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单片段代换系的相关文献在2003年到2021年内共计77篇,主要集中在农作物、植物学、分子生物学 等领域,其中期刊论文72篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献31598篇;相关期刊23种,包括植物学报、农业生物技术学报、植物营养与肥料学报等; 相关会议1种,包括2004全国玉米种质扩增、改良、创新与分子育种学术会议等;单片段代换系的相关文献由202位作者贡献,包括张桂权、曾瑞珍、姚方印等。



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  • 张桂权
  • 曾瑞珍
  • 姚方印
  • 朱海涛
  • 柳絮
  • 梁国华
  • 周勇
  • 朱金燕
  • 李卫华
  • 李广贤
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张波; 裴瑞琴; 杨维丰; 朱海涛; 刘桂富; 张桂权; 王少奎
    • 摘要: 水稻粒型是由多基因控制的复杂数量性状,是稻米产量和品质的重要影响因子,水稻粒型基因的定位与遗传研究有助于稻米产量与品质的协同改良.本研究利用巴西陆稻IAPAR9为供体、以华南地区高产籼稻品种华粳籼74为受体,构建的153份水稻单片段代换系材料,连续两季通过单因素方差分析和邓肯氏多重比较,结合代换片段重叠群作图,定位了13个控制水稻粒型及粒重的QTL.这13个位点分别分布于水稻1、2、4、5、6、7、9和11号染色体上,包括9个控制谷粒长的QTL、1个控制谷粒宽的QTL和3个控制千粒重的QTL.其中,qGL1-2、qTGW1-2和qGL11为新鉴定的QTL位点.新的粒型QTL定位将为进一步的基因克隆与粒型遗传调控网络解析提供依据和线索,也可为稻米产量与品质协同改良提供新的种质资源.
    • 高瑞钰; 张华; 宣宁; 柳絮; 张浩; 张梦琦; 姚方印
    • 摘要: 为了研究水稻单片段代换系(Single segment substitution line,SSSL)与受体亲本HJX74(Huajingxian 74)抽穗期差异的原因,以HJX74和5个具有抽穗期差异显著性的SSSLs WY18(W06-15-18-3-11)、WY24(W08-16-3-2)、WY26(W11-15-7-1-1)、WY60(W15-3-1-38)、WY61(W17-10-5-5-35-9-2)为试验材料,对其代换片段上已知的抽穗期等位基因进行克隆,获取其CDS序列,用多种生物信息学方法进行序列比对,包括CDS序列、氨基酸序列,比较其氨基酸理化性质的异同及表达的差异.田间抽穗期表型性状调查结果表明,WY18、WY60、WY61相对于HJX74表现为晚抽穗,WY24、WY26表现为早抽穗.与HJX74相比,WY18代换片段上抽穗期等位基因DTH8存在4个SNP的差异、WY26中OsDof12存在7个SNP的差异、WY60 DTH8存在6个SNP的差异,但以上SNP的突变均未改变其氨基酸序列的亲水性及理化性质,表明这些抽穗期等位基因的突变可能并不是引起其抽穗期变化的原因.进一步通过qRT-PCR技术分析发现,WY18中DTH8、WY26中OsDof12的表达水平整体高于HJX74中的相应基因,表明该等位基因上游调节区域对其基因的表达进行了调控,可能是导致其抽穗期变异的原因.WY24中se14、WY61中Hd1存在明显的序列片段缺失,造成se14和Hd1等位基因功能缺失,可能是WY24、WY61抽穗期变异的主要原因.
