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周转轮系的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计190篇,主要集中在机械、仪表工业、自动化技术、计算机技术、轻工业、手工业 等领域,其中期刊论文111篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献61242篇;相关期刊62种,包括佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)、南通大学学报(自然科学版)、农业机械学报等; 相关会议6种,包括第二届中国系统建模与仿真技术高层论坛、第13届全国机构学学术研讨会、全国第四届行星齿轮传动学术年会等;周转轮系的相关文献由286位作者贡献,包括段钦华、杨实如、周欣等。



论文:111 占比:0.18%


论文:7 占比:0.01%


论文:61242 占比:99.81%





  • 段钦华
  • 杨实如
  • 周欣
  • 吕云嵩
  • 刘宗尧
  • 杨泰和
  • 卢存光
  • 卢帆勃
  • 季彬彬
  • 杨玉萍
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李琳; 徐厚昌
    • 摘要: 洗衣机的传动系统是实现洗涤功能的前提条件,需要将全自动洗衣机电机提供的转速和动能通过适当结构实现减速和能量传递.本文采用的2K-H型周转轮系设计的洗衣机传动系统结构紧凑,实现了设定的功能.所设计齿轮传动系统中各齿轮能实现所要求的传动比,满足行星架与中心轮的同心条件,设计的四个行星轮的装配条件恰当,行星轮间满足邻接条件等.再借助离合簧等实现全自动洗衣机的洗涤和脱水功能的切换.所开展研究的2K-H型轮系在洗衣机传动系统具有较高的研究价值.
    • 李湘勤; 何伟锋; 许锦昌; 门戈阳; 吴伟辉
    • 摘要: 为了解决人字齿周转轮系加工、装配的难题,提出利用3D打印技术制造免组装人字齿周转轮系的新工艺.通过理论推导,建立变位系数、齿侧间隙与齿轮基本参数之间的关系.利用建立的关系式,对行星轮进行负变位,设计具有微量齿侧间隙的2K-H型人字齿周转轮系.利用熔融沉积成型实验平台使设计的人字齿周转轮系成型,成型后的人字齿周转轮系齿轮啮合传动正常,设计、制作相应辅件,将其装配成减速步进电机.结果 表明,通过合适的间隙设计,可以利用3D打印技术实现人字齿周转轮系的免组装制造,为小尺寸、一体式人字齿周转轮系个性化定制提供了一种具有工业应用前景的全新解决方案.
    • 滕兵
    • 摘要: 创新的基础是扎实的坊底和严谨的科学态度,教师在授课中应向学生传递出此种观念。《机械设计基础》作为近机类的主业基础课之一,在倡导创新教学的环境下,亦应保证教学基础内容的严谨性及透彻性,结合教学工作中的实例,着重讨论轮系传动比计算中的正负号意义及应用。
    • 徐亚丹; 孙良; 武传宇; 俞高红; 张国凤; 方治
    • 摘要: 针对利用图论进行移栽用周转轮系综合过程中,依靠经验实现轮系的双色拓扑图到功能图的转换,容易出现可行轮系结构遗漏的问题,提出一种基于码值矩阵(CVM)的周转轮系功能图(FSE)的自动生成方法,实现轮系拓扑图到功能图的系统化转换.根据轮系功能图的结构特征,制定轮系的基本图形符号,并完成编码(码值图);在用邻接矩阵描述构件间的运动约束关系的基础上,提取轮系基本环,完成码值矩阵描述,并获取3类基本环功能图(FSF);在各基本环功能图随机组合的基础上,利用基本环连接与简化原则实现各个基本环功能图的自动匹配,建立系统化的周转轮系的功能图谱.最后,以轮系式玉米钵苗移栽机构为例,研究传动轮系功能图的自动生成,完成移栽机构构型综合、结构设计与轨迹测试,将优化软件输出的仿真轨迹与通过高速摄影描绘的轨迹进行对比,两者基本一致,验证了从拓扑图到功能图生成方法的可行性.
    • 李翠翠; 张清萍; 郑磊; 何银川
    • 摘要: Based on the assembly condition analysis of epicyclic gear trains,an assembly method of aligning the assembly lines and the assembly point that can make the planet gear evenly distributed without interference is proposed,the assembly of epicyclic gear trains can be quickly completed by this method.Taking a planetary gear train in a driving device as example,the motion analysis is accomplished on the basis of the complete modeling and assembly.%通过对周转轮系装配条件的分析,提出了对齐装配线和对其装配点自动旋转来使行星轮均布无干涉的装配方法,运用该方法可以完成周转轮系的快速装配.并以某驱动装置中行星轮系为例在完成建模、装配的基础上进行了Motion分析.
    • 王远; 钟丽辉; 王应彪; 朱代根
    • 摘要: "Transmission ratio calculation for gear trains" is an important section in the course of Fundamentals of Mechanical Design,which is a type of technical basic work of mechanical and in mechanical specialties,is the essential knowledge for the students doing the curriculum design and also engaging in mechanical product development work in the future,so its teaching effects will directly affects the quality of the following curriculum design.Therefore,the successful teaching experiences we have gained over the past years will be shared in this