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HBT的相关文献在1987年到2023年内共计523篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、电工技术、物理学 等领域,其中期刊论文218篇、会议论文9篇、专利文献296篇;相关期刊63种,包括电子学报、电子器件、物理学报等; 相关会议7种,包括2005年海峡两岸三地无线科技学术会议、2003中国通信专用集成电路技术及产业发展研讨会、第十三届全国半导体集成电路、硅材料学术会等;HBT的相关文献由736位作者贡献,包括钱文生、刘冬华、张鹤鸣等。



论文:218 占比:41.68%


论文:9 占比:1.72%


论文:296 占比:56.60%





  • 钱文生
  • 刘冬华
  • 张鹤鸣
  • 胡辉勇
  • 段文婷
  • 胡君
  • 宋建军
  • 宣荣喜
  • 石晶
  • 郝跃
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 张红; 张振宁; 叶松
    • 摘要: 随着无线通信技术的高速发展,对高频率高带宽的频率源需求愈加迫切。在高频大带宽频率源中,高性能的分频器是一个重要的部分。为满足高频宽带通信的应用需求,设计实现了基于电流模逻辑结构的高频宽带除8/9、16/17前置分频器。通过分析CML锁存器工作原理与性能,设计了优化参数的集合与门的CML结构D触发器、双路选择器、逻辑或门结构,并基于该D触发器、选择器、或门设计了除8/9、16/17前置分频器。前置分频器使用0.18μm SiGe BiCMOS工艺流片并测试,测试结果表明,在3.3 V电源电压下,分频器工作频率可达20 MHz~8 GHz,带宽约8 GHz,功耗6.6 mW。与其他设计相比,设计的分频器功耗低同时还具有较高的工作频率和大的带宽。
    • 李海鸥; 谢志远
    • 摘要: 基于SANAN的HBT工艺,设计了一种用于5G通信频段中4.5~5.0 GHz(N79)的手机功率放大器芯片.该功率放大器的放大电路采用三级放大结构,可获得较高增益;为提高输出功率和优化回波损耗,第二级放大电路与第三级放大电路的级间使用变压器网络进行匹配,将第二级放大电路的一路输出信号转为两路差分信号输出;采用功率合成技术,基板上变压器将第三级的两路差分信号合成为一路信号.该功率放大器采用自适应有源偏置电路技术和双偏置电路技术,能有效提高输出功率的线性度和静态工作点的稳定性.仿真结果表明,在整个N79工作频段内,该功率放大器的回波损耗小于-10 dB,增益为33~34 dBm,输出功率1 dB压缩点为37 dBm,在输出功率为1 dB压缩点处的最高功率附加效率为45%.该功率放大器能得到较高的增益、输出功率和功率附加效率.
    • Jinjing Huang; Jun Liu
    • 摘要: An improved small-signal equivalent circuit of HBT concerning the AC current crowding effect is proposed in this paper. AC current crowding effect is modeled as a parallel RC circuit composed of Cbi and Rbi, with distributed base-collector junction capacitance also taken into account. The intrinsic portion is taken as a whole and extracted directly from the measured Sparameters in the whole frequency range of operation without any special test structures. An HBT device with a 2 × 20 μm^(2) emitter-area under three different biases were used to demonstrate the extraction and verify the accuracy of the equivalent circuit.
