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RACE的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计642篇,主要集中在分子生物学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、农作物 等领域,其中期刊论文622篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献13篇;相关期刊276种,包括昆虫学报、生物技术通报、生物学杂志等; 相关会议6种,包括中国园艺学会第八届青年学术讨论会、第十一届针灸对机体功能的调节机制及针灸临床独特经验学术研讨会、第九届海内外生命科学论坛等;RACE的相关文献由2246位作者贡献,包括谭晓风、顾志良、唐克轩等。



论文:622 占比:96.88%


论文:7 占比:1.09%


论文:13 占比:2.02%





  • 谭晓风
  • 顾志良
  • 唐克轩
  • 徐建荣
  • 王万军
  • 郁建锋
  • 刘琳
  • 卢祥云
  • 崔波
  • 张营
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 杨光; 霍雨佳; 智达夫; 苏红; 杨宏新; 窦傲蕾; 曹贵方
    • 摘要: 为鉴定草原短尾羊TBXT mRNA在胚胎发育中的表达趋势,分析其TBXT cDNA全长序列。本研究使用实时荧光定量PCR(Quantitative Real time PCR)方法对草原短尾羊14、16、20 d和25 d胚胎中TBXT mRNA相对表达量进行分析,之后使用RACE(Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends)技术克隆TBXT cDNA全长。结果显示:TBXT mRNA在16 d胚胎中相对表达量最高,草原短尾羊TBXT cDNA全长为2426 bp(GenBank登录号:MZ146381),其中开放阅读框(ORF)为1335 bp,编码444个氨基酸,3’非编码区(3’UTR)和ployA尾长度为763 bp,5’非编码区(5’UTR)长度为328 bp;系统进化树显示草原短尾羊Brachyury与山羊进化关系最近,与羊驼关系最远,氨基酸同源性比对结果显示不同物种之间Brachyury同源性很高,表明在脊索动物进化过程中Brachyury功能相对保守。
    • Tomoki Sempokuya; Arnold Forlemu; Muaataz Azawi; Krixie Silangcruz; Nathalie Khoury; Jihyun Ma; Linda L Wong
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma(FL-HCC)is a rare and distinct type of hepatocellular carcinoma that frequently presents in an advanced stage in younger patients with no underlying liver disease.Currently,there is a limited understanding of factors that impact outcomes in FL-HCC.AIM To characterize the survival of FL-HCC by age,race,and surgical intervention.METHODS This is a retrospective study of The Surveillance,Epidemiology,and End Results database.We identified patients with FL-HCC between 2000-2018 by using an ICD-O-3 site code C22.0 and a histology code 8171/3:Hepatocellular carcinoma,fibrolamellar.In addition,demographics,tumor characteristics,types of surgical procedure,stages,and survival data were obtained.We conducted three separate survival analyses by age groups;≤19,20-59,and≥60-year-old,and race;White,Black,Hispanic,Asian and Pacific islanders(API),and surgical types;Wedge resection or segmental resection,lobectomy,extended lobectomy(lobectomy+locoregional therapy or resection of the other lobe),and transplant.The Chi-Square test analyzed categorical variables,and continuous variables were examined using the Mann-Whitney U test.The Kaplan-Meier survival curve was used to compare survival.Multivariate analysis was done with Cox regression analysis.RESULTS We identified 225 FL-HCC patients with a mean age of 36.9.Overall median survival was 34(95%CI:27-41)mo.Patients≤19-years-old had more advanced disease with positive lymph nodes status.However,they received more surgical interventions such as a wedge,segmental resection,lobectomy,extended lobectomy,and transplant.Survival for≤19 was 85(95%CI:37-137)mo,age 20-59 was 29(95%CI:18-41)mo,and age≥60 years was 12(95%CI:7-31)mo(P<0.001).There were no differences in stage,lymph node status,metastasis status,and surgical treatment among races.The median survival were;Whites had 39(95%CI:29-63),Blacks 26(95%CI:5-92),Hispanics 31(95%CI:11-54),and APIs 28(95%CI:5-39)mo(P=0.28).Of 225 patients,111 FL-HCC patients had surgical procedures.Median survivals for a wedge or segmental resection was 112(95%CI:78-NA),lobectomy was 92(95%CI:57-NA),extended lobectomy was 54(95%CI:23-NA),and a transplant was 63(95%CI:20-NA)mo(P<0.001).The median survival was better in patients who had surgical treatments regardless of lymph nodes or metastasis status(P<0.001).CONCLUSION FL-HCC occurs in a primarily younger population,but survival can be prolonged despite the aggressive disease.There were no racial differences in the survival of FL-HCC;however,Asians with FL-HCC tended to be older than in other races.Surgical treatment provided better survival even in those patients with nodal disease or metastases.Although future studies are needed to explore other therapies for FL-HCC,surgical options should be considered in all cases of FL-HCC unless contraindicated.
