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动静脉吻合的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计83篇,主要集中在外科学、临床医学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文77篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献30521篇;相关期刊58种,包括解剖与临床、实用手外科杂志、中华烧伤杂志等; 相关会议2种,包括第二届“孤山论道”骨伤论坛、第二十三届浙江省中西医结合骨伤科专业委员会学术年会、第三届中国中西医结合学会骨伤科分会关节专业委员会学术年会、第四届中国医师协会中西医结合医师分会骨伤科学术年会、浙江省中医药学会2017年骨伤科分会学术年会等;动静脉吻合的相关文献由294位作者贡献,包括严律南、刘亦杨、卢实春等。



论文:77 占比:0.25%


论文:2 占比:0.01%


论文:30521 占比:99.74%





  • 严律南
  • 刘亦杨
  • 卢实春
  • 孙杰
  • 张伟
  • 张卫东
  • 张春
  • 彭玉兰
  • 文天夫
  • 曾勇
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 冯天昊; 位志峰; 蒋齐; 许君; 孙杰; 刘雨; 姚爱兵; 闻浩; 葛京平
    • 摘要: 目的:研究国产手术机器人辅助腹腔镜系统行猪自体肾移植手术,探索该系统用于临床肾移植手术的可行性和安全性。方法:选取5只符合条件的实验用猪,以国产手术机器人行猪自体肾移植手术,分析实验用猪术后移植肾存活率、术中手术时间、肾动静脉分离时间、髂血管分离时间、动静脉吻合时间、输尿管吻合时间及术中失血量等数据。结果:5只实验用猪均能顺利完成手术,术后移植肾存活4只(占80%),总手术时间(189.2±15.14)min,肾动静脉分离时间(24.8±4.12)min,髂血管分离时间(23.4±4.96)min,动脉吻合时间(25.0±3.29)min,静脉吻合时间(23.6±4.92)min,输尿管吻合时间(24.4±1.85)min,术中失血量(172.4±40.97)ml,术中未发生与手术机器人相关的不良事件。结论:实验用猪自体肾移植手术中,国产手术机器人辅助腹腔镜系统安全可靠,可完成自体肾移植手术的精细操作,未发现不良事件。
    • 仲乐乐; 何升学; 张荣桂; 余天浩
    • 摘要: 硬脑膜动静脉瘘(DAVF)是指发生于硬脑膜动脉与硬脑膜静脉、脑静脉窦及皮质静脉间的异常动静脉吻合,占颅内血管畸形的10%~15%。临床表现与病变部位、供血动脉、动静脉分流程度和静脉引流类型有关,因此临床表现差异性大,可隐匿或急骤起病,病程可迁延,亦可迅速发展至顶峰。临床症状和病变解剖部位或不一致,使早期诊断困难,多可误诊,预后与早期确诊、治疗相关。本例就早期误诊为急性脊髓炎的1例小脑天幕区DAVF进行讨论。
    • 阮敏; 刘剑楠; 季彤; 张陈平
    • 摘要: 口腔颌面显微外科手术具有精度高、操作复杂、学习周期长等特点,对年轻医师进行系统性、规范化的操作技能培训,可为其临床工作奠定坚实基础.上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔颌面-头颈肿瘤科针对高年资住院医师及年轻主治医师开展显微外科操作技能的系统培训,教学团队精心组织课程,注重实践操作,强调操作细节,从基础理论、模型训练、大体解剖及临床观摩4个方面进行阶梯式培训,让学员快速高效地掌握口腔颌面显微外科的操作技巧,取得了良好的教学效果.
