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喉疾病的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计341篇,主要集中在耳鼻咽喉科学、中国医学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文335篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献34652篇;相关期刊153种,包括河北中医、中华神经科杂志、听力学及言语疾病杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括中华中医药学会首届中医微创学术大会、2005年全国喉科嗓音言语医学学术研讨会、全国中青年医学学术交流会(放射学)等;喉疾病的相关文献由718位作者贡献,包括徐文、李进让、梁冬冬等。



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  • 徐文
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  • 李正廷
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    • 王崑宇; 王吉波
    • 摘要: 原发性喉淀粉样变性是罕见的局部淀粉样变性,病因及发病机理尚不完全明确,其临床症状缺乏特异性。本文报道了我院收治的1例原发性喉淀粉样变性患者的诊疗经过及临床病理特点,结合文献复习,以提高对该病诊疗的认识。
    • 陈佳龙
    • 摘要: 目的:文章主要针对闭合性喉外伤的临床特征及处理方法进行分析研究。方法:回顾性分析2003年9月—2017年8月在某医院治疗的37例闭合性喉外伤患者的临床资料。结果:23例患者采取保守治疗:21例症状缓解,呼吸通畅;2例48~72 h出现呼吸困难,给予气管切开后,继续保守治疗,1个月后拔管,呼吸通畅。14例患者行低位气管切开术及颈外径路的手术探查及修复手术,1例术后1个月出现喉气管瘢痕狭窄,6个月后再次行喉气管成形术治愈;其余13例呼吸通畅,3个月后治愈拔管,1例因气管离断伤导致喉返神经损伤,遗留声嘶症状但呼吸通畅,未再做特殊处理。所有患者随访1~2年,呼吸通畅,无喉气管瘢痕狭窄等并发症出现。结论:闭合性喉外伤因颈部皮肤无伤口,常易被忽视而延误处理。接诊时应及时、准确地判断病情,并根据病情分类采取正确的处置,预防喉狭窄等并发症的发生。
    • 许建华; 邱雪松; 黄文忠
    • 摘要: 目的 比较显微支撑喉镜下手术治疗和电子喉镜下手术治疗声带白斑的效果.方法 选择该院2006年10月至2016年10月接收的声带白斑患者68例,根据治疗方法将其分为对照组和研究组,各34例.研究组接受显微支撑喉镜下手术治疗,对照组接受电子喉镜下手术治疗,术后1个月、3个月、6个月、1年定期随访,观察患者声嘶改善状况,声带恢复情况及有无复发等.结果 研究组治疗总有效率和伴有不典型增生的声带白斑治疗总有效率方面分别为94.12%、93.33%,对照组分别为73.53%、62.50%,研究组均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 显微支撑喉镜治疗声带白斑的疗效较电子喉镜更佳,尤其是治疗声带白斑伴不典型增生倾向患者效果更显著.
    • 陈超; 谭乐恬; 许政敏
    • 摘要: Objectives To provide the experience about the diagnostic process and following management,and to discuss the outcome and predictors in children with laryngeal cleft (LC).Methods A retrospective case study was conducted at an academic children's hospital.Thirty children were diagnosed as laryngeal cleft between January 2016 and April 2017.Airway evaluations were performed using both flexible and rigid endoscopy,and swallowing evaluations were performed using fiberoptic endoscopic examination of swallowing or modified barium swallow.Results Of 30 cases,18 were male and 12 were female,ranging in age from birth to 8 years.Two cases were diagnosed as type 0 LC,and they were offered thickened liquid without medication.Throughout follow-up,they remained asymptomatic and showed no respiratory complications.Nineteen children were diagnosed as type Ⅰ LC.Six of them were significantly improved by anti-reflux therapy and feeding instructions.Four children were concomitant with swallowing dysfunction and/or neuromuscular disorders,and they were given a tracheotomy and routine management.Another 4 children were submitted surgical repair when routine treatment failed,and their symptoms were relieved.Five children were concomitant with larygomalacia,and their symptoms were totally ameliorated by supraglottoplasty.Three