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细菌氧化的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计220篇,主要集中在冶金工业、矿业工程、原子能技术 等领域,其中期刊论文174篇、会议论文16篇、专利文献282600篇;相关期刊65种,包括采矿技术、金属矿山、现代矿业等; 相关会议14种,包括2014(郑州)中西部第七届有色金属工业发展论坛、“贵金属的发展、超越”2010年全国贵金属学术研讨会、2008年全国金属矿山难选矿及低品味矿选矿新技术学术研讨与技术成果交流暨设备展示会等;细菌氧化的相关文献由380位作者贡献,包括杨洪英、佟琳琳、杨立等。



论文:174 占比:0.06%


论文:16 占比:0.01%


论文:282600 占比:99.93%





  • 杨洪英
  • 佟琳琳
  • 杨立
  • 范有静
  • 邢洪波
  • 任洪胜
  • 刘新艳
  • 姜涛
  • 巩恩普
  • 张硕
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 任洪胜; 郑沈吉; 刘新艳; 张鸣昕; 韩治纬; 郎淳慧; 崔商哲
    • 摘要: 针对吉林省某高镁型低品位硫化镍矿石,利用细菌氧化堆浸工艺,通过诱变驯化培养高效率的浸矿菌株,对催化剂及柱浸粒度、制粒与否、浸出pH、接种菌量等工艺条件进行了研究。结果表明:使用诱变改良菌种H4_(3),在柱浸粒度-10 mm、浸出pH值2、接种菌量30%、氧化浸出时间150 d、室温及添加Ag^(+)催化剂的条件下,镍、铜浸出率分别为72.22%、71.03%,指标良好,为低品位硫化镍矿石资源的开发利用提供了技术依据。
    • 李佳峰; 杨洪英; 佟琳琳; 金哲男; 张登超
    • 摘要: 抛刀岭金矿是典型的含砷难处理金矿,针对其金精矿,结合矿石特性,考察了细菌氧化预处理效果.实验结果表明:对于含金20.30 g/t、含砷3.39%、含硫29.8%及含铁4.10%的抛刀岭金精矿,直接氰化浸出金的浸出率仅为30%.矿石中的主要金属矿物为黄铁矿、毒砂和雄黄;脉石矿物有长石、方解石、石英和绢云母等,属于难浸金矿石.该金精矿经HQ0211菌氧化预处理8 d后,脱砷率达到46.25%,细菌氧化渣金含量达32.1 g/t,失重率为42.53%.细菌氧化渣在通气情况下进行氰化提金,NaCN浓度为0.1%、pH值为10.5~11,48 h后氰化结束,氰化渣质量由原来的300 g减少为290 g,渣率为96.67%,氰化渣中金含量从32.1 g/t降低至2.7 g/t,金的浸出率达到91.59%,氰化过程中NaCN消耗量为13.53 kg/t.HQ0211菌氧化预处理氰化提金效果显著,为该矿处理工艺提供了可靠数据,并为此类矿石的有效利用提供了参考.%Paodaoling gold mine is a typical arsenic-bearing refractory gold deposit,for its gold concentrate, combined with ore properties,the effect of biooxidation pretreatment was investigated.The experiment results showed that this kind of gold ore contains 20.30 g/t gold,3.39% arsenic,29.8% sulfur and 4.10% iron,and a 30% leaching rate of the gold concentrate can be obtained by direct cyanidation.The main metallic minerals in the gold ore are pyrite,arsenopyrite and realgar.The gangue minerals include feldspar,calcite,quartz,sericite and so on,and it belongs to the refractory gold ore.After 8 days of biooxidation process by HQ0211 bactreium, the arsenic removal rate was 46.25%.The oxidation residue contains 32.1 g/t gold and the weightloss rate was 42.53%.The gold cyanidation process of oxidation residue was conducted under ventilation conditions.The sodium cyanide was 0.1% and pH was 10.5~11.After cyaniding for 48 hours,the weight of gold ore was reduced from 300 g to 290 g,and the residue yield was 96.67%.According to the analysis results of cyanidation residue, the gold content reduced from 32.1 g/t to 2.7 g/t and the gold leaching rate was 91.59%,which was greatly improved.The consumption of sodium cyanide in cyanidation process was 13.53 kg/t.The gold cyanidation effect of Paodaoling gold mine was remarkable after pretreatment by HQ0211 bacterium,it provide reliable data for treatment process of this gold ore and provide reference for effective utilization of this kind of mineral.
