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降维法的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计66篇,主要集中在数学、自动化技术、计算机技术、教育 等领域,其中期刊论文58篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献6篇;相关期刊52种,包括绍兴文理学院学报、上海教育科研、新校园(理论版)等; 相关会议2种,包括中国工程热物理学会传热传质学学术会议、第二十届中国汽车工程学会汽车安全国际学术会等;降维法的相关文献由138位作者贡献,包括文家金、王挽澜、刘勇等。



论文:58 占比:87.88%


论文:2 占比:3.03%


论文:6 占比:9.09%





  • 文家金
  • 王挽澜
  • 刘勇
  • 向建军
  • 吴敏
  • 周凯龙
  • 张义民
  • 张勇
  • 张日新
  • 张永利
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 刘珂; 魏伟锋
    • 摘要: 针对散体颗粒堆积角的离散元仿真评定问题,以粳米为研究对象,建立离散元堆积仿真模型,基于单个粳米颗粒质心数据,提出一种处理方法:提取三维质心堆积体表面质心点集,将表面质心点集绕轴线旋转至同一象限,进行线性拟合,获得堆积角度。结果表明:两种处理方法与实际测量值相对误差均小于5%,绝对误差在2°之内,该方法能够充分利用三维数据,为离散元仿真散体颗粒堆积角测量提供一种新方法。
    • 周丽丽; 刘琦; 陈庆文
    • 摘要: 在无线节点自组网络的运用中,如何简化无线节点进行定位是一个重要研究课题.通过人工进行辅助定位虽然简单,但工作量大,错误率高.本文通过引入降维法及升维法,用降维法来简化无线节点坐标函数,用升维法来实现无线节点的自主晋升,实现无线节点的坐标变换,提高无线节点自组网的晋升算法,以及无线组网的速度.
    • 施智明1
    • 摘要: 本文结合了我学习高中物理电磁学的经验,总结了几种解答相关题目的技巧和方法,希望能够为更多学生的学习提供一定的借鉴和参考。
    • 赵娜; 贺梦璇; 李洪远; 孟伟庆; 莫训强
    • 摘要: [目的]探究植被恢复工程中氮、磷、水的交互作用对土壤种子库萌发的影响,可为表层土壤的合理利用以及土壤种子库植被恢复工程中相关参数的调控提供有价值的参考。[方法]采用温室萌发法,探讨氮、磷、水分等单一因素对土壤种子库萌发及幼苗初期生长的影响;采用Box-Behnken中心组合设计(BBC)与响应面法(RSM)相结合的方法来探究这3个因素对土壤种子库萌发及幼苗初期生长的交互影响,并得到植被恢复的最优方案;采用降维法对响应面模型中3因素的耦合作用进行验证。[结果]①当氮、磷、水分分别位于5~20 g/m^2,5~15 g/m^2,10~30 mm范围时,土壤种子库的萌发及幼苗初期生长情况相对较好;②响应面分析中最适模型为二次模型,在该模型中水分(C)对响应值Y的影响最大,且植被恢复的最优条件为氮13.54 g/m^2,磷9.47 g/m^2,水分30 mm;③在水分较低的情况下,植物对氮、磷的吸收也相对较低,氮、磷、水的交互作用不显著;而在水分较高的情况下,即使施肥较少,其对应的土壤种子库萌发效果也高于施肥水平高而水分胁迫的处理。降维分析进一步验证了水分的重要性,这与响应面分析中的结果相吻合。[结论]尽管优化条件可能与实际中略有差异,但该研究仍有很大的参考价值,且氮、磷与水分的交互效应均表现出对土壤种子库萌发及幼苗生长的促进作用。
    • 江少锋; 杨素华; 陈震; 张聪炫; 周旭欣
    • 摘要: 目的 符号距离函数在水平集图像分割,视觉特征提取等图像处理领域有重要应用.随着图像分辨率越来越高,符号距离函数计算效率直接影响图像处理速度,为实现高分辨率图像实时处理,本文在降维法的基础上提出了并行算法,并针对并行计算对降维法进行了改进.方法 降维法将2维距离计算转化为两个1维距离计算,并采用抛物线下界法计算1维距离,是当前最快的一种符号距离计算方法.首先利用行和列计算的独立性,提出了降维法的并行算法.然后再对并行降维法进行改进,提出了抛物线下界法的并行算法.该方法采用多线程分段并行计算抛物线下界,即每个像素点与段内相邻像素点并行进行抛物线求交运算,快速搜索抛物线下界,从而实现了抛物线下界法的分段并行距离函数计算.所有并行算法在CUDA平台上采用GPU通用并行计算方法实现.结果 对不同分辨率及包含不同曲线的9幅图像进行实验测试,在距离计算误差小于1的条件下,并行降维算法对所有测试图像计算时间均小于0.06 s,计算效率比串行方法有了10倍以上的提升,改进并行降维算法对所有测试图像计算时间均小于0.03 s,计算效率比串行方法有了20倍左右的提升.结论 该方法实现了符号距离函数的快速并行计算,其优势在于当图像分辨率较高时仍然能够实现实时处理.%Objective Signed distance functions are the nearest distances between pixels and points on the closed curve in an image,with a negative sign in the curve and a positive sign outside the curve.The signed distance function has important applications in image processing,such as level set-based segmentation,3D visual feature extraction,and pattern recognition in computer vision.The computational complexity of the signed distance function is O (N × M),where N is the number of pixels in an image,and M is the number of points on a closed curve.The high computational complexity of the signed distance function directly affects the computational efficiency of image processing with the increase in image resolution.For real-time processing of an image with high resolution,an improved real-time computing method for the signed distance function based on the dimension reduction method was proposed to improve the computational efficiency.Method Dimension reduction method transforms the 2D signed distance function into two independent 1D signed distance functions for each row (or column) of the image and uses lower parabola envelope-based method for calculating the 1D distance.The lower parabola envelope-based method sequentially computes the lower envelope of the first q parabolas,where the parabolas are ordered according to the horizontal locations of their vertices.The computational complexity of the dimension reduction method is O (2N) and is one of the fastest