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暂养的相关文献在1960年到2023年内共计1066篇,主要集中在水产、渔业、农业经济、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 等领域,其中期刊论文388篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献10883篇;相关期刊108种,包括淡水渔业、福建水产、河北渔业等; 相关会议2种,包括第二届渔业论坛暨现代农业与食品经济国际学术研讨会、第三届世界华人鱼虾营养研讨会等;暂养的相关文献由1872位作者贡献,包括何华先、敖志辉、赵平平等。



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    • 韩胜明; 任志明; 邱雪妮; 杨华; 母昌考; 王春琳
    • 摘要: 三疣梭子蟹是我国重要的海产经济蟹类,野生梭子蟹的暂养是一种高效利用梭子蟹自然资源的经济手段.为探究适合野生三疣梭子蟹暂养的方法,研究了野生三疣梭子蟹捕捞后不绑螯堆积式暂存(M1)、绑螯单个体式暂存(M2)两种暂存方式以及橡皮筋绑螯堆叠盛放于塑料筐中运输(T1)、不绑螯单个盛放于单体盒中运输(T2)两种运输方式分别对其暂养存活的影响,并以超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、丙二醛(MDA)、血糖、皮质醇、热休克蛋白(HSP70)几种生理指标了解其生理响应特征.结果显示:(1)不同暂存方式对野生三疣梭子蟹暂养的影响中,M2方式暂存的蟹暂养累积存活率为91.4%,显著高于M1(P0.05),T1组蟹累积存活率为30.8%;根据对T1、T2组的蟹血淋巴中几种生理指标的检测,引起两组蟹存活率差异的原因可能是以T1方式运输的蟹受到挤压胁迫,抗氧化及应激能力略低于T2.综上分析,以绑螯单个体式的暂存方式和不绑螯单个盛放于单体盒中的运输方式获取的野生三疣梭子蟹更适合暂养.
    • 冉云; 张思嘉; 陈蓉; 冉照收; 徐继林; 廖凯
    • 摘要: 通过顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用技术分析在海水中暂养0、8、24 h后的缢蛏风味物质随暂养时间的变化情况.从缢蛏肌肉、消化腺、整体不同部分共检测到风味物质128种,包括醛类(33种)、酮类(12种)、醇类(10种)、芳香类(17种)、烃类(16种)、酯类(22种)、呋喃类(5种)以及其他化合物(13种).主成分分析结果表明,暂养净化对缢蛏肌肉的风味改变不大,缢蛏整体的风味变化主要是由消化腺中挥发性成分的变化引起.偏最小二乘法判别分析结果说明暂养8 h的缢蛏整体在保留原有独特风味的同时,由于不良气味强度下降使得缢蛏更加适口;通过短时间暂养缢蛏消化腺中的挥发性组分含量下降明显,但暂养时间过长时,许多成分的含量又呈现回升趋势.因此暂养的最佳时间为8 h,可使缢蛏在保留其特有风味的同时尽可能降低腥味、泥土味等不良气味,使感官品质得到提升.
    • 张玉晗; 谢晶
    • 摘要: 研究花鲈生态冰温无水活运技术,在暂养过程添加VC和运输过程中加入保护液,研究其对花鲈血液生化指标、鳃组织Na+/K+-ATPase活力、血清溶菌酶质量浓度、免疫球蛋白M(immunoglobulin M,IgM)水平等鱼体指标的影响.结果 表明:花鲈鱼暂养水中加入30 mg/L VC,暂养12h,冷驯化后包装前浸入G2(0.09%(质量分数,下同)溶菌酶+0.3%山梨糖醇+0.08%姜液)保护液中2~3 s,取出独立包装后进行无水活运的保活效果最好.C2G2保护液(30 mg/L VC(暂养水)结合G2保护液)使用组花鲈在保活运输过程中血清中的总蛋白和白蛋白质量浓度保持稳定,且高于其他保护液处理组,血液中溶菌酶、IgM及鳃中Na+/K+-ATPase也得以保存,使用保护液可有效降低花鲈鳃、肾功能损伤,在花鲈体表形成一层保护膜的同时也有利于鱼体将代谢废物排出.使用保护液可使花鲈无水保活运输后死亡率降低1%~5%.
