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显著度的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计157篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、汉语、语言学 等领域,其中期刊论文77篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献146183篇;相关期刊67种,包括广西社会科学、浙江学刊、重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版)等; 相关会议4种,包括2012JMS中国营销科学博士生论坛、第六届智能CAD与数字娱乐学术会议、中国第二十届电路与系统学术年会暨2007年港澳内地电子信息学术研讨会等;显著度的相关文献由316位作者贡献,包括田永鸿、胡瑞敏、李甲等。



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  • 田永鸿
  • 胡瑞敏
  • 李甲
  • 王中元
  • 黄铁军
  • 高文
  • 钟睿
  • 余昊男
  • 徐丽娟
  • 汪萌
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 周筱三
    • 摘要: 植入广告打破"广告"概念边界,突破广告体裁,向媒介内容方向延展.植入广告的本质属性造成其在传播效果方面的局限:既要有一定的显著度,占有受众注意力渠道,又要注重隐蔽性以保证媒介内容的融贯,避免影响受众观感.这种显性、隐性之间难以两全的问题决定了受众认知层面和态度层面的矛盾.植入广告更好地构筑意动性的关键在于如何将广告巧妙地植入文本之中,即关于显性和隐性之间的平衡点和分寸感的拿捏.基于植入广告的矛盾,本文从伴随文本、文本、文本内三个研究向度探讨植入广告意动性的构筑.其中,传播平台、媒介内容、植入显著度、内容契合度以及融贯性是影响传播效果的要素.
    • 吴江波; 贾云伟; 姚城斌; 郝晨翔; 王坤
    • 摘要: 各类光谱信号都会受到噪声和基线畸变的影响,在提取光谱信号过程中若不考虑基线畸变和噪声的影响,将会严重影响信号提取的精度和准确性,所以需要在信号提取前消除噪声和基线畸变的影响.大多数信号提取算法的步骤是先提取整体基线,再提取信号,这样难以保证基线的提取精度.为了降低信号提取过程中背景噪声、基线畸变等不利因素的影响,根据信号的存在总是会导致该区域的统计特征不同于背景的特点,提出了一种基于显著度和统计特征的光谱信号检测与提取算法(SSD算法).首先,在待测数据的不同尺度空间中计算出信号在各尺度下的显著度,将检测出的显著信号点作为候选信号点;其次,利用信号特征去除候选信号点中的伪信号点;最后,对候选信号点所在区域采用二次多项式进行基线拟合以剔除伪信号区域并实现最终的信号提取.为验证SSD算法的综合性能,首先,通过仿真的方法对高斯信号和矩形信号在不同基线类型、不同信噪比下进行实验;然后将该算法与AirPLS算法、Wavelet算法以及DoG算法对两种信号在不同信噪比,不同基线类型下的提取结果进行比较.仿真实验结果表明:与其他算法相比,SSD算法信号提取结果基本不受信号类型和基线畸变类型的影响,且当信噪比大于40时基本不受信噪比的影响;在不同基线畸变类型下,SSD算法对两种信号提取结果的准确度、稳定性、离散度均较好,其他算法则只适用于某种基线畸变类型.从总体提取结果上看,SSD算法提取结果的绝对误差的均值仅为AirPLS算法的8.71%、Wavelet算法的3.52%、DoG算法的2.01%;绝对误差的均方根也仅为AirPLS算法的13.08%、Wavelet算法的5.45%、DoG算法的3.11%.因此,所提出的SSD算法在提取信号时具有良好的综合性能,能够在不同的信噪比及基线畸变情况下准确的提取出信号.
    • 宋萌萌
    • 摘要: 汉语中存在着一些以"老/小"的标记作用实现谓词性成分名词化的词语.为探索这些"老/小+X"类认知称谓词语的构造动因,本文首先分析了这类词语的构成形类和语义类型,得出只有语义关联度高的成分,才能在"老/小"的标记下转指相关主体的结论.这种现象其实是"老/小"的转指功能在词汇层面中的体现.转喻/转指模型中的"认知框架"和"显著度"是潜隐在语义特征背后的深层动因.