methods for calculating the signed distance function.This paper first proposes a parallel dimension reduction method according to the computational independence of the signed distance function among the rows (or columns) in an image to reduce the computational time of the dimension reduction method.The parallel dimension reduction method calculates the signed distance functions of the different rows (or columns) in an image simultaneously by allowing each thread to correspond to a row (or column) in the image.Thus,the computational complexity of the proposed parallel dimension reduction method is reduced to O (2 W + 2H),where W and H are the width and height of the image,respectively.Second,this paper proposes an improved parallel dimension reduction method by running the lower parabola envelope-based method in a parallel manner to improve the computational efficiency further.The improved parallel dimension reduction method uses multi-threads in calculating the lower parabola envelope in different segments to perform the dimension reduction method by finding the intersection points between two neighboring parabolas in a segment simultaneously.All parallel processing steps were completed on CUDA platform for general parallel computing on GPU.The first step is calculating the sign by assigning H threads,and each thread should correspond to a row in the image.The second step is calculating the 1D distance by assigning W × H threads.Each thread should correspond to a pixel in the image and should scan from left to right of the image to touch the closed curve and set the scanning distance as the 1D distance of each pixel.The last step is calculating the 2D distance by assigning W × H threads.Each thread should correspond to a pixel in the image and should scan from top to bottom of the image to obtain the final distance using the proposed parallel lower parabola envelope-based method.The entire computational complexity of distance in this method is O (2W + kS),where k is the iterative times,and S is the length of the segment.Result Nine images with different image sizes (256 × 256,1 280 × 1 280,and 2 560 × 2 560) and curve shapes were tested in our experiments.The computational time of three generating methods for signed distance function (the regular serial,the proposed parallel,and the improved parallel dimension reduction methods) was compared with the case in which the maximal error was below 1.The computational time of the parallel method was less than 0.06 s for all testing images and more than 10 times faster than that of the regular serial dimension reduction method.The computational time of the improved parallel method was less than 0.03 s for all testing images and approximately 20 times faster than that of the regular serial dimension reduction method.Conclusion The proposed parallel method for the signed distance function can generate the signed distance in tens of milliseconds.Thus,the proposed parallel method is sufficiently fast for real-time image processing,especially for high-resolution images.
    • 殷勇; 王福谦
    • 摘要: 将保角映射用于温度场问题的求解,通过变换函数将求解区域变换为带形域或一端绝热的半无限带形域,从而把二维温度函数降为一维函数,在此基础上方便地求解拉普拉斯方程的边值问题,给出其温度分布函数,并利用软件MATLAB绘制出等温线图.
    • 姜炎; 吴凡; 郝国栋
    • 摘要: 视错觉是基于人们视觉恒常性的一种认知偏差,大脑在处理观察到的信息时,在特定的干扰条件下对事物本身属性产生一种歪曲倾向,并最终输出偏离事实的认知.视错觉通常在若干种干扰因素下产生,在将多个干扰因素一一排除后,视错觉效果会相应减弱乃至消失.通过降维法减少干扰因素的数量,将视错觉产生条件逐个独立分析,有助于了解视错觉形成原理.
    • 宋国亮; 刘今子; 刘日成; 李文赫
    • 摘要: 降维法是一种重要的数学方法,包括降低函数的元数、函数的次数、微分方程的阶数、积分的重数、行列式和矩阵的阶数、线性方程组和随机变量的元数等.其中心思想就是化繁为简,化未知为已知,符合认知规律.降维法在大学数学诸多课程中有着广泛的应用,能增强知识间的纵向和横向联系,培养学生思维的灵活性和创造性.
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