    • 陈超男; 钱林学; 胡向东; 杨宇
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨口腔颌面部肿瘤切除皮瓣移植重建术后,高频彩色多普勒超声在预测评估皮瓣存活情况中的临床应用.方法 回顾性分析自2017年9月至2020年9月于首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院行口腔颌面部肿瘤切除及游离皮瓣移植修复重建术的患者10例.使用高频彩色多普勒超声监测移植皮瓣处重建血管的走行、内径、动脉收缩期峰值流速、血管内部及周围回声变化,评估判断皮瓣血管状态,并结合临床观察皮瓣颜色及皮温,判定皮瓣存活情况.结果 10例患者均出现不同程度皮肤水肿,其中9例超声可显示吻合动、静脉血管(9/10),1例未显示.术后出现并发症4例,其中1例术后超声检查无法显示吻合血管,该患者术后24 h内临床肉眼观察未出现皮瓣颜色改变及皮温下降,肉眼观察至术后第7天,出现皮温降低、皮瓣颜色异常,最终发生皮瓣坏死.其余9例均未发生皮瓣坏死.结论 高频彩色多普勒超声可监测皮瓣移植术后动、静脉吻合支血管情况,对于评估及预测口腔颌面部肿瘤切除后移植皮瓣存活情况具有一定价值.
    • 张伟; 谢卫国; 张卫东; 杨飞; 陈斓
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨吻合血管的扩张皮瓣治疗大面积烧伤患者瘢痕挛缩畸形的效果. 方法 2016年4月-2018年2月,笔者单位收治大面积烧伤所致严重瘢痕挛缩畸形患者9例,其中男7例、女2例;年龄23 ~ 54岁;共14处瘢痕挛缩畸形及功能障碍,其中面颈部8处、肘部2处、腕及手部4处.于胸腹部置入扩张器,按扩张器额定容量的2~3倍注射生理盐水扩张,扩张满意后手术切除瘢痕,松解挛缩畸形.根据受区缺损所需切取扩张后皮瓣移植,吻合供受区动静脉.观察和记录扩张器个数、注射生理盐水量及扩张时间,皮肤软组织扩张术并发症,皮瓣个数、面积、厚度、转移方式,供区修复方法,皮瓣成活情况;随访瘢痕挛缩畸形整复效果,随访时参照李克特量表5级评分调查患者对各手术部位治疗效果的满意度,采用简明版烧伤专用健康量表评估患者治疗前及随访时的生活质量.对数据行配对样本t检验、Wilcoxon符号秩和检验. 结果 本组患者共置入扩张器16个,其中胸部6个、腹部10个.扩张结束时注射生理盐水量为(1 421±348)mL.扩张时间(8.1±2.6)个月.扩张期间发生扩张器渗漏1例、注射壶翻转不能注水1例.16处扩张区共切取皮瓣17个,面积为15 cm×13 cm ~30 cm ×25 cm,其中6个胸部皮瓣厚(0.49±0.06) cm,11个腹部皮瓣厚(0.76±0.15)cm.14个皮瓣采取吻合血管游离移植;3个皮瓣为带蒂转移及远端吻合血管增压,其中1个皮瓣2周后断蒂再与另侧受区血管吻合.除1个腹部皮瓣供瓣区另移植刃厚头皮外,其余供瓣区均直接缝合.术后2个皮瓣远端少许坏死,分别经换药及移植刃厚头皮后愈合;其余15个皮瓣全部成活.随访6~24个月,皮瓣质地柔软;1例患者手掌侧移植的腹部皮瓣因略显肥厚于首次皮瓣术后3个月修薄,其余皮瓣厚薄适宜.末次随访时,所有患者皮瓣修复处外观及功能均较术前明显改善;患者对手术部位治疗效果的满意度评分为(4.4±0.6)分;患者生活质量总分及热敏感、治疗反感、外貌与情感问题得分较治疗前有显著提高(t=3.232、2.683、3.969、2.884、2.588,P<0.05),手功能、性能力、人际关系、简单活动能力、重新工作能力得分与治疗前相近(t =0.778、1.000、1.664,Z=1.826、1.633,P>0.05). 结论 采用吻合血管的扩张皮瓣治疗大面积烧伤患者瘢痕挛缩畸形,皮瓣面积大且厚薄适宜,供区易于直接闭合,可明显改善外观和功能,提高患者生活质量,患者满意度较高.%Objective To explore the effect of expanded flaps with vascular anastomosis in the treatment of scar contracture deformities of extensively burned patients.Methods From April 2016 to February 2018,9 patients with severe scar contracture deformities caused by extensive burns were hospitalized in our unit,including 7 males and 2 females,aged 23-54 years.There were 14 sites of scar contracture deformities and dysfunction,including 8 in face and neck,2 in elbow,and 4 in wrist and hand.The expander was inserted into the chest or abdomen and was expanded by 2 to 3 times of its rated volume with injection of normal saline.After satisfied expansion,the expanded flap was harvested and transplanted with arteriovenous anastomosis onto the recipient site,where the scar was removed,the deformity was corrected,and the contracture was released.The number of expanders,the volume of normal saline injected,the period of expansion,the complications of skin and soft tissue expansion,the number,size,thickness,transplantation modes,and survival of flaps,and the repair method of donor site were observed and recorded.The reconstruction effect of scar contracture deformity was followed up.The patients' satisfaction with the therapeutic effect of various surgical sites during follow-up was investigated with a 5-point Likert Scale.The Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief was used to evaluate the quality of life of the patients pretreatment and during follow-up.Data were processed with paired sample t test or Wilcoxon signed-rank sum test.Results A total of 16 expanders were inserted in this group of patients,including 6 in the chest and 10 in the abdomen.The volume of normal saline injected at the end of expansion was (1 421 ± 348) mL.The expansion time was (8.1 ± 2.6) months.One case of expander leakage and one case of injection port turnover resulted in failure of water