children were diagnosed as type Ⅱ LC.Two of them received surgical repair and clinically improved,and the rest one was treated by anti-reflux therapy and still under follow-up.Three children were diagnosed as type Ⅲ LC.One of them was underwent surgical repair and clinically improved.Two children were tracheotomized and treated by anti-reflux therapy.Three cases were diagnosed as type Ⅳ LC at birth and no one survived.Conclusions Laryngeal cleft is a rare congenital anomaly manifesting with a variety of symptoms,including swallowing disorder,aspirations,dyspnea,stridor and hoarseness.Diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal clefts is a challenge.The best way to evaluate the LC is FEES by laryngeal endoscopy combined with MLB.Cases with type 0-Ⅰ mostly were signifieantly improved by antireflux therapy and feeding instructions.When routine treatment failed,surgical repair is needed.All the cases with LC type Ⅱ-Ⅲ need surgical repair as soon as possible.For type Ⅳ cases,early diagnosis,appropriate treatment and management help to reduce mortality and morbidity.%目的 回顾性分析在复旦大学附属儿科医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科诊治的30例先天性喉裂患者的病历资料,通过对其诊断和评估方法的研究以及疗效的分析,制定出有效的评估方法和治疗方案.方法 分析2016年1月至2017年5月喉裂患者30例,男18例,女12例;年龄范围1d至8岁,中位年龄3.5个月.喉裂评估方法:清醒状态下电子纤维喉镜检查、功能性内镜下吞咽功能评估、全麻下保留自主呼吸的显微喉气管硬镜检查、气管内插管透气实验,以及核素的吞咽正向肺吸入检查,比较各种客观检查方法的优势.根据不同的喉裂分型以及合并的畸形、功能异常等给出相应的治疗方案.术后1~3个月行症状评分和客观检查评估.结果 0型喉裂2例,Ⅰ型喉裂19例,Ⅱ型喉裂3例,Ⅲ型喉裂3例,Ⅳ型喉裂3例.其中合并吞咽功能异常4例,合并声门下狭窄6例,其中误吸阳性7例.治疗方案:2例0型喉裂患者予以非手术治疗;19例Ⅰ型喉裂患者中6例予以非手术治疗,4例合并吞咽功能异常者予以气管切开,4例予以非手术治疗后无效行喉裂修补,5例合并喉软化症无误吸者,行声门上成形术;Ⅱ型喉裂3例,2例行喉裂修补,1例行喉裂修补合并气管切开;3例Ⅲ型喉裂中1例行开放性喉裂修补,2例行气管切开;3例Ⅳ型喉裂因合并多发畸形,死亡.治疗有效率:0型为100%;Ⅰ型为94.74%;Ⅱ型为100%;Ⅲ型为66.67%;Ⅳ型无治疗经验.结论 显微喉气管硬镜检查合并气管内插管透气实验联合吞咽功能评估是对喉裂分级、吞咽功能以及相关气管畸形等为最有效的评估手段.对于0~Ⅰ型喉裂不合并其他畸形和吞咽功能异常者,多数经非手术治疗有效,无效时行修补手术,Ⅱ~Ⅲ型喉裂需通过手术修补;Ⅳ型喉裂多合并多发畸形,死亡率极高.
    • 杨亚敏; 李琦; 张纳新
    • 摘要: 淀粉样变较少累及呼吸道,气管支气管淀粉样变较罕见,同时累及喉、气管及支气管的淀粉样变更为罕见.本文介绍1例喉、气管支气管淀粉样变的病例,该患者存在原发性喉淀粉样变,15年后同时出现气管支气管淀粉样变.由于疾病罕见且临床表现不具特异性,导致患者曾被误诊为上呼吸道感染、支气管哮喘.患者经支气管镜镜下钳夹、氩气刀治疗后,症状明显缓解,目前病情较稳定,但仍需追踪远期预后.%Amyloidosis is less involved in the respiratory tract. The tracheobronchial amyloidosis is rare, and the amyloid changes involved in the larynx, trachea and bronchus are more rare. The study introduces a case of the primary laryngeal and tracheobronchial amyloidosis. The patient was diagnosed as primary laryngeal amyloidosis, and had tracheobronchial amyloidosis after 15 years. Due to the rare and non-specific clinical manifestations of the disease, the patient was misdiagnosed as upper respiratory tract infection and bronchial asthma.After the treatment of the clamp of the bronchoscope and argon knife,the symptoms were significantly relieved in the patient.At present,the disease is stable and has not relapsed,but it still needs to track the long-term prognosis.