    • 摘要: 实现互联世界的创新RF解决方案提供商Qorvo,Inc.近日宣布,Qorvo前端功率放大器(PA)将用于高通子公司QualcommTechnologies,Inc.的高通蜂窝车联网(C—V2X)参考设计。Qorvo新型GaAsHBTPA是唯一一款支持C—V2X的功率放大器,旨在增强行车安全意识,改进驾驶辅助功能。
    • 孙凯; 李舜尧
    • 摘要: Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent that is extensively used in various consumer care products. It entered the aquatic environment, mainly through municipal and industrial effluents, which acted by hindering one of the highly conserved enzymes of bacterial fatty-acid biosynthesis. It was noted that laccase could catalyze one-electron oxidation of phenolic pollutants into radical intermediates, and subsequently coupled to each other via the covalent binding. In this study, the transformation of triclosan in aqueoussolution was investigated by laccase-mediated enzyme-catalyzed oxidative coupling reactions (E-COCRs) in the absence and presence of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT, a redox mediator). The transformation products of triclosan were identified using high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), and the transformation mechanism of triclosan was also proposed. Results indicated that laccase fromPleurotus ostreatus was effective in removing triclosan, and the presence of HBT significantly improved triclosan removal. The reactions followed the apparent pseudo first-order kinetics during 0~4h incubation (R2≥0.9465), the rate constant (k) values were respectively 0.43 and 0.95/h in the absence and presence of HBT, and the removal half-life (T1/2) values were 1.60 and 0.73h, respectively. The oligomerization (dimers, trimers and tetramers) of triclosan was identified as the dominant reaction pathway by laccase without HBT present, whereas the ether cleavage led to triclosan decomposition (2,4-dichlorophenol and 3-chlorophenol) in the presence of HBT was the predominant pathway. These findings presented in this study provide a novel insight into the fate and transformation of triclosan by laccase-mediated E-COCRs in aquatic environment in the absence and presence of HBT.%探讨了氧化还原介质(HBT)对漆酶调控水体中三氯生转化的影响,并利用高分辨质谱鉴定了其转化产物,综合地阐明了漆酶催化氧化水溶液中三氯生转化的作用机理.结果表明,平菇Pleurotus ostreatus分泌的胞外漆酶能够有效地去除水溶液中的三氯生,添加HBT显著地促进了漆酶对三氯生的去除效率.反应前期(0~4h),三氯生的转化符合表观假一级动力学方程(R2≥0.9465);在缺乏或存在HBT条件下,三氯生的转化速率常数(k)分别为0.43和0.95/h,半衰期(T1/2)分别为1.60和0.73h.缺乏HBT的反应体系中,漆酶催化氧化三氯生转化的主要机制是通过自由基介导的耦合反应形成低聚物,如二聚体、三聚体和四聚体等;而存在HBT的反应系统中,三氯生转化的主要途径是通过醚键断裂生成2,4-二氯苯酚和3-氯苯酚.该研究结果有利于评估氧化还原介质对漆酶催化氧化抗菌剂在环境中转化过程的影响及机理.
    • 邸士伟; 刘昱; 李志强; 张海英
    • 摘要: 功率放大器(Power Amplifier,PA)是射频前端关键的模块,基于0.13μm SiGe HBT工艺,设计了一款38 GHz功率放大器.提出了HBT集电极寄生电容和传输线谐振的方法减小芯片面积,针对毫米波频段下,晶体管可获得最大增益较低,采用堆叠晶体管提高了功率放大器的增益,同时通过优化有源器件参数,提高了功率放大器的输出功率和效率.仿真结果显示,在4V的供电电压下,工作在38 GHz的功率放大器1 dB压缩点输出功率为17.8 dBm,功率增益为19.0 dB,功率附加效率为32.3%,功耗为252 mW.
    • 韩申生; 翟光杰; 马灵玲; 王海波; 张波
    • 摘要: 经过一年来的努力,基本按时完成了预定的各项研究任务。(1)完成了单次曝光高光谱强度关联光谱成像光学设计理论及实验验证,获得了系统空间分辨率、光谱分辨率及信噪比之间的相互制约关系。完成了基于最临近插值法和双线性插值法的测量矩阵标定方法的建立,建立了自动化标定系统。初步完成了系统测量矩阵的优化设计,加工得到了部分满足设计指标的空间随机相位调制器样件。完成了单次曝光高光谱强度关联成像试验样机光机设计。(2)研制出一台单光子强度关联光谱相机,并开展了2公里的野外成像,采用了互补测量的方法,优化了压缩感知算法,获得了高质量的图像输出。旨在用单光子点探测替代单光子面阵探测器完成单光子级别的超灵敏遥感光谱成像。(3)在理论上创新的提出了通过预先对光谱通道阵列进行更加精细定标的方式,然后引入光谱重构算法,如吉洪诺夫正则化(Tikhonov regularization)算法进行求解,可以在不牺牲其他性能指标或者不增加硬件成本的条件下有效的改善传统分光技术的光谱分辨率。在实验方面,引入了微反射镜(DMD)作为光谱通道选择器,设计了相关的样机系统,验证了理论算法的可靠性和正确性,当对每个光谱通道预先进行更加精细的光谱定标时,系统的光谱分辨率得到了有效的提高。(4)开展了热光信号参量放大的实验和实际物体的光参量图像放大实验研究,完成了热光参量放大闲置光和种子光的关联成像实验,搭建近红外波段光参量放大实验光路,开展了近红外脉冲放大关联成像实验。(5)搭建了无透镜关联成像装置,对太阳光进行了滤波,得到了带宽很窄的太阳光。演示了太阳光的HBT实验,并且在HBT实验的基础上做了一维物体的太阳光关联成像实验。