injection occurred during expansion.Totally 17 flaps were resected from 16 expanded areas.The size of flaps ranged from 15 cm × 13 cm to 30 cm ×25 cm.The thickness was (0.49 ±0.06) cm in 6 chest flaps and (0.76 ± 0.15) cm in 11 abdomen flaps.Free transplantation with vascular anastomosis was performed in 14 flaps,and pedicled transplantation supercharged with distal vascular anastomosis was performed in 3 flaps,one of which the vascular pedicle was divided and re-anastomosed to the other side of the recipient area 2 weeks later.Except for one donor site of abdomen flap which was transplanted with thin split-thickness scalp,the other donor sites were sutured directly.After operation,2 flaps were slightly necrotic at the distal end and healed after dressing change and thin split-thickness scalp transplantation respectively,while the remaining 15 flaps all survived.During the follow-up of 6-24 months,the texture of the flaps was soft.The abdomen flap transplanted to the palm of hand in one patient was slightly hypertrophic,which was thinned 3 months after operation,while the other flaps were good in thickness.At the last follow-up,the appearance and function of the sites repaired by flaps of all patients were obviously improved compared with those before operation,the satisfaction score of the patients with the therapeutic effect of the surgical site was (4.4 ± 0.6) points,the total score of quality of life and the scores of heat sensitivity,treatment antipathy,body image,and affect of patients were significantly higher than those before treatment (t =3.232,2.683,3.969,2.884,2.588,P < 0.05),while the scores of hand function,sexuality,interpersonal relationship,simple function abilities,perception in returning to work of patients were close to those before treatment (t =0.778,1.000,1.664,Z =1.826,1.633,P >0.05).Conclusions Expanded flaps with vascular anastomosis are suitable for the treatment of scar contracture deformities of extensively burned patients.The flaps are large in size and suitable in thickness.The donor sites are easy to be closed directly.The treatment can obviously improve the appearance,function,and the quality of life of the patients,with a high satisfaction of patients.
    • 钟宏星; 王道明; 柯建华; 曾荣铭; 林磊; 张松林; 洪朝浮; 林乐发; 叶永同
    • 摘要: Objective To analyze the causes and remedies of the arterial crisis occured in retrograde digital arterial perforator flaps. Methods From December 2010 to September 2016, 17 cases of flap that had arterial blood crisis, remedied by Superficial vein and small artery anastomosis. Superficial vein existed in proximal or distal flap was anastomosed with the digital inherent artery or small artery in the wound. Then, arteriovenous bypass was established to improve the skin flap blood supply. Results 9 in 17 cases of arterial blood crisis got a ruddy complexion immediately, 6 cases were dark red skin colour and blisters on the second day, while turned rosy after 5-7 days, 2 cases lilac on the second day, partial flap necrosis appeared 1 week later and wound heaed after dressing change. Conclusion Taking the arteriovenous anastomosis immediately, when the arterial blood crisis occured in retrograde digital artery perforator flaps, can increase the flap blood supply, reduce the failure of operation.%目的 分析逆行指动脉穿支蒂皮瓣切取后即刻动脉供血障碍的原因及补救方法 .方法2010年12月-2016年9月,17例皮瓣切取后即发现动脉供血障碍,将进入皮瓣蒂部的浅静脉与指动脉吻合或将伤指创面内小动脉与皮瓣远侧缘浅静脉吻合,达到动-静脉转流的目的来改善皮瓣血运.结果 17例皮瓣中,9例术后皮瓣肤色红润Ⅰ期成活;6例术后第2天皮瓣暗红,有水疱形成,5~7 d后皮瓣转红润;2例术后第2天皮瓣淡紫,1周后皮瓣部分坏死,局部换药后创面愈合.结论 逆行指动脉穿支蒂皮瓣在切取后发现动脉供血障碍,积极进行动-静脉小血管吻合,增加组织瓣供血,能减少手术的失败.