    • 李东亚; 王祎; 汤继华; 许恒; 谭金芳; 韩燕来
    • 摘要: [目的]玉米叶片持绿性与籽粒产量、品质性状密切相关,本研究利用单片段代换系群体,对高氮和低氮条件下的玉米穗位叶持绿性状进行了QTL定位,旨在为持绿相关基因的精细定位以及克隆相关主效QTL奠定基础.[方法]以氮效率差异显著的两个亲本许178和综3构建的172个玉米单片段代换系为研究材料,采用完全随机区组设计,在高氮(N 240 kg/hm2)和低氮(N 75 kg/hm2)条件下,进行了两年大田试验.以吐丝后第10天穗位叶的SPAD值作为玉米持绿性的表型值,根据代换系与亲本许178表型值的T-test结果,利用该群体的SSR遗传图谱,在P<0.01条件下定位持绿性状的QTL.[结果]在基因组范围内,两个氮水平下共定位53个穗位叶持绿QTL(贡献率为-2.45%~-22.65%).上述QTL在玉米的10条染色体上均有分布,其中以第1染色体上检测到的数量最多(14个),第7染色体上检测到的数量最少(1个).高氮条件下检测的QTL为29个,6个在两年试验条件下被重复检测,分别为qhnSG1d、qhnSG2a、qhnSG3a、qhnSG4a、qhnSG8b和qhnSG10c,其中qhnSG8b和qhnSG10c为高氮特异QTL,两年内QTL的贡献率分别为-4.47%、-9.17%、-9.46%和-5.05%;低氮条件下检测的QTL为16个,2个QTL在两年大田环境被重复检测,分别为qlnSG1f和qlnSG2b.其中qlnSG1f为低氮特异QTL,两年内QTL贡献率分别为-9.70%和-10.85%.[结论]通过对玉米穗位叶持绿性状分析,将高氮特异持绿染色体片段定位到umc 1077~umc2350区段内,低氮特异染色体片段定位到umc 1013~umc2047区段内.
    • 贾佩陇; 李彪; 黎明辉; 刘剑镔; 李容柏; 罗继景
    • 摘要: [目的]通过定位与水稻Oryza sativa耐低氮相关的数量性状位点(QTL),为今后相关基因的精细定位、克隆以及功能研究奠定基础,也为耐低氮水稻品种的培育提供理论参考.[方法]以Koshihikari(受体)和Nona Bokra(供体)为亲本构建的全基因组单片段代换系作为研究材料,在水稻苗期进行低氮胁迫处理,对水稻株高、根长、根鲜质量、根干质量、茎叶鲜质量、茎叶干质量、总鲜质量、总干质量共8个表型进行相对损失比分析和QTL定位.[结果]定位到2个与水稻低氮胁迫耐受相关的位点,分别是qRL1-1和qRFW2-1,这2个QTL位点分别在低氮胁迫下控制水稻根长和根鲜质量.其中,qRL1-1定位于1号染色体M1-29标记附近,LOD值为2.89,可解释的表型变异为11.23%;qRFW2-1定位于2号染色体M2-225标记附近,LOD值为2.53,可解释的表型变异为9.90%.其他6个表型未检测到相关位点.[结论]初步定位了与低氮胁迫下控制水稻根长、根鲜质量相关基因,为进一步的基因精细定位奠定基础.
    • 江院; 王启亮; 解新明; 卢小良; 张向前
    • 摘要: 为了构建玉米第10染色体大刍草单片段代换系群体并进行穗长 QTL的筛选.以玉米野生近缘种墨西哥类玉米为供体亲本,以玉米自交系郑58为受体亲本和轮回亲本连续进行多代回交.利用BC7F1至BC9F1连续回交群体,选用45对在供体和受体亲本间有明显多态性差异的引物进行SSR分子标记辅助选择,构建以墨西哥类玉米为供体亲本的玉米第10染色体单片段导入系群体.对穗长性状QTL在第10染色体上位置进行初步定位.经过连续多代回交和SSR标记跟踪检测,获得了以郑58为遗传背景的墨西哥类玉米导入系群体,共检测到单片段代换系材料107份,代换片段平均长度为25.52~45.97 cM,总长度为944.15~1884.74 cM,对第10染色体覆盖率为70.38% ~89.65%.在BC9F1回交群体中鉴定了4个来自墨西哥类玉米并位于第10染色体的穗长QTL,初步定位于umc2528、phi054、bnlg1360和umc1877标记附近.结果表明,利用大刍草作为供体亲本可以获得大量玉米第10染色体单片段代换系材料,为优良QTL性状的发掘和筛选奠定了材料基础,拓宽了玉米新品种选育的种质资源范围.%The purpose of this study is to construct maize SSSLs of teosinte on the tenth chromosome and select the spike length QTLs. Wild relatives specie of annual Mexican corn was selected as donor parent,maize inbred lines Zheng 58 was selected as recipient parent and recurrent parent for continuous multi-generation backcross. For-ty-five pairs of primers showed obvious polymorphism difference between donor and recipient parents were choiced for SSR molecular marker-assisted selection. The successive backcross populations from BC7F1to BC9F1were used as detection materials,constructing single segment substitution lines populations of the tenth chromosome with Mexi-can corn as donor parent. At the same time,the loci of spike length QTLs on the tenth chromosome were prelimina-rily mapped.By studying,107 single segment substitution materials from Mexican corn introgression lines were ob-tained by continuous multi-generation backcrossing and SSR molecular marker detecting,using Zheng 58 as recipi-ent parent. The average length of SSSLs was 25. 52-45. 97 cM,the total length of SSSLs was 944. 15-1 884.74 cM,the coverage rate of SSSLs on the tenth chromosome was 70.38%-89.65%. Four spike length QTLs were identified in BC9F1population,which came from donor parent and located on the tenth chromosome,the QTLs were preliminarily mapped nearby umc2528,phi054,bnlg1360 and umc1877 markers. The results indicates that many maize SSSLs of the tenth chromosome are constructed utilizing the wild gene pool of teosinte,which estab-lishes the material foundation for excavating and selecting of the desirable QTL traits,and have broadened the range of germplasm resources on new varieties breeding of maize.