    • 王丹青; 张龙; 吴旭干; 王锡昌; 李元阳
    • 摘要: 为探讨8‰低盐度海水暂养与中华绒螯蟹呈味特性之间的关系,对8‰低盐度海水暂养的中华绒螯蟹雌蟹肌肉滋味品质指标进行分析讨论.样品蟹分组分别在8‰低盐度海水和淡水(盐度为0‰)中饥饿暂养三周,测定了雌性中华绒螯蟹的在暂养过程中的生物学指数,及其肌肉的基本化学组成、游离氨基酸及呈味核苷酸含量,采用味道强度值(TAV)和味精当量(EUC)对这些成分的呈味强度进行评价,并结合感官评价综合分析其滋味品质.结果表明,经3周的暂养后8‰低盐度海水暂养中华绒螯蟹的成活率和采肉率分别高于淡水暂养约5%和2%,与暂养前相比淡水组水分下降,海水组上升海水组与淡水组蟹肌肉中丙氨酸、甘氨酸、精氨酸、脯氨酸四种游离氨基酸占主要部分,甜味氨基酸占50%以上,鲜味氨基酸比例升随暂养时间延长而增加.EUC值的结果表明,8‰低盐度海水组鲜味在暂养过程中逐步升高,淡水组第二周高于8‰低盐度海水组.经过1~2周的8‰低盐度海水暂养可以提高肌肉鲜味以及甜味,感官评价的结果表明经8‰低盐度海水暂养的雌蟹在第二周后评价最佳.%In order to find the contact with the taste characteristics of the Chinese mitten crab,the 8‰ low salinity sea water temporary cultured female Chinese mitten crab muscle's quality index was analyzed and discussed.After three weeks starving temporary culture in 8‰ low salinity sea water and fresh water(salinity =0‰) separately,the female Chinese mitten crab's biological index,the muscle's basic chemical composition,free amino acid and taste nucleotide content were determined.The taste intensity (TAV) and monosodium glutamate equivalent (EUC) were used for evaluate the taste strength of these ingredients,then combined with sensory evaluation to comprehensively analysis the taste quality.The results showed that the survival rate and the digestibility of meat of low salinity seawater temporary cultured crab was higher than that of fresh water about 5% and 2%.In the same period,the muscle's water content was the most obvious index and the trend was opposite.Alaninc,glycine,arginine,proline were the major free amino acids in muscle.Meanwhile,the sweet amino acids were accounted for more than 50% and the proportion of aromatic amino acids was increased.The results of EUC showed that the Umami taste of the sea water grape was increased gradually during the holding process,and the fresh water group was higher than experimental group in second week.After 8‰ low salinity sea water temporary culturing with 1 to 2 weeks,the muscle's umami and sweetness were improved.The results of sensory evaluation showed that the best temporary culturing time was 2 weeks.
    • 范丽娟
    • 摘要: 稻田养蟹是一种高效立体生态农业,是根据盘锦水稻生态特征、生物学特性与河蟹的生活特点设计出的一种立体种养模式.系统介绍了水稻栽培、选地、水肥管理、河蟹养殖等技术要点.
    • 郑春波; 王同勇; 梁海永; 王海涛; 王华东
    • 摘要: 日本囊对虾又称日本对虾,别名车虾、斑节虾、竹节虾,隶属甲壳纲,十足目,对虾科,囊对虾属,主要分布于印度-西太平洋热带、红海、非洲东部至朝鲜、日本及我国东南沿海。近年来,随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高,对日本囊对虾的需求量也在不断增加,其价格也在持续上升,经济效益十分可观。
    • 潘澜澜; 林成新; 张国琛; 母刚; 王洋
    • 摘要: 为了分析在净化、暂养及低温离水运输对接过程中,活体虾夷扇贝品质随时间的变化.采用净化暂养循环水系统进行虾夷扇贝的净化暂养,并将虾夷扇贝分成3种不同前处理方式,组1净化56 h,组2净化32 h后梯度降温暂养24 h,组3无处理,将采用不同前处理的虾夷扇贝放入装有冰袋(250 mL)的聚乙烯保温箱(3 L)模拟低温离水运输条件.结果表明,水体在净化暂养过程中通过梯度降温方式,温度由净化阶段的(15±0.13)°C降至运输前4.76°C,盐度与pH值分别在32.47‰~33.00‰和8.29~8.44之间波动,溶解氧高于8.34 mg/L,保证了贝类存活环境的要求.试验过程中的虾夷扇贝,组1在64 h出现死亡,104 h全部死亡时细菌总数达到2300 CFU/mL;而组2在104 h才出现死亡,在0~104 h细菌总数上升趋势较平缓,在120 h全部死亡时细菌总数仅为960 CFU/mL;组3在64 h全部死亡.组1和组2净化阶段细菌总数显著下降,组3细菌总数与组1和2有显著差异(P<0.05).所有组的粗蛋白、粗脂肪及糖原随时间延长总体都呈现下降趋势,与组1、3相比,组2的逐级降温暂养环节延缓了糖原的消耗(P<0.05),因此可采用净化32 h及梯度降温暂养24 h的方法衔接活体虾夷扇贝的低温离水运输.研究结果为虾夷扇贝在净化暂养及低温离水过程中的品质提升提供参考.%During fishery transportation, the alive shellfish should be stored in favorable living conditions for longer survival time. Typically, the survival rate declines over time, affected by 3 steps, i.e. water purification, temporary rearing and low temperature waterless-transportation. In this paper, the analytical results were presented by using the Patinopecten yessoensis samples to explore the efficiencies of the above procedures. The recycled water system for purification and temporary rearing consists of the aquaculture rearing