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Brown的相关文献在1984年到2022年内共计355篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、无线电电子学、电信技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文325篇、专利文献30篇;相关期刊223种,包括家庭影院技术、通信世界、现代音响技术等; Brown的相关文献由394位作者贡献,包括姜敏、许智航、陈虹等。



论文:325 占比:91.55%


论文:30 占比:8.45%





  • 姜敏
  • 许智航
  • 陈虹
  • 黄旭
  • 刘芹
  • 张佳慧
  • 杨甬
  • 宋丹
  • 张明慧
  • 彭进业
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 鞋博士
    • 摘要: 玛丽珍鞋:玛丽珍鞋的历史,要追溯到1902年美国一个广受欢迎的漫画系列《Buster Brown》了。其中的女主角MaryJane经常穿着低跟、圆面、脚踝带搭扣的鞋子,后来这类鞋子就以她的名字"玛丽珍"命名。后来秀兰邓波儿第一次在荧幕亮相穿的也是玛丽珍鞋,复古又活泼乖巧。虽然拥有100多年的历史,玛丽珍鞋却凭着复古百搭的造型,火到了今天。
    • 王萍
    • 摘要: 今年暑假7月13日我有参加了扬州教育局举办的英语高级研修班的培训,聆听了几位大师的指导,期中龚海平老师讲的小学英语教学跨文化教育的培养给我留下了深刻的印象.从教英语11年,我很少向学生提及英语跨文化教育,自己也很少去重视,平时在教学中遇到也是和学生一带而过.听了龚海平老师的讲解,现在自己想想英语教学中跨文化教育在还是非常重要的.学生理解了跨文化意思,就对英语的单词有了理解的环境,比如在教学生外国人的姓名时,如Helen Brown 时,学生会根据中国人的姓名习惯,理解成Helen是姓,Brown是名,这个时候要给学生灌输跨文化教育思想,告诉他在中国姓在前,名在后,而在国外姓名中是名在前,姓在后,一般随意地称呼前面的名,如Helen、Mike等等.
    • Karine Joubrane; Dima Mnayer; Tayssir Hamieh; Georges Barbour; Rabih Talhouk; Elie Awad
    • 摘要: The quality traits of fresh marketable chicken eggs collected during winter, autumn and summer periods from different local markets in Lebanon were evaluated in order to understand the reproductive fitness of the chicken and the correlation between collection dates. A total of 2000 brown and white eggs were analyzed and compared for their external quality parameters such as egg weight, length, width, size, shell thickness, specific gravity and for their internal quality traits such as Haugh unit, yolk diameter, yolk color, and yolk height. Results show that egg weight and size varied markedly and tended to be smaller during summer period. A significant difference was found between white and brown eggs in some quality traits such as egg weight, shell thickness, egg length, and yolk diameter parameters. Egg quality parameters were significantly reduced during summer season where eggs are exposed to high temperature conditions. For grading analysis, 80% of the total eggs were classified as A with a significant difference (p < 0.05) between white and brown egg and during collection dates. Overall, brown eggs graded better than white eggs in external quality cleanliness and shape. Based on our analysis, the results of this study show that Lebanese eggs are of good quality and suggest that proper egg handling and storage conditions should be applied especially at warm environmental conditions to improve egg quality during summer season.
    • Abdulaziz Yahya Al-Ghamdi
    • 摘要: In this study, bay laurel extract (BLE) used as a reducing and capping agent for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The green-prepared AgNPs investigated using UV-visible spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Formation of AgNPs monitored at ambient temperature by a change in color from the starting solution to dark brown. Green synthesis AgNps were investigated for antimicrobial activity. The microorganisms employed were E. coli, K. pneumoniae, B. cereus, S. aureus, C. lbicans and Aspergillus. The susceptibility of microorganisms against the six AgNPs solutions was determined using the disk diffusion method. The catalytic activity of the prepared AgNPs (sample, d) for basic brown 1 dye was investigated. The results showed the