最后我们对实验结果进行了系统的分析,初步得到了太阳光关联成像对比度低的原因,并提出了改进措施。(6)在强度关联图像质量要素表征及评价方法研究方面,本年度主要完成了不同空间和光谱结构及稀疏度的仿真场景构建方法研究;完成了影响被动光学关联成像质量因素分析;初步开展了被动光学高光谱强度关联图像质量评价方法研究;为下一年度的研究工作奠定了基础。初步完成三维图像快速重构算法,和基于梯度投影原理的GPSR_BB算法进行了结果比对,在相同采样率的情况下,图像信噪比得到了很大的提高。在采样率较低的情况下,图像质量提升更加明显,为此可以有效地降低采样次数。%The task of the program has been fulfilled from time to time under one year hard work of our research team. (1). The optical design and experimental verification of single shot hyperspectra ghost imaging has been completed. The mutual restriction relation of space resolution, spectrum resolution and signal to noise ratio has been studied. The standardization of measure matrix has been completed. The optomechanical design of prototype of single shot hyperspectra ghost imaging has been completed. (2).A single photon intensity correlation spectrum camera has been developed. The experiment aims to accomplish the single photon level ultra-sensitive remote sense spectrum imaging with single photon point detector instead of single photon area-array detector. (3).In the theory, the pre-calibration of the spectrum channel array with more precise has been presented, this way can improve spectrum resolution of traditional optical technology without sacrificing any performance or adding any hardware cost. In the experiment, the DMD has been chosen as the spectrum channel selector. The spectrum resolution of system can be effective improved when every spectrum channel is demarcated with high precision. (4).The experiment of thermallight parametric amplification and the experiment research of optical parameter amplification has been started. The correlation of thermal light parameter amplification and seed light has been completed, the optical parametric amplification in near-infrared has been set up and we start the near-infrared pulse amplification correlation imaging experiment. (5).The lensless correlation imaging has set up and HBT experiment of sun light has been demonstrated. The experiment result has been analyzed and we get the reason that sunlight has low contrast during imaging and give some advice to improve it. (6).Our team has studied the spectrum structure in different space and simulation method this year in the representation and evaluation of reconstructed image from ghost imaging. We get better signal to noise ratio under the same sampling rate compared to the GPSR_BB algorithm. When the sampling rate is low, the quality of image can be improved obviously using our algorithm, this can reduce our sampling rate effectively. In conclusion, the program is going well under the hard work of the whole team.
    • 潘艳; 徐冉
    • 摘要: 漆酶是一种含铜氧化还原酶,作用底物广.壬基酚是一种人工合成雌激素,具有持久性以及生物蓄积性,进入到环境中会对人类和动物造成生殖免疫系统的破坏.在研究中,使用漆酶降解壬基酚,使用高效液相色谱法检测壬基酚.通过研究,漆酶在pH 4.0,温度为35°C条件下降解壬基酚2h后,降解率达到90%左右的,表明了漆酶对壬基酚具有较好的降解作用.当加入0.3 mg/L HBT时,降解率明显提高,几乎全部降解,说明HBT能够提高降解速率.
    • Jing Zhang; Yonghui Yang; Guangbing Chen; Yuxin Wang; Dongbing Hu; Kaizhou Tan; Wei Cui; Zhaohuan Tang
    • 摘要: By using reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD), the high strained, Ge-graded SiGe film growth has been realized. The film was used as a base of the HBT (Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor) developed in 0.35 μm SiGe BiCMOS process technology, and made the device give good DC characteristics (β > 100) and high-frequency performance (fT = 67 GHz), thus meeting the requirements for technical specifications in 0.35 μm SiGe BiCMOS process technology.
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