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土地抵押的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计135篇,主要集中在农业经济、财政、金融、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文127篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献11405篇;相关期刊112种,包括领导决策信息、城市建设理论研究(电子版)、房地产评估等; 相关会议5种,包括中国国外农业经济研究会2014年年会暨学术研讨会、江苏省土地学会2011年学术年会、福建省土地学会2008年学术年会等;土地抵押的相关文献由157位作者贡献,包括张爱辉、胡建、张友占等。



论文:127 占比:1.10%


论文:6 占比:0.05%


论文:11405 占比:98.85%





  • 张爱辉
  • 胡建
  • 张友占
  • 徐峰
  • 房启明
  • 曹瓅
  • 罗剑朝
  • 黎毅
  • Wang Kai
  • Xiong De-ping
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张晗
    • 摘要: 文章利用2006—2018年中国各地级市土地抵押贷款和土地价格数据,重新解释了中国地方政府融资行为的影响因素。从总体来看,土地价格与人均土地抵押贷款不存在显著的正相关性,这一结论在考虑用地类型之后发生改变。结果显示,住宅用地和商业用地的价格及其增长率对土地抵押贷款有显著的正向影响,而工业用地和其他用地则没有显著影响。异质性分析发现,住宅用地价格对于土地抵押贷款的影响主要表现在中小城市,而在大城市并不明显。大中型城市的商业用地价格及其增长率对人均土地抵押贷款具有显著影响,而小型城市的商业用地价格及其增长率对人均土地抵押贷款没有显著影响。
    • 唐云锋; 刘清杰
    • 摘要: 金融经济周期理论吸收信贷周期理论、金融加速器理论和金融中介理论的精髓,形成了新的分析框架,适用于解释经济周期波动、金融与实体经济密切关联互动的领域。由于房地产的金融属性与土地抵押的媒介作用,使地方债务与房价间的风险联动成为金融经济周期理论应用的典型。基于这一思路,笔者梳理了上述联动中金融与实体经济双向反馈效应及“债务-通缩”机制下的风险传导渠道。
    • 周璠; 吴九兴
    • 摘要: 文章基于效率视角,运用DEA模型对安徽省土地经营权抵押贷款政策的实施环境和运行效率进行评价,探索政策实施的影响因素及优化路径.研究发现,安徽省总体信贷约束程度较高,信贷资源配置效率区域差异显著;经济发展受信贷投入规模不足及信贷资源配置效率低的约束;土地经营权抵押贷款为农业经营主体融资增信提供新路径,可以有效缓解新型农业经营主体的信贷约束.因此,应在加强农村信用体系及农村产权制度建设的基础上,鼓励与引导新型农业经营主体的土地经营权抵押贷款需求.
    • 周学泽
    • 摘要: 10月25日,豆瓣用户爆料称,中国内地流行乐男歌手周震南,其父周勇公司开发的小区,将土地抵押从银行贷款上亿元却不还钱,以至于业主们多年拿不到房产证。周震南如今拥有近1800万微博粉丝,但爆料显示,其父母都是多次被列为失信被执行人的“老赖”。四川简阳市人民法院、成都高新技术产业开发区法院、资阳市中级人民法院等从2016年到今年2月的几起立案,均涉及周震南父亲周勇和母亲杨后超,包括已判决但“被执行人无正当理由拒不履行执行和解协议”“伪造证据,妨碍执行”等问题。
    • 李静
    • 摘要: 所谓的土地出让金主要是指政府各级土地管理部门,将辖区土地的使用权出让给某个人或者某个组织,也就是土地使用者。而土地使用者则需要按照部门的相关规定向土管部门缴纳土地使用资金,当土地使用期满,土地使用者如果想要继续使用土地,则需要向管理部门再次缴纳资金,或者可以将土地作为抵押资金进行入股或者投资,如果土地使用者将土地抵押出去,则需要向管理部门缴纳土地出让价款。
    • 张莉; 魏鹤翀; 欧德赟
    • 摘要: 中国的高经济杠杆率和地方债务风险受到广泛关注,目前较少研究地方债务中的银行贷款,而地方融资平台的土地抵押贷款是其中重要的融资来源.本文首次利用爬虫工具获取了中国土地市场网上的土地抵押数据,并且搜集了地方融资平台名单,通过对比融资平台和非平台公司的土地抵押信息,发现地方融资平台在抵押金额和抵押率上,都显著高于非融资平台的土地抵押.我们进行了各种稳健性检验,通过采用PSM方法,降低样本选择偏误,发现结果是稳健的.此外,本文还探究了背后的政治经济学因素,发现中西部的抵押金额和抵押率显著高于东部;未到期的城投债存量越大,土地抵押越大;地方政府的经济增长压力越大,土地抵押也越大.这一定程度上意味着,融资平台获得的土地抵押较高,是出于地方政府强烈的举债动机和对信贷市场的干预,导致信贷资源的无效率配置.即使是土地抵押这种相对来说风险较小的融资渠道,依然可能蕴含着地方债务风险,这也为地方债务融资的抵押率高提供了证据.%China's local economic development and large-scale urban construction rely heavily on the urban land market.Land is used as a form of leverage to instigate the financing of urban construction,which also triggers the risk of excessive local debt.An important entity in local debt is the financing platform.The financing platforms are local government-backed investment companies,which are used to seek financing channels to bypass the legal constraints.Most researchers focus on municipal investment bonds,while less attention is paid to project loans from banks,when in fact bank loans account for a larger share of local debt.Among bank loans,land mortgages play an important role.However,due to data limitations,research on the land mortgage behavior of local financing platforms rarely includes rigorous empirical analysis based on microdata.This study is the first to analyze micro-level land mortgage data,and it finds that financing platforms have higher mortgage rates and larger amounts in land mortgages.We also discuss the strong motivation and ability of local governments to intervene,leading to a mismatch in credit resources that is inefficient and contains a large debt risk.This study makes the following contributions.(1)It studies urban land in China,whereas most researchers study land transfers by local governments or debt financing by financing platforms.This paper is the first to investigate financing platforms for land mortgages and conduct an empirical analysis based on micro-level data.