    • 郭海平; 孙高阳; 张晓祥; 闫鹏帅; 刘坤; 谢惠玲; 汤继华; 丁冬; 李卫华
    • 摘要: The under-ear internode length determines maize plant height and ear height, which are two agronomic traits associated with yield and lodging resistance. The lengths of the 7th, 8th, and 9th internode play a decisive role in ear height. Compared with other agronomic traits, there is little knowledge for genetic basis of under-ear internode length. Thus, exploring the genetic basis of internode length plays an important role in maize breeding. In this study, a set of 260 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs), using Chang 7-2 as the donor parent and lx9801 as recipient parent, was constructed and used to map QTLs for the 7th, 8th, and 9th internode length and ear height at two-environments in two years. In total, 18, 23, and 17 QTLs were detected for the 7th, 8th, and 9th internode length, respectively. Among them, eight QTLs were simultaneously detected for the 7th, 8th, and 9th internode length. For ear height, 20 QTLs were detected, 12 (60%) of these 20 QTLs were found to co-localize to the 7th, 8th, and 9th internode length. The results indicated that length of the 7th, 8th, and 9th internode and ear height have same genetic basis. Furthermore, length of the 7th, 8th, and 9th internode are important components of ear height and also determining the plant height and ear height in maize.%穗下节间长决定着玉米的穗位高和株高, 而株高和穗位高与产量、抗倒伏性等重要农艺性状密切相关.玉米穗下第7、第8、第9节间长对穗位高具有决定作用, 与其他农艺性状相比, 对穗下节间长的遗传基础了解甚少.因此, 研究玉米穗下节间长的遗传基础, 对玉米育种有重要意义.本研究以lx9801为受体亲本, 昌7-2为供体亲本通过连续回交和自交所构建的一套包含260份染色体单片段代换系的群体为研究对象, 通过两年两环境的表型鉴定,并结合基因型数据对第7、第8、第9节间长和穗位高的QTL进行定位.共检测到18个第7节间长QTL, 23个第8节间长 QTL和17个第9节间长 QTL, 其中8个 QTL是为第7、第8、第9节间长所共有.穗位高定位到的20个QTL中, 有12个(60%)与第7、第8、第9节间长QTL共定位.说明第7、第8、第9节间长与穗位高有着共同的遗传基础, 节间长也是穗位高的重要构成因子, 决定着玉米的株高和穗位高.