    • 倪荣华; 张成一; 林志宏
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨内窥镜支撑喉镜下低温等离子射频术治疗成人喉乳头状瘤的临床效果.方法 选取诸暨市中心医院2014年1月至2018年4月收治的成人喉乳头状瘤患者60例为研究对象,按照治疗方法将其分为对照组与观察组,每组30例.对照组应用支撑喉镜下瘤体钳除术,观察组采用支撑喉镜下低温等离子射频术治疗.记录两组手术时间、术中出血量、住院时间、术后并发症,术后随访,记录两组复发时间及复发率.结果 观察组手术时间为(29.54±4.52) min,明显短于对照组的(38.85±5.47) min(t=7.186,P=0.000);术中出血量为(1.24±0.76) mL,明显少于对照组的(35.69±5.88) mL(t =31.825,P=0.000);住院时间为(3.83±1.17)d,明显短于对照组的(4.79±1.47)d(t=2.798,P=0.006).观察组术后并发症率3.33% (1/30),明显低于对照组的23.33% (7/30)(x2=5.192,P=0.022);观察组术后复发时间为(2.42±0.57)个月,明显长于对照组的(1.28±0.36)个月(t=9.261,P=0.000);观察组术后复发率为6.67% (2/30),明显低于对照组的40.00% (12/30)(x2=9.316,P=0.002).结论 内窥镜支撑喉镜下低温等离子射频术治疗成人喉乳头状瘤患者创伤小,且可延长术后复发时间,降低术后复发率.%Objective To investigate the clinical effect of low-temperature plasma radiofrequency with endoscopic laryngoscope in the treatment of adult patients with laryngeal papilloma.Methods From January 2014 to April 2018,60 adult patients with laryngeal papilloma in Zhuji Central Hospital were enrolled in this study.According to the treatment methods,they were divided into control group and observation group,with 30 cases in each group.The control group was treated with laryngoscope tweezers,and the observation group was treated by low temperature plasma radiofrequency with endoscopic laryngoscope.The operation time,intraoperative blood loss,hospitalization time and postoperative complications were recorded.The follow-up was performed on the first day after operation.The recurrence rate and average recurrence time were recorded.Results The average operation time in the observation group was (29.54 ± 4.52)min,which was significantly shorter than (38.85 ± 5.47)min in the control group (t =7.186,P =0.000).The intraoperative blood loss of the observation group was (1.24 ± 0.76) mL,which was significantly lower than (35.69 ± 5.88) mL of the control group (t =31.825,P =0.000).The length of hospital stay of the observation group was (3.83 ± 1.17) d,which was significantly shorter than (4.79 ± 1.47) d of the control group (t =2.798,P =0.006).The incidence rate of postoperative complication in the observation group was 3.33% (1/30),which was significantly lower than 23.33% in the control group (x2 =5.192,P =0.022).The mean duration of postoperative recurrence in observation group was (2.42 ± 0.57) months,which was significantly longer than (1.28 ± 0.36) months in the control group(t =9.261,P =0.000).The postoperative recurrenc.e rate of the observation group was 6.67 % (2/30),which was significantly lower than that of the control group [40.00 % (12/30),x2 =9.316,P =0.002].Conclusion Low temperature plasma radiofrequency with endoscopic laryngoscope in the treatment of adult patients with laryngeal papilloma has less trauma,and can extend the recurrence time,reduce the postoperative recurrence rate.
    • 杨兴文
    • 摘要: 英格博格·拉波波特出生于德国,母亲是犹太裔钢琴家。在纳粹统治时代,凡是有犹太人血统的女孩,都不允许获得高学历证书。1937年,25岁的拉波波特在汉堡大学医学院完成医学博士学业,撰写了关于白喉疾病的博士论文,并将论文交给评定人鲁道夫·德克维茨。
    • 张任华; 邓波红; 龙江涛; 黄和平; 何琛波
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨低辐射剂量联合自适应迭代重建技术(ASiR)在喉部CT成像中的临床应用价值.方法:220例患者的喉部CT扫描分为两组:常规剂量滤波反投影重建组(FBP组)和低辐射剂量联合ASiR50%重建组(ASiR50%组),每组各110例.所有重建图像传送至AW 4.6工作站进行后处理,分别由3名影像医师采用双盲法对两组影像质量进行评价,采用t检验对两组辐射剂量及图像质量进行比较.结果:ASiR50%组显著降低了辐射剂量(P0.05).结论:低辐射剂量联合ASiR50%重建技术在保证图像质量的基础上,显著降低了辐射剂量.%Objective: To explore the clinical application value of low radiation dose with adaptive statistical iterative re-construction (ASiR) technique in CT imaging of larynx. Methods: Larynx CT scans of 220 patients were classified into 2 groups: FBP group (underwent routine dose filtered back projection, FBP), and ASiR50% group (underwent low dose with ASiR50%), 110 cases each. The data of all patients were transmitted to the workstation(AW 4.6), and were evaluated by three doctors with double-blind method. A t test was used to compare 2 groups of radiation dose and image quality evaluated. Re-sults: ASiR50% group could obtain reduced the radiation dose (P0.05). Conclusion: Low radiation dose with ASiR50% on the basis of guarantee the quality of image reconstruction technology can significantly reduce the radiation dose.
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