    • 宋言; 杨洪英; 佟琳琳; 马鹏程; 金哲男
    • 摘要: 以甘肃某含硫、砷、碳及锑等多种成分的难处理金矿为研究对象,开展了细菌氧化—氰化实验研究.浸矿菌种为HQ0211,该菌种经长期驯化,耐砷性良好.在浸出过程中,通过测量矿浆的pH值、电位值、Fe2+质量浓度和液砷含量,来考察不同矿浆浓度对浸出效果的影响.实验结果表明:HQ0211混合菌种适宜氧化该复杂难处理金矿.经该菌种氧化预处理后,脱硫率最高可达81.53%,脱砷率最高可达86.88%,脱碳率最高可达58.32%,脱锑率最高可达40.09%.与未经处理的原矿氰化提金结果相比,经过细菌氧化预处理后,金的回收率最高可达98.65%,相比直接氰化浸出提高了40.56%.%Taking the complex refractory gold mine containing sulfur,arsenic,carbon and antimony in Gansu Province as the research object,we carried out bacterial oxidation-cyanidation experiment.Bacteria used in the leaching was HQ0211 which was a kind of mixed bacteria being able to grow normally in the system containing arsenic after a long time of domestication.During leaching of the concentrate,the effects of different pulp densities on bacterial oxidation were evaluated by measuring the pH value of solution,the electric potential value of solution,the density of Fe2+,the density of arsenic in solution.The results indicated that the mixed bacteria cultures HQ0211 showed good biooxidation performance for the complex refractory gold concentrate. After biooxidation,the maximum sulfur removal efficiency of 81.53%,arsenic removal efficiency of 86.88%, carbon removal efficiency of 58.32% and antimony removal efficiency of 40.56% were achieved in the presence of the HQ0211 mixed culture.Highest gold recovery of 98.65% was achieved by cyanidation after biooxidation, which increased by 40.56% comparing to the result from cyanidation of the untreated concentrate.
    • 赵磊; 周立杰; 董干国
    • 摘要: 采用自主研发的700 m3新型生物反应器开展金精矿预氧化平行对比工业试验,在给与金精矿一致、控制硫化物氧化程度基本一致的条件下,新型生物反应器比传统生物反应器气耗降低17.8%,效率提高20%.
    • 庄涛; 夏兵
    • 摘要: 某难选含金硫化矿金品位仅4.95 g/t,金嵌布粒度较细,85.50%的金以微粒金、细粒金的形式存在.为尽可能回收利用其中的金,甲、乙两家单位分别进行了不同氰化浸出工艺的选矿流程试验.结果表明,相比甲单位的常规氰化浸出、全矿氰化浸出和浮选金精矿加压氧化—氰化浸出工艺和乙单位的浮选金精矿直接氰化浸出工艺,乙单位3粗1精3扫闭路浮选—细菌氧化—氰化浸出工艺流程可获得金浸出率95.95%、浸渣金品位1.62 g/t的良好指标,且实际生产实践较多、工艺稳定可靠、成本低,可作为该难选含金硫化矿石的选别提金工艺.
    • 摘要: 日常生活中,一些老年人有这么一种苦恼,明明自己经常洗澡,也很注意个人卫生,可总是有人说自己身上有异味,甚至有些年轻人对自己"敬而远之"。一开始,老人还以为是年轻人不尊重自己,十分生气。但有时老人自己刚洗完澡进到自己房间,还真就觉得房间里有那么一股让人不舒服的气味。这是为什么呢?难道自己身上真的有"老人味"吗?