    • 李慧敏; 李卫华; 郭海平; 刘坤; 张向歌; 张晓祥; 谢惠玲; 汤继华; 丁冬
    • 摘要: [Objective] The under-ear internode length determines maize seedling height and ear height,which are two agronomic traits associated with yield and lodging resistance.Heterosis,a wild-spread genetic phenomenon,is widely applied in crop yield and quality improvement.In a previous study,the lengths of the 7th,8th and 9th internodes were found to have a decisive effect on ear height and showed a high degree of heterosis.The aim of this study is to resolve the molecular mechanism of heterosis for comprehensive understanding and utilization ofheterosis.[Method] In this study,the chromosome single segment substitution lines (Single segment substitution lines,SSSLs) derived from continually cross of lx9801 and Chang7-2 were used as the basic materials.Test-crossing populations were constructed by crossing the SSSLs with inbred lines Zheng58 and Xun9058,respectively.The HL(Heterosis loci) of the 7th,8th,and 9th interuode length were detected through two-year and two-point tests.[Result] By using the SSSL×Zheng58 test-cross group and SSSL× Xun9058 test-cross group,the heterosis loci (HL) of the 7th,8th,and 9th internode length were detected through two-year and two-point tests.In 2012,the mid parent heterosis values of the 7th,8th,and 9th internode length in Xunxian were 57.25% and 78.16%,68.30% and 75.04%,59.48% and 62.85%,respectively,and that in Changge were 48.27% and 63.02%,43.36% and 54.80%,37.26% and 42.62%,respectively.In 2013,the mid parent heterosis values of the 7th,8th,and 9th internode length in Xunxian were 23.01% and 37%,22.69% and 35.65%,22.20% and 34.74%,respectively,and that in Changge were 21.86% and 33.19%,20.99% and 35.57%,27.55% and 42.19%,respectively.A total of 18 and 18 length heterosis loci were obtained from the 7th internode,20 and 23 were obtained from the 8th internode,17 and 19 were obtained from the 9th intemode.Compared the same HL of the two test-crossing groups,there are 3,3 and 1 same HL of 7th,8th,9th internode length,respectively.These same HL occupied 12.7% and 11.6% of the total HL numbers,respectively.[Conclusion] There were only 7 (6%) same HL sites had same location between SSSL×Zheng58 group and SSSL×Xun9058 group of the 7th,8th,and 9th intemode length,which indicated that the heterotic loci among different groups may be different.It was speculated that under different genetic backgrounds there are different genes controlling the same heterosis traits.The performance of heterotic loci at single gene level should be crossing group (genetic background) specific.%[目的]穗下节间长决定着玉米的株高和穗位高2个重要的农艺性状,并与产量、抗倒性等性状密切相关.前期研究发现玉米穗下第7、8、9节间长对穗位高具有决定作用,并表现出较强的杂种优势.文章拟解析玉米穗下节间长,尤其是穗下第7、8、9节间长杂种优势的决定因子,为全面了解和应用杂种优势奠定基础.[方法]利用以1x9801为遗传背景的昌7-2染色体单片段代换系(single segment substitution lines,SSSL)为基础材料,分别与优良自交系郑58和浚9058构建了两套测交群体,通过两年两点试验对玉米第7、8、9节间长进行杂种优势位点分析.[结果]利用SSSL x郑58测交群体和SSSL×浚9058测交群体通过两年两点试验发现,2 01 2年在浚县的第7、8、9节间长的中亲优势值分别为57.25%和78.16%、68.30%和75.04%、59.48%和62.85%;2012年在长葛的第7、8、9节间长的中亲优势值分别为48.27%和63.02%、43.36%和54.80%、37.26%和42.62%;201 3年在浚县的第7、8、9节间长的中亲优势值分别为23.01%和37.00%、22.69%和35.65%、22.20%和34.74%;201 3年在长葛的第7、8、9节间长的中亲优势值分别为21.86%和33.19%、20.99%和35.57%、27.55%和42.19%;共定位了18个和18个第7节间长杂种优势位点,20个和2 3个第8节间长杂种优势位点,17个和1 9个第9节间长杂种优势位点.2个测交群体第7、8、9节间长相同的HL分别有3个、3个和1个,共有7个HL相同,分别占2个总测交群体中HL数的12.7%和11.6%.[结论]在SSSL×郑58群体定位的第7、8、9节间长HL与SSSL×浚9058群体的定位结果相比仅有7个(6%)相同位点,说明不同群体之间的杂种优势位点差别较大,几乎没有相同的杂种优势位点,推测在不同遗传背景下控制同一性状的杂种优势位点并不相同,据此推论,在单基因水平上,杂种优势位点表现出杂交组合(遗传背景)特异的特征.