    • 于水; 孙成建
    • 摘要: 痔疮为肛肠最常见的疾病,给病人带来极大的心理和生理影响。传统的手术方式存在疗效欠佳、并发症多和病情易复发等缺点,血管内介入栓塞治疗作为痔疮新的治疗方式,具有安全、有效和并发症少等优势。本文对痔疮最新的治疗理念和血管内介入栓塞治疗的研究进展进行综述。
    • 冯仕明; 王爱国; 程建; 张在轶; 孙擎擎; 周明明; 郝云甲
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨利用中央动脉分支静脉化重建TamaiⅠ区断指回流的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2013年9月—2015年2月徐州市中心医院手足显微外科收治的27例27指TamaiⅠ区完全离断断指患者的临床资料.其中男16例、女11例,年龄18~51岁;拇指3例,示指9例,中指7例,环指5例,小指3例.患者均采用中央动脉分支静脉化治疗,术后观察患指外观、指甲生长及手指感觉情况,采用Tamai评分对手术治疗效果进行评价.结果 所有患指顺利成活,无一例出现动脉血供不足或静脉回流障碍危象,伤口均获得一期愈合,未出现再植指体的部分坏死.25例患者获得随访,随访时间6~20(13.3±3.5)个月.末次随访时,指体外观恢复满意,指甲生长平整,未见明显萎缩,指腹两点辨别觉为4.5~6.5(5.4±0.7)mm.按照Tamai评分标准评定疗效:优24例,良1例,优良率为100%.结论 采用中央动脉分支静脉化重建TamaiⅠ区断指回流,具有安全可靠、成活率高、指甲正常生长等优点,是末节无可供吻合的静脉及可供静脉化的第二条动脉型断指的一种新的、有效的治疗方法.%Objective To introduce the clinical application of using the single central artery bifurcation technique for Tamai 's zone Ⅰ distal replantation.Methods From September 2013 to February 2015, 27 patients (27 fingers) of Tamai's zone Ⅰ distal amputation were retrospectively followed in Xuzhou Central Hospital.There were 16 males and 11 females, aged 18 -51 years.Among them, the thumb was involved in 3 cases, the index finger in 9 cases, the middle finger in 7 cases, the ring finger in 5 cases, and the little finger in 3 cases.The single central artery bifurcation technique was used for treatment .Main outcome measures included the finger appearance , nails smoothness and finger sensation .Patients were scored using the Tamai's scale.Results All fingers were replanted successfully without evidence of arterial insufficiency or venous congestion .The wound healed by first intention, and partial necrosis was not identified postoperatively in any fingers .Twenty-five patients were successfully followed up for 6 to 20 months (average, 13.3 ±3.5 months) .At the final follow-up, the fingers appearances were satisfactory , nails were neady smooth, and no obvious atrophy of finger was found .The finger-pulp mean values of static 2-point discrimination were 5.4 ±0.7 mm (range, 4.5 -6.5 mm) .In our series, based on the Tamai's classification, the results were excellent in 24 cases, good in 1 case, with anthe excellent and or good rate of was 100%.Conclusions The single central artery bifurcation technique can be used safely , with high survival rate which is an ideal choice to promote growth of nail when there was no volar vein , dorsal vein, or second artery available in the amputated part for standard venous drainage .
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