paper,the teaching skills using physical models,playing animation by multimedia and question heuristic introducing into the chapter were firstly detailedly described,the ideas of teaching were secondly finely narrated,the derivation on the transmission ratio calculation for the fixed axis gear train were thirdly carefully given,and lastly the transmission ratio calculation for the epicyclic gear train was explained by the crawling ants on a rotating wheel as an example.The teaching practices have proved that not only the desired teaching qualities were achieved,but also the students can easily and happily study with a keen interest in learning.%"轮系传动比计算"作为机械或近机械类专业技术基础课《机械设计基础》的一个重要章节,其教学效果将直接影响学生后续课程设计的质量.介绍了采用实物模型展示法、多媒体播放动画演示法及设问启发式导入法引入章节内容教学的技巧;讲述了教学思路;给出了定轴轮系传动比计算公式的推导过程;最后以旋转车轮上爬行的蚂蚁为例,通过类比法来讲解周转轮系传动比的计算.教学实践表明,在取得预期教学效果的同时,学生学习轻松快乐,兴趣浓厚.
    • 谢宗华; 郇新
    • 摘要: 在学习《机械设计基础》课程中轮系章节内容时,学生们普遍反映的难点就是周转轮系。由于周转轮系种类繁多结构复杂,需要我们明白其转化原理并使用合理的计算方法,才能快速而准确地计算出其传动比,本文主要针对几种典型的周转轮系进行传动比计算予以讲解。
    • 宋莹
    • 摘要: Based on the analysis and calculation of the composition about single gemel kinematic chain,the original drawing, annular drawing and single gemel kinematic chain are described under the annular drawing algorithm. Then the single gemel will evolve to the multiple gemel with the local contraction principle,and the mechanism sketch of epicyclic gear train will fur-ther get on the basis of the multiple gemel.%在对单铰运动链中杆件组成进行分析和计算的基础上,利用环路图法,阐述了胚图、环路图和单铰运动链的获取过程. 再进一步以局部收缩为原则,将单铰演化为复铰,并最终在复铰基础上得到了周转轮系机构简图.
    • 吴建军; 施忠兵; 陈祁华
    • 摘要: To improve the lubrication of the second pusher in YB618 carton/overwrap packer and prevent lubricant from leaking, by analyzing the kinetic characteristics of the mechanism, the second pusher was improved with a mechanism of straight reciprocating motion based on epicyclical gear train and a fully sealed lubrication system. According to the transmission ratio of gears and the stroke of the mechanism, the kinematics of the second pusher was analyzed, and the improvement effect was validated by a Pro/E simulation model at an angular velocity of 80 r/min. The results showed that: 1) The straight reciprocating motion of the pushing hand in the second pusher was able to push cigarette packets into packing drum at low production speed. 2) The movement of the mechanism followed a cosine curve, it improved the performance of the equipment. 3) After running for 1200 hours, no lubricant leak was found, the second pusher was effectively lubricated, and the equipment ran well.%为改善YB618型硬条及条外透明纸包装机第二推进器的润滑环境,避免润滑剂外泄和被污染,通过分析机构的运动特点,采用周转轮系式直线往复运动机构对第二推进器进行改进,润滑机构采用全封闭式设计;根据计算的齿轮传动比和机构行程,对机构进行运动学性能分析,以角速度ω=80 r/min为条件建立Pro/E运动仿真模型,验证改进效果。结果表明:①该机构实现了第二推进器推手的直线往复运动,可以满足在低速生产时烟包被推入包装轮的要求。②机构运动学性能符合余弦运动特性,改善了设备的运动性能。③第二推进器采用全封闭式设计,机器运行1200 h仍无漏油和润滑污染现象,有效改善了第二推进器的润滑环境,保证了设备的良好运行。
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