characteristic surface plasmon resonance peak of the AgNPs appeared at approximately 415 - 440 nm. XRD revealed peaks at 38.2, 44.16, 64.24 and 77.22 Ɵ, and the intensity of these peaks enhanced when using microwave curing compared to ambient temperature. SEM and TEM results showed that the silver nano particles have a spherical shape and the particle size for samples is less than 34 nm. FTIR spectroscopy measurements showed the binding of organic compounds on the surface of the silver nanoparticles. Highest antibacterial activity was enhanced with increasing of AgNPs dose and with increasing of extract ration against most of microorganisms except. Removal of basic brown 1 dye by the prepared AgNPs indicated complete dye removal after 8 h.
    • Nicola Alessio; Tiziana Squillaro; Vincenzo Monda; Gianfranco Peluso; Marcellino Monda; Mariarosa AB Melone; Umberto Galderisi; Giovanni Di Bernardo
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND Research on physiopathology of obesity may receive new hints from studies on skinny people(SP). These are individuals who show a poor or null gaining of body weight, in spite of high-calorie intake, by far exceeding the body requirements.AIM To evaluate how circulating factors present in the SP sera may affect adipogenesis of mesenchymal stromal cells(MSCs).METHODS We isolated MSCs from bone marrow of healthy donors with both normal body mass index(BMI) and caloric consumption. MSC cultures were primed with sera collected from SP or normal people(NP). Then biomolecular assays were performed to evaluate effect on proliferation, apoptosis, senescence, cell commitment, and differentiation.RESULTS SP priming affected adipocyte cell commitment and reduced spontaneous adipogenesis. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of exogenous-induced adipocyte differentiation showed striking differences between differentiation in SP-primed samples compared with NP ones. In adipocytes from SP cultures we observed a reduced size of lipid droplets, an increased expression of adipose triglyceride lipase, along with high mitochondria content and ability to produce ATP in starvation condition. These data and the expression of UCP1 protein, indicated that SP pretreatment produced a bias toward brown adipocyte differentiation.CONCLUSION Our data suggest that sera from SP may promote brown adipogenesis rather that white adipocyte differentiation. This finding could explain why SP present normal body composition in spite of an excess of caloric intake. We hypothesize that some circulating components present in the blood of these individuals may favor brown adipogenesis at expense of white adipocyte production.
    • 乐伟国
    • 摘要: 汉语中有很多带"红"的词语,但翻译成英语时不一定都用red表达,这样的例子有不少,教学设计时需留意!
    • 潘钰
    • 摘要: 教学过程Step 1.Lead-in教师播放动画电影《狮子王》和《猫和老鼠》的片断,让学生欣赏,然后和学生进行问答,导入课文的故事角色—狮子。设计意图:通过《狮子王》和《猫和老鼠》片断的导入,自由谈论电影中狮子的形象,一步步地贴近主题,为后面的教学环节作铺垫。
    • 摘要: 近日,英飞凌科技股份公司推出了第5代固定频率700 V/800 V CoolSETTM。该解决方案将PMW控制器IC和最新700V和800V CoolMOS? P7 MOSFET集成到一个封装中,在单一平台上就能支持隔离型和非隔离型反激式拓扑。全新的固定频率700 V/800 VCoolSETTM采用高压超结MOSFET,结合内部电流调节器的级联配置,实现快速启动,轻松提供Brown—In保护。集成800VMOSFET和优化的前沿消隐时间支持高达350VAC的交流线路输入。
    • 摘要: 当Erin Brown载着14岁的儿子Gavin;隹备去生日派对的时候,亲眼见到前方的车子开了窗户后,直接将一只虎斑猫丢了出来!她吓坏了,赶紧将车子停下,还没反应过来的时候,Gavin已经冲下车,小心翼翼地向来往车辆示意,成功救援了这只受到严重惊吓的猫咪,并紧紧抱在怀里安抚。
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