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氚水的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计122篇,主要集中在环境污染及其防治、特种医学、原子能技术 等领域,其中期刊论文83篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献192525篇;相关期刊36种,包括生态学报、癌变·畸变·突变、中华放射医学与防护杂志等; 相关会议4种,包括第四届西南、中南地区分析化学学术交流会、全国农业同位素示踪技术研讨会、首届中国氚科学与技术学术交流会等;氚水的相关文献由254位作者贡献,包括周湘艳、王寿祥、史建君等。



论文:83 占比:0.04%


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论文:192525 占比:99.95%





  • 周湘艳
  • 王寿祥
  • 史建君
  • 向华
  • 杜阳
  • 杨勇
  • 余卫国
  • 侯京伟
  • 孙志明
  • 崔凤梅
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 岳磊; 侯京伟; 李佳懋; 龚宇; 陈超; 肖成建; 王和义
    • 摘要: 为了处理高浓氚水,搭建了一台氢-水同位素交换串联水汽变换的两级钯膜反应器装置,可以实现级联处理工艺.以天然水代替氚水为源项,以D2代替H2开展了除氢实验,最高获得了207.4的除氢因子,验证了两级钯膜反应器用于处理氚水的可行性.通常情况下,水汽变换反应的除氢因子大于氢-水同位素交换反应.其中,氢-水同位素交换中D2/H2 O体积流量比越大,该反应除氢因子越大;氢-水同位素交换中原料侧压力越大,该反应除氢因子越大;原料水流量越大,两个反应的除氢因子均会下降.由于一级膜反应器采用氢-水同位素交换可将氚水浓度降低1个量级以上,因而可以尽量避免二级膜反应器中CO与高浓氚接触,抑制含氚有机物的生成.由此可见,两级钯膜反应器有望成为一种高效的氚水处理装置.
    • 王永生; 姚晓波; 蔡二朋; 邱俊; 吴翠萍; 王明明
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the effects of low concentrations of tritium irradiation using tritiated water on the expression of neural cell adhesion molecule L1 (L1) and neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in vitro. Meth-ods Hippocampal neuron cells from neonatal Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (24 h) were primarily cultured in DMEM for 7 d, followed by exposure to tritiated water at concentrations of 3. 7 × 102 , 3. 7 × 103 , 3. 7 × 104 , 3. 7 × 105 , 3. 7 × 106 Bq / ml for 24 h respectively, and cells without tritium irradiation served as control group (0 Bq / ml). Live Cell Imaging System was performed to detect neuronal migration capacity. Western blot and immunocytochemistry (ICC) were used to measure the expression levels of neural cell adhesion molecule L1 and NCAM. Results The migration distance of irradiated neural cells was significantly shorter than that of the control group and declined gradually with increasing tritiated water (HTO) concentrations (P < 0. 05); Western blot and ICC showed that the expression of L1 and NCAM were both presented a dose-dependent decrease in hippocampal neuron cells when irra-diated by tritium (P < 0. 05). Conclusion Neurons exposed to tritium irradiation are probably undergoing the de-creased expression of neural cell adhesion molecules, further leading to abnormal neuronal migration.%目的:探讨低剂量氚照射对大鼠海马神经细胞黏附分子 L1、神经细胞黏附分子(NCAM)表达的影响。方法取24 h 新生鼠脑海马细胞培养,培养第7天以3.7×102、3.7×103、3.7×104、3.7×105、3.7×106 Bq/ ml 终浓度氚水照射细胞24 h,并设对照组(0 Bq/ ml),活细胞工作站测定各处理组细胞的迁移距离;Western blot 法、免疫细胞化学法检测各浓度氚水照射下神经细胞黏附分子 L1及 NCAM 蛋白的表达情况。结果神经细胞迁移距离测定结果显示,与对照组相比,受照组细胞迁移距离明显缩短,且随着氚水浓度的不断增加而逐渐缩短(P <0.05);Western blot 法、免疫细胞化学法检测显示受照组神经细胞黏附分子 L1、NCAM 蛋白表达含量均低于对照组,并随氚水浓度的升高表达量呈递减趋势(P <0.05)。结论氚照射可致神经细胞黏附分子表达量减少进而可影响神经细胞的正常迁移。
    • 刘汉生
    • 摘要: 据资料记载,在距今8.5亿~6.3亿年前的新元古代成冰纪,整个地球几乎全被冰川覆盖,就连赤道地区也白雪皑皑,这被称为"雪球事件"。地球的平均温度可能低至-50°C,赤道的温度可能为-20°C,在全球范围内形成了大量冰川沉积物。水中的氢元素转变为放射性同位素氚时,则被称为超重水,比氕水略重。根据地球化学知识,在海水蒸发的过程中,轻的氕水分子比重的氚水分子易蒸发,并富集于蒸汽中飘到高纬度地区形成冰川,
    • 邓冰; 成琼; 杜阳; 杨勇
    • 摘要: 通过染色体非稳定性畸变来研究低剂量氚水β射线的生物效应。将人体外周血与氚水混合培养24 h和48 h,共培养72 h后获细胞得到与氚水作用后染色体畸变的频率并与相同剂量下60 Coγ射线的细胞效应对比。将实验结果进行回归方程拟合,得到 HTOβ射线的最佳回归方程Y=(0.001±0.004)+(0.062±0.018)D+(0.053±0.010)D2(n=3,r2=0.995,P<0.01);通过比较 HTO 与γ射线的最佳回归方程可知,方程系数的主要区别在b值,提示在低剂量的情况下β射线诱发畸变的能力更强。将60 Coγ射线作为参考可得 HTOβ射线的相对生物效能(RBE)最大值出现在0.06 Gy,为2.17,RBE值随着剂量的增大而减小。