    • 许超; 何承刚; 姜华
    • 摘要: 叶黄素循环是植物应对环境胁迫进行热耗散的光保护途径之一,紫黄质脱环氧化酶基因(VDE)是叶黄素循环脱环氧化过程的关键基因。本研究采用RACE技术首次克隆了云南逸散紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)的MsVDE基因,同时采用实时荧光定量分析干热胁迫下的MsVDE基因表达特征。结果表明,MsVDE全长1678 bp,CDS编码区1608 bp,编码535个氨基酸。氨基酸序列保守区域具有3个VDE基因的特征区,即N-端半胱氨酸富集区、脂质运载蛋白特征区和C-端谷氨酸富集区。进化树分析表明该基因与蒺藜苜蓿(Medicago truncatula)VDE基因的氨基酸序列亲缘关系最近。干热胁迫第4天和第8天时的MsVDE基因表达量分别比正常条件上调了2.13倍和1.97倍;喷洒二硫苏糖醇(1,4-Dithiothreitol,DTT)溶液后MsVDE基因表达量平均下调了55%。本研究初步得出,云南逸散紫花苜蓿MsVDE基因在调控叶黄素循环应对干热胁迫中起作用。
    • Tomoki Sempokuya; Josh Warner; Muaataz Azawi; Akane Nogimura; Linda L Wong
    • 摘要: Disparities have emerged as an important issue in many aspects of healthcare in developed countries and may be based on race,ethnicity,sex,geographical location,and socioeconomic status.For liver disease specifically,these potential disparities can affect access to care and outcome in viral hepatitis,chronic liver disease,and hepatocellular carcinoma.Shortages in hepatologists and medical providers versed in liver disease may amplify these disparities by compromising early detection of liver disease,surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma,and prompt referral to subspecialists and transplant centers.In the United States,continued efforts have been made to address some of these disparities with better education of healthcare providers,use of telehealth to enhance access to specialists,reminders in electronic medical records,and modifying organ allocation systems for liver transplantation.This review will detail the current status of disparities in liver disease and describe current efforts to minimize these disparities.
    • Ferruh Aşçi; Arzu Unal; Sultan Demir Şimşek
    • 摘要: Thermopsis turcica is an endemic species of wild legume in Türkiye. The plant produces flower pistils with unusual morphological properties. The aim of this study was to determine the factors controlling the interesting feature of this plant. Particularly the controlling features of the flower meristem and the pistils that mutations in two genes and helps occurring the number of flower organs and can cause abnormalities, This study has attempted to explore the controlling feature of Thermopsis turcica, the young bud Arabidopsis CLV2, and CRC gene homologs were isolated and analyzed in different tissues. First, with total RNA isolated from the first thread degenerated primers synthesized cDNA expressions, second with a partial length cDNA cloning process made and the replicated set of analyses. The full-length cDNA of genes related to RACE analysis was carried out with the sequencing process. The real-time PCR method was applied for gene functional analyses with buds, sepals, petals and stamen and relative expression analysis of genes in the tissue of pistils. Full-length cDNA sequence for the gene CLV2 2557 bp, the encoded protein 716 amino acids, CRC 901 for full-length cDNA sequence of the gene—bp, the encoded protein 174 identified as amino acids. Alignment and phylogenetic analyses of CLV2 and CRC genes were found to be similar to other types of legumes in homologous sets. Real-time (RT-qPCR) PCR results relative to study courses with genes.