    • 董博文
    • 摘要: 某含砷含碳难处理卡琳型难选金矿中金主要以显微、亚显微形式被毒砂所包裹,浮选金矿的回收率不足40%,直接氰化回收率更是不足5%.采用细菌氧化氰化提金工艺,在矿石细度-74 μm占81%、温度30°C、pH1.6左右、矿浆浓度20%、细菌氧化4d的条件下,硫氧化率达到95%以上,金浸出率提高到93.81%.
    • 傅开彬; 董发勤; 谌书; 王新峰
    • 摘要: 四川某高硫高砷金精矿中的金主要以银金矿的形式存在,主要载体矿物为黄铁矿和毒砂,金矿物以极微细粒包裹在硫化矿物中,常规碳浆法氰化浸金效果极不理想。为高效、低毒浸出该精矿中的金,以经驯化的Acidi-thiobacillus ferrooxidans和Leptospirillum ferrooxidans混合菌群为氧化预处理微生物,采用细菌氧化—无氰浸金工艺研究了浸矿条件。结果表明,对金品位为46.87 g/t、含砷8.56%、含硫15.08%的金精矿,在试样粒度为45~0μm、矿浆浓度为120 g/L、初始pH=2、Fe2+初始浓度为1.5 g/L、细菌接种量为20%情况下细菌氧化预处理12 d,再在无氰浸金新药剂用量为4 kg/t的情况下浸出4 h,金浸出率可达81.67%,高于常规碳浆法氰化浸金效率约60个百分点,浸金效果良好。%Gold in a high-As and high-S gold concentrate was mainly electrum. Gold is mainly hosted in pyrite and arse-nopyrite. Au-carrier minerals are fine disseminated in sulfide minerals,hitherto regarded as difficult to be extracted with con-ventional CIP(Carbon in Pulp) process. Biooxidation pretreatment and cyanide-free gold leaching were investigated to extract gold by a high-effective and low toxicity method. The mixture of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans was used as oxidation pretreatment microorganism. For gold concentrate(46. 87 g/t Au,8. 56% As,15. 08% S) with particle size of less than 45μm,at pH=2,pulp density of 120 g/L,initial [Fe2+] =1. 5 g/L,and inoculum of 20%,bio-oxidation pre-treatment for 12 d, and novel cyanide-free reagent dosage of 4 kg/t leaching for 4 h, the extraction rate of gold can reach 81. 67%,higher than CIP of 60 percentage points. The gold leaching index is good.
    • 崔毅琦; 王凯; 孟奇; 童雄
    • 摘要: 含砷金矿是典型的难处理金矿资源,也是我国金矿资源的重要组成部分.介绍了焙烧氧化、细菌氧化、浮选分离、非氰浸出等工艺,并评述了各工艺的优缺点及其适用性,在此基础上总结了含砷金矿提金工艺的发展方向和研究重点.
    • 尹崧峦; 刘金艳; 孔维长; 程皓; 孙浩然; 裘梦飞
    • 摘要: 以紫金山金铜矿区的酸性矿坑水为菌源,探讨了不同初始pH值和不同能源底物(单质硫与Fe2)对细菌氧化活性的影响,分析了相应的固体产物成分及其表面性质.试验结果表明,在初始pH为2.20的条件下,细菌对单质硫和Fe2的氧化活性明显高于初始pH 1.80和2.00的条件;以Fe2为能源底物时,细菌生长周期明显比单质硫的短;细菌作用单质硫后,固体产物仍主要为单质硫,但浸渣表面出现了-COOH、-OH、-CO、-CONH等官能团;以Fe2为能源底物时,细菌作用后固体产物经X-射线衍射和电子探针分析鉴定为黄钾铁矾,固体表面的有机官能团增多,说明细菌对Fe2的氧化能力强于单质硫.
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