pool, water circulating device, oxygenation device, temperature control and disinfection device. The recycled water system for purification and temporary rearing was used to realize both purification and temporary rearing of Patinopecten yessoensis. In the experiment, certain parameters were monitored, including water temperature, salinity, pH value and dissolution oxygen level. The samples were divided into 3 groups based on 3 different procedures involved: Group 1 was purified for 56 h straight; Group 2 was first purified for 32 h and cooled for 24 h gradually afterward;Group 3 was directly kept in a polyethylene insulation box. Then Group 1 and Group 2 were transported in a 3 L polyethylene insulation box with ice packs (250 mL) to study the quality of transport based on the different pretreatment. The results showed that the temperature of water dropped from (15±0.13) °C in purification to 4.76 °C before low temperature waterless-transportation by gradient cooling during the purification and temporary rearing, the salinity of water fluctuated between 32.47‰ and 33.00‰, the pH value of water fluctuated between 8.29 and 8.44, and the dissolved oxygen in the water remained above 8.34 mg/L. It was demonstrated that the water environment was valid within the living condition requirements of the shellfish throughout the experiment. As a result, in Group 1, the first death was shown after 64 h, and all shellfishes died after 104 h with total bacteria density of 2300 CFU/mL. In Group 2, the first death was shown after 104 h and the total number of bacteria was increasing steadily within 0-104 h. After 120 h, all shellfishes died with total bacteria density of 960 CFU/mL. In Group 3, all shellfishes died in 64 h. The total number of bacteria in Group 1 and 2 declined significantly in the purification. The bacteria number in Group 3 was significantly different from Group 1 and 2 (P<0.05). The crude protein, crude fat and glycogen of all groups declined over time. However, compared to Group 1 and 3, the consumption of glycogen in Group 2 was delayed by the gradual cooling procedure (P<0.05). The result proved that the purification and temporary rearing procedures improved the sterilization of the bacteria, and the survival rate was less sensitive to the temperature change, and got longer. Therefore the consumption of crude protein, crude fat and glycogen was delayed. With this experiment, the procedures of 32 h purification followed by 24 h gradient cooling are proved to be efficient for the low temperature waterless-transportation. The results provide sound references for the Patinopecten yessoensis' quality studies with purification, temporary rearing and low temperature waterless-transportation technologies.
    • 张庆起; 宫建文; 钱耀森; 郑小东
    • 摘要: 长蛸暂养期间,通过采取调节盐度、消毒、防应激等措施,就如何提高其成活率做了相关分析研究.结果表明:盐度27(普通海水)条件下,使用消毒药(卫可)、消毒药(卫可)+应激灵两组长蛸成活率最高,分别为87.5%和62.5%,另外用应激灵处理和对照组长蛸成活率分别为25%和0%;盐度31(配制海水)条件下,相同方法处理后,长蛸成活率分别为25%、0%、0%和0%.由此可见,在自然海水中,消毒和应激灵处理是两种较好提高长蛸暂养成活率的方法.
    • 王丁旺; 何华先; 何香先; 唐红艳
    • 摘要: 广东何氏水产有限公司技术团队经过10年的潜心研发,独创性的设计出先进适用的活鱼高密度低温暂养池,该暂养池采用高低池位设计,应用新型微孔供氧和多级过滤技术,保证暂养用水洁净和循环使用,具有供氧均匀、供氧率高、低温、能耗低、暂养密度大,节水节能的特点.本公司通过鳜鱼的暂养试验得出,鳜鱼暂养期间水温保持在17.7°C~17.9°C(短暂时间17.9°C~18.3°C),pH维持在7.1,溶氧量(DO)维持在4.9~5.6mg/L,亚硝酸盐(NO2-)含量控制在0.01 mg/L,氨氮(NH3)控制在0.1 mg/L.仅在鳜鱼暂养的初期,池水水温、pH、溶氧量(DO)、亚硝酸盐(NO2-)、氨氮(NH3)含量有轻微的变化,对水质影响不大,说明鳜鱼在暂养池内的暂养效果良好,表明该暂养池的设计合理,应用效果良好.
    • 吴海军
    • 摘要: 使用高阻隔袋进行萍乡红鲫充氧试验.结果表明:高阻隔袋充氧可以增加萍乡红鲫存活时间;萍乡红鲫暂养8-48h比直接起塘充氧贮运的成活率高且存活的时间长.
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