    • 张跃博; 王立刚; 侯欣华; 刘欣; 颜华; 张龙超; 王立贤
    • 摘要: 旨在克隆猪作用于RNA的腺苷脱氨酶2基因(ADAR2)全长cDNA序列,同时对该基因在猪不同组织中的表达规律进行探索.利用RACE(rapid-amplification of cDNA ends)对大白猪ADAR2基因mRNA全长序列进行克隆,并进行生物信息学分析;用荧光定量PCR方法检测35日龄大白猪心、肝、肺、肾、脾、脑、小肠、背最长肌和背部脂肪9种组织中ADAR2的表达水平.结果表明,猪ADAR2基因cDNA全长6 305 bp,共包含12个外显子,编码704个氨基酸,与人、黑猩猩、猕猴、长臂猿、黄牛、山羊和绵羊的CDS区核酸序列和氨基酸序列的一致性均在84%以上.该基因编码的蛋白含有2个双链RNA结合基序和一个脱氨酶结构域.猪ADAR2在检测的各组织中均表达,其中在肺中的表达量最高.综上所述,本研究成功克隆了猪ADAR2基因全长cDNA序列,并且发现其在猪体内广泛表达,为深入研究ADAR2的功能奠定了良好的基础.
    • 乔中全; 王晓明; 曾慧杰; 刘思思; 蔡能; 彭继庆; 黄益智; 李永欣
    • 摘要: [目的]克隆灰毡毛忍冬4CL基因,分析其在不同组织间的表达水平及与绿原酸含量的相关性.[方法]以灰毡毛忍冬转录组4CL候选基因为参考,采用RACE技术克隆4CL基因全长,并对其理化性质、保守结构域等进行生物信息学分析;用荧光定量PCR方法分析其在不同组织、不同发育阶段的表达特性;采用HPLC法测定灰毡毛忍冬叶、茎和花中绿原酸含量;构建表达载体pCold-Lm4CL,转化大肠杆菌BL 21(DE3),IPTG诱导表达后SDS-PAGE检测.[结果]从灰毡毛忍冬中分离出两个4CL基因,分别命名为Lm4CL1和Lm4CL2,分别编码538和560个氨基酸;氨基酸序列分析表明,Lm4CLs包含4-香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶中的Box I和BoxⅡ保守结构域及大多数保守的活性位点,而Lm4CL2中的Box I和BoxⅡ有4个氨基酸发生改变;Lm4CL1是没有跨膜结构域的不稳定蛋白,Lm4CL2是有两个跨膜结构域的稳定蛋白.系统发育分析表明,这两个同源基因处于不同的类别,Lm4CL1属于Ⅰ类,Lm4CL2属于Ⅱ类.通过建立三维结构模型分析了Lm4CL蛋白的结构特征,为了解Lm4CL的结构特征提供了基础信息.表达模式分析结果表明,Lm4CL1基因在不同组织、不同发育阶段的表达水平与Lm4CL2基因明显不同.基因表达量与绿原酸含量相关性分析显示,Lm4CL1基因的表达量与绿原酸含量呈负相关(r=-0.63),Lm4CL2基因的表达量与绿原酸含量呈正相关(r=0.94).SDS-PAGE结果显示,Lm4CL1蛋白的大小与预测的蛋白相对分子质量基本一致.[结论]推测Lm4CL1基因与灰毡毛忍冬木质素的合成有关,Lm4CL2基因与灰毡毛忍冬的绿原酸合成有关.