(2)It contributes to the study of China's local debt risk by verifying the impact of credit discrimination on land mortgages,providing evidence that local government intervention leads to higher debt and inefficient allocation of credit resources,and revealing the potential risk of excessive land mortgage loans.(3)It provides empirical support to solve the problem of high leverage in China.We demonstrate that local governments have an inescapable responsibility for the high economic leverage.In the empirical section,based on the Chinese Land Market website(www.land-china.com),we collect the details of land mortgages from January 1,2006 to February 28,2016.The regional economic data is taken from the Regional Economic Statistical Yearbook,the China Urban Statistical Yearbook,and the Wind database.The list of financing platforms is taken from the China Banking Regulatory Commission.The data on officials are collected from the resumes on People's Daily Online,the Xinhua website,and the Baidu Encyclopedia.The results show that the mortgage amounts and rates are significantly higher with financing platforms.Although mortgages by financing platforms are restricted through policies and regulations,the overall over-borrowing is noteworthy.Given the systematic differences between financing platforms and non-platform companies,we use the propensity score matching(PSM)method for robustness testing.We then further explore the political and economic factors behind the phenomenon.First,we examine the regional heterogeneity and find that mortgage loans and mortgage rates were significantly higher in the central and western region.Second,we investigate the impact of municipal investment bonds,and find a positive relationship between the stock of municipal investment bonds and land mortgages.Third,we discuss government goals and official incentives,and find that the increase in land mortgages is related to financing needs under the pressure of expansion.Finally,we explore the existence of government intervention through the differences in coefficient of the different government levels and land uses.A series of empirical results shows that a financing platform can indeed obtain more land mortgage loans and higher mortgage rates.The reason behind this is that local governments have strong motives and intervention capabilities,resulting in inefficient allocation of credit resources.This means that even such a low-risk financing channel still carries local debt risk and crowds out the financing space of other entities.In future,they should be regulated through a reform in the budgetary and financing system,or the development of government financing channels.Further research should include an empirical analysis of the impact of the financing platform's own performance on land mortgages.Specifically,based on the findings of this paper,we would further control the characteristics of local financing platforms,including financial data and other information related to solvency.
    • 李昌平; 杨嘉翔
    • 摘要: 在我国经济增长的国际环境趋紧的大背景下,振兴乡村及扩大内需对我国经济保持可持续增长显得格外重要.农村资产金融化、货币化、证券化和市场化,无疑是振兴乡村及扩大内需的关键举措.国内有两种创新性实践:一是土地三权分置,承包权股权化,经营权在银行抵押贷款.2010年起,农业部在全国33个县市区部署了这一创新性实践.二是村社内置合作金融,承包权或成员权在内置金融抵押贷款.2011年起,中国乡建院和全国22个省市区的40多个县市区合作,在112个村庄开展了这一创新性实践.根据后一种实践的情况,本文提出一些政策性建议.
    • 李坤鹏
    • 摘要: 自2016年全国“两权”抵押贷款试点工作开展以来,青海省结合实际,积极推动试点工作开展,由于“两权”抵押自身的复杂性,在推进过程中暴露出一些问题.本文从青海省试点地区工作出发,总结了青海省试点工作的一些做法、成效和困难,分析了“两权”抵押工作中出现的问题及原因,并提出相关政策建议.
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