(P =0.023),ALT未复常组mDC频率(0.58%±0.34%)及表面CD86阳性率(61.80%±22.52%)则较基线(分别为0.88%±0.51%,79.92%±25.94%)下降(P =0.025;P=0.036).(2)IFNα治疗12周时病毒学应答组pDC表面CD86阳性率(46.86±12.22%)较基线(29.42±15.16%)升高(P =0.002),病毒学无应答组的mDC频率(0.51%±0.22%)及表面CD86阳性率(59.63%±22.94%)则较基线(分别为0.94%±0.58%,80.11%±29.34%)下降(P =0.006;P =0.049).结论 慢乙肝干扰素α治疗后,生化和病毒应答与pDC频率和功能增强相关,而mDC频率及功能的降低与IFN治疗后无生化和病毒应答相关.
    • 肖锦媛; 陈继龙; 刘河; 乔京贵; 张淑芬
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨缺血性肝炎的临床特点.方法:对24例缺血性肝炎患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果:缺血性肝炎患者的肝酶升高显著,尤其以ALT、AST升高为著,同时 LDH显著升高.一旦诱因解除,酶学指标迅速恢复.结论:缺血性肝炎作为严重心衰、休克、低氧血症的并发症之一,其具有可逆性的极度增高的肝脏酶学改变是其特征之一,其治疗和预后与原发疾病的治疗密切相关.
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