    • 王丹丹; 刘华栋; 宋林
    • 摘要: 为了探索R2R3-MYB转录因子与植物类黄酮的次生代谢调控之关系,及对植物花青素合成代谢的作用,以红花花瓣为试验材料,采用RT-PCR结合RACE技术,从红花(Carthamus tinctorius)中克隆获得1个全长1260 bp的调控花青素代谢的CtMYB-TF1基因。结果表明,该基因序列可编码249个氨基酸,其蛋白质分子质量为28.08 ku;红花CtMYB-TF1蛋白分子式为C_(1220)H_(1930)N_(358)O_(378)S_(13),是一种不稳定的碱性亲水蛋白;由系统进化树分析可知,红花CtMYB-TF1与葡萄VvMYBPA1亲缘关系较近;通过RT-qPCR技术对表达体系进行基因表达量的检测分析,红花CtMYB-TF1基因在花期的各个时期相对表达量均高于红花CtANS基因,并且随着花期的延长红花CtMYB-TF1基因和CtANS基因的相对表达量也有增高,其中在花期的第5天红花CtMYB-TF1基因的相对表达量出现峰值,说明CtMYB-TF1基因对CtANS基因具明显的上调作用,可为构建高产、稳定的红花基因工程改良细胞株提供参考。
    • S. Razia; M. S. M. Chowdhury; F. M. Aminuzzaman; N. Sultana; M. Islam
    • 摘要: One thirty samples (fifty-five potato tubers, twenty-seven potato stems, three chili stems, twenty-eight soil samples, five weed samples, three banana leaves, and nine water samples) were examined and one hundred six (106) Bangladeshi isolates of Ralstonia solanacearum were isolated and identified. Isolation was made on selective media (Tetrazolium chloride media) and R. solanacearum was identified based on morphological, pathological and biochemical properties and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by using the species-specific primers. Studies showed that 81.54% (106) samples were positive on tetrazolium chloride solid medium. Among them 90 isolates were virulent and rest of them were avirulent. Fifty isolates were selected for chemical characterization based on hypersensitivity test. R. solanacearum is gram negative, aerobic facultative bacteria on the basis of chemical characterization. Fifty tested isolates expressed as race 3 while in biovar test forty-eight showed as biovar III and the rest two showed as biovar I. In nine tested isolates from the three districts a species-specific band of 280 bp was amplified in PCR that confirmed the identity of R. solanacerum.
    • 陈安利; 董占鹏; 唐顺明; 刘增虎; 李涛; 廖鹏飞; 李琼艳
    • 摘要: [目的]琥珀蚕Antheroea assama具有典型的野蚕特征,蚕卵孵化不齐,严重影响琥珀蚕的室内规模化饲养.本研究旨在探究对琥珀蚕卵孵化起关键作用的孵化酶(hatching enzyme)基因及其启动子序列特征,为进一步选择合适的抑制剂或促进剂调节琥珀蚕卵的孵化奠定基础.[方法]采用RACE技术克隆琥珀蚕孵化酶基因的cDNA全长序列,对基因序列进行生物信息学分析;采用qRT-PCR检测琥珀蚕孵化酶基因在琥珀蚕不同发育天数卵中及5龄第3和4天幼虫不同组织(丝腺、马氏管、头、中肠、脂肪体、表皮、血液、精巢和卵巢)中的表达情况;采用染色体步移克隆琥珀蚕孵化酶基因的启动子序列,构建昆虫细胞重组表达载体转染家蚕Bombyxmori BmN细胞,检测琥珀蚕孵化酶基因启动子活性.[结果]获得了琥珀蚕孵化酶基因AaHE(GenBank登录号:KT336227.1)全长cDNA序列,长993 bp,编码294个氨基酸,预测蛋白质分子质量为33.7 kD,理论等电点为5.17.AaHE氨基酸序列含有一个信号肽和一个ZnMc结构域,AaHE是一种含有HExxH锌结合位点的锌依赖性蛋白水解酶,该类酶既是肽酶,同时又是一种消化酶.AaHE在琥珀蚕孵化前的卵及5龄幼虫中肠中特异性高表达,分别与AaHE的肽酶和消化酶的属性相吻合.AaHE启动子核心区存在多个转录因子结合位点,这可能与转录因子参与调节AaHE的表达有关.启动子活性分析表明,AaHE启动子在家蚕BmN细胞中能够启动EGFP基因的表达,具有明显的启动子活性.[结论]AaHE是锌依赖性蛋白水解酶,其启动子核心区存在多个转录因子结合位点.本研究为选择合适的抑制剂或促进剂调节琥珀蚕卵的孵化率提供了参考.
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