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病死猪肉的相关文献在1994年到2019年内共计153篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、贸易经济 等领域,其中期刊论文151篇、专利文献3944篇;相关期刊96种,包括农产品市场周刊、兽医导刊、猪业科学等; 病死猪肉的相关文献由152位作者贡献,包括代启鹏、何叶仙、吴昌奇等。



论文:151 占比:3.69%


论文:3944 占比:96.31%





  • 代启鹏
  • 何叶仙
  • 吴昌奇
  • 夏镇龙
  • 徐双才
  • 朱珍珍
  • 李兴
  • 李晓云
  • 聂培
  • 聂晓武
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 秦博1
    • 摘要: 5年前,因为调查一个病死猪肉如何流入餐桌,我和摄像深入一个地下屠宰场。5年过去了,但是那惊心动魄的场面仍在眼前。
    • 秦博
    • 摘要: 5年前,因为调查病死猪肉如何流入餐桌,我和摄像员深入一个地下屠宰场。5年过去了,那惊心动魄的场面仍在眼前。我们刚进入屠宰场里,没想到里面养了一只大狼狗,见到生人开始狂叫,十几个不法商贩马上发现了我们,他们拿着杀猪刀和挂猪肉的大铁钩子,向我们冲过来。那是我人生最疯狂的一次百米冲刺,那种拼尽全力的冲刺,发自肺腑的奔跑让我知道,这才是逃命。等我们到了安全地方,摄像员把他的DV打开,我一看,屠宰场里面非常慌乱的画面竟然拍到了,别人拿着刀子追我们的画面也拍到了。原来摄像员当时把摄像机举过头顶,颠倒了个儿。
    • 摘要: 农业农村部办公厅10月26日印发通知,决定在2018年生猪屠宰监管专项整治行动和生猪屠宰监管“扫雷行动”基础上,自即日起至2019年1月底前,在发生非洲猪瘟疫情省及相邻省份开展为期三个月的打击生猪屠宰领域违法行为做好非洲猪瘟防控专项行动,打击私屠滥宰、屠宰病死猪、贩卖加工病死猪肉等生猪屠宰领域违法行为.
    • 张伟红
    • 摘要: 社会大众十分注重食品安全,然而一些养殖户为了能够获取最大化的经济利益,擅自宰杀并销售病死猪肉,使得大量病死猪肉在市场上流通,对人们的生命健康造成了严重威胁。笔者立足于自身工作实践经验,对病死猪的危害以及鉴别方法进行了探讨,以供广大专业用户参考。
    • 摘要: 6月24日讯,因致使40t病死猪肉流入市场,湖南衡阳市珠晖区某防疫站原站长周某被法院认定构成食品监管渎职罪,但免予刑罚.据了解,这起大案源起湖南邵阳警方接到举报线索,一名叫危某的男子长期收购贩卖病死猪肉.这些问题肉主要被做成湖南著名特产湘西腊肉,而危某的客户包括正规的食品加工厂.
    • 焦有宙; 李威峰; 李刚; 贺超; 梅雅鹤; 兰明明
    • 摘要: The utilization of the dead livestock and poultry resources is an important way to solve the pollution of livestock and poultry mortality. To study enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of dead pork, in this paper, the pork as experimental raw material, the trypsin as experiment enzyme, the effects of several operating parameters, namely enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, initial hydrolysis pH value and hydrolysis temperature, were studied taking the degree of hydrolysis as criterion by single-factor method. The conditions for trypsin hydrolysis of pork were preliminarily determined by 4 main factors of pork enzymatic hydrolysis tests. The influence law of the 4 main factors on the enzymatic hydrolysis was analyzed. Subsequently, response surface methodology (RSM) based on a three-level, four-variable Box-Behnken experimental design was employed to evaluate the interactive effects. A mathematical model was established, in which the degree of hydrolysis was as a function of 4 variables. The best enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were determined finally. By analysis on the surface plot of response surface model, the interactions of various factors were analyzed intuitively. On this basis, the effect of pork ultrasonic pretreatment on the enzymatic hydrolysis was studied, and the ultrasonic pretreatment conditions were as follows: ultrasonic frequency 20 kHz; ultrasonic power 500 W; ultrasonic time 20 min. The effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on the degree of hydrolysis was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the