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MSOF的相关文献在1989年到2014年内共计117篇,主要集中在内科学、外科学、儿科学 等领域,其中期刊论文117篇、相关期刊91种,包括中国急救医学、中华危重病急救医学、临床医学等; MSOF的相关文献由233位作者贡献,包括盛志勇、等、董元林等。



论文:117 占比:100.00%





  • 盛志勇
  • 董元林
  • 何天波
  • 刘艳
  • 孙志刚
  • 崔杰
  • 张淑文
  • 王东波
  • 王宝恩
  • 期刊论文




    • Kari Radha Krishna Murthy
    • 摘要: Death due to scorpion envenoming syndrome is a common event in many of the tropical and non-tropical counties. Initial transient hypertension is commonly observed in scorpion sting victims. Scorpion envenoming causes autonomic storm resulting in initial transient hypertension followed by hypotension, cold clammy skin, hypothermia, cardiovascular disturbances, acute myocarditis, sarcolemmal defects, pulmonary oedema, acute pancreatitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and many other clinical manifestations. All these manifestations could be due to sudden increase in catecholamines, angiotensin II, glucagon, Cortisol and either due to suppressed insulin secretion or insulin resistance and death. The sudden increase of metabolic A in counter-regulatory hormones along with either suppressed insulin secretion/or insulin resistance results in glycogenolysis in liver, cardiac and skeletal muscles causing hyperglycemia and a sudden increase in free fatty acid levels. Free Fatty Acids increase the susceptibility of the ventricles to the disorganized electrical behavior, inhibit cardiac sarcolemmal Na+-K+ ATPase activity, increase the tendency to intravascular thrombus, increase myocardial oxygen consumption, interfere with tropomyosin-troponin activation of Actin-Myosin coupling, show detergent effects on cell membranes and they could alter the stabilization of lysosomal membranes and probably become toxic to the myocardium. Based on our animal experiments in which insulin administration reversed the metabolic and ECG changes induced by scorpion envenoming and treating the poisonous scorpion sting victims with insulin, we consider that insulin has a primary metabolic role in preventing, counter-acting and reversing all the deleterious effects of FFA by inhibiting the catecholamine induced by lipolysis, and increasing intra-cellular K+, facilitating glucose transport to the myocardium and glucose metabolism through different pathways. Administration of insulin-glucose infusion to scorpion sting victims appears to be the physiological basis for the control of the metabolic response when that has become a determinant to survival. Treatment using continuous infusion of regular crystalline insulin should be given at the rate of 0.3 U/g glucose and glucose at the rate of 0.1 g/kg body weight/hour, for 48 - 72 hours, with supplementation of potassium as needed and maintenance of fluid, electrolytes and acid-base balance.
    • 熊显荣; 王丽君; 王勇胜; 许文兵; 张辉; 华松; 张涌