    • 周洲; 黄茜; 胡志辉
    • 摘要: X射线成像存在噪声大、半影现象及散射等问题, 使所得缺陷图像边缘模糊, 背景灰度变化不均匀, 严重影响了缺陷的识别准确率.提出了一种由LoG边缘检测和局部对比度筛选进行显著性判别的缺陷检测方法, 在基于LoG边缘检测的双阈值进行显著性边缘检测的基础上, 通过各向同性扩散方法求取待定缺陷的局部背景, 利用待定缺陷和局部背景之间对比度的显著性设置第三个阈值进行进一步判断, 从而去除假缺陷, 使缺陷能够被准确地提取出来, 并可以同时确定缺陷的轮廓和面积.实验结果表明, 该方法对缺陷识别的准确度较高, 并可以用于在线的实时检测系统中.%X ray imaging has many problems such as noise, penumbra and scattering, which results in blurred edge of the image and the uneven background gray level and seriously affects the accuracy of defect identification.We propose a new defect detection method for X-ray images based on LoG edge detection and local contrast to carry out saliency discrimination.On the basis of the salient edge detection based on the double thresholds of LoG edge detection, the local background of undetermined defects is obtained by the isotropic diffusion method.We also set a third threshold by utilizing the contrast saliency between undetermined defects and the local background to remove the false defects, so that the defects can be accurately extracted and the contour and area of defects can be determined at the same time.Experimental results show that the algorithm has high accuracy for defect identification and can be used for online real-time detection systems.
    • 程江霞
    • 摘要: 论文以《全唐诗》为语料,测查“白”范畴颜色词成员及使用频率;细致分析描写“白范畴”中各个颜色词的语义.在描写的基础上从语义广义度、显著度、其他语义属性等多方面找出白范畴颜色词成员之间的语义差别,为我们阅读唐诗、理解唐诗颜色词意义提供语言学的支持.
    • 郭春梅; 陈恳; 李萌; 李斐
    • 摘要: 为了更有效地利用目标的特征信息,提高目标的跟踪精度和鲁棒性,提出融合显著度时空上下文的超像素跟踪算法.首先对目标上下文区域进行超像素分割,根据运动信息计算目标上下文的运动相关性及特征协方差信息,得到相关性显著度.然后基于贝叶斯框架,在频域构建融合显著度信息的时空上下文模型.再利用联合颜色和纹理的直方图信息计算巴氏系数,更新时空上下文模型.此外,引入尺度金字塔模型,准确估计目标尺度.最后加入低通滤波自适应运动预测模块,在线更新动态模型样本集,使用岭回归方法实现低通滤波的参数在线更新.在公共数据上的实验表明,文中算法在光照变化、背景复杂、目标旋转、机动性高、分辨率低等情况下具有较好的跟踪效果.%To achieve more efficient utilization of image feature information and improve the tracking accuracy as well as robustness of the target, an improved super pixel tracking algorithm via fusing salient region detection into spatio-temporal context is proposed.Firstly, super pixel segmentation is conducted in the context region of the target, then the motion relevance of target context and the regional covariance information are utilized to calculate the correlation saliency of the image super pixels.Based on Bayesian framework, the model fusing saliency detection into spatio-temporal context is built in the frequency domain.Next, the color and texture histograms of current frame and reference template are employed to calculate the Bhattacharyya coefficient and update the spatial and temporal context model.The scale pyramid model is introduced to estimate the target scale.Finally, the adaptive motion prediction module is incorporated by updating online dynamic model sample set and using ridge regression method to determine the parameters of a low pass filter.Experimental results on public database indicate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over other algorithms in illumination change, complex background, object rotation, high mobility, low resolution.