    • 王祎; 汤继华; 付延磊; 许恒; 谭金芳; 韩燕来
    • 摘要: [Objectives] There is a strong relationship between maize root morphology and nitrogen uptake capacity.In this study,QTLs for maize root morphology and plant nitrogen uptake were identified using single segment substitution lines (SSSLs) to provide support for fine mapping and cloning of major QTLs controlling maize root morphology and nitrogen uptake.[Methods] 150 maize SSSLs derived from a cross between a N-efficient inbred line Xu178 and a N-inefficient inbred line Zong 3 were used for solution culture.Ca(NO3)2 was used as nitrogen source and high nitrogen level (4 mmol/L NO3) and low nitrogen level (0.05 mmol/L NO3-) were supplied for each line,and each N level had six seedlings.After 20 days culture,seedlings were harvested,and the biomass and nitrogen contents of shoots and roots were analyzed respectively.Total root length (TRL),root surface area (RSA),root volume (RV),root average diameter (RAD) and root tip numbers (RTN) were determined from the root images using WinRHIZO.According to the results of the T-test of the phenotype values of SSSL and Xu178,QTLs for each trait were mapped in the SSR genetic linkage map when P value was less than 0.001.[Results] Under the high N level,all root traits were significantly correlated with each other except that between RAD and either TRL or RTN,and the plant nitrogen uptake was significantly correlated with all the root morphology related traits.Under the low N level,all the root morphology traits were strongly correlated with plant nitrogen uptake except for RAD,and the RSA showed the most significant correlation.Under the high N level,102 QTLs were detected including 40 QTLs for root morphology traits,34 QTLs for plant biomass and 28 QTLs for plant nitrogen uptake.Under the low N level,85 QTLs were detected including 47 QTLs for root morphology traits,22 QTLs for plant biomass and 16 QTLs for plant nitrogen uptake.Most of the QTLs for N uptake coincided in cluster with those for root morphology.Several QTLs for root morphology and nitrogen uptake were mapped in the same substituted segment region.Under the high N condition,five high N-specific QTLs clusters containing several root morphology traits and nitrogen uptake were detected in SSSL lines of 1428,1376,1282,1266 and 1473.The single QTL additive effect contribution was from 43% to 84%.Moreover,several QTLs for root morphology and nitrogen uptake were identified in the SSSL lines of 1419 and 1314 under the LN condition,with the additive effect contribution from-32% to 55%.[Conclusions] In the present study,several LN-specific QTLs were mapped in substituted segment of bnlg182-bnlg2295 in line 1419 and umc1013-umc2047 in line 1314,in which some QTLs related to nitrogen use efficiency of maize were detected in previous researches.It was indicated that there were some major QTLs for maize root morphology and plant nitrogen uptake located in the two regions which would play important role in maize nitrogen uptake efficiency.The present research serves as a basis for the major QTLs fine-mapping and candidate genes cloning.%[目的]玉米的根系形态与氮素吸收能力关系密切,利用单片段代换群体对玉米苗期根系形态相关性状和植株氮吸收量进行QTL定位,可为进一步精细定位并克隆控制玉米低氮下优异根系形态和氮吸收的主效QTL奠定基础.[方法]以氮效率差异显著的两亲本许178和综3构建的150个玉米单片段代换系(SSSL)群体作为研究材料,进行水培试验.以Ca (NO3)2作为氮源,设置高氮(4 mmol/L NO3)和低氮(0.05 mmol/L NO3-)两个处理,培养20 d后分根、冠收获植株,测定生物量和氮含量.通过WinRHIZO根系分析系统获得根系的总根长、根表面积、根体积、根直径和根尖数等指标.根据代换系与亲本许178表型值的T-test结果,利用该群体SSR遗传连锁图谱,在P≤0.001条件下定位所调查性状的QTL.[结果]高氮条件下SSSL群体除了根直径与总根长和根尖数没有显著相关性以外,其它各性状之间均显著或极显著正相关,并且植株氮吸收量也与根系各性状呈显著或极显著正相关;低氮条件下,除了根直径以外,植株氮吸收量与其他根系性状均呈极显著正相关,并且地上部和根部氮累积量均与根表面积的相关性最大.在高氮条件下共检测到102个QTL位点,包括40个根形态相关QTL、34个植株生物量QTL和28个氮吸收量QTL;在低氮条件下共检测到85个QTL位点,包括47个根形态QTL、22个植株生物量QTL和16个氮吸收量QTL.所检测到的根形态相关QTL与生物量和氮积累量QTL成簇存在,同一QTL区间多同时检测到根形态QTL和氮吸收量QTL.高氮条件下,在代换系1428、1376、1282、1266和1473的代换区间上检测到高氮特异的QTL簇,同时包括多个根形态和氮吸收量QTL,贡献率从-43%到84%.低氮下,在代换系1419和1314的代换区间上同时检测到低氮特异的多个根形态和氮吸收量QTL,贡献率从-32%到55%.[结论]单片段代换系141 9和1 314所包含的代换片段bnlg 182-bnlg2295和umc1013-umc2047检测到多个低氮特异的QTL,并且这两个区间在前人的研究中均有玉米氮效率相关QTL检测到,说明该区间包含有玉米根系形态和氮吸收量的主效QTL,在玉米氮高效吸收中可能起重要作用.
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