microstructure change could be observed. The final test results showed that the order of the effect of 4 factors on the degree of hydrolysis was as follows: Enzyme dosage>hydrolysis temperature>initial hydrolysis pH value>substrate concentration. The optimum conditions for trypsin hydrolysis of pork in the selected experimental ranges were determined as follows: enzyme dosage of 1.15% (by mass), substrate concentration of 80.5 g/L, initial hydrolysis pH value of 7.96, and hydrolysis temperature of 40.6°C. The predicted degree of hydrolysis under these conditions was 16.74%, and the actual degree of hydrolysis was 16.77%, which showed that the experimental results were in agreement with the results of the software analysis. The optimal hydrolysis time was 6 h, and the degree of hydrolysis reached 28.91% at this point. After ultrasonic pretreatment, the optimal hydrolysis time was 4 h, and the degree of hydrolysis could reach up to 32.86% at this time. It could shorten the hydrolysis test cycle by 2 h, and improve the degree of hydrolysis by 4 percentage points under the condition of ultrasonic pretreatment. The reason that ultrasonic pretreatment enhanced the hydrolysis reaction was that protein chemical bond of pork was broken apart and the cell membrane was damaged by ultrasonic cavitation and mechanical action, then the contact probability between the enzyme and substrate was proved, and the enzymatic reaction was promoted finally. This study demonstrates that ultrasonic pretreatment can increase the hydrolysis efficiency of trypsin hydrolysis of pork and shorten hydrolysis time.%病死畜禽资源化利用是解决病死畜禽污染的一条重要途径.为探索病死猪肉酶解工艺条件,该文以猪肉为原料,以胰蛋白酶为试验用酶,以水解度为指标,选取加酶量、底物浓度、pH值、温度作为试验因素,通过单因素试验初步确定了胰蛋白酶的水解条件,并分析了各因素对酶解反应的影响规律.应用Box-Behnken中心组合设计建立数学模型,以水解度为响应值,进行了四因素三水平的响应面优化试验,确定了最佳酶解工艺条件,并通过响应面模型的曲面图直观地分析了各影响因素之间的交互作用.在此基础上,探索频率为20 kHz,功率为500 W的超声波预处理猪肉20 min对酶解效果的影响,并应用扫描电子显微镜在微观结构上对其原因进行了分析.结果表明,各因素对酶解反应的影响大小依次为:加酶量>温度>pH值>底物浓度,在试验范围内得到的酶解最佳工艺条件为:加酶量为1.15%(质量分数)、底物质量浓度为80.5 g/L、pH值为7.96、温度为40.6°C,酶解1 h的预测水解度可达16.74%,验证试验水解度为16.77%,表明试验结果与软件分析结果相符,最佳水解时间为6 h,此时的水解度为28.91%.超声波预处理后,最佳水解时间为4 h,水解度达到32.86%,因此超声波预处理能缩短水解周期2 h,提高水解度4个百分点.由此可见,应用超声波预处理可以提高酶解效率,缩短工作时间.
    • 摘要: 广西贺州居民贺某自2015年9月份以来在贺州市黄田镇、莲塘镇等地的养猪场多次收购病死猪,甚至在垃圾点捡拾病死猪后。运到自建的宰杀场内宰杀,分割,冰冻再出售。其间,梧州女子陈某多次购买贺某的病死猪肉、排骨出售给梧州市区的多家快餐店。
    • 摘要: 看表皮:健康猪肉表皮无任何斑痕:病死猪肉表皮上常有紫色出血斑点,甚至出现暗红色弥漫性出血,也有的会出现红色或黄色隆起疹块。看脂肪:新鲜猪肉脂肪呈白色或乳白色:病死猪肉脂肪呈红色、黄色或绿色。
    • 邓富强
    • 摘要: 病死猪肉问题直接影响着人们的生活质量,需要做好病死猪肉的检疫工作,需积极综合感官检查方法和实验室检查方法来检查肉质,以保证猪肉健康.感官检查主要有放血位置、观察整个酮体、查看淋巴结、查看皮肤状况、闻气味或用吸水纸进行鉴别,实验室检测主要挥发性盐基氮检测方法、pH值检测以及TMB过氧化物酶试纸检测法.
    • 摘要: 海南公布148个合格生猪屠宰场近日,海南省农业厅、省食品药品监督管理局根据2012年以来全省生猪定点屠宰资格审核清理结果,联合向社会公布了148家具备生猪定点屠宰资格的生猪屠宰厂(场、点)名单,同时提醒各猪肉加工企业和作坊、猪肉经销商、消费者一旦发现无“两章两证”的猪肉或病死猪肉,请立即拨打12331举报,一经查实,最高可获50万元奖励。
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