    • 蔡建宏; 李跃新
    • 摘要: 运动目标检测技术计算机视觉研究的焦点之一,应用范围非常广;针对传统运动目标检测方法背景干扰现象严重等缺陷问题,文章为了降低背景干扰,提出了一种结合背景差分和显著值筛选的运动检测方法.该方法将VIBE运动检测方法看作一个前置处理过程,用于粗定位可疑目标区域;然后在这些可疑目标区域上,提出一种基于稀疏表示和组合Lasso回归的显著值计算方法,计算可疑区域图像块的显著值;最后通过滤除显著值过小的可疑区域图像块来降低背景干扰,提高运动检测的精确度指标;最后在Changedetect1on.net的数据子集上做了大量仿真实验,仿真实验结果表明,该方法的召回率和精确度指标都较高,而且平均检测耗时少.%In order to reduce background interferences,a motion detection method combined with background subtraction and salience value filtering is presented.This method takes the motion detection method called VIBE as a pretreatment process for locating suspicious object regions.And on these regions,it presents a calculation method of salience value based on sparse representation and group Lasso regression,to calculate the salience value of image blocks in these suspicious regions.Finally,it reduces background interferences by filtering out suspicious regions with too small salience values,for improving the precision of motion detection.Simulation results on sub-dataset of Changedetection.net show that,this method has high recall and precision,meanwhile has less average detection time.
    • 张靖; 周明全; 张雨禾; 耿国华; 李姗姗
    • 摘要: Based on the characteristics of the salient feature points and the Markov random field,an algorithm of basing on the improved Markov random field model of feature points extraction is proposed.Firstly,the prominence function of scattered points is constructed,and the prominence of the point clouds is calculated.Then,the Reeb map is constructed according to the prominence of points and the Geodesic distance between points,and exWact salient feature points based on Reeb graph and two rules.Third,according to the distance of point to the salient points and center point calculate joint density function of the Markov Random Field,through Bayesian estimation to calculate maximum posterior probability distribution function,and the optimal label objective function by simplifying andreductting the maximum posterior probability framework.Finally,a graph cut method is usedto solve the objective function,and adjust label according to the change of global energy.The optimal label set of points is obtained,and the feature points are extracted according to the relationship between the optimal label set and the point set.The experimental results indicate that the method proposed in this paper can effectively detect feature points of the scattered point clouds and improve the efficiency.According to the change of airport's global energy to adjust the label and optimal label set is obtained finally.It avoids the traditional method of manual adjusting parameters.%结合显著特征点与马尔科夫随机场的特性,提出一种新的散乱点云特征提取算法研究.首先构造点云的显著度函数,计算点云模型中散乱点的显著度;然后根据点的显著度及点间测地距构造Reeb图,由Reeb图及判断Reeb图显著点的两个条件提取显著特征点;接着根据点到显著特征点及中心点的距离计算马尔科夫随机场的联合密度函数,通过贝叶斯估计求最大后验概率分布函数,采用马尔科夫最大后验概率框架归约简化得到最优标号的目标函数;最后采用图割法求解目标函数,依赖全局能量变化调整标号集,得到点云的最优标号集,并根据最优标号集与点集间对应关系提取特征点.实验结果表明:该算法能够有效的检测出散乱点云的特征点,改善了算法的时间性能;其中,算法根据随机场的全局能量变化调整标号,得出最优标号集,避免了传统方法人工调参的问题.
    • 周雯; 黄倩; 丁妮
    • 摘要: 基于广告心理学的理论支撑,结合眼动实验和认知心理学的研究方法,选取广告显著度作为影响因素,探究其对网络自制剧植入式广告传播效果的影响.研究表明,显著度高的植入式广告回忆效果更好,品牌态度评价更高.前者印证了电影和电视剧中显著度相关假设在网络自制剧中的适用性,后者则对国内外相关学者的先前假设进行了颠覆.
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