    • 摘要: 旨在为牛体细胞克隆胚胎体外培养体系的建立奠定基础.利用体细胞核移植技术生产牛重构胚,将重构胚随机分成2组,分别用mSOF和G1.5/G2.5培养,统计2种培养液对牛核移植克隆胚胎发育的影响,用TUNEL荧光检测系统检测2个培养组胚胎细胞凋亡情况,同时用Real time RT-PCR检测热应激蛋白基因Hsp70和凋亡相关基因Bax在2个培养组的相对表达水平.两组的卵裂率分别为85.6%和87.0%、囊胚率分别为22.9%和27.1%,差异都不显著(P>0.05),但G1.5/G2.5组的8-细胞形成率显著高于mSOF组(P<0.05);mSOF组凋亡率为12.1%±1.9%,显著高于G1.5/G2.5组(P<0.05),G1.5/G2.5组的Hsp70和Bax相对表达量显著低于mSOF组(P<0.05).结果表明,G1.5/G2.5培养液更有利于牛体细胞核移植胚胎的体外发育.%The present study were designed to compare the effects of two culture media (mSOF and G1. 5/G2. 5) on the development competence of pre-implantation embryos derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in bovine, for the establishment of efficient somatic cell cloned bovine embryos in vitro culture system. Utilizing somatic cell nuclear transfer technology produced bovine embryos. After activation, the reconstructed embryos were randomly allocated to mSOF or Gl. 5/G2. 5 for culture. The development competence of cloned embryos in these two culture systems was compared in terms of cleavage rate, 8-cell rate, blastocyst formation rate and apoptosis cell number on day 7 blastocyts. At the same time, we compared the expression level of stress-related and apoptosis genes ( Hsp70 and Bax) between the two culture groups. Bovine SCNT-derived embryos cultured in those two media showed no significantly difference in embryo cleavage rate and blastocyst formation rate (P>0. 05), but 8-cell rate was higher in Gl. 5/G2. 5 group than mSOF group (P<0. 05); SCNT-derived embryos which were cultured in Gl. 5/G2. 5 medium were lower in apoptosis rate than mSOF counterparts (P<0. 05). Moreover, real time RT-PCR results indicated that SCNT-derived embryos culture in Gl. 5/G2. 5 show lower expression level of stress-related and apoptosis genes ( Hsp70 and Baχ) than in mSOF group. Results indicated that Gl. 5/G2. 5 was more suitable for culture of bovine SCNT-derived embryos than mSOF medium.
    • 周绪琴
    • 摘要: 多系统器官衰竭(MSOF)是指因严重感染、休克、创伤等原因造成2个及以上重要器官同时或相继发生功能衰竭的一组临床综合征。在小儿中也较常见,死亡率较高。有效的治疗和护理能显著提高MSOF小儿的生存率。我科于2003年3月~2008年3月共收治MSOF小儿16例,治疗效果较好。现把护理体会总结报告如下。
    • 吕振江; 胡景维; 郑国胜
    • 摘要: 心脏破裂是外科危重急症,麻醉处理的好坏直接影响到患者的生存和预后。麻醉处理重点在维护心、肺、脑、肾功能,控制休克,防治DIC及MSOF。作者自1998-2004年期间曾处理9例心脏破裂的麻醉,今报道处理体会如下。
    • 孔冬青
    • 摘要: 目的探讨煤工尘肺结核死亡关系及防治对策.方法分析近3年来煤工尘肺结核62例住院死亡病历,就其相关因素、统计分析.结果煤工尘肺结核死亡患者70岁以上占62.9%,直接死因中MSOF占40%,呼衰心衰占32.3%,其根本死因中呼吸系统感染占33.9%,结核恶化占32.3%,冬春季死亡占60%,有35.5%死亡者为MDR-TB.结论肺结核恶化、呼吸系感染是煤工尘肺结核死亡最主要根本死因,而MSOF、呼衰心衰是其死亡的最重要直接死因.
    • 孙仕林; 高涛
    • 摘要: 多系统器官功能衰竭(MSOF)是重症急性胆管毙(ACST)最常见的死因。本文对1987-2004年收治的91例ACST进行临床分析,以探讨ACST与MSOF的临床关系。
    • 王秀荣; 滕芳
    • 摘要: MSOF(多系统器官功能衰竭)系指在感染、败血症、休克、严重创伤及大手术后,大量输血后并发两个或两个以上的系统器官功能衰竭。单一器官功能衰竭的疗效已有很大的提高,据报道2个器官衰竭的病死率为41%。3个器官衰竭的病死率高至57%~85%,而4个器官衰竭的则可高达100%。因此,MSOF的病死率仍高达50%以上,据文献报道,MSOF的发生率在外科领域急症术后为7%~23%,腹腔感染引起败血症中为30%~50%,所以对MSOF的深入研究和预防治疗是当今有待解决的难题。
    • 关富山
    • 摘要: 胃肠功能障碍是以中毒性肠麻痹致高度腹胀和应激性溃疡、出血为主的一组症侯群,小儿发病率较成人高。为了解多器官功能衰竭(MSOF)与胃肠功能障碍的关系,我院对2001年6月-2004年6月收治的48例MSOF患儿的临床资料进行分析。现报告如下。
    • 黄海刚; 张世光
    • 摘要: 本文报告我院10年来收治十二指肠损伤11例。闭合性占77%。本文强调早期CT、X光照片作出诊断,早期进行修补加胃十二指肠、空肠造瘘,使十二指肠处于低压状态,有利愈合,有并发胰腺损伤应加用8肽或14肽生长抑素减少胰瘘。本文死亡1例是由于误诊造成MSOF造成。
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