%The yield of unstable chromosome aberration induced in human lymphocytes byβparticles from low-doses HTO has been measured.HTO was mixed with heparinised blood in various amounts so that dose of 6.24×10-4 Gy to 1.23 Gy were delivered in 24 h and 48 h. After culturing for 72 h,the dicentric yield was measured as a function of dose to the blood and compared with data from 60 Coγradiation.Using a linear-quadratic dose-effect relation to fit the experimental data,a significant linear contribution Y=(0.001 ±0.004)+(0.062 ± 0.0 1 8 )D+(0.0 5 3 ± 0.0 1 0 )D2 (n=3 ,r2=0.9 9 5 ,P<0.0 1 )was found.The main difference between the coefficients forβandγradiation is in the b values,indicating that HTOβrays are more efficient,particularly at low doses.In accord with the theory of dual radiation,the RBE of HTOβparticles relative toγrays is 2.17 at 0.06 Gy and decreases with increasing dose.
    • 姚晓波; 王永生; 邱俊; 吴翠萍; 陶新全; 王明明
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the effects ofβirradiation in utero from tritiated water on the distribution of neu-ral cells and brain function in rats. Methods Pregnant adult Sprague-Dawley rats were irradiated withβrays from tritiated water (HTO, 3.7í106 Bq/g body fluid) by a single intraperitoneal injection on the 10th day of gestation ( E10 ) . Brain specimens from rat offsprings were collected on the 18 th day of gestation ( E18 ) and postnatal day 0 ( P0 ) . The expression of neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM and L1 in cerebral cortex was assayed with immuno-cytochemical staining to study effects of beta radiation from HTO on neuronal migration in offsprings. Morris water maze was used to detect the changes of brain function during P38~P42 . The proton magnetic resonance spectrosco-py ( 1 H-MRS) was used to measue the ratio of Cho/Cr ( choline/creatine) and NAA/Cr ( N-acetyl aspartate/crea-tine) in cerebral cortex on P90 to analyse the distribution of neural cells. Results Compared with control, the ex-pression of neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM and L1 in brains of experimental offsprings(E18 and P0)was sig-nificantly reduced ( P 0 . 05 ) . Conclusion The results suggest that HTO irradiation in utero could in-duce brain disfunction and disturb the distribution of neuronal cells in offspring. The mechanisms may be related to the downregulation of neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM and L1 .%目的探讨氚水宫内照射对仔鼠脑神经细胞迁移和脑机能的影响。方法雌性SD大鼠孕龄第10天( E10)一次性腹腔注射3.7×106 Bq/( g体液)氚水,孕龄E18及出生后当天( P0)取部分仔鼠脑标本,用免疫组织化学法检测大脑皮质神经细胞黏附分子NCAM、L1表达情况,观察氚β射线内照射对神经细胞迁移的影响;出生后38~42 d龄利用Morris水迷宫测量氚β辐射对仔鼠脑机能的影响;P90利用氢质子磁共振波谱(1H-MRS)检测仔鼠大脑内N-乙酰天门冬氨酸(NAA)及胆碱类化合物(Cho)分别与肌酸类化合物( Cr)比值,分析氚辐射引发脑神经细胞与神经胶质细胞分布的改变。结果①免疫组织化学分析表明,与对照比较, E18及P0受照鼠脑内神经细胞黏附分子NCAM、L1的表达量均减小( P0.05),表明氚β射线照射改变了脑内神经细胞与神经胶质细胞的相对比例,即辐射影响了脑内细胞分布。结论氚水宫内照射可下调仔鼠脑内与神经细胞迁移相关的神经细胞黏附分子NCAM、L1的表达,妨碍神经细胞正常迁移,导致脑内神经细胞分布异常,诱发仔鼠脑机能障碍。
    • 熊文彬; 毛洁红; 陈卫平; 李小恒
    • 摘要: An unplanned occurrence of a tritiated water intake and some problems in the process of disposing this accident are introduced in the paper. The cause of the accident is analyzed and some advices to dispose of the accident of tritium internal exposure are proposed.%介绍了一起非计划摄氚事件的监督及事件处理过程中发现的一些问题,同时分析了此类事件发生的原因,并对氚内照射事件的处理提出了相应的建议。
    • 王林枫; 杨改青; 刘平; 张世君
    • 摘要: 为研究含氮物质在绒山羊体内的分配规律,本研究选择年龄在2~2.5周岁的绒山羊羯羊,采用消化代谢和氚水稀释技术结合的方法测定不同时期绒山羊总氮沉积量、体氮和毛绒氮的分配量。结果表明,用消化代谢和氚水稀释技术可以准确地测定绒山羊的体氮和毛绒氮的分配量,不同时期的体氮和毛绒氮的分配比例有较大差异。在非生绒期和生绒旺盛期,体氮的分配比例分别为75.7%±0.62%和66.6%±2.2%,毛绒氮的分配比例分别为24.3%±0.62%和33.4%±2.2%,表明不同时期绒山羊的生长方向发生变化。同时发现内分泌也随季节发生变化,主要表现为非生绒期PRL(催乳素)和IGF-I(类胰岛素生长因子I)的水平高,MT(褪黑素)的水平低;生绒旺盛期PRL和IGF-I的水平低,MT的水平高。证明了氚水稀释技术在测定动物氮分配中的可行性,揭示了不同时期含氮物质在绒山羊体内分配的变化规律以及内分泌在这些变化中的调节作用,为不同季节对绒山羊采取合适的饲养管理提供了理论依据。
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